I "Post War Agenda" Discussion by Dr. encee at work, the untempered hatred A potluck dinner of banquet pro- portions, candle-lit and springlike. with many vases of yellow jonquils, preceded the program arranged by the Committee on International Re- lations and presented Monday night nt the regular nutting of the Business enalaved nation, for Germany t and the P^e™ of international organization due to congested condi- tion of countries in Europe. The Ian- ««»«• difference, difficulties of re­ «rouping, because of differences in hirtorical background, all combine Mulkey, together ‘Smith and Florepqe Hallock, should be congratulated for an outstanding m.ctkvj. Cuesta introduced or pre­ sented wed Mrs. Geo. Eden, of Tono­ pah, Nevada; Mrs. E. L. Vinton, Port­ land; Mrs. Hatfield, of Riverton; J. P. Beyers and Chas. Stauff and Dr. and Mrs. CykJer, of ltiverton. Mem­ bers attending were: Mrs. R. B. Knife, Edith Walton, Edna Kern, Ruth Beyers, Ida Oerding. Florence Hal­ lock, Martha Mulkey, Clara Stauff, I Inez Rover, Leah Rover, Inez Chase, ¡Jennie Price, Hattie Lee Holimon, Annte Robinson. Irene Hartwell, Lois 'Fenn, Leila McClure, Viola Newton. ¡Gladys Gano, Ida Owbn, Eva Stev- . ens, Bertha Smith, Hazel Hanna, Leia Etrod, Florence Barton, May Barton, Florence Hallock, Idyle Godarjj. and < Mabel Wernich. " CyWer know’ **H the lnflu‘ Cvklpr P W kayKler Before Derorc B D.r.W. Mrs. and Professional Women’s Club. toward » nationalism raised to the Dr. Edmund Cykler, speaker for nth degree. the evening, was introduced by Mar- “War does funny things to people,“ tha Mulkey, chairman of arrange- the speaker. “People’s feelings rnents. His subject was “Post War ,tay very much the “«"• in Europe, Agenda.’’ That Dr. Cykler is a young to° much he added. ‘ The great man of multitude interests and varied Question arises as to how to establish training seemed evidenced when he Iaw and order in the liberated Conn­ oted he Had recently made two pub- when the P“»*1* oay iaal lie addresses, the first on (he subject ar* baln« compelled in something, of gardening, the second, a discussion “«ainst their tradition. Thinking men , See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in of music. His talk was interesting1»" withdrawing their ideas of Relic- 'toinly, he said, world peace that ia'churoh Members Enjoy Coquille for Diamonde and Watch ing the world; and his smooth, conversational style ?"* w°rld; there is la leas talk.now . imposed through the use of arms will „ p-a-i-k’. n.v Part, Straps. ltfs of delivery, together with hie gen- ! of <* that; th»t; they are skeptical of how that that ' never be made a lasting peace. Dr.;St’ r 1 “ Uay rar,y , , Cykler asked for questions and fur-j fur- • The young people of the Assembly eral conservatism was more realistic ( 'will wih be he done.” , . , ' ¡Cykler I On the subject ef food and relief, ther discussion followed up his talk <* Ood church enjoyed a St. Patrick’s probably than might have been for that Dr. Cykler haa"»h^d the resettlement of the people and for a short time. . P«riy at the Wnton Schroeder home the has studied there, and has i reconstruction, the speaker asked, "To The president, Florence Hallock, Saturday evening. Everyone came in I w nraMan ancMtrv His avoid pestilence in Europe, how far presided over a short business session wearing a bit of green and the re- «.uropean _ ------ j! i i _ freshments consisted of green jello, _ \ -■*- ¡shamrock cookies with green icing \ and a large cake decorated with wi green, and also green punch./Flinch, a • f 1 O' • Bi A Monopoly »nd l'«“w puzzles were Card of Thanks Having returned home from tl.<- isolation hospital in Portland la.-,, week, I take this means of expressing my sincere appreciation to the many friends who cheered me with cards during the period when I could see no one. Dick Buckles._____ ; , ■ If Bull. Spring, Beautiful Spring • • I ww 1 VV W Ernie Wallace, Glen Church, Harold • b,Hanaon’ L,oyd Peering, Earl Capps, rinors fhp«A Yminer I nate and Haic b Easter 1 Full Spring Davenport & and Chair Set Nina Cotter, Naomi Hensley, Faye i Jeffries, Margaret Surrell, Misses Re­ becca Pinkston, Dorothy Caudle, Odeitta DeGeeter, Ruby Marney, Nor­ man Persing, Mr. Swanson, from Al­ bany, add the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Anto Schroeder. , . During the evening Private Floyd Marney of the 8th Air Force came in to say “Hello” to old friends. Floyd had just arrived that evening from England for a furlough before going to Mississippi for flight training. Deep Wine Velour Cover $17950 I Nancy Boles On Honor Roll At The University A total of 107 university students made winter term honor roll at U. of O. with grade point average? of 3.SO or better* Among them was Nancy A. Boles, Coquille, junior in education. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Boles. Winter term registration figures released by registrar's office totaled 1738. Purkey Furniture FREE PARKING # Specials Friday & Saturday HONEY Crisco or Snowdrift Straws ' IM ÌA» F n UT BUTTER 29 c P k| VV/l\lX Pheasant Brand 303 tins Crm style yellow 3 for El/* D A DC Whole Wheat lb. AQ HU ÖAKjOvenfreMi b*O A 7 4* ns CLOROX 12 PRODUCE I__ “Easter Parade'19 __ __ ---- — — — — — ---- ---- ---- /"SiJ ■ ORANGES Med Si” «.«.i« 2 »- 59c ASPAR GUS Ä 2 o» 39c I Lar/e Calavos at the right ripeness AVOCADOS e .. 13c Fancy Hothouse RHUBARB 2 GRAPEFRUIT Peppers - Tomatoes Spinach - Mustard rd Limes Delicious Apples G. Onions, Radishes (Bananas & S. Berries maybe)