• All hands agree that a much simpler inoline tax form will come out of the new tax n’e!is' especially one for the little fellow. The last federal form TTH iW5 w“s ** 1x111 *** Chinese puzzle, which , a Philadelphia lawyer couldn’t figure ■afcfcLi’it4’ z out properly. Congressmen were de- "H luged with letters from their constitu- iHulfHy W • snts, sci earning their heads off about the terrible tax forms, etc. Early re- turns from all over the nation indi- m b cate the sum Mr. Whiskers will re­ March 23—Sev- ceive from income taxes will be much i northwest dele- I more than had been expected by the have introduced ' treaaury department. More Thoughts On Need For Two Ljk I I LI I & liWSl fc/'* Leslie M. Scott To Seek Re-election / Paint LT YOU CANNOT BUY A NEW AUTOMOBILE SO YOU SHOULD MAKE EVEBY EFFORT TO PRE­ SERVE YOUR PRESENT CAR FOR THE DURATION ¡M BH WE STILL HAVE SOME PAINT AVAILABLE AND COULD TURN OUT A COMPLETE PAINT JOB ON YOUR CAR IN A FEW DAYS Waxing and Service can now be performed on short notice Coquille APRIL FOOL J. Dance I Qnacioul Seeking Yeung Republican Delegates To Nat’l Convention BUY WAR BONDS SELECT RFFR Mrs. George T. Gerlinfer, Republi­ can National Committeewoman for Oregon, is invi ing Republican men and women, who care to do so, to par- . ticipate to the extent of not more than ten dollars each in a fund to send two Young Republicans (age 21 to 36 years old) as delegates or alter­ nates to the 1944 Republican Con­ vention. If ry> Young Republicans are elected as delegates or chosen as alternates, the fund will pay the travel and hotel expenses of the Young Republican National Commit­ teeman and the Young Republican National Committeewoman or their representatives. These young people, in order to qualify for the award, must file in the May primaries by April 4 as unpledged to any presi­ dential candidate. They may run either from the Congressional districts ' or as delegates at large. They must indicate in the Voter's pamphlet that they are Young Republicans (not over 36 years old). It is earnestly hoped that several well qualified Young Re­ publican men and women will be j chosen as delegates or alternates. Attorney Lofton Tatum, 1310 Y eon ' Building, is.the Chairman .of the com- ' mlttee or arrangements for this I j award. Other members are Mrs. Mil­ dred Pierce and Adam LeFor. This fund will be disbursed through the 'state treasurer of the Young Republi­ can Federation of Oregon. Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your electric wiring and repair needs. He is located north of the ball park* on the Fairview road. 52tfs L April 1st Coquille Community Building Largest and Finest Dance Floor in Southern Oregon GOOD MUSIC Admission 60c Per Person • ‘ •