* • ATT ■ • j fft-f! 7. y f 7.7 ~ «« C04ULLB VAliSY U ntinkl , coQVnXB. FAdTYtM ouûon , T hursday , march m , ima . ;.,c himself as personal to himself, he M was able to protect himself from the ¡malice of bis foes. Unless one is truth! which we can easily grasp, of you are*present with your loved ones able to and does impersonalize good, the lender, loving Father and Mother, now. Nothing can separate you. We he will make, poor work of imper- more firm and faithful than any read (Science and Health, p. 559). . (Continued from' page nine) sonalizing evil. It is said that a boa earthly father, more watchful than a •‘Scientific thought reaches over con­ better In its place. This process is constrictor is not particuarly dan­ loving shepherd over his flock, more tinent and ocean to the globe s re­ not one of self-depreciation, but a gerous unless it finds a convenient ¡loving than a most saintly mother; the motest bound.” The power of Truth rightful sense of self-appreciation tree around which to wrap its tail,! very presence here and now, of Love is instantly present and operates gained from an understanding of that it may have a leverage by which ¡and power. Then as thought ascends everywhere, every moment. Your tlw real man in Science. to attack its victim. If we refuse to *we may recognize the divine Princi- word of Truth, uttered and under­ On the other hand, the deplorable see person as cause of our diffi- ! pie, Love, with its universe of spiritu- stood, reaches beyond human limits practice of self-depreciation, self­ culties, then those difficulties have ¡ al ideas. God is always where man is, and brings peace, se urity, and safe- condemnation, self-abasement, is as nothing upon which to fasten them­ and man is always where God is. i ty, wherever the need may be. Thus, old as when Moses demurred to the_____ _________ Next we are told to “shut thy door.” daily and hourly, one may render ef- selves, _ ___ and ___ they soon disappear un- call of God to lead his people out of mental work, During the period of a severe storm , fective support to those in need, bondage. Ask some of your frtends. A young man of my acquaintance in my home city, mud and water; whether they be on land, in the air, “Are you able to take this difficult was working in an office in which the filled the roadways on the hillsides. J or on or under the sea. • assignment in my business?” er, “Will superior was a man who had made A beautiful home had its lawn and! A* distance raises no barrier to ef- you speak at our club tomorrow?" or, the employees unhappy for many doorway under the level of the street. fective prayer, so the fact that there “Will you take part in the business years, due to his domination, criti­ Much debris covered the lawn up to are great numbers of those who may meeting of our church?" and then the cism, and unfairness. Iw, in rend«' in iuw»ri need of of hnln help ri»M does not not render Dislike and th* doot* sill. One of the occupants, ' ; be excuaes come. “I'm inadequate for even hatred were mutually inter­ bagig curious, opened the door to see divine aid less effective. I am in­ the job: I shall have to prepare my­ changed. The young man, a Christian i the sight. As she did so, mud and timately familiar .with the following self for a long time,«” . or, “I can’t_______ Scientist, began to impersonalize the water poured in the doorway form­ incident during the first World War. speak in public; I don’t know enough; »itiiation by realizing that man in ing a wedge ___ which ____ __________________ Interfered with the One of the large cantonments of Lam afraid." I dare say that we reaUty is the beloved son of a loving closing _______ of _ the _______ __________ door. ____________ Instead of trying eighty thousand men was beset by all have harbored such though^. Such pather, possessed of the Christ-Mind to-clear it and close the door, the • sudden epidemic, and paralyzing ,doubts often work secretly in ones which which wu was never never a a channel channel for for evil. evil, I ¡person ran away away in in dismay, dismay, and and in in a a fear (he person ran f®*r settled settled like li>ce a a blanket over jhe a n k-* n «« A # iiHAA 4b%A. H **«» »^2 an- pomr^ T~¥fA 11 V there fHorO Vl/OC ¿inf «■ consciousness. The little gopher “I V j ■% n n a ghort time 4 V* the character ot 41^ the short time the-floors and rugs were camp. Daily was 11 unprecedent- can’t” has cut the roots of many a underwent a • change; criticism j covered with water and debris. If, «d human .’loss. Officers as well as ~ promising plant of high purpose, and and unfairness disappeared; and he in an unguarded moment, we open men appeared somber and frightened. * laid it low. „ , and all in the office beoame free and cjt mental door to the debris of fear, The brigadier geqpral, commanding Mrs. Eddy was not patient with the happy. - ¡medical beliefs, selfishness, self-will, officer of the camp, was a Christian excuse, “I’ll try,” or, “I’ll do my If we refuse to entertain a thought sin, hatred, and the like, we need to Scientist. He and the Christian Sci- best.” Rather she Insisted on, “I’ll of any individual as the source of shut it promptly by means of spirit- cnce Camp Welfare Worker, together do It,” for she knew that when one malice, hatred, or evil, then we dis- , ual Realization, that is by denying. with another Christian Scientist, one questioned his own power to do some- arm error, and Truth destroys it. the lie of the material senses, and af- evening resolved that that night each thing, he failed to know what the real Error or evil is not person, but a be- finning the truth of spiritual sense. ’ ot the three would, in his separate _ ______ power was that war doing it. Divine lief, and we protect ourselves and This method of argument, in greater abode, take up the problem in con- The j or less degree, is ordinarily an essen- tinous prayer for deliverance of the Mind possesses all power, capacity, others by impersonalizing it. camp. Thia was done. The morning . ability, strength, intelligence, and broken electric cable may be danger- tial in treatment. man in Science possesses these quail- ous, but one encounters no difficulty j Finally we are told to “pray to thy broke clear ahd bright. Men along ties, diredt from God by reflection, so long as he does hot take hold of it Father.” This final step is the coh- ,the company streets appeared chang- The motto of the Christian Scientist Evil cannot come to you. Be sure you sciousness that under God’s gov- ed. They were relieved and gay. Of- ia, “I can because God can.” Man’s do not go to it. Evil has no real ex- ernment all is well, that God knows fleers whistled as they entered head­ capacity is based on God's ability. 1 istence, because nothing exists out- no evil, no sickness, sin, nor death, quarters, and some inquired what Do you not feel in your heart of I side of God. , As Habakkuk says, “Thou art of pur- ' had taken place to change things so hearts that you should be good . Prayer and Healing ' er eyes than to behold evil, and canst markedly. The enemy, fear, had enough, worthy enough, capable When we say that the method of not look on iniquity." The highest fled in the night as did the Syrian enough to do all things rc quired of healing in Christian Science is that healing prayer that banishes disease hosts of old, and the epidemic began you adequately and well? This hu- ' of prayer, the prayer of realization and fear, is to know the perfect Love , to subside from that day­ man longing to be thought of as of the truth of God and man, we that casteth out fear; and to know Christian Scfence prayer, bdrne on truly worthy and - necessary, springs take it out of the category of mind- that fear cannot enter the conscious- wings Of Love, reaches immediately from a deep, spiritual impulse that cure, will power, hypnotism, and the neas filled with Love alone. Be con- those in need. It aids in promoting needs to be considered here. Let me liHe. They are the antipodes of scious' of that love which embraces wise decisions on the field of battle illustrate: A gentleman, not a Chris- Christian Science. Nor is this prayer humanity, enfolding it in the reali- and »m og the nations. Its tender tian Scientist, who had reached the mere faith-healing. It is the prayer zation. of Lowe’s ever-presence and ministration brings succor to those all power. beset with fear, firmness to the dis- top of his calling, that of a salesman of spiritual understanding, of advertising. was asked by a friend You will note that Jesus’ injunction couraged, deliverance to those in A common viewpoint about prayer how it happened that he had risen j is that one should beseech God ends- with this, “And thy Father danger, and brings “the peace of God, to such a point, and yet was so sin- . through supplication that He shall reward thee openly.” Man does which passeth all understanding.” cerely meek and humble. After some might place in the lap the thing de- j not heal, but God does. Man can Conclusion questioning he hesitatingly related sired, provided that the voice is loud only realize the Truth, for the Truth 1 In conclusion: The purpose of the following: “When I started to enough and the lap large enough, is the tmly physician and healer. ¡Christian Science is to present to a A Lecture On Christian Science .ç I ¡‘ ¡ I . i f a a am » tl * I i I, àH i W«. .l. I a I ■ V I a aa a were so enthused they became j self- spirit, but a quiet belief in the prin- appointed recruiting staffs an 1 their ciples for which they work and fight The Seabeee, the picture cast foe nd. return to Hollywood. ...... Seabees . .... Tl*y found that the have _ sell themselves on merit atone, be- 7prit d“"eu?ps that is’ one of the cause the Seabees have the utmost jn ei sprit ----- - a- corps................................ . .......... R in the fact that the Fight- most infectious in the world. MMMi ' M isn’t ballyhoo type of glory-hur\t ing ing Seabees “Can Do. Suggestions from S herwin -W illiams XL, ? in« *“h f. am pjjni X. - . /■ K • »■ • I a a aaaaa ’ I d ■ I t is ■ d» • ca 9*\ N mh •“‘¿jk »«Ml FAINT KITCHIN «nd BATHROOM WALLS r-m. wlth SHtKWIM.WlLLIAM9 mfi SEMI-LUSTRI . I i JWI j J- Semi-gio« finish forkitch- '£1 ' » 951 ■ JL r A m r V en and bathroom walls and all interior woodwork. Durable — washable. aa « Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St Phone 88 S herwin W illiams P aints ST 35,000 Cars Junked Every Week ¿V UT SHtUUBRICATION * % HELP routs OUTLAST THl DURATION 1 MBA '( 1 L a Sitili Olt COMPANY. r ZscwpersW / Raw, unexploded gasoline trickling down cylinder walla to dilute your oil I That’s just one way today’s shorter, slower, Wartime Stop and Go driving leads to ruined engines... helps send 35,000 cars a week to junk yards 1 Start SHELLUBRICATION and make yoar car outlast the duration. This service, designed to meet today’s Stop and Go driving conditions, protects every vital part with correct lubrication. And gives you a * diagram-receipt showing exactly what’s been done. 1 MAKE A DATE FOR SHEUUBRICATION TODAY / Á. X* costs only ‘ MM ROHII-KOATEI n» i >’ **/«*•* • If***’’ « 9 « s?98 ONLYM s AX a 6( g P1«' modem ^wiude wall line*!. "The Fighting Sea- Bees" At Roxy Sunday, Mon., Tue. # è COSTS sell, years ago, I was trained to be I Man needs no more than God has Healing the Body i world in need, the practical, opera- aggressive. I sold nothing. One day . already provided, with a love for His I R might reasonably be asked at this Uve P°wer of Pr»y«r. which is based a housewife said to me, ‘I don’t need ' children which transcends that of point, How does realization of the on the Bible,vmd fulfills Jesus’com- that article. I can do better without, any earthly father. Prayer does not (Truth heai the body? The recovery ln,nd to heal the sick and sinping, it.’ In my discouragement 1 replied, give us something new. It changes' follows when the cause is removed. *nd comfort the sorrowing. It shows ‘Lady, you know a lot more about nothing real. But it does show what What is the cause of disease? All how our liv” ** transformed housekeeping than I do. If you say we already have, what unlimited i readily admit that marked bodily through eliminating the mental traits that this article is no good, I’ll never power and intelligence we already ' changes follow mental changes. Wa- and characteristics which impede our try to sell it again.’ She hesitated, J possess, and how we'may make use1 ter flows from the eyas when one toippogre“ in the home> in »°ciety, and fear cold 1,1 the bu,ine“ world. It shows us and finally said, ’I «did not say it was of them. In so doing it removes the grieved; sudden ____ __ produces __ ■ Worthless F *Ul-L AK A Ah X. — aa J ! l.—1*-J _______ *___________ H It______ AU______U #« A.. a 1 ea«A..A. ...A A.AV I think that # is a good limited sense of man, long enter- perspiration, sometimes^ death' anger ■how throu*^ effectual prayer we may k .. w one.' • j* had made tained, renders thought transparent produces in circulation with 1 brlng Protection and safety to those article. I’ll buy _______ a change _ lAnrnAzI the «ha to «A the «V ia truth, ♦■•»»♦I. and thus ...I —1. *.. • . or • pallid ... ... ....a aaaa nnzt fBr far > and vnnv ,ld aid my first sale. I then learned reveqjs the I flushed cheeks? and other I°ved onel n*ar and greatest leaon of my life, that I should 1 unlimited man of God’s creating. In changes to the digestion, heart, etc.'in directir'< the course of the nations let another know that I really felt bringing to light the real man, the ------- From an Press news new. irom darkness to —and an Associated Associated Press . light . _ victory, t that ha was valuable and important." false sense of man d:«appeirs. ___ ______ _ 29th, 1943, the follow- In th* words of the poet Whittier, story of May And he added, “You know that ydti Some of the most valued paintings ing is of interest: U "Discovery Z'_ of a who was healed by Mrs- Eddy at hia * cannot show that unless you sincerely by . artiste ot world renown have been poisonous substance _______ ___ which , gppC>ri home in Amesbury about 1888: feel it and believe it” hidden for centuries by figures su- suddenly in the human blood during1 Then> b,oXher man- foW to thy heart Isaiah writes, “Behold my servant, perimposed upon the original by later j fear and anxiety was reported to the ' thy brother- whom I uphold; mine elect in whom painters. By means of delicate pro- New York Academy of Medicine May! For dwells, the peace -------- where -- ' love ---- J" “"‘ ----------------- my soul delighteth; I have put my cess of removing the layers of. paint, 27th, 1943 . . The strange human! of God is there: spirit upon him: he shall bring forth sometimes five or six. through pa- worry substance mounted in pro. i To worship rightly is to love each - judgment to the Gentiles” Respect (tlent and intelligent effort, the ori- portion to the rise of fear worry or1 other; your kingly office as a son of God, ginal has been brought to light, in other emotional »pee* . The physi- i Each ,mile “ hymn, each kindly _____ _ .. . */ _ *** ' rlAZtrl and that of your brother, likewise. Ex- rlparnpRg clearness and fi^tohnaac freshness, »A to delight and ' cal changes deed n a nrnvor prayer. are frequent and varied. 1 ' ercise your God-given dominion! inspire art lovers of the present day. They often result in physical diseases Follow with reverent steps the great Act upon your right to • all II) the process of removal, it is not whose only cause appears to be a . example good in every situation, and at all , necessary to study the paint and fig­ state of mjnd.” Of him whose holy work Whs doing times! A certain king had not respect ures thus falsely imposed, but to dis­ good; My friends, Mrs. Eddy has* been for-his kingly office. He belittled it cover the valued original. With the tailing thia to the world for over So siall the wide earth seem our —and he lost it. You will not lose same careful, patient, and painstaking sixty-eight years. If it is true that Father’s temple, your place as a son of God, if you first effort, one may remove the layers of Each loving life a psalm of grati­ fear, worry, grief, despair, hatred, recognize it; second, utilize it; third, selfishness, self-depreciation, lack of can make a man sick, then why ad­ tude. glory in it. i ability, frustration, weakness, neglect, minister tablets and medicines to Impersonalise Both Good and Evil , ldzlness, wasting of time, and all evil make him well? s Remove the fear, An interesting and helpful point tendencies, which discourage and de­ worry, hatred, through the opera­ in the practice of Christian Science feat him They are the false veneer tion of divine Mind, and the man is is to impersonalize both good and .which hide one’s real worth, Our healed successfully and permanently. evil. Because we are accustomed to va)ue >s not placed upon us by others; Salvation think from the personal standpoint. il 18 the evaluation we place upon • Salvation is the saving of‘a man it keeps us from seeing that all good ourselves. When we do place it from the pains and pleasures of his Because no one could take the time comes from God The ¿ource of all high enough, others respect that val- own false beliefs. It is more than a to distinugish between the actual Sea- good is the one, universal, everlast- uation and honor it public pronouncement; is an inner ibee members and the actors and ex­ ___ it _ __________ ing God. It is the same source from In the Sermon on the Mount, the transformation whereby the Christ- i tras who wore uniforms for Repub­ which Moses drew his revelation of highest exposition of spiritual truths power as Jesus understood it, pre- , lie’s picture, “The Fighting Seabees” the Ten Commandments and his ever given to mankind^Jesus in SUC- vails over sin, sickness, and death, which opens Sunday for a three-day masterful guidance of the Israelites; cinct language gave to us nis under - “Work out your own salvation,” is a showing at the Roxy Theatre, mem­ the same source from which lianiel standing of prayer or treatment, command which is possible to obey. I bers of the cast .found it expedient gained his safety and deliverance “When thou prayest, enter into thy Right thinking which leads to right to team att Naval rourfesito. from the brutality of his captors, closet, antk when thou has shut thy acting ~~' and 1 ’ living, ■■■* *- is •■ the passport to: During the time the picture was and Jesus hiaSipiritual power to heal door, pray to thy Father which is in heaven. “Heaven is not a locality,! filmed at the camps where Seabees and instruct the people. When some- secret; and thy Father which seeth but a divine state of Mind,” as the I were in training, the entire cast pres­ one referred to Jesus as possessing in seefet shall reward thee openly." textbook states (p. 291). ent followed all regulations, hitting good in a personal way, he replied, He adopted a metaphor with which Sin is intentional wrongdoing. God the deck at 5:30 every morning, lining “Why callesf thou me <<