CAGE Personal Mention The three'daughters and two sons of the late Cha*. I- Willey came in Saturday eveniug for his funeral here on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Mitller, Mrs. Elva Roberts of Portland, Chas, and Early Willey, both of Corvallis, had Jo leave again Sunday evening, but Mrs. June Walker remained until •Tuesday evening when she left for her home in Seattle. Guy Mintonye, one of the mechan­ ics in the M A W. Auto Service shop, will probably be away from the Job for another three weeks yet. Last month he fractured a bone in his left I land when he cracked it with a ham­ mer. Nazarena.EvangeJist Meeting Continues been studying the Mandarin dialect in a California University and he pluns to return to China as soon as the State Department grants his pass- port. ' ’ Rev. V. W. Anglin, evangelist, who is conducting meetings at the local Church of The Nazarene, is giving a good account of himself as a preacher and evangelist, and some definite help has been rendered to the local __George Chaney, Jr., relumed to congregation in the first services held Corvallis after a spring vacation here at the church> The Oerding Families. with his family. The Easter program given by the Sunday School last Sunday drew the j inductceS( Mi«s Margaret Steward, who is at­ largest congregation the localIchurch, T ,e at tending Glad Tidings Bible Institute ho had since it was organized. (Schrocder., Jeweiry 8tore. M it) San Francisco, is spending her Mr. Anglin has been preaching the spring vacation with her parents, gospel in th. Church of The Nazarene t Mr. and Mrs.'W. M . Steward. for twenty-«x years and is able to give a very sound and practical ap- j Mr. >nd Mrs. Wesley Downs, for­ plication , of the Gospel of Christ in mer Coquille residents who liv« near his messages, it is stated by the local Grants Pass, left for home the first pastor, Rev. M. M. Short. of this week, after being here since Anyone interested in the Weeleyian last Friday. doctrine of full salvation will find , I Mr. Anglin’s preaching absolutely i true to life and sound to the core.; ’L. ■ along Bibical lines, and with a prac­ tical application for those who are hugering and thirsting after right-1 eousness. ‘ ; Mr. Short urges his friends and \ neighbors to attend the meetings with full assurance of being helped and 'blessed. folios. >SE ÇOMEDT SENSAIIUN» o .LZAPOPPIN’" and "SONS O'FUW s_SA _-_S_AA_-g' 1 1 1 Jr I M*1™* KNOW«» FA?iLs OOM« 1,1 I ' < ■ • . M A«ION HUH I > K>** Special Attraction CARTOON . NEWS Matinee Sat 1:45 Singing Darling at 'Twites Doodis Osad»" ou've heard about it. JayAhay! You've read about it Anfc.'es AwOyj NOW voy n see ; ¡n (ury all ns re' . BRUCE CABOT MATINEE SUN. 1:45 Selected Short Subjects GENE LOCKHART I ¡1 Mat. 16c Eves. 16c j WED. - > - - 40c 55c April 19 1 RETURN ENGAGEMENT Romance of the Mississippi Barbara Stanwyck Joel Walter McCrea Brennan Banjo LATEST 'NEWS EVENTS . üniven«1 'of Drtiribute«* *** ÏsrM*** j» I Knee 16c ADMISSION • » • 40c