'Car Doctors' Here To Offer Repair Advice Every day, on the average, ».«» automobiles and trucks are' being retired from service on American Truth A^out Your Automobile Realizing the necessity of keeping the cars and trucks already in owners* hands in satisfactory operating condition, the Chevrolet Motor Division organized a corps of trucks, loaded with mobile factory equipment for analyzing motors and making mechanical inspections of cars and trucks ip the field. These trucks are manned by factory trained men who are specialists in their field of inspecting motorized equipment. BRING IN YOUR CAR NOW One of these FACTO.IY TRUCKS will he in our dealership March 6 to IQ Riverton High School News You are cordially invited to bring your car in for this thorough FACTORY INSPECTION, which is FREE and WITHOUT OBLIGATION. A complete written report will be made to cover every operating part of your car. Southwestern Motors YOUR CHEVROLET-BUICK DEALER 'Thanks Motor Tune-up Light Repairing of all kinds Ladies Fall & Winter Coats 1/2 of Original Price Ladies Hats / Your Choice for $1.00 Limited Quantity Waste Paper and Tin Cans are the most critical items in the Nationwide Salvage Campaign. If possible tie your waste paper into compact bundles about J.4 inches On Sale 1/2 of Original Phone And a Pickup will call at your home.