fhe Sentinel T wenty Evangelist A DYNAMIC SPEAKER • A DYNAMIC MESSAGE 3 WEEKS 3 February 27 to March 19, Inclusive 7:30 each Evening 4- C. BATES, Evangelist Wadhams Unsweetened Fancy Grade CRAPEFRUIT JUICE Blue Label wbrb 32 (Fine for the baby's formula) KLdirO n/isize 1$< Perry's Fancy STEAM ROAST Preferred Stock No. 1 Quali SALAD DRESSIN Albers ioc New Supply of those Sweet SUKKIST PRANCES now, » care of American war casu-* alties, transmission of eaaentiala to American war prisoners, and pro­ viding of surgical dressings for first aid to our wounded. The armed ser­ vices are relying heavily oil Red Cross for this vital work. The mil- Hills Red Brand in the IGass Jar Large Texas Pink GRAPEFRUIT 10c