y j * . « r. mi OSSIFIED WANTED buy To Ne U». I ' ,. *• Boiler, and 12x12 Steam Engine. See Hal R. Clark at Coqujlle Hotel. I’ for Crown Dairy Is at Pacific Feed ELECTRIC WIRING available in limited have those extra convenience out­ lets installed. Phone 183R, E. G. Opperman. . ■ WANTED — Water wells to drill. Have new and up-to-date equip­ ment and heavy pipe where needed Fred C. L m , Route 1, Marshfield 80M*tf* PERMANENT WA^EJdcl—Do your ’■••• » Itn- -nimrj. ,.w .. «Ma»' , ■ FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished Apartment at 142 South Heath, phone 605L. Gould Apartment. It WANT TO BUY—Two weaner Pigs. Cart V. Shore, Rink Creek, McKin- R. R., Coquille. It own Permanent with Oharm-Kurl COM- Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy PANT. to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands Including Fay McKen­ FOR SALE — Team — Hens — Puppies — Pigs zie, glamorous movie star. Money Horses — Wagon. See FARR A refunded if not satisfied. Barrow ELWOOD’S “Swap Board.” a Drug Company. 6tl0* J I i Doll WANTED—Maid at Coquille Hotel. Apply there in person. it Buggy. Call 172M, The Assembly of God I 7 L. C. Parsing, Pastor 8:45, the message of the Resurrec- tion of Christ in each Sunday school class. You and your children are , urged to be present. Bertha Byrd, superintendent. 11:00, Easter morning service, spec­ ial Easter music; the pastor syeaks on the subject, “The Voice of the Empty Tomb.” 6:45, Christ Ambassadors service. Ruby Marney, president. _ 7:30, Evening service, come sing the old hymns and the new with us. The good, attendance will inspire you to sing. — Tuesday, 7:30, Prayer service. Friday, 7:30, a devotional service. Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor even the geese go wrong at times. 10:00 Sunday School. Easter pro­ Humming birds and swallows and buzzards have all arrived upon the gram by the S. S. and Junior Choir. scene—all three being harbingers of Parents especially invited. Spring. Trilliums and spring beau­ I 11:00 Easter Service, with Roy L. ties and Johnny-Jump-ups are al! in Brown, State Evangelist, bringing the bloom, the robins are singing ^t message. ? dawn. If Spring has not actually ar- ■ 7:00 Three Young People's groups i ! rived. It surely must be just round ■mat. ___ ______ __ ___ _____ , 8:00 Evangelistic servicq with Roy the corner, perhaps hiding behind a flock of rain clouds—who knows? L. Brown. Hear Roy L. Brown tonight and Frank Culver is, indeed, a busy man these days, purchasing and Friday also. Each mesage illustrated butchering livestock all in the same ' with a large colored chart. The Bible day. One day he goes up the creek will become a new book to you. with a load of livestock and the next j Saturday: Junior Choir rehearsal at Good Friday Service April 7 The Union G< od Friday service will morning comes out with it all butch- ' 7:30 p. m. be conducted in the Assembly of God ered and ready for market — that's ■ »■? Phone 171J. — 1U PRESTEX will keep MOLES—BIRDS WE CAN USE Two Women in our really “throwing (he bull” in a big this year under the auspices of the Church of Christ Ministerial Union of Coquille. The Cheats Manufacturing Department. way. East 4th A Coulter AUTO PAINTING and Body .Work, j & service will be divided into two forty —Swift A Company. it’ Last week Mrs. Wave Haga -re­ Liston Parrish, Pastor Sii " «í'l » Bring your car in------ we can start | WORMS — APHIDS — FLEA BEETLES—and many other gar­ five minute periods. There will be a message from her husband, work at once. Southwestern Motor Thursday 7:30 Bible Study and None* E GT SHERIFF’S SALE ceived den pests out of TOUR GARDEN, 12nd day of April, 1844, at Red,” that he waa being transfered , Prayer meeting. We wil continue our singing, special music, and a speaker Co. s On the £ — i Ask us. FARR A ELWOOD. a the hfiur of for each period. Rev. Short of the ot 10 o _ ’clock A. M. at the (from the Medford cantonment to the study of the book of Amos. ,7 z house in Co- ¡Atlantic seaboard. Private Chealey GET YOUR Brewster Vailuy Brand »door of the Nazarene church will be the speaker Sat., 7:80-10:00 p. m. Young Peo ­ LOST — Identification bracelet bear ­ , I will Coos X, I for the first period. Rev. Roy L. • Potatoes at Henninger’s Market, has been in the armed forces for sev­ bidder ple's Social Hour in the social rooms ing Inscription, James H. Young, sell at auction to Brown, state evangelist of the Baptist iita’s of the church. Any young person is 18202406. Return to Richmond A for cash, the following described real eral years. j DAIRYMEN—We now have McCor­ Stark’s office, Belle Knife Hos­ property, located in Com County, Ore. Sundsy morning Al Morey bagged jinvijed tp sttend this Informal social church, will be the speaker for the to-wit: second period. The arrangement of a large bobcat in thia district. It hour. I mick Deering Electric Milk Coolers pital. H« at a point 123 feet the program is in charge of the host took him only two hours to accom ­ Ffft and ___ __ ___ ___ Bible School 8:45. Martha Mulkey, in stock. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. . ..----------- _ . _ . feet North of the • . pastor, Rev. L. C. Parsing. plish the feat. -‘FOR SALE—10 acre Dairy Ranch. Southeast comer of Block 71 in Supt. The youngsters from the The public is cordially invited to Notley’s Addition to the Town of SLEEPING BAGS — Light weight I New DeLaval Milker and Separa­ Mrs. D. P. Jenkins has been con­ Cradle Roll and Beginners will pre- Coquille City, now thg city of this service. f warm, waterpioof, ideal for BOY f tor Milk House. DeLaval Milker A fined for the past two weeks in the sent a short program. r‘ • • Coquille, in Coon County. Ore­ • i Separator. Modern House. Good­ ■ Belle Knife Hospital as the result of] Morning Worship 11 o’clock, Spe- ' SCOUTS. Farr A Elwood. gon; running thence North 148 a bad leg injury, which she suffered' dal music, Lord’s Supper. The Pas­ First Church of Christ, Scientist win, 1st house on Rink Creek, litis feet, more or lean, to the South ! FOR SALE—My entire flock of R. L | line of County Road; thence East­ while attended a school meeting at tor will, bring a special Easter mes­ J Coqeille, Oregon Red breeders. Oreat < erly 104.5 feet; South • 148 feet, layers and MILKING Machines—If yours needs Riverton. She ia chairman of the sage. L'*'-'* X'''' large egga. Prices and egg rec-1 or leas, to a point directly Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. more ; overhauling, bring it in now. We local school board. i east of the place of beginning, Sunday Service at 11 a. m. ords on request. All Male birds ’ carry a full Une of parte and sup­ With Eleanor burning thousands of [ Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 6:00. thence West to the place of be­ Young people ’ s C. E. 7:00. An in- Subject tor next Sunday, “Are pedigreed from 320 to 347 Egg Hens. plies for McCormick Deering ma­ ginning; together witn all the im­ gallons of gas travelling about the spirhtional service for all young peo­ Sin. Disease, and Death Real? provements, tenements, heredita­ A. A. Henry, Glade-Crest Poultry chines. f. A LAMB COMANPY. 1 country by special plane, 'tie no won- ■ ments and appurtenaneea there­ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 ple. Farm. Two Miles East of Bandon der that the OPA had to cut down on unto belonging or in anywise ap­ Evening service 8:00. A special o’clock. BEDDING PLANTS — Chinese Cab- - 7 on Hiway. I|t2a pertaining. “A” gas coupons. A few more such Easter evangelistic service by the bage, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cab­ Free public Reading Room at 255 » Said sale is made under execution flights and we’ll all have to park our IRRIGATION SYSTEMS—See us for Pastor. There will be a baptismal W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every bage, Brussels Sprouts, Onions. iaaued out of the Circuit Court of the estimate. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. for the county of cars for the duration. FARR A ELWOOD.* ■ State of service at close of service. day except Sunday and holidays from There’s another “sweetie-pie” in in the case of Coos to Wednesday 7:30 Choir practice. 12:30 to 6:00 p. m. WANTED TO BUY^-Old horses, cows mey-in-fact for the J. D. Winter's family — weight, WK SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ EdnaM. Otis A n Webster, wwwwr, Plaint «-Miuititf, vs. Myra eight pounds, eight ounces — arrived Don Farr, director. and calves for Mink feed. B. T. pairs for cut or broken casings and vhi E. Bali, Ball, Pearl Blachly^ Blachly and Chancy E, Church of God Hepler, Bullards route. Phone , tubes, any size or type. All work Blachly, her husband, Chriasie Thrift via Stork last week, a daughter. !| The Holy Name Catholic Church Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. 8R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 48 fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire and Frank Thrift, her husband, ind, Wet- Wel- Mass at 0:30 a. tn. every Sunday. Sunday School 10 a. m.« Herschel man A. Ball and Paloma Bail, Ball, his Service. <*» WE HAVE McCormick Deering Man­ wife, Lola Wood and Ben Wood, her Newspaper Publisher Named Allen, Supt. ure Spreaders in stock. J. K. , WANTED—To buy a Coon Hound; husband; also all other persons or J. P. For Myrtle Point See “Spike” Leslie for the beet ia Preaching at ll*a. m. Martin Fisher, parties unknown, claiming any right, LAMB COMPANY. s must not run deer. Write J. B. title, estate, interest or lien in the Arthur Jones, publisher of the Liability, or other Insurance. Office, supply pastor. Crees, McKinley. Oregon. 7tfs above described real estate. De­ Myrtle Point Herald, was last week 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg.; J Young People’s meeting 6:45 p. m. FOR SALE — Kingsbury Piano, in fendants. . - appointed Justice of the Peace for phone 5; residence phone ML. '■'< good condition. See Washer Ser­ FLOWERS — Pansies, Pyrethrum, / Said sale being made subject to Myrtle Point district No. 5, by Gov. Church Of The Naxarene vice Co. at 365 West Front, Co­ Geum, Carnations, Snapdragons. redemption in the manner provided Snell. Mr. Jones succeeds E. A. 8th ahd Heath quille. ' •' Its by law. FARR A ELWOOD. Wm. F. Howell, Dodge, who had held the office since M. M. Short, Pastor BABY CHICKS—We have some on FOR RENT—4-room house, with 10t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon 1808 and who resigned to give more I IV Sunday School 8:45 a. m. hand at all times, put a few under A nice Easter program has been COUNTY COUNT OF TUB attention to personal affairs. garden ground. Quiet street. Rent that broody hen. FARR A EL­ OF OREGON, IN AND Mr. Jones is an even-tempered, arrange#, tq be rendered at tBp Sun­ reasonable. Inquire at 437 N. Hall FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS WOOD. s well-qualified man, even though he day School hour, immediately after St. lt’a In the matter of the Estate of the classes meet and records mad« M. McKeown, Deceased. la ».publisher, who will fill the offioe FOR SALE 2-Wheel Trailer, Good WANTED—Someone to pul garden in Netiee to Creditors moat aatiafactorly. Preaching at eleven o'clock by Rey. Rubber. Goodwin, 1st house on on shares. Will furnish seeds. Mrs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that V, W- Anglin, evangelist. He will Rink Creek. ' lOtfs Lindley at 448 Hall St., Coquille. the undersigned has been duly ap­ preach each evening at ?:45 and each pointed by the above entitled Court It’s FOR RENT—2-room apartment fur­ Sunday at 11 over April 18th, as the Executor of the estate of M. « nished, hot water, bath and lights, FOR SALE—2 Wheel trailer, 18 in. McKeown, deceased, and has quali­ Everyone la invited ♦ fied as such. Townsend Club No.-1 met as usual, on first floor. Adults, no animals. wheels and tires, and Ball hitch, NOW THEREFORE, all persons with the president in the chaiir. A 3-room apt. furnished, with water. ¡I practically new. Water proof cover having claims against said estate are nice large crowd attended but some Adults no animals. 351 36. Henry for trailer. H^X.\Wood. 275 N. hereby notified and required to pre­ sick members were unable to attend. St., Flora E. Dunne. tfs NOTHING OVKLOOIID Henry, Coquille, phine 286. It’s sent the same, together with proper vouchers therefore to the undersigned We hope' they will soon be coming at the offices of J, Arthur Berg, Co­ again. ASK for BREWSTER VALLEY FOR RENT—W. T. Brady place of quille. Oregon, within six months no matter how large and elaborate BRAND POTATOES at Williams The program was of songs and 3 acrea, house and orchard, one from the date hereof. the scale upon which the funeral - Cash Grocery. Ut2’a Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this poems. Mrs Strang won the door ............ —..................... I mile from business section of Co­ 7th day of March, 1844. 7 arrnngement* are to be made That prize and the meeting closed by all quille on highway to Marshfield. r- - PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We stock a ____ _______ LEO J. CARY, is oyr pollpy — Piet is our proud singing, “God Bless America," and full line including fixtures. J. A. . See Jeen Cole, 421 No. Schroe- Executor of the estate of repeating the pledge. All enjoyed li»« M. McKeown, deceased. LAMB COMPANY. s der_ It ’s 8t5 claim after many year» of experi­ the refreshments in the dining room ence A ••onference with us will NOTICE TO CREDITORS ( Or. De U Rhu* WYRO GLASS—Wire base, plastic WANTED—To buy 150 to 200 acres _ -k ' ’■ ■ NOTICE is hereby given that the after the meeting. * tn y«wr advantage. or more good grazing land with im­ undersigned has been duly appointed filled screen cloth, ideal for hot Next Tuesday pudding and crackers Eyeaight provement. Will pay cash. Harold Administrator of the Estate of Mar­ will be served.—Press Cor. . beds, sun porches, hen houses. Specialist M. Temple, 102 Nd. Long Beach garet Anderson, deceased; and that FARR A ELWOOD. s’ ----------------- 12t3»s all peraotM having claims against Eyes Examined - Glasees Fitted ------ ' ; —- ----------------------- — I Blvd,, Compton, Calif. -------- | said estate, should present the same, rvouch- Reception room jointly with FLANTW OVUM GARDEN UM, my law office in the'*Pir^",liat’l. ■ you with your VICTORY ASK FOB Dr. J. R Bunch law office in the First Ni < oquilte Bandon Decesaed Bldg.. CoquiHe. Oregon, wit —Farr A Elwood. • Bank t Bldg., within Laird Building Fbene Kt-J 1083 ------ six months from the date hereof. NOTICE Ig HtfRfeUY Qiyt^That BULK GARDEN SEED — Fresher,1 Dated, and first published: March J-the undersigned has fi|e4 herein V ■s^ more for your money. FARR A 23rd A SUck ______ f the ___________ final account a« ____ Administratrix of Estate of A, 8 Bean, de< eased, and ELWOOD. . • lots Administrator of said Estate W that the above entitled Court has set April 28th, 1844, at the hours of 10:00 I /n»irpei»r ¿f Wmw' » o’clock A. M , at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time BRAND POTATOES AT ahd place for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement Williams Cash Grocery of said estate. and Henninger’s Market THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ Maud Bean, ■ Mil ———«MM. llt5 Administratrix 4 PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING N i ) 1 "'. B BL— _____ - Townsend Club No. 1 I SWWS m BREWSTER VALLEY r MISS INEZ rover .««.Jr. IH NOTICE TO CREDITOR« k Â Ü ... Phone 83 Night Phone MMX k i *■ ' * < Ûano wuneral (Home, sewict • uc Southwestern Motors - i ■ ^Tíicpwone loo jhiwlmci coqui Dated, and first published: Marsh Third and Covltar 23rd 1944 4 23rd, MARION RUTH MURRAY, lots Administratrix of said Estate 1 I J Í', a ■ . ............... ................ . ✓ t - Benham’s Transfer * | Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRA VEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Alanis for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Offkr H wnw F,n 4 Pweod BWg • 4 W Second Sf. 4 1 < i NOTICE is hereby given, that the r July appoii ----- undersigned has been duly appointed retate of ORIN Administratrix of the Estate deceased; and BRACE MURRAY, c ------- that all persons having claims against ft-““" said estate, should present the same, duly verified, and with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at the law office of Harry A. Slack, First Nat’J- Bank Bldg., Coquille, Ore- gon, within six months from the date hcrooi PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE ' I