Riverton Nigh School News Adventist Church Report On Its Missions In Africa Two senior», two juniors, one soph- omori, and one freshman were named on the honor roll for the past six weeks period. Earning all ones were: i Billie Hepler and Gladys Domen- l ighini, seniors. Earning l’s and 3*s ¡were: Cleo Knight, Velma Gibbs, ¡juniors; Jacqueline Chappell, sopho­ more; and Pat Gibbs, freshman. See Schultz Shell Service ' Station ' church membership How Christian missions in Africa during the past half century have changed hundreds of devil-worship­ ping communities into centers of cleanliness, peace, and religion, was featured March 35 in a special Sab­ bath-school program given in the Co­ quille Seventh-day Adventist church. Instead of being tortured by the witch doctor, the people, afflicted with all kinds of tropical diseases, now receive scientific medical treat­ ment from missionary doctors and nurses. Churches are filled with worshipers and thousands gather at their annual religious district meet­ ings. Children and youth are given a Christian education, taught usef'il trades, and trained as practical mis­ sionaries to teach other tribes a bet­ ter way of life. • In Africa last year, according to the report, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of their first mission station Will be widely celebrated. This is the Solusi mission in Bulawayo. Rhodesia, and its founder, W. H. Anderson, is at present active in Africa assisting in the direction of mission stations that now stretch from the Southern tip of Africa to Uganda, a distance of 4,000 miles. Nine hospitals, twenty-six dispen­ saries. and four leper colonies, are in operation, and their work is reach­ ing peoples pnd tribes speaking sev­ enty different languages: Adventist and those in classes awaiting baptism total abdut 90,000. At the meeting, call« were read from Chiefs of tribes in areas unentered by this type of Christian work, asking for schools and medical help for their people. The offering given will help to answer these, in harmony with the plan for the day in all of the Sabbath schools the world around. Attention Truck Therefore You Must Let us do your Tire Service. We can give you the Best in Workmanship and Material. Your Choice of Tread Design Thornton Tire Kitchen Craft Io properly mUtodt Retains deairablo moisture in your pastries, cakes and breads m spile of iht drier hoot of home ovens. "Double-duty Doctor" Xou already uae home-type baking powder and shortening. Now try homo-type flour ... see how much better Kitchen Craft works in all your home-siae recipes. How it makes pies, rakes and breads lighter, more tender. Kitchen Craft is as fine quality all- purpose white flour as money can buy, guaranteed to work like a charm in aP your regular white flour recipes. Andfevery sack la healthfully enriched wit« B vitamins and iron. Give this made-for-your-job, home- type flour a trial. If Kitchen Craft fails to please you in any way, return the unused portion to your grocer and get back ÿour full purchase price. at SAFEWAY In ANOTHER I.U ttebeervAthth« Cream o’ Coot Distributora, Coquille