NOTICE TO CICDITO1S 'preciated it more than anything she could have sent him for a birthday I present. ( Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder Wire- Sunday visitors at the home of f | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clinton and at the homes of two near neighbors, Mr*. V Julia Randleman and Mrs. Hal Bax- ' i ter, all of the North Bank road. > Mr and Mt». Nile Miller, Mr. and ¡Mrs. Frank Fish and Mrs. Leona Young, of Echo, were Thursday eve­ ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold iFsh. Orvus Miller, of Myrtle Point, and Ike Miller, of Bandon, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr*. 'Nile Miller. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Teeney, of Coquille, visited at the home of Mrs. Teeney’s parents, Mr. and Mis. Frank . pme, several days last week. ‘ Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamela at­ tended the Royal Neighbors lodge in Myrtle Point Monday evening. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. James Mahaffey were to lie hostesses for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish and Mrs. Leona Young were Sunday dinner guests erf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fish and family in Coquille. »;.__ .- - Mr*. Ward Evans, Pamela «nd ,n Tuesday after visiting rew- Unj| from Maureen vi.lted at the home of Mr. jtlves in Coos county for a few week*. Monmed present: ’ i Mesdames Allie Bartlett of Catching c' Creek, A. R. Davenport, Vem Lundy, i R. W. Matson, all of Twin Oaks; Fan- ! nie Close and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Snyder, of Myrtle Point; Martin Gas- ' ner, Don Schmidt, Fred Schmidt, A. R. Bennett and Julia Leep, of Nor­ way; Ray Garrone, R. H. Maas and e Amelia Lafferty, -of West Norway; . r- E: Southmayd and EHis South- ’,mayd and -Mrs. Dorothy Biahop- ^•Dunn. After partaking of a bountl- , j ful potluck dlhner the meeting was called to order and the new officers were appointed for the ensuing year: ; Mrs. F. E. Southmayd, chairman; Mrs. A. R. Davenport, vice chairman, and Mr*. Dewey Miller, secretary. The subject under discussion for ’ the day was “Women in Law.” Mrs. Dunn read some very helpful notes made subject to . on legal points, which were freely manner provided I discussed by members present ..... Mrs. Durward Strong and children, Wm. T. Howell, . i . Lola, Gene and Kenny, came up from 10t& Sheriff of Coos County. OregonN , i Coquille Friday, visiting a« the home j of her mother, Mrs. Martin Schmidt until Sunday. ( Mr*. Charles tmith and daughter, ’ Joy, of Los Angeles, have moved here to stay with her husband's folks, Mr. ,and Mrs. Martin Schmidt. Charles is lin New Guinea. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Severt Iverson and ’ sons, Roger and Myron, were in last 1 Sunday from Roseburg to look after their stock ranch at Dora. ! Mrs. Vernon Trigg, -Mrs. Howard 1 Lefitherman and Ann Anderson at- ’ tended a special meeting of the Jr. 1 Women’s last Friday evening held at the home of Mrs. D. A. Elliott in ’ Myrtle Point to djseuss plans for a May Day dance. Mrs.. Harold Pribble and sons, Jimmie' and Johnnie, visited with her sister, Mrs. Carl Holland, from Thursday of last week till Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Warner, of Co­ quille, visited at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. gnd Mr». J. F. Schroeder, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawhorn, of Lee, and Mrs. Gage were Saturday afternoon callers at the A. R. Ben­ nett home. Sunday dinner guests at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mitchelmore, of Klamath Fails, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder. [D oàhs P ills Is Wartime Stop-Go handing Your Car to Junk ? a nure > wny noma-Type KiTcnen iron riour gives bitter results in ad your iring objections to and the settlement Maud Bean. Administratrix Lighter, more delicate cakes... finer »tei«* textured breads . . . flakier pie crust. That’s the kind of resulta you get with Kitchen Craft Flour. Not just once in a while but every single time! Because this fine home-type flour is specially milled and blended to work perfectly in home-size recipes. To mix quickly and easily with other home­ type ingredients. It gives you more nourishing baked foods, too. Every sack of Kitchen Craft Flour is now enriched with B vitamins and iron. Try this top quality all-purpose flour today. If for any reason Kitchen Craft Flour fails to please you, return the unused portion to your grocer and get back your full purchase price. at SAFEWAY •Bootlegger» must post Ceiling Price»’,' ’Federal Agent*•eiWTrick’ Liquor Truck’. Doesn’t that go to prove, Joe. that prokiM- turn does not prohibit? “I watched condition* pretty carefully during our 13 year» of prohibition in this country. The only thing I could see we got out of it was booties liquor instead of tr;ol liquor... plus the worst crime and corrup­ tion this country has ever known."