The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 20, 1944, Image 1

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Moy Be 11,000.
Voters Registered
County CtorM Oddy estimates
there will be possibly 11,000 m
Two Greyhound
on the county’s registration lists for
Jeaae Neal Cann, Bandon, Ore.
quille were filled Tuesday afternoon
next month’s primary election. Al­
with 110 selectees—to a large extent
though the books were closed on
Jack Clinton Parson, Coquille.
fathers—who left Marshfield that
Robert James Nichols, Myrtle j^oi nt. Tuesday reports from registrars over
evening to take their physical exam­
the county are not yet all ip.
ination in Portland thia weekend for , Richard LeRoy Clayton, Bridge.
In May last year there were 0,430
acceptance or rejection as members
names on the books after the removal
of the United States’ armed forces.
Joseph Albert Salisbury, Seattle, W. of names of those who had not voted
There were more than 110 in the Co­
Herman Oden Nelson, Sweet Home. for two years.
quille board call but some went in
On the books at the last election, in
B. Chastain, Juneau, Alaska.
private' conveyances and others were
Wm. Albert Goodwin, Cardiff, Cal. November, 1042, therj were regis­
to report froin elsewhere. The list of
Clifton Vernon Davidson, Albany. tered 5,805 Republicans, 7,340 Demo­
those called, as submitted by. the
Sanford Hugh Anderson, Bremer­ crats, 100 Independents, 26 Socialists,,
Coquille Valley Selective Service I
and 40 others, making a total *of >
board, were as follows:
13,421. .
Kenneth Wayne Miller, Coquille.
If the clerk’s estimate to correct
Orville Charnel Peek Beaverton, Or
John Henry Bowman, Bandon, Ore,
Carl Ellis Meacham, San Diego, Cal there will be more than 3,000 fewer
Norman Marton Ricketts, Mrshfld.
i Karl Francis Kiger, Eugene, Ore. names this year than there ware two
George Seth Isaac, Reedsport, Ore.
Lawrence Albert Gardner, Brain­ years ago of those eligible to vote.
Craig Edward Heath, Remote, Ore.
erd. Minnesota.
Clyde Equard Crawford, Na Bend, i
Berlyn Chester Huntley, Myrtle Pt. 1 James Clave Watoh, Myrtle Point.
William Arthur Metzker, Roseburg ' Elbert Otto Eichler, Marshfield, Or.
Charles Fedron Day, Baltimore, Md.' Raymond Paxton, Reedsport Ore.
James Elmer Davis, Santa Ana, Cal.
Roy Eugene Candle, Auburn, Wn.
Orville Ebner Andrews, Coquille.
Lyle Arthur Wood, McCloud, Calif.
i Myri ’Thomas Nowlin, Tillamook.
Manon R. Clayton, Coquille, Ore
Wilbur Devid Martin, Albany, Or.
James Edmond Norton, Coquille.
Louris Jefferson Capps, Coquille.
Lloyd George Hunt, Bandon, Ore.
Dele Hughes Thurman, Seattle, W.1
Herman Arthur Ellingsen, Klam­
Willard Preston Lay, Powers, Ore.'
ath Falls, Oregon.
Robert Harold Lewis, 8weet Home.
John Craig Parrott, Coquille, Ore.
James Edward Moore Sweet Home.
Wm. Oliver Hull, Sweet Home, Ore.
J ept ha Thomas Hunt, Sweet Home.
Donald Guy Shore, Corvallis, Ore.
Edgar Alexander Wagner, National
in Burrell,
City, Calif,
ird Hein
Thomas Aaron Quesnoy, Portland.
Merle Levern Castle, Coquille,
Paul Roy Roberto, Lynwood, Calif
Ralph Henry Fellows, North Bend
Eric Joseph Schwane Culdesac, Ida.
Chester Dyle Embroe, Dallas, Ore.
Elton Eugene Salisbury, Albany.
Albert Herman Mannelin, Coquille.
Carroll S. Rycraft, Granta Pass, Or.
Michael Edward Snyder, Chiloquin,
Norris Curtis (Camp,'Riverton, Ore.
Alva Marvin Perkins, Coquille, Or,
Burney Earl Tennison, Coquille,
Alton Leroy Stanley, Myrtle Point.
May Day Dance x
On Friday, April 28
This Evening
I ___
The Coquille Woman’s Club annual
May Day Festival and Dante is to be
held on Friday evening of next week,
April 20.
The reason for advancement of this
always successful and colorful affair
is that the orchestra or orchestras
sought are not available for Saturday
evening, and the club’s president,
Mrs. O. C. Sanford, said they had no
other choice than that of selecting
the Friday evening date.
Medford Fuller’s Dance
which made such a hit when it played
here for the recent Junior Prom
dance, will furnish the music.
• The dance Bill, of course, be held
in the Community Building and there
will be—.100 in Queen Winifred’s
retinue when she, the princesses, and
their escorts, enter the auditorium at
nine o'clock. The crowning by Mayor
Wood will follow the procession’s
circling of the hall and dancing will
follow that.
Admission to the hall will be 85
cents for adults, 25 cents for children,
including tax.
Four Million Feet
Of Logs Come Out
A. Ulett *Dr.
tankin and Judge
begin work on a
one. The inclu- I
ebn was with the 1 The East Fork got high enough last
’week that about four million feet of
so diecussed the Hr togs, front the Laird, Benham A
Iving publicity to Laird camp, were driven down and
iltoy. There is a are now being cut at the Smith plant
or such reading mill, thus obviating for a time .at
pie all over the least the necessity of trucking logs
re leaking toward In from the Sutherlin section. There
| of settling here are still about thnee million feet
veral yean since above the Abernethy place on the
er issued such a East Fork, which cannot come out
until there 1s still higher water up
i that Coquille there.
ter one and that ”----------
i by an thT^itim
Lions Club Features
Pan Americanism«, 5
Coos Co. Schools To
Receive $95,033.77
900 Pounds Clothing
In Solvoge Drive
Ovw MO pound,
cMMai wm
w tel «tn tend,
the salvage committee,
packing and shipping of
Coquille To Start
Financing Sewage
Disposal Plant
The question of a Coquille sewage
disposal plant came in for consider­
able discussion at the council session
Monday evening and the final deci­
sion was to ask City Attorney Berg to
prepare an ordinance on the subject
and which will also provide how it
shall be paid for, but it will not be by
the issuance of interest-bearing
There to a state law, which the state
health department to not yet trying to
enforce which forbids the emptying
of sewers or toilet^ into any stream
in the state. As Portland to the worst
offender along that line in the state
the health department to not disposed
to crack down on smaller communi­
ties and compel the installation of
disposal plants until the Portland
matter to settled and it may require
a court-case and judicial decision be­
fore the metropolis takes any action.
The Coquille council, however,
wishes to be prepared to install a
plant, after the war, if the courts rule
that the law to constitutional, and to
considering ways of financing such a
project which City Surveyor Gear­
hart says usually costs about 010 per
inhabitant, or 035,000 to 040,000 for a
city the also of Coquille.
One plan permitted under the
state law for financing a disposal
plant to a service charge on either
water meters or sewer connections.
Another, which can be set by the
council without a vote of the people,
is the levying of not to exceed five
mills per annum for the purpose.
With a surplus of about 010,000
in the water fund now, above that
needed for bond retirement, the
councilmen’s thought was that a 25-
cent service charge on water meters
per month, would be matched by a
20, or 00, or 75 cent per month per
meter, out of this surplus water
fund, and the monthly accumulations
ptoead to a sinking fund end ear­
marked specifically for sewer exten-
Ivan GUilbert Cook, Bandon, Ore. luncheon by sponsoring an exhibit!«
Clarence Raymond Grant, Gaylord.
Glenn Marian Stary, Coquilte, Ore. of Latlii American flags and cos­
Harold Morris Blum, Coquilte, Or,
Henry Milton Harris, Coquille.
tumes, which to the result of g sixth
Charles Grant Hartwell, Riverton, t
Ora Verge darl|, Coquille, Ore. grade project prepared as an interest1!*'
Elmo Loon Bowlbg, Fairview, Oro.
Eugene Earl Elsworth, Powers, Ore. motive in study of Latin America.
County Treasurer Stauff this week
This Is almost half a ton of cloth­
Charles Edward Sickels, Leland, Or
Ole Moody, Marshfield, Ore.
and is a fine local accompltoh-
Wade Manley Matney, Coquille.
Ted Bailcom, Coquille, Oregon.
duced Mrs. Alice Lafferty and her tary of'State, for school purposes * ment for the short time that the
Paul Roos Rudin, Vancouver, Wn.
William Alexander Sharp; CoqutUe pupils who brought the display. Bar­ which will be spilt up and remitted | drive was on and, coming as it did,
Praaton Monroe Swindall, Coquilte.
Gordon Charles Ashenfblter, Coq. bara Slater waa chairman of the to the various school districts next at a time when most of the members
Charley Henry Stump, Coquilte.
Gerald Bernard Spohsel, Coquille. school pupils and explained the col­ month when remittance to made to ¡of the community were laid up with
Voyle Cardwell Perry, Bandon.
James N Bellinger. Coquilte.
lection. There were silk flags ot the district of moneys received In the influenza.
Columbua Oren Foote, Newport, Or
Blaine Woodrow Mason, BridgJ.Or each South and Central American April tex payment. These will be on I Geo. F. Burr, local salvage chair-
Wesley Halbert Jarvis, Bandon, Or.
Frederick George Haase, Coquille. republics. They had been made by , orders from the County School Su- | man, announces that he wants to take
Walter Vgrnon Garoutte, Bandon.
| perlntendeni
boys in the doss.
this occasion to thank all ot the local
orris, Bandon.
The program feature of the Rotary
Costumed dolls, representing each ■' One of the
who participated in this fine Club at its meeting at the hotel Wed­
Richardson. Coq.
country added interest and color to
Ernest Reed Smith, Coquille, Ore.
nesday was violin music by a quar­
the display and these were the work .School Support Fund fw the
Francis Leon Edwards, Coquille.
tette of Miss Muriel Dee's pupils,
of the girls. < Other
pupils on the . half of th* 1943-44 school year, and
Geraldine Oerdftg. Ben Howe, Mau­
Earl Edward LaBranch, Coquille.
Shirley Ann Brqwn, Iu toe aohool’a share of the state in-
For the third time in eight months
LeRoy Zero Swinney, Coquilte.
rice and Ronnie Williams.
j ™. n.r. j-.» «u-a, ’com* tax.
the Portland navy recruiting district, Nancy Godard, Joe Rerg. Jack Sisk,
Carl Louis Evans, Bandon.
companied by Mias Dae at the piano
i< g
Harrison Russel Godard, Coquilte. «. of which _ southwestern Oregon
they put on a performance that was
some iatofegting facts about
Mtln mentary School fund remittance, also, „
. . M
George Edwin Stovall. Marshfield part, has feeen awarded “E’’ peppant Ameneap „ neighbors and It of our
our in- the second half of the 1043-44 year? Harold Matson, who formerly was almost equal to professional. Start­
Clifford Wllllim Thorn, Ban<fon: 'for turpjng ip the |>egt gUrafOMRdl. ____ _
manager here for a Marshfield-owned ing with a Slavonic dance number,
snd was for 023.807 10,
Rolland Yantis Syfert, Arago
1 performance amopg thg n|ne main ( * *
was arrested at his home in they responded to enthusiastic en­
li to reported that 28 school dis-
Leonard Delosa Sverndep. Bridge, stations of the nipth pava| recruiting 1
Point last week and held for cores with two other numbers.
triote tn Coo* county last year did
Rpnald GiepX»r»nt>
Ö»: district, gtated Chfef Specialist Raul A. B. ColHer Sells Home
Evan Alborn was present as a
I., the charge being his fail­
not have to make any special levy
Melvin L«vl OHw, Oo<ui|te, Ot»: H, Cgpoet »f the Marshfield navy Here To CkH K, MorWaon
ure to answer his Selective Service guest and read a copy of alleged min­
My» «.. ~n.ll». «W»Mr. !<«,-
A ,
utes of a Rotary club meeting that
lar state remittances.
Luijicstaff Ward. Bandon, Or, <
Mending thU week in Roaebura
Matson is a member of that or- was originally read at the Lions club
Octree, Myrtif Pt
Th|< mMe the
time Portland ; where
h .
ganiaztion which calls itself “Jeho­ dinner dance last Saturday.
__ ..
E>—>n. ta/za^ the .saza~4
«ml« T «tarn rUfis
It waa announced that plana have
vah’s Witnesses," which is a most un­
LeNorme Jasper Fownder, Coquille has won It five times, those two cities
patriotic organization, its opposition all been completed for the Rotarian
diUng the books of municipalities,
Ariyn Dale Elliott, Myrtle Point, outclassing a|l the ether centers on
to war—no matter how justified that dinner dance at I.O.O.F. hall this
school districts, etc., in Douglas coun­
, Rtohard Lawrente Daughtry, Coq the coaat-Aeat«e. Ban Francisco, Los
war may be—is one of the leading Saturday evening.
Lloyd Wood, of Coquille, and Geo
Frod Franklin Riley. Jr„ Bandon, i Angeles, and Phoenix in Arizona.
tenets of its beliefs. The members
There will be an enlarged amount
Carl Loseen Liday, Coquille, Ore. ' Several Coquille Valley boys were
Royer, of the Smith Wood-Products
<if work for him the coming year and board last week the budget commit­ refuse to salute the flag under which
Willard Bufford Hubbard. Coquille enlisted during the month and they
office in Portland were guests.
the Collier» recently sold their place toe was appointed which will con­ they live, and a silly habit on the
The recently elected president, J.
| helped materially in swelling the to-
Richard Summers,
Sunwi, Coquille.
of about an acre and the houae, over­
S. Barton, is leaving this week-end
Paul Jaoob Stibitz, Myrtle Faint, ,ta| volume to wlnhlng proportions.
looking the Myrtle Point highway Berg, H. A. Slack, Mrs. R. A. Jeub to tip their hats to ladies.
Marshfield Navy Recruiting i
Theodors _
Dorpath, -------
and Don Gillespie, who will act with
Matson was one of the crew selling with Henry Schroeder of Myrtle Point
’s new
Station which ewer, the Coquille just south of town to Coquille
Robert M. Fish, Caqullte. 7
for the annual Rotary meeting in
area as w»U a, the rest of Coos Coun- ’Ch°°1
*>r »•* year, the directors (n preparing the budget their publication on the streets here
B. C.
Oliver Lee Crumb. Hollywood. Cal,
Car! E. Morrison, who will move his
Donald Haines Farr, Coquilte, Ore ty and Curry County placed first I family* here from North Bend after were L. W. Clever and D. E. Rackleff, school boys of both cities tried to run
Lloyd Aneei King, Myrtle Point. among the stations in Oregon in the the Colliers move to Roseburg in
A contract was ordered sent to out of town a few months ago.
J. A. Berg Appearing Before
Robert Lloyd Tennant, Coquille. percentage of recruits enlisted during June.
Nokomis Turner, another draft California R. R. Commission
Mrs. Breedlove in Portland, who will
Morse Archy Stonecypher, Coquille the month. The percentages are fig­
It will be a real breaking ftf tie, ** * IVtmwy teacher in the Washing­ evader, was arrested by the sheriff
Mr. and Mrs,. J. Arthur Berg left
Alton William King, Jr.', Powers. ured on total population of the area foe them as they ^ava Hved w that to*
T" this week and both men were taken
for San Francisco, where
* -
Harry Kenneth Howell, Myrtle Pt. covered by the sub-station.
salary of 01670 Mrs Breedlove has to Portland Wednesday morning by
throqgi) •8pot fur N*? 0*3*
he was to appear before the Cali­
Among the
the men
men enlisted
enlisted throqgil j
Jeff Walter Shinn. Sumner, Ore.
’ been teaching in the North Bend Deputy U. S. Marshal Leo McLain.
fornia railroad commission in the
Leland Edward Winegar, Seattle W. this sub-station during Mafct} are the
1 schools.
hearing by that body on the Coos
Alfred Lee Daniels, Coquille, Or. following frp<n the Coquilfe Va|iey
Another contract approved was
Electric Co-operative’s offer and deal
Donald £irk Paintef, Nofth Bend- area: Shirley Lee Shpr|), Powers;
with Mtos Madeline McKeown as a
to purchase the electric company,
Walter August Moore. CoquRte, Of- Woodrow Houstqn Howe|l, Coquille;
high school teacher at a salary ot
which is now operating in Del Norte
Leq Lqpto Prstt, Myrtle p<>iBt, Or. Ben Ffauk Howe, Coquille; Harold
31800, and to conform to the stan­
and Creeecent City. There is
The Coquilje p**t office loot two dard of pay now tn farce, the salary
jiafvey Da|e Mysrg. Aragq. OfS-
Kenneth Tally, state police officer some opposition to the sale to the
glpert Madison Griffin, Ooqul||e. Bandon; Leonard Carl H«mgpyk, Co­ of IM long-time male* employees of another high school teacher, Miss
stationed here, has an unsually large Coes Electric in Crescent City. One
Reoneth Dalte Bafkdoll. Gaylord- quille; Qedrgf Frederick Dox, Rtar Tuesday, Marion Clayton and Walter S. .
' ’
chicken hawk which he will give to of these opponents is the Del Norte
Harris Ne>l Christensen, Everett. Route, Bandon; Thomas Watoon Per- Mpqre, who left for Portland that gay
Triplicate, "which is published by
ki«s, Myrtte Point; Dean Raymond^ to take their preliminary selective
Vprp A|an Ba||ey, Coquille.
The board voted to retain Wayne any taxidermist who wishes to mount
Jack Jusa, who was employed on the
Ivy Smith as Junior High principal and 1 it.
Rpbert Sperry Jatnog, Myrtle Pt- Epperson, Myrtle Roint; Uqyd E. service
Ernest Elmer Wo«, Bullards, Ore. Moulding, McRinley.
piie|h is to be advanced to the prosi­ as director for both the C. H. S. and i The bird has a wing spread of four Sentinel'30 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Berg were also in­
AMr, Cornet Stated teat Coquille tion Mr. Cliyton had, provided he is Junior High bands at an ahnual sal- 1
*wo lr>ches, and he killed it in
Lynden Edgar Levtoon, Reno, N«v.
! the vicinity of Riverton where others tending to visit their daughters who
Ivan Jeaae Robison, Arago, Or». leads a|| the other towns in the coun­ accepted for service, and Mrs, Rr- arv of 32700
(had seen It.
It had a very vicious- are attending school in California.
Glenn Wmley Grew, Myrtle Point. ty in the number of Wave enlistments. ••' pest Wardrip who hag been extra in
Mrs. L. H. Hasjrd toft Bunday for »««king bekk and Mr. Tally said he
----- office
*— *•- for
----- -- takes -
Albert Moi.tag Meaning, Coquille. there being six from here who have the
the past * month,
Raymond D. Heins, traveling pas­
Merrill Hillis Perkins, Langlois, Or. joined thia Navy woman organization*! the substitute position Mrs. Plleth Portland to attend the Epitrop^ Guild had to «boot n the toird tlm* b*iope
senger agent for the Southern Pacific
seMiops there ’this week. She ft tumbled from its perch.
Oordon Panter Gibson. Bandon.
land whose headquarters are in AL
Eugene LeRoy Busion, Coquilte,
Mrs. R, L, Stewart waa able to
Mrs. Alice Allen takes over the car­ accompanied Rev. Robt. L.
Jack Cooper made a business trip bany, was a Coquille visitor Monday
who went to attend ‘ *•--
leave the Mast Hospital and return rier route which Mr. Moore has' —
Loyd Curtis Sharp, Bandon
Guy Winford Tflph, Myrtle Point. home on Tuesday this
Musical Program
At Rotary Meeting
Coquille Volley Boys
Enlist In Navy
H. Mptson Taken
As Draft Dodger .
S. D. No. 8 Names
Budget Committee
Draft Call Causes
Post Office Changes
Officer Kills A
Huge Hawk