•4. s * - i ... ■ ■ ••• A-’. .■ ■ .B $ -3» :-t- -‘V/'l > \ ; -i" ' FAO«« r . - - 4 ------------------------ ELP WANTED — Woman to get ■ dihner in evening for family of two. From three to four hours work a day, five days a week. I Phone Harriman at Smith Wyod», during day. No. 148. it Ralph Moore Talks jTo Woman's Club * I ’ i him. | St. Jamas’ Episcopal Church Corner E. M A ElMett Sts. The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Sunday: April 1« (Continued from Page One) wherein lies a pitfall for the state FOR SALE—1930 Ford Tudor. Tires, with a rush of private schools which motor and paint in gd condition. might spring up ready to catch the Owner entering armed forces In­ "gravy.” Also Mr. Moore’s belief to ie quire Ed. Walker at Coquille Ser­ that the state should know first what vice Station. * It* : action the government will take. | The bill which changes the lan- FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, ! guage of the term “insme" to mental- gas range, ail circulator, private , ly diseased should be passed. batL^iV,‘,U entr^CeL10^ "The Sales“^“bTu was tefmed a 8:00 Holy Communion. 10:0« Morning Prayer with Sermon. (Note: There will be no Church School on Sunday The children are asked to accompany their parents to the late service which has been set at 10 o’clock so that the vicar can leave immediately for the Diocesan Convention in Portland.) . ■ Church of Christ | Rev. Cha*. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School hour. Easter is past but we atill need tp study God’s Bible. . .................. 11:00 Sunday morning worship hour. “Has Life a Purport?’’ 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour.'Some­ thing good in every session. 8:00 Sunday evening service hour. Music and brief message make this a helpful service. 7:30 Wednesday evenings, choir rehearsal hour. Noble Chowning di­ recting. , .. 740 Thursday evenings, mid-week services. What we ARE spedks more clearly than what- we SAY. Christ said; “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.1 East 4th A Coulter « Linton Parrish, Pastor I Thursday 7:30 Bible Study and tired. See Tom Drake on Fa|rview I supposed to raise twenty-five million Prayer meeting. We will consider road, just south of railroadIcrom- dollars. It contains a list of exemp- Amos-4. ing jt* tions, mostly items of food and does- Bible School 9:46. Martha Mulkey, ------------ ------ ----------- -* - . - ------------- ‘n’t attack the needs of the poor. Mr. Supt. •. ~ Church Of The Nazarene FOR ALTERATIONS and Sewing cell Moore thinks the timing for the bill Morning worship 11 o'clock. Lord’s 1 Oth and Heath <. ing Machine. Price M0.00.. How- at 354 No. Heath or phone 221M. would be better in 1947, but adds it Supjjjer. Special music. Message by M. M. Short, Pastor ~ - ’ ard Leatherman, McKinley RL, Prompt service and reasonable ls th« best biU put up so far. . w.v. . the rastor. Pastor. Sunday School 0:48 a. m. Special Coquille, phone 12R33, MyrUe rates. Jean Peterson. Mi it ■ . Taylor, M chairman . _ Mrs. George oC jr. c. E. 3:00 o'clock. SALESMEN WANTED — MAN OR p meeting for the children's groups, n*s Legislation, introduced the speaker WANTED TO BUY '—Good Milk WOMAN WANTED for Rawleigh j r ‘ _______ _ «*- Intermediate C. E. 3:30. with Rev. V. W. Anglin giving an Young C. — E. •« 7:00. OUA and was in charge ” of the - program. — « vqssa» * People's ». vj / îv w v*. » Route in Coquille City and South' FOR SALE—3 million test of White Cows. Write C. P. Sleek, P. O. Box illustrated sermon to the Sunday n. _ g An impressive representative of thei. Evening service 3:00. . We _________ invite School. This will be a message of Coos County. Write today. Raw- ’ Fir; also 3,000 Poles, all lengths, 334, Coquille. 1. four great allies—United States, Eng- you u, an evening of informal sing- leigh's. Dept ORD-282-SAH. Oak­ some of it saw logs. H. B. Smith, FOR SALE—A 2-Apartment House land, Russia and China—was car- jng alMj fellowship, followed by an forty minutes and of interest to all. land, Calif., *or see H. R. Horner,1 Langlois, Ore. 13t4*s Preaching at 11 o’clock by the at 333 North Taylor, 81375. *ii|9* or ried put by Mrs. Tom Stevens, Mrs. evangelistic ___ _ ___________ message. ~ North Bend. Ore. 13t3* -• call Mrs. Cortland Ellis, Fairview Wm. Candlin, who was born in Eng- / Remember also the Young People’s evangelist and again at 7:45 at night ____ DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- and all this week and over April 19th FOR SALE—Westinghouse Electric ' ere. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get route, phone 5R22. 13t2*g land, Mrs. Mqria Hale, born in China, social hour ,___ 7:30 - 10:00 ,________ __________ 10:00 Saturday Saturday at the same hour. ' Range, in good condition. Phone [ them at Pacific Feed A Seed So. tf* but whose parents, are^Russian and night. All young people are invited roil SALX-N^l, Friday night Mr. Anglin gives the 128X, after 3 p. m., or call at 391 ______ Lota of games and ge- romantic story of his ministerial life, sized baby bed. An all metal bed . 7*“ '«evanny taxing ~ t n o attend. East Third. Coquille. Its METAL LUNCH KITS—Stock 11m- the place of Madam Why, born in freshmenta. Also remember Young with springs, price 815. Cali 153R which Is fUIed with interesting inci­ -—-------- ------- _______ ------------ ------- 1 ited. Get yours now. J, A. LAMB China. .. 1 people’s Fireside, following the eve- FOR RENT—Strictly modern steam- j COMPANY, “ 8 or see at 451 N. Willard. Its . dents and which will be very inter­ The American Creed was given by njr,g service. heated Cottages, 2 and 3 rooms fur- -»------ , — ... . ....... —— esting and helpful to everyone who Mrs. Stevens, the Atlantic Charter i Wednesday 7:30 Choir practice. nished. with garage Ko Keel Auto WTED-Fir and Ced.r Poles. has the privilege of hearing him. rW,.d by C*_ndlin A ch««ct*r- ‘ d ™ Farr, director. > - Court, down town. 12t2*r } P«*M. all sizes. Quote prime t Ab. The meeting has started off well 1 ization of the Russian people with i _______ ____ ___ _________ . i shipping point, earliest shipment The will of the late Henry Fourier, with special interest being manifested w^ZT.^ ELECTRIC FENCES — We have Niedermeye^-MarUn Co., Portland, The Assembly of God and much good will be accomplished chargers, wire, insulators, and aM Ore. I3t3a was filed last Thursday. Joint ex­ in Russian of their national anthem Second and Heath Sts. before the meetings are over, it is A was Mrs. Hale ’ s contribution. Also, equipment FARR & ELWOOD. ■ L. C. Parsing, Pastor hoped, through Mr. Ahglin’s evan­ " ’.. FOR SALE— 19-acre Dairy Ranch, ecutors are Edward H. Fourier and she spoke of their love for gypsy In-! family orchard an* garden; new Evelyn C. Christensen, and appraisers »music and she played * beautiful 1 gelistic messages. <*. GOOD SERVICE makes Good <_______ . - "LJ* 9:45 SunAy School With classes for The public is invited to any and surance I give service. F. R. I DeLaval Milker and Separator; of the $500 estate are Walter Butler, _’ record .... of her favorite Russian gypsy Bull. ' s' aU these services. good milking stock; plenty garden George C. Huggins and John Fergu- •. ( ; number. She was striking in Gypsy ,ev’^ *•*' U M costume. A translation of the Rus- i 11:00 11 00 A. A M. M Morning Mornin® Worship. WorshiD. HEADQUARTERS fo7 Crown Dairy ' space. Goodwin, 1st house on Rink A petition for appointment of a; 3:20 P. M. Christ Ambassador's Church of God creek. Also Weener Pigs tor sale, ' sian anthem was sung by Mrs. Chas. * end Poultry Feeds at PaiMc Feed i guardian for Kate Rolandson, whose , i Stauff, accomanpied by Miss Inez' hour for young people. ntfs . Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts. -A Seed Co. tfs estate is estimated at 315,000, was 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic service con- Sunday School 10 a. m. Herschel Rover. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ filed in probate court last Thursday. RABBITS FOR SALE—2 Dee* with » | Substituting for Madam Why, of ' ducted by pastor apd Mrs. L. C. Alien, Supt. vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Guy C. Graft was on TuOUay ap­ ! Persing. Special music furnished by littera, 1 will kindle soon. Inquire Preaching at 11 a. m. Martin Fisher, Marshfield, Mildred McCarthy, in PANY. • pointed administrator of the 34770 J a ladies sextette. • *, • | Tourist Hotel, Apt. av. 10. lt*s supply pastor. Chinese costume, was perfect tn her estate left by John Grant who died in Young People's meeting 6:45 p. m. FOR SALE7-“FBrtwrs’ Bargains*”— t —•» part representing China. A chorus of WANTED—To buy 150 to 200 acres Portland Feb. 13, Appraisers ap­ i Rev. Harlan A. Park,- missionary Shoets — Pullets — Used DeLaval trained voices sang in English the or more good grazing land with im. ' pointed were Harry O. Dement, W. NOnCR OF SHERIFF'S SALE Milkers — Baddie Horse — Weaner Chinese national anthem, which was /from China repatriated abroad the provement. "^Till pay cash. Harold I. Woodward and Lawrence Barklow. >M. S. Gripeholm, will begin a series On the 22nd day of April, 1944, at Pigs — Bull Calvea — Cows — Ice received with every appreciation. M. Temple, 102 No. Long Beach ■ the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the B. L. Smalley was this week ap­ Box. See FARR A ELWOOD’S Those in the chorus were Meedames of meetings through the balance of front door of the court house in Co­ Blvd.. Compton, Calif. 12t3‘s pointed administrator of the estate the week, and be concluded next “Swap Board.” a quille, Coos County, Oregon, I will Chas. Stauff, George Johnson, G. W. left by Andrew Smalley, who died Sunday. The public is invited to at- sell at auction to the highest bidder VICTORY FERTILIZER IS HERE— Tyrrell, R. E. Boober, Birdie Skeels PLUMBING SUIVLIES—We stock a Mar. 14, IMS. The 3743 estate wiU if for cash, the following described real Have received small shipment and Miss Aileen Wilson. Miss Inez Itend. property located in Coos County, Ore­ full line including fixtures. J. A. ! 8-10-4 Victory fertiliser. Other ] LAMB COMPANY. i Rover Was the accomapnist and ex- gon, to-wit: “g grades expected soon. FARR A Commencing at a point 123 feet ’ The,l*3135«,I'estate left by John ¡,ib‘ted ^iUher profeMion through i First Church of Christ, Scientist East and «0 feet North of the ELWOOD. s LAWN ROLLER FOR RENT—Farr Zunino, who died at Marshfield taking °tf 016 mu,lc ioT the Ru“ian I Coquille. Oregon Southeast corner of Block 71 in A Elwood. • Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. Notley's Addition to the Town of FOR RENT—2-room apartn^nt fur­ April 4, Waiter will be Butler appraised A. Y. ’ Meyers, and by Delbeft ,*? *£""* T“ Coquille City, how the city of Sunday Service at 11 a. m. nished, hot water, bath and lights, FOR SALE—4-room house, furnished Coquille, in Coos County, Ore­ indistinct type which even the mag­ Subject for next Sunday, “Doctrine } on first floor. Adults, no animals. gon; running thence North 149 $900, or unfurnished $8(10. at 80« Lowe. Peter Megale was appointed nifying glass did not solve. Mrs. rf Atonement.” feet,« more or less, to the South 3-room apt. furnished, with water. Carter Ave., Coquille. Bert Ochel- administrator. Stauff sang ths anthem with much Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 line of County Road; thence East­ Adults no animals. 351So. Henry A petition for probating the will tree at that address. It’s feeling and sweetneM. erly 104.5 feet; South 149 feet, o’clock. / St., Flora E. Dunne. tfs of Alex Haglund, who died Dec, 37, more or less, to a point directly Announcements were made by the Free public Reading Room at 255 IMS. was tiled on Wednesday. The east of the place of beginning, president, Mrs. O. U. Sanford, re­ W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every thence West to the place of be­ estate is estimated to be worth 8300. garding the May Festival which will day except Sunday and holidays from ginning; together with all the im­ provements, tenements, heredita­ be held again this year as usual in 12:30 to 3:00 p. m. Celling carte, *• tor 11. OU ments and appurtenances there­ the Community Building. Efforts are unto belonging or in anywise ap­ WE HAVE McCormick Deering Man­ being made to get the best music The Holy Name-Catholic Church pertaining. ure Spreaders in stock. J. A. available and nothing will bo spared Said sale is made under execution Mass at 0:30 a. m. every Sunday. LAMB COMPANY. s ______ issued out of the Circuit Court of the __ _______ __ to make this celebration as attractive __ State of Oregon for the county of land in the Fat Eik Drainage District i as in other yeaw. * Calling cards. So ror »1.00. WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows Coos to me directed in the case of S‘age decorations Included Edna M. Webster, attorney-in-fact for and calves for Mink feed. B. T. Coos County, Qrogon, at tn* hour of America R um I* Otis A, Webster, Plaintiff, vs.' Myra c?.’ Ku “ia' ch ‘na * America, nussia, vnina Hepler, Bullards route. Phone ten ' ' >ck in the forenoon of Fri- _ g E. Bali, Paarl Blachly and Chancy 28th day Front St. Phone 17. tfs six months from the date hereof. ence A conference with us will STOCKMEN — DAIRYMEN We At the close of the evening Mildred l)r. Dr La Hh»»»’ Dated, and first published: March stock livestock bacterins — miner­ IRRIGATION SYSTEMS—See us for 23rd., 1944. Wardrip and Kato Peart served coffee tw> to your advantage Eyesight estimate. J. A LAMB COMPANY. al conditioners — syringes — ther­ Harry A. Slack, and doughnuts. The table was dainty 10t5 Administrator of said Estate. with spring flowers and candles. Six­ Speciailsl mometers — balling guns — and othqr supplies. FARR tt ELWOOD For Refrigeration Service phone IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE teen places were set. Eyes Examined - Glaaaes HUed I«*** bfU “ « «•“ rid ot obiection- Dunn, phone 5SJ. ____________ ubu featur<, ot other wlh| « to a POTATOES For Sato—81.75 per hun- I oompanion to the School Bill and to SK7 Pioneer Methodist Church i Probate Court Items ! * (rx* 1 (I I T- t < 5 : •’»' ^Attention 'V i I ASK FOB BREWSTER VALLEY I- I t F f-' Si i r WRECKER t Phone 83 F PANY- •(3«tS - y Administratrix of said Eatete V t ♦ ■r I Reception room jointly will- Dr J R Huncl laird Kundin« Phon» «3-1 Benham’s Transfer Anywhere » [ ■ I la nd on Notice of Final Account tll‘»R Frank Grant Counts, a Reedsport 1083 PLUMBING GOODS TmleU Lav- _ NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN, That man, was summoned by the state po­ s. — , , atoriee — Septic Tanks — Showers ; the lice on Monday to appear before Jus­ —Range boilers — Pipe — Fittings final account *• a Estate of A, S B tice Bull for driving a car without an FARR A ELWOOD. s that the above entitled operator's Jcense. April 28th, 1944, at the hours of I Instructor of Piano Op Monday also, two Vqck driyers MILKING Machines—If yours need* o’clock A. M., at the County Court overhauling, bring it in now. We room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time paid 39 fine und cm M each for hav­ High ww «f-b lltS with 4470 pounds. Administratrix .. .......... —... • _______ Order Your Chick* NOW for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Later Delivery. Also have good Delb ■■ ——————————, r NOTICE to hereby given, that the stock of Chick Feed* A Dairy undersigned * _ • ■ ’ ~ ■ ■■ has been duly appointed Overseas Edition of The Feeds. Eaton’s Feed Store, Administratrix of the Estate of ORIN Coquille.e . .'"'Ip BRACE MURRAY, deceased: and’ that all persons having claims against AUTO PAINTING and Body Work said estate, should present the same, and with proper can be secured for mailing .or can Bring your car in------ we can start duly verified, « vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, I work at once. Southwestern Motor i _ _ _____ ___ at the law office of Harry A. Slack,' be sent direct from the Oregonian SAND AND GRAVEL Co. •! • First ’trit' Nat “ Coqunie°Ore- Nat ’l. ’l. Bank Hank “BMg Rldo* w - office by eallins the Oregosdan ■ 1 -------- ----- - I ton, within six months from the date COAL - FUEL OIL - STORAGE WATER SYSTEMS—We have power hereof arency in CeqnlUe. phene 231 Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight pumps and shallow and deep well Dated, and first published: March PAULINE TALBERT * Office Phone fsn & Elwood Bldg PANY*^™ A’ LAMB ro^a1 1M MARION RUTH MURRAY. . Oregonian Night Phone 800X Southwestern , Motors Ch e vrolet >- Bsdch I’oquilte »figs INEZ RQVXR BRAND POTATOES AT Williams Cash Grocery and Henninger’s Market ■ 'I I ■ W I l.llll — i SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, la«. shop, 188J, nr reaWenee 188J, STATE OF OREGON IN AND write Bex 387, Coquille. O. H. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In Justice Fred Bull’s Garnier, authorized Frigidaire In the Matter of the Estate Court This Week Service. 27tfs of A. S. Bean, Decesaed ■ 5 For Hire W Second St. M —I ** "