The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 16, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    ■ -
cotaunxM oatooN. thumday . march it; iMi.
ExtGov. Sprague
For U.S. Senate
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*. ■
Out-of-Doors Stuff S"iryi"9
’ ’ it
New Zealand
ea « m
¡greasy and illegal butter as-the result
'Ctf close maneuvering by the butter-
j maker. Acidity at time of churning is
jepproximately .14 per eent lactic acid,
___________ ' - ,
article in the March issue of (W|to°ut culture, and the finished
This artUte
■ u
Agriculture Bulletin was
** b**4*1 written by Corporal Bills L.
1°^♦ l°tnWr,y With toe Ar^o CJreejic-
Charles A.
Sprague, editor qnd publisher of the
Oregon Statesman at Salem, to the
first person to- announce his candi­
dacy for the unexpired portion of the
what we are aoine- hi *
Uckw, tory fa thl«county, and who to now in
late Senator McNary’s term in the
Corps, somewhere in the
United States swat«. In hto state­ have heard „ many good
ment Sprague said:
fl^termen referred to as “lucky
"You may announce that I shall be devils” by their
* ’ less fortunate eom-
a candidate for the office of United panions of the fields, hills «nd mareh-
States senator at the republican pri­ es and streams, that it has become
maries lor the seat mads vacant by quite a pein in the neck for us.
the death of Charles L. McNary. As
An expert with a shotgun will bag
a loyal friend of th« late senator I the limit of ducks with about half the
pledge myself to carry on his greet number of shells fired by other hun­
work in behalf of Oregon and the ters and he to tabbed ae being « lucky
Pacific Coast.
cy«. An expert angler will «ecure
The coming years promtoe to be the limit of trout along «ome stream
ones of vital importance lb our peo­ that to ftohed to death by a drove of
ple, and the grave probtame
problems of war I | iese experienced flahermen who
and peace will come to a head in have failed tp get reedits worth men­
the senate. I am tremendously con­ tioning and will be proclaimed a fool
cerned with the vigtiroi^ prosecu­ for luck. : .
tion of the war and with the work­
An expert woodsman and hunter,
ing out of a constructive peace pro­ one whom ha. stalked deer all hto! keep the grass trom
life, and knows their habits from A 'rank for sheep pasture.
1----- -------------------- —-
“Aa governor,"J witnessed aud ited bie buck1 —y—-fOr __
w J ___
^>- _______
*nd bring
nua ' Should a farmer neglect to pay his permit m°re aeration.
a part in the change from peace to t big buck, where others fail, «nd "he taxe7Vol­
one year he must explain
- - - -
war. I saw our youth go out into.will also be called lucky. _
But does - satisfactorily hto reasons to a govern-
military service, t
“ ———
f pur-
-«ee that the transition from war to
peace is made with a minimurp of dif­
ficulty and particularly that our
men in the «ervice, as they are de­
New Zealand is* a' «mall country,
mobilized, be re-established in the
dependent upon dairy product* as the
social and economic life of our com­
principal source of revenue. In fact,
dairy products could be considered a
“We will face critical situations, on hunter to bag the big buck, the limit
northern hemisphere with an equa­ medium of exchange for other com­
this epast particularly as regards our of ducks, or the angler to catch the
region to attack the quality of modities not so conveniently manu­
Industries and employment. As
t- 'Umit of trout in a “ftohed out”
while In transit. Thus, its factured in this small country; there­
ator I wfrild work fa preserve and I stream,
very location causes quality to be of fore, this country must have a quality
expand our industries, our agricul-
it to seldom, if ever, that a good
paramount importance. Since the ice product to compete in European
ture and our utilization of power and hunter or a gqod angler receives the
cream and market milk are not prod­ markets. My own impresison would
water resources. Our wealth in Um- credit due him regarding his kill or
ucts of international trade, they are be that the evident prosperity of the
ber must be conserved by wise* poll- catches. It is seldom indeed that he
country would indicate that it does
relatively undeveloped.
clee such as I sponsored as governor. ’ to described as, or proclaimed an ex-
Milk and cream grading laws are satisfactorily supply the demands of
And at all tinfes the personal well cellent hunter, or an expert fisher­
very similar to those which exist in its foreign markets.
being of our citizens must be pro- man, a fine wing «hot or a wizard with
my home state of Oregon, only much
tected from exploitaUon.
| the rifle. No, far from it—he to
I morq severe. A producer may be
“I believk that the knowledge of merely dubbed ”a lucky devil.”
penalized for a normal feed flavor. I
Oregon, Ito people and its resources
r~'_ , J,______________ ,
be true through actual
and its problems, gained during my salmon and orfly a couple of such fish 1 experience
term as governor and In my work s “k.“
- *•
ns editor of a newspaper at the state party, he might be looked upon as program exists throughout the entire
capital, will be invaluable if I am On’ ' bu T’ o ^ Lt£
TOUntry~1"y »•r*on«1 opinion of the
chosen to fill the high office of United on. But on the other hand he may J reason for this to that practically
States senator.
have employed , some ruse upon the all dairy manufacturing plants are co­
“I shall make an active campaign, salmon—some trick acquired from operatives and this seems to eliminate “*** door l° CtxluUte Hospital,
and will appreciate the support of all year, of experience It might be the ' ^ti
republicans at the May primaries.” dlfterent fro^th^rSh0* ’ ’i'““
“Storing of standard to fH that '
Born and raised in the mid-west, a different from that of ether anglers, of a very desirable patron.
graduate of Monmouth (IU.) college, or perhaps a trifle more lead on his | Butter to rerely made from cream
Sprague came to the northwest in line, that put It closer to the river
1910, engaging in educational work I bottom, or a lighter lead that put it Of more than .17 per cent lactic acid
and, generally speaking, to hand.ed
in Washington state for five years.
less by hands than is the practice in
He was editor and publisher of the
the U. B. A. More attention is giveh
Ritzville, Wash., Journal-Times ISIS.
to body and texture- all whey cream
1928; then came to Oregoh as business
manager of the Corvallis Gazette-
*P‘nn’r I ***’
^di oTaTZffl-
Time«. In 1929 he moved to Salem And yet ho to regarded a. Just plain ei<nt buttermaker, per cent of butter-
where he became editor and manager
a 1 v
< u
u. u « .
tat ,n bulUr
n<* toiportant since
of the Statesman.
/ biM
" < ” a “re
by Uw to ,e P°r
In 1938 Sprague was nominated and. bird from far up in the air. A truly moisture.
This undoubtedly eUm-
elected governor of the state, serving fine shot; a shot that took Just the fnatos the occasional churnings of
for four years. Defeated in the IMS proper amount of lead and an ex
primaries he resumed duties as editor (ceptionally good "»hootin’ eye’
and publisher of the Statesman. He accomplish. Yet, this shot L
-------- *- —....
- •
Fashion .Goes to Your Head with
• .
serving as state president of the Ore- I scientific one, as it truly was.
gon War Cheat which raised over a | It doesn't take too close observi
Get Rtd of
Carbon in
w .»
for aasotlwr psrformann-bettsr «tommy-
giuuivT uepenaaoiiify
1. Give you .better gasoline economy.
Remove Sludge
and Carbon
2. Restore complete lubrication to all vital parte of
your engine.
3« Eliminate corrosive and damaging chemical deposits
which contaminate your lubricating oil.
Increase all economy and In many cases eliminate
oil ntimnin/«
oumnina. «
5. Improve fho cmoetfinecs of engine performance.
’’Sorry Judge, my shipment of suspenders
•till hasn’t come in. Some ar tides are migh t y
scarce these days. I don’t get anywhere
near as much as I could sell.”
“With the war going on, Frank, we’ve got
to expect those things. Jt’s true of luxuries
just as It is of necessities Taka whiskey,
for example. There’s a real shortage in that.
Jt’s to be expected when you realise there
hasn’t been a drop of it distilled in this
* country since way back in October, 1942.
“The only thing distillers have been making
during that time is war-alcohol for the
Government. So, I wasn’t Surprised a bit
to read how bootlegging and black markets
have sprung up around the country as a
result of the dwindling supply. Our 13 years
of prohibition proved that if folks can’t get
legal whiskey, they’ll get illicit whiskey. Sure
hope the shortage doesn’t last too long. I’d
hate to see this country turned over to the
bootleggers again.’’
Clean Sludge-
Packed Piston
Clean Sludge-
Clogged Oil
6. Prolong the life of your engine.
—— —
Myrtle Point