Sit r ta»' um lui Boys In Service ¡Judge Felsheim Talks On Coal ) Chadwick lodge No. 18 at Santa Ana Army Air Baso and his pilot training with Army Flying Units at Blythe, California, and Gardner This Bluejacket was selected for Sundays ’ irs A LAUGH bio ’ narn. River Improvement — R. A. Jeub, Geo. Laird, J. S. Barton, F. G. Leslie, Luckey Bonney. Celebration—Evan Albom, I. A. Elrod, E. Wallace, Melvin Giles, L, W. Claver. Retail Trade — Don Farr, Ray Bucklee, Bert Folsom, Ralph Thrift. Mineral Resources—Geo. F. Burr, J, Moore, H. S. Norton, John Mer- The Coffee Shop is fully prepared to accommodate private parties or organ­ ization dinners and invite the public to come in and make arrangements for any such which may be desired. ~~ .......... "" ' '1 Please call for appointment Sfuriai ai ihÎÂ ¿pariai law We Meet All Competitive Prices MANA BARRYMORE WALTER CATLETT ERNE! urr no , two SAFFWAY farm’Frusti PRODUCI Butter, lb. Eggs, dozen SSs CAPTOON NEWS Matinee Sat 1145 Lettuce Broccoli A . . New Peas lb. . New Spuds, lb. . . . Delicious Apples, lb •: .