Commended By His Bill Pook Writes Commanding Officer From So. Pacific Mrs. Marc Shelldy is naturally very much pleased with the copy of a letter which 9*e commanding of­ ficer of the vessel on which Marc has been stationed wrote to him on March 14. It read as follows: county Another Letter. From New Guinea Frank J. Brewster, who lived or around Coquille for about Aarch IS—The other morning I • was awakened with a start by a fellow saying, “Ilon’t get out of bed or you will drown." It had happened to others before so I wasn’t Surprised i when I saw about six inches of water al) over the floor. Luckily I slept in a high corner and hadn’t yet gotten my blankets wet but lots of my I clothes were wet and muddy. It was Mi#s One Another Down Under Elmer Zwicker wrote his mother here recently that one day when he somewhere in Australia he saw , “Buss" Holmstrom’s name written just two or three lines above his. At the time of wtffMg, however, he had not yet run across Haldane, whose ' mother is expecting him home before long. Nslionsl Distillers Product* Corwtslion New York ; ^Proof thought I would drop you a line and tell you a little about this country. It is a very pretty place as far as scenery is concerned—but that is all. Bdy—the mosquitos are as big as crows, nearly; and mud and rain! Oregon is a paradise in the winter compared to this. Coos county is Stevens Cash Hardware Coquille Phone 122, ■ paper / «¿7 T?9***** EDWARDS COFFEE *••<*( but. «ud. fauMDS* fkuirjm SPRY Shortening (12 points) ?■ S herwin W illiams P aints ! 70c' RINSO SOAP