------------ --------- ------ . He Saw South Pacific Action Has Seen A Lot Of Jap Warfare Curtis Holverstott, son of Mr. . Humility enforces where neither virtue, nor strength, nor reason can Army Men Dependents Do Not Pay Tax On Allowance Army wives and other dependents of Army men and women, with a single excepticm, need not pay income tax on family allowances or Class E aUotments-ofi-pay, Brig. Gen. H. N. Gilbert» USA, Director of the War De­ partment Office of Dependency Ben­ efits announces. The ODB is the | activity of the Army Service Forces which administers these benefits for the Army. Many 'Inquiries have come to the ODB from anxious dependents of Army personnel, asking if they should include the money they have received in family allowance or Class E al- lotment-of-pay checks as part of their “earned income’1 on the tax returns. The answer is NO., "The possible exception is the di­ vorced wife who is receiving a family allowance or an allotment-of-pay in payment of alimony," the Director explained, “Such dependents should David Biegger Now In North Carolina Reasonably Priced • Swing Rockers •Occasional Chairs •Club Chairs •Small Ropkers • Unfinished Rockers Large Assortment of Beautiful Rugs SHAGS • LOOPED • WOVEN HOOKED • CHENILLE DRAPES, pair Purkey Furniture (When Tea Think of Furniture Think of Parke Campare SAKWAVS tow mees These items are in plentiful supply EGG NOODLES 17c Betty Balter JELLY U m , DRESSING 10c Duchess Home Style 63c Ferre Brand Guana Fruit Jelly 7 p*nla City Cleaners We Meet All Competitive Prices GUARANTEED PRODUCE are better prepared than ever before to take care of your Cleaning and Pressino Needs Russell Holimon who comes direct from a large cleaning establishment in Kansas City, Mo., last week became associated with his father, Lou Holimon, in conducting the City Cleaners. ORANGES Sunkist lb. tETTUCE lb. SWEET SPUDS lb. - - * CARROTS lb. CABBAGE lb. ' - RHUBARB Fancy Hot House' lb A ' SA FEW Ay FRESH MEATS *2,500.00 Cadi Prins Oat aatry M m * and rate« at Safeway „i SWEET POTATOES Pel-s-ee Ne. tli FANCY PRUNES Red Tac <12 Pts) Ne. 2 >4 gtaaa A GRADE BEEF ROAST Arm & Blade Cut A GRADE SIRLOIN STEAK SKINNED HAMS Whole or Butt End BACON any size piece REGULAR PICNICS SLICED BACON GROUND BEEF PORK STEAK . . . . LION PORK ROAST Rib end cut BACK TH! ATTACK—Buy an extra War Bend BABY FOODS CUWi Strained (1 pt) Even quicker service than heretofore can now be expected from the CITY CLEANERS 1