PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT Coquille liahlng next door to Coquille Hospital, phone 5; residence phone 95L. s IÄ Walgamott, Cattle ín- 4743 Martha E. 1 Harold Roberta, labor.......... 3.00 Kenneth L. Baker, labor...... I Manuel Bettencourt, labor { Archie Currier, labor.......... 33.0»lNarmit Oliver, labor.......... Kenneth Bonnickaen, labor 41.12 Robt. W. Clayton, labor...... ' E. E. Campbell, labor .„...... 9.84' M. A. Peterson, labor_____ 17.791 .71 10.00 10.00 104)0 10.00 Coquille Hospi mattress „ Standard Oil Co. of ., auto supplies . .. ....... ■■■■■■-■............. SMnty Car Southwestern Motors, Auto supplies <—----- -.---------- Cevt Hoose West Coast Telephone Co., vices.......... —...... —....... ...... .„ s 1 Jima n. L>eonara, mileage, eve 5021 i Elizabeth Lambert, Cook..... jS. R. Stover, Farm hand..... . .. MI Mamie Stover, Waiter................ , George Workman, Orderly..... I Clarence Gerking, Nightwatch ./wa.Jim Haskins, Nightwatch........ 107.BO Horton, Nurse............ ......... Coos County Farm, produce 1 used on farm ........... —........ , Swiff 4k Co., butter---------------- Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer- Publicity Oregon Coast Highway Assn., I toe ___________________ publicity .... ........... 750.00 . Pacific Feed 4k Seed Co., feed 5 Vem Gray, Bounty, cate........ J. A. Lamb Company, hard- i ware ................... .......... ............. Larry Schuttpelz, bounty, 1 cat 1 Schroeder Bros. Mortuary Clifford Monson Bounty, 2 cata funeral . ................ —....... D. H. Benson, Bounty 2 cats. .. Dependent Children C. E. Mullins, mileage. Hun­ Catholic Charities, Inc., care ter and Trapper....... ................. 40.00 ___ Jail Cesmty Car Cooe County Farm, laundry .. Southwestern Motors, flat re­ Court H mbo pair ------ —--------- - ----------- .70 Dorris L. Starr, Refund on . Mountain ounce n>wer o.. Withholding Tax _________ ... County Coart L. D. FeisheIn, Co Ju .. «x M Office Machinery & Supply pense trip to I Co., overhauHygewrtoer..— t75r “*hU ..— Dr. Ralph F. Milne, Extractions 3.00 Western World, Notice of Sale / Comsty Chart C< Times, pub. court Mrs. W. H. Wimer, Refund of Interest ...... 11.11 Cooe County Defense Council, Rent, etc. ___ ____________ 130.70 Marchant Calculating Machine Co., Maint Service......... ...... 33.00 *-ikmin Offtee Pacific Manifolding Book Co., Suppliee ------- 1 9.00 I Coquille Medical Service Bur- ! eau, Hospital dues................ 80.00 • Mutual Benefit Health & Acc. Co., insurance ..................... 74.84 Chea. Stauff, Co. Treas, War Bonds ..301.57 I___ __ ................ g-._______ First National Bank of Port- I land, withholding tax............ 527.25 H. Hongell, Okum, spikes and plank .......... ...„.—................. 33.00 Port of Bandon, use of ship­ 10.30 ways ....... 35.00 City oT Coquille, water. ......... 5.75 40.00 Peoples Water R Gaa Co, , water ........... 2.88 10.00 Mountain States Power Co., | Ii|M> and power....... -....... — 38.90 108.10 Coquille Wood Co., wood....... 4.50 I Union Oil Co. of Calif., gas and .................... 752.51 Bay Motors, auto supplies ,....... 51.00 mo- 149.55 Hansen-Whitney Electric, 0.00 • I tor repair ——........ —....... - I Standard Oii Co. of Calif., gas 12.00' and ‘ oil ■ ___ _______ ______ 127.89 ' ; B. 4k R. Service, auto supplies 8.50 71.40 Geo. F. Burr, Motor Co., auto 20.40 ¡ O.T’oWeil,glass for grader 14.33 I window ------------ --------- ----- ---- 10.33 90.75 Capps Motor Company, auto 1.00 euppliee ____________ _____ 04.30 Golders Auto Parts Co., auto BUPPi............... ........... ........... . J. A. Deadmond, 2 cate.......... 0.00 Arthur Rasmus, 2 cats..-........... 0.00; Clerk’s Offtee Consolidated Freightways, Inc. freight on typewriter___ ...... Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ plies „. Childrenh Farm*Home, care.... Children’s 30.00 Lara P. Peterson, Co. Comm., Exp. to ftlamath JSSiX”1’ 20.00 Bullards Ferry............. ........... 28.80 10.08 Herman Hongell, carpenter work, Bullards Ferry............ 130.00 W. Jurgensen, carpenter work 115.20 13.04 ff. J. Bullard, carpenter work.... 90.00 N. J Peterson, carpenter work 78.80 H. L. Sanstrom, carpenter 1 WV*» —.............. -........,.......... ... .__________ work 124.80 Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees, Cash adv. McDonald,_Ferry. ......... 302.00 30.00 3.01 40 00 ... 30.00 OTO 4.42 Southwestern Motor Co., auto rappltoa....................... —....... Ruby E. Muir, 0* royalty on gravel----------------- ----- ——....... Ballou 4k Wright, auto supplies Coquille Service Station, auto ..................................... Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto supplies ...... .............................. Orchard Auto Parte Co., auto ............... ..................... Southwestern Motors, auto sup- plies ...... —.... -—ijjg---......... Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies H. H. Hanoen, royality on gravel ........................ — Oregon Pacific Co., Inc., ma- Ti.oi 114.69 112.90 2.33 28.01 40.94 10.79 A. B. Duly iik Co., material 01.34 CoquBle Fire Dept., Refill for Industrial Steel A Supply Co., 4.00 salvage ...—;------ ------------------ Farr 4k Elwood Co., material.... Oregon Protective Society Sig Granstrom, labor and re­ Home, cari^— 30.01 pair to chimneys.................... 89.40 3.33 Clyde Equipment Co., meter- Oregon Protective Society, 44.10 care ............................................. 0.00 13.70 Pioneer Hardware Co., mater­ Dwight Culver^dieep killed by 34.80 ial __________ ____________ 2.40 8.00 riazer naraw*re vo., uwwiiai 19.00 Feenaughty Machinery Co. ma­ terial --------- ------------------ ----- 90.74 Mrs. C. M. Billings.................... 7.40 C. G. Mann, material and Tfelea R. Graham ......•______ labor .............. ............... 10.20 Mrs. Erma Wise ...... — 1500 32.00 Moons Hardware 8c Furniture, Harytey Minard ___ ________ 10.00 .50 padlock ....................... . ......... . Payroll Industrial Repair Co., material Marie Bellah, Salary, Steno. I 143.30 and tabor —............ -............ — 49.71 1.11 Edna Danielaon, Salary, Depu­ Oregon, Nevada, Calif. Fast ty Sheriff ...... -Z.Z. 1 137.10 28.10 Freight, freight----- -------- Maria Clinton, Salary, Clerk, Mill B Buildings Supply Co„ Ta* Dept. .... . . . ........ ._ : 132.90 (9.50 lumber............... ...........— Helen Winegar, Salary, Deputy J. E. Haaeltine & Co., mater- Shf., Ta*,.—....... ... 420.40 43.57 ' Bart 40.00 Emma M. Pierce, Salary, Clerk, J. E. Waistrom, sack of cement 1.10 Coquille M?X1 Harntan, 1.75 charge battery .... Lorenz Dept. Store, red calico Cherry Creek Mill Co , lumber 270.89 , Ta« ................. 107.90 Gant Grocery, groc vaort H mm Smith Wood-Products, Inc., J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy lumber ------------- —....... 222.72 Clark .......— ............... ....... 102.90 City of Coquille, water, Robt. Train Bldg, ...................... Loo Cecil Hartley, filing saws.......... 19.50 Georgianna Vaughan, Salary, Gregg Hardware, brushes------ 7.73 Debuty ......... ——------HZ. HR95 40.99 F. S. Slover Co., material... . 165.07 Loranz Dept. Store, blankets Avis Hudson, Salary Recording Stevens Cash Hardware, jani­ Rogers Bock Products, crushed 97.40 rock .... -....................... —....... 234.00 tors supplies .... ...... -............... 0.79 Benham Transfer, 2 tons coal 18.00 J. 8c J. Tire Co., auto sup- 79.40 3 35 Roy C. Morley, changing lights plies ....... 222.35 H. C. Getz, Salary, Deputy A»- A. Barrows, royalty on rock ... 10.00 seseor —............. 143.90 J. H. Jones, 1 catT^............... Howard Cooper Corporation, Ellis Selander, Salary, Deputy 144.50 I material................... -................ 1080 2H Muy Ensele, Salary, Deputy.... 143.30, Raymond Barklow, 2 cats........ J. A Lamb Company, mater­ Tax Jean Schroeder, Salary, Clerk 111.90: ial -..... 10 02 ______________ _ ..... Elda Ostrander, ______ Salary, — Ctork 115.20 Coos County, refund on with- H. R. Clark, Salary, Land ‘ I holding tax ---------- ------------- 1.79 Southern Pacific Co., storage 3.00 of oil ...... .................... ... k .......... Agent —.......... -____ ... 178 90 _ j Employees 174.40 _ County State Ind. Acc. Comm., indus Avis Ricketts, Salary. Steno. . 109.40 First National Bank of Portland trial ins. •-................................. 442.29 Doris Ann Wood, Salary-Steno. 02.811 withholding tax L. 854.83 J. N. Gearhart, Salary, Co. I Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., de- STATE OF OREGON ductians from Payroll’ for Surveyor ....................-.-....TT" 75.00 County of Coos as. T“ — * - — Dr. G. E. Stark, Salary, Health War Bonds, County Em- I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of Officer __ 00.00 ploys ' ses....................................... 218.50 Coos County, Oregorc Ex-officio Leia Elrod, Salary, Health . Pacific ._ Wrecking Co., Chev. Clerk of the County Court of said Nurse . ........... 190.50 Head, new___ ___ _________ 23.00 County and State do hereby certify James H. Leonard, Salary, Pro­ Aetna Metal Products Co., that the foregoing is a true and cor­ bation Officer ........... 179.00 Aetna Screw Cabinet 5.00 rect statement of the amount of bills Louis J. Langenberg, Salary F. A. Robb, Salary, Roadmas­ allowed on the various funds of the Court Reporter ..._.......... — 182.50 ter ----- --------------- ------------------ 218.00 County as audited by the County Earl L. Schroeder, Salary. . /, Alda L. Nosier, Salary, Chief Janitor ........ 9940 Clerk ..................... —I—_ — 140.50 Court of said County at the regular March, 1944, term thereof, as the Chas. Roberta, Salary, Janitor GENERAL ROADS . and Jailer ...................... 109.10 ' Gunderson Gunderson, labor ... 132.04 same appears on the exhibits of Belle Whitsett, --------------------------- Salary, Matron «Ji L Le*' tabor ..........—........ -.104.14 claims and warrants in my office and custody. - *2“ .........72.40 Mike Boone, labor_______________ ___ 48.75 WITNESS iny hand and the seal F'r£’ S?cNelly’ Sa“ry’ SuPt - ' Ernest Franaon, labor.... 179.38 of the County Court affixed this Farm .............. _----- ------ 197.50 James L. Child, labor .......... 50.00 10th day of March, 1944. Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron ¡Victor Demarest, labor? ...... . J 87.41 L. W. Oddy, County Cleri w kt t 97 50 ¡Ralph Hurlbutt, labor 157.87 (Seal) By J. W Leneve. Deput> A Walker, Work in Tax 'o. P. Smith, labor........ 118.09 OePt Cewty Employees 2,800 Henry JYaneon, labor NOTICE TO CREDITORS 170.17 ■ A. G. Trendell, labor.......... NOTICE is hereby given that the 144.60 Coquille Medical Service Bur­ .... C. J. Martell; labor...........j. 189.88 undersigned has been duly appointed eau, Hospital dues.................. 52.00 | John B. O’Sullivan, labor- 194.20 Administrator ______ ■ ■■■■■■■■■ of the Estate of Mar- Mutual Benefit Health 8c Acc. . .. I Carl Mathews, labor___ 149.011 gsret Anderson, deceased; and that Co., Insurance ...... ................. 2.00 L. C. Burner, labor.____ __ 142.94 all persons having claims against Convey lag Prisoners ¡C. F. Hawk, labor..-..... ........ 91.30! Mid estate, should present the same, Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, con­ ' Chas. Hofer, labor........ .......... 152.35 duly verified, and with proper vouch- veying Prisoners to Pen___ 23.01 Wm. Dinsmore, labor........... 180.111 lore era therefor, to the undersigned, at 180.11 Sheriffs Office Cecil Hartley, labor----------- 196.88. 198.49 my taw office in the First Ni Nat’l Delotye Furman, work in Tax Coll McLean, labor..... ...... 142.91 Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within Dept.................................. 182 911.-* ---------- ------------------ * ‘ * hereof 34.20 Carl Shore, labor..._ six months from the Hat» Leona Ferry, Work in Tax Ben Gigle, tabor.... 74.89 ^^Dated^and first published: March Dent .............................. ....... ..... 7.80 Jason Smart, tabor. 85.87 Pacific Manifolding Book Co., | Ben Kuhnert, labor _______ 00.79 Harry A. Stock, . supplies ................. .................... 420.51 Van A. Spores, labor..-........... 81.50 10t5 Administrator of said Estate. Coos Bay Times, Notice of Sale 5540 Berlyn Billings, tabor________ 181.15 We carry a complete line of V- Cooe Bny Harbor, Notice............ 20.10, Geo. Butler, Operating River Herald Press, Notice of Sale 00.40, ton Ferry 127.20 Belta for all makes of Refrigerators, Coquille Valley Sentinel, No- Oran Y labor :.. 188.75 Washing Machines and other equip­ 31.40 C. F. “ - 119.04 ¡Teen--------- ,................ Ccxjuille Valley Sentinel, sup- .. 105 80 ment. Washer Service Co. 365 W. 11.70 Chas. Wolff, labor... ... 144.91 Front, Coquille. Phone 1l7. I i Pcefane caonmoB 22.88 Headline a. Foreign, national, local news. Births, weddings* deaths, politics, the comics. What would we do without newspapers! Most folks take this service for granted. But our strong, .free press, serving a free people, would be the first thing dictators would suppress if they had the chance. Everybody here, and in cities and towns throughout America, depends on newspapers for infor­ mation, inspiration and entertainment. We’re all proud of our press and its vital part in American life. Greyhouitd and Newspapers Work Together Greyhound, just like your newspaper! renders an essential service. Like other business firms, Greyhound uses newspapers to contact its customers. In the West alone, regular Pacific Greyhound Lines adver­ tising in more than 500 newspapers keeps people informed about bus travel service. In turn, Greyhound is an important factor in news distribution, carrying many newspapers into areas not served by other forms of public transportation. Greyhound salutes your newspaper in which this message appears. It is an indispensable part of your daily life. With its help, and that of other newspapers, we are building a transportation service that is playing its part in the development of this city. Greyhound service will grow in valueto the country, to the community and to you. GREYHOUND SERVIN« THE NATION WITH MPKNMNLI TRANSPORTATION