Townsend Chib No. 1 of approaching vehicles; three in­ volve children' struck while riding bicycles and two were killed while riding in cars involved in acicdents. “The high proportion of child fa­ Coquille Grange talities in traffic so far this year is Initiation of candidates took place greatly in excess of the normal ra­ last Friday night when the Coquille tio,** Farrell declared, “it is too early Grange met. During the lecture hour to call this a trend, but the txperl- Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen substituted for Cjce irulyjs alarming.' Mrs. Florence Hallock who had ar-j _________ ______ ranged the program. The'lives of!* / HiramjVv famous men whose birthdays were• _. „ . " .. in February were read, Mrs. Ellingsen , V>*Un*“ f “J“1 gave that of George Washington, Ida ! a <£2 S I Oerding of Abraham Lincoln and Mrs. j thezChl >,tlan • crown. Bond. Probate Court 1 terns Ellingsen finished wtih the life ofla ' third who was bom in Switzerland and turned out to be John Martloof ~ “ need wr,“ngJ"a‘7‘als’ ‘‘“T tiortery, etc., go to Norton’». , You’ll Coquille, whom she said married and find just what you want.. , z» Half Pints -------------- -------- -17 .1* lived happily ever after, (one after Pints .-.X----------------------- ,-32 J5 the other! A piano solo by Miss See opiae” Leslie ror the best in Quarts.......... ..................... 60 .65 Stewart, a student of Inez Rover, Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Gallons ............ ...............2.40 2.60 was enjoyed. next door to Coquille Hospital, • The minimum skim milk and but­ phone 5; residence phon» 95L. s termilk prices are quarts, 6 cents wholesale, 7 cents retail; gallons, 19 Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your cents wholesale, 22 cents retail. electric wiring and repair needs. All bottles must be charged for at He la located north of the ball park 5c per quart bottle and 3c per pint or on the Fairview road. 52tfs half pint bottle.- Ranges Ranges |i5Mto Furniture Sets Whe" Tables Circulators $29.50 to $35.00 Chairs Bed Springs ESTATE 4-H’ers Help Produce More Milk; You Drank 240 Qts. Last Year Grade I Certificate B. F. GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Tire Information Headquarters You and every other civilian in America drank an average of 246 quarts of milk last year for a nation­ al total of roundly 36H billion quarts. This volume, which would fill a row of quart bottles 264 feet wide that would reach from New York City to San Francisco, and thence to Los Angeles, is over 4 billion quarts more milk than the nation’s population drank during an average year in the 1935-1938 period. ,’ j Contributing immeasurably to the boost In milk production that made this increased consumption possible were approximately 85,000 rural boys and girls participating in 4-H dairy animal projects. For their outstanding achievements in the natibnal 4-H dairy production activity, 3*8 of the youthful dairymen and nftids in 41 states received medals of honor from the Kraft Cheese Com­ pany for having top records in their 'counties: 171 comprising blue award ' groups in 28 states were rewarded .with *25 War Bonds; ten sectional representatives were given trips to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago, and five recipients ^of na­ tional honors each received a *200 college scholarship? By helping to increase milk produc­ tion, the 4-H’ers also made a direct contribution to the welfare of our i armed forces, every man in which needs at least 20p quarts of milk an­ nually. Among the 4-Her’s name in the 1*43 State blue award in Oregon was Ralph Cope, Jr., Langlois. ONCOST MM-MT VAMffll Roxy - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday CeVEM WRl^MFtR! Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon's Largest and Moat Complete Tire Service 340 W. FronUCoquilie, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis. Marshfield. Tel. MS * Remember — Norton’s for office school and home supplies. 37tfs the same capable direction , courteous su ­ Fills cracks and im­ perfections in walls and woodwork. New scientific formula assures professional result*. pervision AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE kino \Junerai CHome TtliPHOnc 100 '^nßULAMCt SCJMCt • COQUI ll€ Gregg- Hardware