One st Jan** EPiBC®p^ C,*urch led ¡Council Session CLASSIFIED Monday Evening Cent a Weed Each laaertlM No Adv. leas than 28 reels Corner E. 3rd 4k Elliott 8U. LTM.^V- Rob*rt'c On,ene’ ” (Continued from Page One) 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, courts, which is unlikely. It is ee-t 8:45.a. m. Church School­ timated the 25 cents a month water llfbo a. m. Morning Prayer with meter charge, which Would be added Sermon. (1st Sunday, Holy Com- to monthly water bills, would produce ‘munion with Sermon). around 8225 a month to which the Wednesdays: city water fund could add 8225 or 7:30 a. m.Tioly Communion. 8450 or 8675 a month, depending on 10jV° •• "I Holy Communion. August whether it Was a 25‘, 50 or 75 cents 2:3® P- ™ St. Jamas’ Guild. • of a addition, The latter figure would 8:00 p. m. (1st and 3rd Wednesdays) in the mean a laying away each year of Evening Guild. started around 811,000. Thursdays: (1st A 3rd) >e soft • The Lie Osborne application for a! 7:^5 P m- H*8h School Young Peo- lat the carq room license in the old W. O. W. P1*- ! bank, t building, which was a special order . -------------- ’ , * suf- of business for Monday evening, Church of Christ ve her wa> definitely denied. With all six East 4th *8c Coulter % nanent councilmen present, the vote to Liston Parrish, Pastor »rained ■ grant the license was three for and Thursday, 7:30, Mrs. Hattie Menzies ■ She. three against. This put the first wiu bring a missionary message. The Assembly of Gid •• »10° i vote to settle a tie during his term sat„ 7:30-10:00, young people's so- Second and Heath Sts. . tocto^jp office up to Itayor Wood, andhe|c(ai hour. L. C. Parsing, Pastor costa voted- against granting the license. Bible School 8:45. Martha Mulkey, ' Dr. G. E. Stark stated he was op- , SUpt. Thursday, April 18th, 7:30 Rev. H. ered 8 , posed to the playground center pro- Morning worship-*! -o'clock. Lord’s A. Park, returned Missionary from nature l gram, With a supervised nursery for ! supper. Special music. In the China, will highlight the service with absence of the pastor, E. W. Buckner his ^‘Kowloon Hotel" experiences, will speak on ‘‘Refuge.’’ ■ Friday, April i»th, 7:30 Rev. Jr. C. E. 8:00. Intermediate C. E. Pyk will relate his Stanley Camp 8:30. Young People's C. E. 7:00. , temment. You will want to hear t Evening Service 8:00 The pastor j Saturday 7:30 He will portray will speak on “Noah, A Faithful plan of salvation in Chinese cha< o-year rt, Jr„ plain- Grey- le bu« m also ' toy's PANSY PLANTS and many other FARR & EL- PERMANENT WAVE,5gc!—Do your 1 bedding plants. — » own Permanent with Charm-Kurl : WOOD. Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay McKen­ zie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Balrrow BtlO» ¿OR SALE—A 2-Apartment House , Drug Company. — ’ SALESMEN WANTED — MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Rawlgigh Route in Coquille City and South •Coos County. Write today. Raw- leigh’Sj Dept. ORD-282-SAH, Oak­ land, Calif., or see H. R. Horner, * North Bend, Ore. , I3t3* at 536 North Taylor, 81875. See or call Mrs. Cortland Ellis, Fairview route, phone 5R22. 13t2*s FOR SALE — Young family Jersey ELECTRIC WIRE -Limited quantity Cow, with calf week old. H.'B. i for sale without priority. FARR & Smith, Langlois, Ore. It2*s ELWOOD. A/. • FISHING TACKLE — See our new FOR SALE — Model A Ford Sedan, stock. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s just overhauled completely two Mo- Excellent rubber. I2S.00 REWARD—For inform*- $j75.oo Or will trade for Outboard tion leading to the arrest of motor snd phoJJe it», person destroying the shrub- __________ ________ J’ bery in my yard. Herbert E. FOR RENT—3-room partly furnished Wood. ltj Apartment, first house across the FOR RENT—Clean? all"newly decor- ' ated, furnished Cottage. Lights and water paid. 845 North Coulter , St. Call in rear. . tfs bridge on the highway Up Bandon, right-hand side. 'Water and lights furnished. $20 a month. E. W. Buckner. , 14t3«s 1 over by the county for delinquent, taxes—was referred to the finance '■ committee with power to act. The' city’s unpaid liens against the prop­ erty amount to 8117.72. Chief Creager was authorized to 11 purchase 800 .22 shells to be used in target practice when Mr. Bice, who ° conducts such practices for police of­ ficers and who also teachers finger- I printing, ta here in the near future. :d It was voted by the council to pur- 1 1 chase upwards of 200 cords of alder, ■ for the city hall furnace, which Boy " j Scouts are cutting on the hill east of I town, under thé supervision of Phil , Alborn. The City will pay the going 'price for the wood, which will be c cut to the proper length and piled “ 1 along the road up there. I Mayor Wood reported that the unit “ heaters for the Community Building were now being wired up and that! the floor of the auditorium was dry­ ing out satisfactorily and that the li- “ brary room ta now perfectly com- u PAINT UP,. Clean yup — kWb have paint for most every purpose, in­ 1 ' cluding Miracle wall tone. Buy now while Itook is complete.—J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s FOR SALE—4 Grade Jersey Cows, 2 fresh, 2 to freshen soon, 5 Grade jersey 2 year old Heifers, 1 fresh, 4 to freshen; 1 Reg. Jersey Bull, coming 3 years, from good stock, very gentle; 2 yearling Heifers, BATH TUBS—No priority, FARR & grade Jersey. R. W. Bishop, Box ELWOOD. 41, Arago, Halls Creek road. 13t2.*s -----.__ -T... ..... ....-------------- ---------- FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM WANTED—Fir and Cedar Poles, PANY. -i Posts, all sixes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Portland, Ore. ' 13t3s PLUMBING GOODS—Beth tube — Lavatories — Toilets — Range DAIRY HOT WATER HEATERS- Boilers — Showers — Fittings — Now on hand. FARR A ELWOOD. Pipe — Septic Tanks. FARR 8c I - ' i t - ' -'r n --1. - i- . ELWOOD. s PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We stoek a full line including fixtures. LAMB COMPANY. J. A. s his homecoming the above men- twenty minutes the showing of fortable. S. V. Epperson was authorized to ¡buy as needed crushed gravel from " I the McGeorge Gravel Co. for street J* 'repair and stockpile, at the quoted 'price of 82.70 per yard. Mr. Gearhart reported on the re­ Insurance specialist, F. R. Bull. cent visit of a representative of the _ State Health Department when the check valves and water lines at the ¡Smith plant wens investigated. The council felt that it was up to the health department and not the city council, to order any changes in water lines there which might be needed. Mr. Gearhart Was also instructed to ascertain what sort of a deal could be made with Engineer Robb of the State Highway Department for the resurfacing of the block between First , and Second on Willard street, similar WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We Attention FOR RENT—2-noom apartment fur­ nished, hot water, bath and lights, on first floor. Adultlfno animals. 3-room apt furnished, with water. Adults no animals. 351 So. Henry St., Flora E. Dunne. tfs VALLEY BRAND POTATOES AT Williams Cash Grocery and Henninger’s Market LAWN RQLLER FOR RENT Elwood. A traveling examiner of driver^ and chauffeurs will be at the Coquille city hall again next Tuesday, April 25, between nine and four.o’clock, to receive applicants from those desiring drivers’ licenses. Farr A s Norton’s Have several books of for­ eign stamps from which the amateur collector may buy eitlu single^tamps or sets, They also have 10c packets of Dennisons stamp hinges. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. Bring your car in——we can start work at once. Southwestern Motor Co. a 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS—See us for estimate. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. Phone 83 Night Phone S0®X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tfs | MISS INEZ ROVER Oivee 188 W. 2nd ‘ Instructor of Piano . Modéra piume 28 Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire JM/Vp AND GRA VEL COAL - FUEL OIL - STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nrvadx-Californio Fast Freight Office Phone Fgff ft Elwood Bldg 5 W. Second St.