The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 23, 1944, Image 1

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Sentí .el
NO. 16.
100 Million Ions
The Coos County
Coal Estimate
Frederick Watson
Missing In Action
Judge L D. Felsheim
Talks To C. of C.
On Coal SHualion
tl Favors
Center Idea
Barton Family
Reunion Friday
Mrs. Gould Buried
In Southern Calif.
Another Coquille boy, James Fred­
At the semi-monthly session of the
The J. S. Barton family had a very
Mrs. Harriett Gould, mother of Mrs.
council Monday evening, letters frxOn enjoyable family reunion last week­ James Richmond and A. N. Gould of
erick Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. R. E. Markham of this city and end, with all them together for the this city, who had come up from her
James Watson who now reside in
from Dr Stricker of the State Board first time in several years. Clarence home in San Bernardino, Ct lif., last
Seattle, has been reported as missing
by the Army, since March 4, the day
of Health wore read. Mrs. Markham Rarton, who is now stationed in May to make her home again in Coos
The first meeting of the board of bad made'complaint about condition
Much interest in coal development of the big U. S. daylight air raid over
Portland, and Lieut. Jess Barton from county, passed away at the home of
in Coos County has resulted from two Germany. The telegram was received, directors of the Coquille Chamber of In the northeast section of town where
an Army camp, arrived last Wednes­ another daughter, Mrs. E. C.. Barker,
public meetings held last week, one here last Friday by his aunt, Mrs. Commerce, since early in January, hundreds of pounds of chicken
day evening, their father’s birthday. in Myrtle Point last Saturday. She
at Coquille and one at Marshfield, at Dorothy Tuttle:
was held in $e hotel dining room | manure, spread on a garden, made
With Jess were his wife and baby had 'been ill since Christmas.
which an oral report was made on the ' . Frederick was a fighter pilot in
u**day ”°°n when 11 was decided jjying conditions almost unbearable, and Mrs. Barton's mother, Mrs. Geo.
Her body, after funeral services
co-operative county-state cool ex­ the Army Air Corps and was a lieu­ that meetings would be held setni- The doctor’s designation of the mat­ W. Eden, of Tonopah, Nev.
in the Pioneer church here on Mon­
ploration project by Earl K. Nixon, tenant. He had been stationed in
ter was that it was a nuisance but was
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Van Otten, she day, was sent south to San Bernar­
Director of the State Department of England for two motnhs.
not a menace to health. The matter being the former Anne Barton, were dino, where she was laid to rest beside
Goilogy and Mineral Industries, and
was turned over to the city health also hare from Perrydale, Ore. They the body of her husband, George A.
Fred was bom at Coos City, over
members of hta staff, including F. W. on the Bay aide. May 20, 1521, and
°®cer ior investigation and action, came Thursday and left for home Gould, who passed away in 1932. ♦
Libbey, Mining Engineer, and John was a little more than two months ta being done along the line * of ~ coal
t ~ ----- The item in a recent issue ot The after the celebration dinner on Friday.
She was born Harriett McClay, in
Eliot Allen, Geologist.
1 about a day play center for Those at the dinner beside the above Santa Clara oounty Calif., July 8,
under 23 years of age. He attended development in Coos county, on the
Drilling operations in the field are school
_____ in Coquille and was one of the two meetings held last week, and he
i, who«« parents are working, . were Mr. and Mr«. J. S. Barton, their IBM, and was married to Mr. Gould
being concluded and the other field p^duaiin^ high’roh^icta^''00“^ emphasized what Chambers of Com-
a^n Ben, Mrs. /-»»
_____ _______
<9_ w__ a_ .
rea< »4 j a»l
alMj elicited favorable com­ 1 son,
Barton and ’ -.A
at San Jose in 1873. They came to
merce and individuals ean do to help ment on the proposqLto establish one Mrs. Lorraine Vinton.
work will be completed within a few 25> i9S9.
in the A
Oregon in 1886, and for years lived at
weeks, it was reported. It will be
February, 1843, and graduated as boost the coal industry, which may here. The matter was referred to
Clarence left on his return to Port­ the Gould ranch on north Coos river.
several months before the laboratory , piM trom
Luke-, /)eld traini
sometime slipport lumber as the chief
Mrs. Elrod, county nurse, with the land on Sunday, Jess and Mrs. Eden
Of the nine children bom to them
industry in Coos county, that of urg­ rit that she ascertain, if possible,
and compilation work ia completed
on June „ iMJ
for Tonopah on Tuesday this week. the survivors are: Mrs. Georgia Rich­
/il*** —p“nted
1 Frederick was a most likeable boy, ing all miners to go forward as rapid­
many mothers are employed From there he will go to his station in mond and A. N. Gould, Coquille; Mrs.
ologtat Allen stated that a t^al of
tnanly, clean-cut young man, and ly as they can In getting out Coos hgre, and also that she contact some the south.
Mrs. Jess Barton and E. C. Barker, of Myrtle Point; Clar­
thon Q AAA
9 000 feet °l h°le borii’X was the kind and character of a citi­ coal.
loeal women's organization and en­ daughter, Jacqueline Anne, will re­ ence Gould, who resides on Code
was done.
With the securing of briquetting deavor to get the project started.
zen that Oregon and Coos county
main at the Barton home here for river, and George Gould, Mrs. Rich­
The project started with the ex­ cannot afford to lose.
data and information as to casts, etc,,
A restaurant licenae was granted the present.
mond's twin, of San Bernardino. Two
amination of over 156 coal properties
His father, James Watson, for years the county’s exploratory work will be Mr. »nd Mrs. D. P. Pressnail tor the . All of the group except the Van sisters, Mrs. Alice Baker and Mias
and prospects and with a general county clerk of Coos county and later completed and the only part it can coquille Hotel Coffee Shop, with the
Ottens enjoyed the day Saturday at Oelo McClay, both of San Bernardino,
study of the entire area and its past county judge, was forced to retire take after that is the leasing of coun­ usual fire chief inspection report to
the Barton cabin on Bandon Beach. 15 grandchildren and 21 great grand­
history of development and produc­ from the practice of law here last ty-owned lands for coal mining.
procédé thé licenae issuance.
children also survive.
tion. '
Business transacted at the meeting
year because of ill health and he and
The budget committee, which will
In search of shallow seams of coal Mrs. Watson, the former Iva Schroe­
(Continued on page three)
meet May 8 and 22, was appointed by
lor immediate development by sur­ der, went north to make their home
face stripping methods, several areas in Scuttle.
‘ '
ft Hazard, Don Gillespie, F C. Hud­
were selected in whiçh more intensive
son, Dr. C. A. Rtetman, O. B. Harri-
Ralph E. Fox, taken into custody
exploration was made, resulting in
D. E. Rac^leff, Julius Ruble and
on an obtaining money under false
Mrs. Paris Ward, whose hpme was
the blocking out of more than a half Public Is Invited Te Lecture
members of the council.
pretenses charge — passing no good on Bullards route, near Parkersburg,
million tons and the location of an­ On Christian Science, Afar, 27
council authorized payment qf
The Powers
checks at Marshfield—pleaded guilty passed last Friday in the 'McAuley
other half million or more tons.
to the state highway department
The general public ia cordially in­ brought Cops county into prominence
in circuit court here Tuesday. Judge hospital at the Bay. She had not been
Nixon stated that it was at eae
eg the grader which will be King sentenced him to a year in the
vited/ to attend the lecture to be at Salem last week-end when it
well for a year and underwent an
time estimated by a well-known
for use on graveled streets
sponsored by the Coquille Church of emerged victorious from the B school
county jail and then paroled him for operation a fqw days betore her death.
geologist that the Coos Bay area
Christ Scientist next Monday evening, tournament and became the state
a three-year period.
She was born Mary Annis Hufford,
contained a billion tons of coal de­
J. W, Gearhart reported that he had
March 27, at eight o'clock, in the champion In the B class. The Ratur-
Robert Harry Close, 18, charged at Racker, Ark., Feb. 28, 1587, and
posits. However, from information
Washington school. auditorium.
day evening victory, when the basket­
with burglary not in a dwelling—he was 19 days past 57 years of age. She
obtained by exploration, Nixon said
Leonard T. Carney, member of the ball crown was won, was achieved hall. Mr. Gearhart also reported on broke into the Robert Kirk garage at had lived in Coos county for the past
he could most conservatively say that
church’s Board of Lectureship, of over the Pleasant Hill of Lane county hta conference with L. A. Cheaem in Sitkum — pleaded guilty Tuesday. 40 years.
the Coos area has at least 166 million
to the 33 acres the latter had
Beverly Hills, Calif., will be the quint, 53 to 35.
Judge King ordered that he be re­
Funeral services, with Rev. Chas.
tons, which is sufficient to support a
to deed to the city on the
speaker, his subject being "Christian
Four of the eight boys who were on
leased from custody and suspended G. Brown officiating, were held in
¡reek watershed. The council
Sctenee Prayer Made Practical.”
the Powers squad received all-star
passing sentence on condition that he the Schroeder Chapel here at 3 p. m.
tars to come.
that within six months from
' ratings for their showing in the tour-
return to school and conduct himself Monday and interment was in the
Mr. Chezem issues the deed, proaerly.
Tom and Prank Grpve were
Odd Fellows No. 2 cemetery A very (,
wlu fence across the deeded
on the mythical sill-
The jury for this term of court has large attendance and a wealth of
■46 Will.
OMt 1100 Mt yet been summoned for a single flowers indicated the high esteem in
Shirley Shorb were picked for the far a aix-ctrand wire fence, poets, case in circuit court and it looks now dfhich Mrs. Ward was held.
tbs Army for the cantonments in
staples, eta, plus the labor cost.
all-star second team,
as though they would not be called.
Besides her husband she is survived
Oregon* was that the hard-fuete chief .
The deed la to be a settlement with
by three sons, Ronald of Tulelake,
in WlBkii^fua» Harold L. Ickes, ap- |
Mr. Chezem for the damage done to '
season, that being to the Marshfield
Spencer and Melvin of Coquille and
pointed as fuels conciliator for the 1
the city’s property up there when a
Inter®«! Regarding
A league Pirates and they later
S daughter, Mrs. Iva June Smith, of
northwest a man who is head of, or
evened that up by defeating the Pi­ fire he had-set out spread over into Child Care Center
yancouver, Wash.; also by four
directly interested in, coal mines and
the watershed.
' r
" Information
Requests for
brothers, Sherman Hufford of New­
coal properties in Wyoming, Colorado
The light committee was given what progress ta being made toward berg, Amaur of Blue River, Ore.,
and Alberta, and the speaker here
power to act on Dr. C. G. Stem's re- the Child Care and Play Center con­ Frank M. Hufford, of Tacoma, and
said Riat naturally this man was
quest for a street light ucross the a Unue to be made. It is understood Elmer Hufford, of Coquille, and a sis­
looking out for his own financial in­ I
street from the Masonic Temple.
that Lawrence Lundquist, head of the ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Fox, of Millington;
teracts and did not want an Oregon
Intra-Club Committee, is shortly also by four grandchildren.
coal field" ¡Mgreioysd which would
calling for a meeting to plantar the
Mrs. Ward had always been active
prove a competitor for hie own prod­
survey which is preliminary to an in club and community work on the
uct, and that he had done all he
Rev. Robt. L. Greene reports this
application to the government for lower river.
could to prevent development of the morning that 84466 of Coquille's 85260 Corpus Christi, Texas, for several
establishment of the Center.
It is
Coos area field.
quota for the Red Crocs drive has months, took a Code county girl back
the concensus of opinion that the need
Another point mentioned at the been subscribed and that amount is with him when he left to return to • No foolin’, the dance to be given
here ia great and is going to be more
maotjng in Coquille was that the rail­ in hand. The drive continues until duty on Tuesday. He came home the in the Coquille Community Building
roads very naturally prefer the longer Friday night of next week, and there first of last week and last Saturday next Saturday, April 1, by the Co­
he and Miss Bonnie Billings drove out quille Lions-Club, will be one of-the
hauls from the Rocky mountain stat* j • still lime to reach the quota set.
.to Eugene and were married. They outstanding social events of the A Cub Pack Is Organized
or Utah, and have been able to hold
Mrs. Annie Wilson, a lady of Scot­
Portland dealers in line in their re­ along the Pacific Coast. Our find­ returned Monday and loft in his car spring season. The various commit­ In Coquille
land birth who has been making her
fusal to contract for Coos coal.
tees named to arrange for this dance
ings support the following general on Tuesday for Corpus Christi.
Last Friday evening, twenty-nine home here with her sister, Mrs. Jos.
An analysis of Colorado coal, read conclusions: '
are earnestly and strenuously at work boys were represented at the Guild Peart, .for the past eight months,
perfecting plans down to the minut­ hall by their parents, for the purpose passed away at the Peart home last
at the meeting, showed that Coos’
1. The Begd$- Hill seam
w h
‘n ?e 2
sub-bituminous coal has a less mois­ vicinity of f Coda Bay provides ade-
est details and the Lions’ past record of organizing a Cub Pack in Coquille. Saturday, and funeral services, with
ture content than Colorado coal and quate mineable coal to justify sub- F||g Fnr Primary
for giving dances is a guarantee that Ralph Kaiaher, assistant executive of Rev. Chas. G. Brown officiating, were
this one will be outstanding.
a higher B.T.U., Or heat unit.
stantial mining operations at a mod-
the Oregon Trail Council of the Boy held at the Schroeder Mortuaries at
Good music has been secured, ad- Scouts of America, outlined the pro­ two o’clock Tuesday afternoon. • In­
Judge Felaheim, speaking for the erate rate for many years. Poten­ I Another candidate tor nomination
oounty court, stated that the entire' tial
____ reserves
are an important
asset on the Republican ballot for county j mission will be 60 cents per person gram and requirements of Cubbing. terment was in the Masonic cemetery.
'commissioner, J. W. Hildenbrand of and, the fact that this is the finest I Those boys who were represented
346,006, provided by the state and to^the West Coast fuel supply,
Mrs. Wilson was bom at Bethel,
were olvlaeo
, wnicn wlu
county for exploration purposes, has i 2. The
coal, when mined carefully Marshfield, filed hta petition with dance floor in southern Oregon, in-l were
divided lnu
into UCT|
dens, which will Scotland, August 6, 1863, and came
not been spent, but to carry the in­ with hand picking of the rock impuri- County Clerk Oddy on Tuesday this ’ure* • ,arge
. Dancing
under the jeadership of Den with her parents to this country in
lop at 1:00 Mothers. Initial meetings of the dens 1865, settling in Pennsylvania. She
vestigation ta the point where all ties, will enjoy a preferred position in week. There are now two candidate ^
iH start
start at
at 9:
data and blue priifta will, be available local markets ae compared to com- ‘ whose names will appear on the Re- °’clock-
are scheduled for this week, with a I had resided in Canada since 1912 be­
for manufacturers who may be in­ petltive coals. Through the utilize- ’ publican ballot, the present incum-
------ -
Pack meeting to be held at a later fore coming to Coquille.
terested in' building plaiits in the tion of water transportation it may bent, Lars Peterson of North Bend, I George E. Oerding Sells
Her husband, Ellsworth Wilson,
county after the war, it will be nec­ also compete favorably in industrial and Mr. Hildenbrand, but no demo- Henry St Store Building
While the boys who were represent­ passed away in Canada two years ago
essary to have tons of the coal from markets in Portland.
—« filed for the ^«1»
crat hat
has yet
_. _
. „. ed are to be recognized as charter and'besides the sister mentioned, she
County Surveyor J. N Grorhart I Q
More bu.ldmg owned by G. A members, other boys will be able to ta survived by two other staters here,
here shipped to some processing plant
3. Beneficiation to raise the heating
where the cost of making briquettes value of the coal should be consid­ filed for renomination for that office,I
join following the first official Pack Mrs. C. Pearl and Mrs. Wm. Hodson,
Henry street was sold by George E.
from the Coos coal can be definitely ered as a necessary step in the prep­ as a Republican, last Friday.
meeting. Those boys who wish to be and several nieces and nephews.
Oerding to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
aration of the coal to meet competi­
Cube should get in touch with either
I 7
James, of Coquille. The store build­
Interesting among the data, maps, tion in distant markets and to satis­
Robert L, Greene, vicar of the Epis­ James B. Copeland, 70,
Sprague Has The Lead
ing has been rented by Mr. and Mrs.
. /
graphs, etc., revealed at the meetings fy the requirements of domestic and
copal church which will sponsor the Buried Here Monday
In Senatorial Race
W. A. Couden who have been oper­
i4. ■'
was the “Report of Investigation Con­ many industrial users in all markets.
Cub Pack, or with Stan Sherwood,
Whether he has any ambition, just
cerning the Development of Coal
4. The use of simple and relatively
who will act as Cub Master.
Friday morning, Mar. 17, after an
Production in the Coos Bay Region of inexpensive cioal-washing equipment now, to be U. 8. senator, Goy. Earl with Mr. and Mrs. James whereby
Oregon” by M. D. Curran, President is indicated as the best and cheapest Snell gave ex-Gov. Chas. Sprague they sold all merchandise in store and
extended illness.
He was born in Oakland, Oregon,
of M. D. Curran & Company, St. method of eliminating excessive ash­ the opening to get Into the race as the the new owners expect to take over Lieut. Charles Mulkey
; Home On A Furlough
sueoesaor to the late Chas. L. McNary by the first of April.
LouM, Ma, one of the leading authori­ forming material.
July 27. 1573, and was 70 yedrs, seven
Another residence deal also com-
ie, —
arrived home
months and 20 days at passing. In
ties on carbonization, who visited ’ 5- Encouragement should be given and Sprague will be a hard man for
Coos county last fall and made a per­ to present mining operations by mak­
Me "day for a visit with hta mother, his early life he worked for the rail­
sonal survey and examination, and ing electric power available and by beat, both h>. May and November , home of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hulbutt " Mrs. Martha Mulkey, and hta stater roads in the Northwest and in Cana­
who, |t is anticipated will be retained lending aid in the establishment of a Sprague proypd his stature when he i to Mr. and Mrs. J. LeRoy Starr The and her husband, the Don Farrs. da. Since that time he has lived in
to conduct the final experimentation taxing policy which will encourage took his defeat like a man, two,years ■ Hurlbutts are leaving Friday for “Chuck” received hta wings Sunday, various parts of Douglas and Coos
to determine a process of beneficiation the investment of local private capi­ ago, when if ever a man's record in Springfield, where Mr. Hurlbutt will March 12 at Luke Field, Phoenix, counties.
The Ariz. He ta now a lieutenant. He
office entitled him to re-election work in a defense industry.
Burial services were conducted
upon which a permanent future in­ tal.
Starrs will take possession Friday..' left today to report at Mather Monday at 2:00 p. m. under the di­
dustry can be based.
6. The greatest stimulation to min­ Sprague’s did.
Mr. Starr leaves for the army soon. | Field Calif., for B-25 transition train- rection of the Gano Funeral Home,
Curran’s report concluded as fol­ ing devolpment may possibly be ob­
Rev. Liston Parrish officiating. In­
|ing to prepare for night fighting. He
tained by encouraging a new mining ,
venture based upon a large scale) Passers-by may have noticed the ! Leon N. LeFebebore, representing has been in the service since Feb. 6, terment was in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery
No 2, of Coquille.
This investigation included inspec­ operation, provided detailed studies attractive windows in Bergen's florist I the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of 1943, and ta 20 years old. He gradu­
tion of coal mines now tn operation in
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Al born enjoyed
ranging plants and flowers with a itor last Thursday afternoon. Among *41 and spent tWo years at Oregon
the Coos Bay district, an examination vorable for such a development.
a week’s visit from her sister and
7. A research program to determine special emphasis on the window ef- matters of business along the coast State College.
of geological explorations which were
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomp-
in progress by the Oregon State De­ the response of this coal to low-tem- feet. Yesterday pots of kalanchoe ' he was placing publicity for Leslie M
Mrs. John McCue ta here from her ’ son, who reside in Washington, D. C.
___ ot Geology
_ and Mineral ., perature carbonization is recommend­ made a gorgeous border behind the ' Scott, who is to be a candidate for
xne in Forest Grove for a visit with J Whxn they left Monday they went to
industries, and a market survey of , ed as the most practical approach to myrtle animal carvings done by Bob ' nomination on the rpeublican ticket
¡ends and relatives.
Medford to visit the ladies’ mother.
the fuel supply to the principal cities 1 beneficiation.
Two Plead Guilty In
Circuit Court Tues
Powers The Clafs
Of State B League
Services For Mrs.
Paris Ward Monday
Navy Flier Take Bride
From Myrtle Point
Lions To Give
April Fool Dance
A Lady Of 80 Years
Passed Last Saturday
More Republicans