’■ & •? Sentinel SECOND SECTION FAG* N1NR BBBSWFWB over him and his feet began to sink, • Envy, rivalry, hate need no tern- > Affliction is the wholesome ____________ soil of as a great weight pulled him under, porary indulgence that they be de- ! virtue, where patience, honor, sweet They and. water began closing over his (stroyed through suffering; they should humility, the calm fortitude, take head. A sudden thought of his fam­ > be stifled from lack of afe and free- j root and strongly flourish. — David ily roused him, and the teachings of dom.—Mary Baker Eddy. Mallet. ' ; • • » ■ — the Bible? and freely advise this the Sunday school came to him, that Christian Science: Prayer course to others. God was ever present, and that he Made Practical It is the temper of Ute highest hearts Prosperity is a great teacher; ad- I once found myself lost in a moun­ could rest in Him. In that instant he by to strive most upwards when they , versity if a greater. Possession pamp- tain glade, in a forest of the North­ turned completely to God and came Leonard T. Carney, C. S. B. are most burdened.--Sir Philip Sid- , era the mind; privation trains and west I did not know how J had en ­ closer to Him than ever before in his of Beverly Hills, California 1 strengthens*!!.'—Hazlett. life. He then saw that God was free­ n«X- Member of the Board of Lecture­ tered the enclosure of entangled Man is defined in the Christian growth, so dense'that not a path into ing him from the fear that was pull ­ ship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos­ it or out of it was to be seen, not an Science textbook (p. SRI) as follows: ing him under. Hi»-feet and* body index visible. As I circled round and “The compound idea of infinite Spirit; began to rise to the surface,* his ton, Massachusettes. round, faster and faster with my fears the spiritual image and likeness of strength returned, and he floated in of the approaching night and the un­ God; the full representation of Mind.” rafety. As he lay on the surface, he The lecturer spoke substantially as known filling my thought, I suddenly Man is included within and encom­ literally shouted for joy and poured follows: Mankind, today, is in search of that stopped and began to realize the pres- passed in Mind as idea, not matter. out gratitude to God not only for be­ which will solve the perplexing prob­ sence and power of God. His directing Without*man, God would be incom­ ing saved, but also to have witnessed intelligence available then and there, plete; and man without God, could not such an instantaneous manifestation lems of life. The average man is as I had lately learned it from Mrs. exist. Hence when we say God is of God’s power. In a short time he ‘ seeking for a simpler, happier Way of existence. Find a mun who is Eddy's writtings. As fe^r departed, all, we mean God and man, God and was able to make his way to shore,! truly happy, and you usually have I felt a peace and confidence that all His manifestation. ft naturally fol­ where he entered into the activities one who is healthy and sufficiently Was well. Then appeared to view too lows that man is not God any more as if nothing unusual had happened. indefinite path through which I "had than a ray of light is Jhe sun. How many men and women today supplied. An exalted senqp of man iraa nec­ are reaching out just to get their Man’s Great Need ,! entered the tanglewood, and in 'due The normal individual wants less course I was safe at the hotel. In her essary as an exalted sense of God. A fingers on place, position, money to . of that which confuses him, inter­ writings, Mary Baker Eddy has plain­ perfectly good God and a deplorably sustain them, friends to supply their feres with his rightful course, and ly marked the pathway out of the evil man is anomalous. A perfectly needs, drugs to heal them, and mat­ thwarts hia just endeavors. Let him maze of material living for all to un­ good God could not create a man who ter to satisfy them! And how vain have less worry and he will have derstand and utilfee. To her we could suffer and die. Whence, then, and uncertain is that expectation! more confidence, lees tear, and he acknowledge full debt for transfor­ comes a sick, sinning, and unhappy Spirit; Love, Mind, infinite intelll- will have more love, leas earthlineas, mation of our lives from what they mortal? You can find him nowhere dence, is the only safe reliance. except embraced in the human con­ and he will have more heavenliness. were to what they are, and will be. Lave Is Needed The message of Christ-healing came sciousness of mortal mind which is * If one were to be asked what is the So the great need of today is for the elimination of that which interferes from God! and the woman who heard the false belief in a mind apart from most important lesson of Christian with the continuity of harmonious it became the messenger, commis­ God. Change your concept of man Science the answer would be the les­ Phone 184 living, for a fuller sense of life and sioned and equipped by God to bring from a material to a spiritual basis son of Love—love for God and man. its joys. Would you think a business this divine message to the present age. through spiritual understanding, and Of what avail is it to be able to state executive unwise who wants to elim­ We received this message through her no longer will you be conscious of a correctly the letter of Science and inate waste, lost motion, defects, and writings. Her hand held the pen, siflt and unhappy mortal. If we look yet allow its spirit to go unexpresed? antiquated ways of doin'» things, by but God give her the words. Thus up to God to find man, not down to The letter, then, becomes the dead supplanting them with more ex­ is fulfilled the forecast of John on earth, we shall see man as he really leaves of winter, tossed in the chiHy blast of intellectualism. The warm peditious methods, which would sim­ Patmos who saw two witnesses to the is. center, the living part, the heart of plify the work and render it mare Truth who should evidence it This brings us to what Mrs. Eddy Christian Science is Love. beneficial? Is it not equally wise to throughout all time. Those two wit- seek a scientific knowledge of your nesses are Christ Jesus and ChriT- indicates to a profound teaching in What is Love? It is larger than ON APRIL 1st THE NEW INCREASED ADMISSION own life to loam how to overcome >tian Science, or God's law made Christian Science—the subject of* re­ words, more extensive than thought. TAX GOES INTO EFFECT, TOK MERLY 10% NOW 20%. waste of energy, loss of power, ill- available to humanity, We do not flection. That which to profound to Nothing but divine Lv •• itself can ADULTS EST. PRICE 42e TAX 8c TOTAL 50c deify the personality of Mrs. Eddy; health, diminishing happiness, and likewise simple and easy to under­ define it, nothing but ¿eeda can at­ SAT. MATINEE EST. PRICE 33c TAX 7c TOTAL 40c how to supplant them with joy, health, she would be the flrstJo rebuke this; stand. She presents an illustration test it. According to St. John, CHILDREN EST. PRICE 13c TAX 3c TOTAL 10c peace, and progress? Christian but we do accord to her, her rightful of a person standing before a mirror “God is love,” and he adds that he Science supplies this great need of place in Christian history. and viewing his reflection in the' who knows Love knows God. Love , MARCH The Place of Prayer , glass (Science and Health 515:88-4). i can be defined only by those who mankind. 31 * APRIL U As in the time of Jesus, so in It is to be noted that to have a re­ love and are loving; it Is defined in Christian Science, the means of flection there must be light It to their deeds and in their lives. Divine Because Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian healing is through the understanding through the light of spiritual dto- I Love means at-one-ment, unity, har­ Science, saw the urgent need of the and power of true prayer. It is nota­ comment that reflection in Science mony. So love recognizes the one- i sick and sinning. she longed to save ble that the first chapter of our text­ is understood. To the one standing I ness and harmony of all things. On a mental blackboard let us draw ' them from their misery. Here, my book deals with this topic. Prayer before the mirror his image to not friends, you have the animus, the to the opening of the mental door another person, it is what that per- . « perpendicular line; on the* right i of this line put the word “Love," , transcendent determination, the life­ through which you and I may have son sees and knows about himself, Mtf purpose, of a woman who knew the communion or audience with God. If and as himself. It to tjjat selfsame with its meanings of at-one-ment, L bitterness, harshness, suffering, pain, all the prayers uttered this very person reflected in the mirror. Then unity, harmony. On the left aide of , and poverty of mortal existence as moment by those in need should con­ she goes on to say, “Now compare the line, let us mentally place a list few gentlewomen have been forced join in a mighty anthem, it would man before the mirror to his divine of those opposite beliefs which spell to know it—to whom at times all j reverberate around the world. Men. Principle, God. Call the mirror di- separation, disunity, friction. At the doors were closed It was through on raft« in the middle of the ocean. vine Science, and call man the re- 1 top of this list we would certainly IMS dark experience, working, watch- Plan“ flection.” From this it is plain that place "fear,” for nothing destroys the ing praying to be shown how she ho1“ <*»• »hifting battle, mingle man as reflection is what God knows unity and harmony of men as does might be delivered from a life of ‘^r about Himself; it is God’s own spirit- fear; next we might place “hatred," , ual knowledge of Himself. Man in then “Impatience,” . “irritability,’’ physical suffering, that she made. Science to not God, he to the reflec- , “discouragement,” etc. How may we the great spiritual discovery now tion of God, God’s consciousness of wipe out those on the left side of the known as Christian Science. It was His own perfect being. Thus man line? By reversal, for they are all through the sacred pages of the is the image of God Himself, a* we the reverse of Love. Strike out the Bible, illumined by spiritual revela­ read in Genesis, “Sd God created word “fear," and on the right side of tion. that in IBM she experienced man in hie own image, in the image the line place “reliance on God;** in an instantaneous healing which re­ of God created he him.” It follows place of hatred, "love;” replace impa­ sulted in a permanent cure of that that because there la only one God, tience with “patience," irritability which the doctors had pronounced there is only one spiritual man. This with “kindness," discouragement with incurable. • From that time on, “gratitude." Thus there is nothing through long years of consecrated service to God and to healing man­ I ‘knew where I might find him! in Science you are that man by right left on the left side of -the line, for that I might come eves to his seat!" of individual reflection. they have all been wiped out. By kind, such ag'has net reversing them we gain at-one-ment, I Unreliability of Matter since the time of Jesus, this lone No human sense can reveal God to left for all ages an imprésa us. It is when we need Him most Physical scientists appear to be at unity, harmony, love. How easy is ___________ hality that causes unnum- that we may know Him beat. He sea regarding the nature of matter. this reversal if we are quick to detect up and call her comes to us, or we to Him, when our One of the greatest authorities ad- the need for it, and willing to exe­ need is great. The greater the need ( mits that we do not possess any gen- cute it; how satisfying; how healing! blessed. the closer He ia, “Closer Is He than oral basis for physics which can be Timothy says, “Be instant in season, breathing, and nearer than hands regarded as logical. We are told by out of season; reprove, rebuke, ex­ ’ and feet." » | men of eminence that the universe. hort" As a boy it was one of my duties Because God is everywhere, He is 'instead of looking like a great im­ hto‘ suitcase when he remarked to a to go to the barn each night to feed friend:' "There is a little comer left properly defined as the All-in-all. chine, looks more like a great thought, and bed down the family mare. Some- that is omnipresence, meaning all It is now generally believed that as open in which I desire to pack a | times the wintry wind, the moaning I presence; omnipotence, meaning all- far as our earth is concerned electrici- guidebook, a lamp, a mirror, a tele­ ______________________________ power; omniscience, all true know!- I ty in one form or another is the sole of the treey, or the push of the storm, scope, a book of poems, a number of material used in building its fabric.'madc me fear ** alone in the < biographies, a bundle of old letters, edge. Paul recognized the nature of Perhaps that is the reason for a rest- dark But 1 had prepared the kero- I Deity when he spoke of Him as “ all a hymnbook, a sharp sword, a small less world, that it is resting on rest-' lantern in the afternoon, and | library containing thirty volumes— in all” (I Cor. 15:18). From this we all these must occupy a space of perceive that there is nothing out­ teas forms of electric sparks. Speak- when 1 lighted it and carried it at my , ing seriously, however, Christian | aide> 1 w*11«1 whistle and be cheery, about three inches.” In amazement side of God, no wisdom, no intelli­ always saw » that was walking • Science has long taught that matter for *“” I ’ -a —— — •>--» i I — gence, no presence, no power, no his friend asked, “How are you going in a circle of light. Whether I was _ . being. He la all-inclusive, all-em- is an illusion, a vague concept of the to manage that?" The reply was. “Very ‘ **»ily: "n that "space I am^bracin8' “ll-endrcling. all-envelop- human mind, and that to rely upon it down below or in the loft above, I ARTURO — 11 IS - EsW a to wai csroluX io piaco the lanUm S ci e nce cteacly cl ea rly de- fnt" •■■■«•Il n rxz4 nunnl m , 1 — CUB! golng to put. my Bttrte; It contains “g. Christian i Sctenc. all these things.” It is sometimes fines GotTw.thout reservation, for it words of the Psalmist, “An horse is that I might walk and work within without neeervatloo, the circle of its light, and I was not that said that Christian Scientists place is ‘ not “* to * an unknown God ** “* jirayer a vain thing for safety.” The following may illustrate how afraid.- Divine Love sheds a circle their textbook abot-e the Bible, but is uttered. God is defined in the of light around those who manifest this is not so. They are obedient to textbook (p. 587) as “The great I AM; in extremity one should reach out to love. To walk and work within the what is given in the textbook, “Sci­ the all-kndwlng. all-seeing, all-acting, God, not to matter, for safety. A boy consciousness of Love is to be shield­ -aiui w-z — — - al *' wlae ' all-loving, and etefnal; Prin- of the Christian Science Sunday ence and Health with Key to the Mary Baker Eddy,1 * Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; School whom we know well, was with ed from all’evil. “God is light,” the Scriptures” by I where it is written (p. 487): “As ad- •» substance, intelligence.” his companions playing with a beach Bible says, and if we walk in that At the time of Moeee, I AM was a ball on the shore of a lagoon which light we shall not be in darkness, but herents of Truth, we take the in­ name for Deity, meaning “He is; HE led off from the ocean. Suddenly under the protection of the Most High. spired Word of the Bible as our suffl- Titoe Self-Appreciation who exist»;” the living, self-ex is tent, the ball was thrown into the water • cient guide to eternal Life." There is a tendency among indi­ The truths of Christian Science self-expressing, self-sufficient God, and the breeze from the ocean gent­ do not originate in the book, Science the One who was and is and ever ly wafted it farther out over the viduals to think either too highly of and Health. They, find their expres­ shall be. The word Principle indi­ quarter-mile stretch of water The themselves, or on the other hand, too sion there, but their origin to in God. cates that from which all things pro­ boy, although unable to swim any lowly. Paul refers to this when he Truth is as old as God. The purpose ceed, the course, cause, and origin, the great distance, dashed after it with advises one not to think of himself of the textbook is to show how prac­ creator of all things. The name Mind vigor. It kept just ahead of him, more highly than he ought to think, tical and applicable are the truths means all-inclusive intelligence, of and he soon found himself far out in but to think soberly. Worldly self- of the Bible, how the sick are healed, which there is but one, no mote than the water, his strength waning. Mak- somethingness must give way to self- the sinning reformed, the sorrowing one. Soul means infinite Individual!- I ing frantic efforts to reach the ball nothingness, if we would find our comforted. It explains many seem­ ty, Identity, one-ness, which is re- | that it might support him, he almost true self as the child of God. _ Does it sound like belittling one­ ing incongruities that have long fleeted in man and the spiritual uni- (had his fingers upon it several times, Spirit implies omnipresent only to have it pushed just beyond self thus to speek of self-abnegation'’ puzzled Bible students. The text­ verse. book exalts the Bible as no other substance without an iota of matter, his reach. He looked back "at the Christian Science .never takes away MATINEE SAT book has done, and students of Life is eternal, limitless self-exiat- shore far away, his shouts for help something without putting something Christian Science study the Bible, ence. Truth is that which is real and apparently unheard*Greaf fear came .(Continued on page ten) capping It takes no priorities or appointments to get your Passenger or Truck Tires recapped at Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store IF YOU LOVE ME.. LOVE ME NOW! i -V