U. S. Civil Service Seeks District Loan Agent Hand-curved Myrtlewood lectors at Harbison's. Applications for the position of District Loan Agent for Region XIII of the Smaller War Plants Corpora­ tion (comprising the ÿales,of Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Northern Idaho), with headquarters at Seattle, Washington, are being sought by the United States Civil Service Commis­ sion, C. V. Smith, local secretary, an­ nounced today. The salary for this position is $5,- 226 a year, including overtime com­ pensatimi and there is no written .------------------------- ' test and no maximum age limit. Complete information and forms for applying may be obtained from Mr. Smith, at Coquille poetoffice, or from first- or second-class post offices. Ap­ plications will be accepted until March W, • Saturday, Sunday 3^4^ _________________________ ~____________________ _ ____________ ___________ citis and death was caused by an abscess on the lugs. Stanley L. Fitzgerald, employee at Funeral services were conducted al Farr & Elwood’s, left by bijp Tues- the Schroeder chapel in Myrtle Point day evening for Portland, where he last Saturday, by Rev. T. J. Pryor, was to enter the sanitarium for a six and interment was in the Catching weeks stay of absolute rest and diet, 'creek cemetery. A recurrence of his stomach trouble His mother was formerly «Madge made the enforced vacation necesary.1 Lakey, of Myrtle Point.’ —— * ' ———y > Writing from Nampa, Idaho, to ‘ which city they recently moved from | Sutherlin, Calif., after having left jfe»- Coquille a year or more ago, Wm. E. , Mitts writes that he has improved l',y greatly in health the past month. e M ■■■ ■■-— gW ■ * ’ ' -. , ‘ ,, . * i g MX«.*OOMtO me *care^ tool j the •Z*CKS^jyUi I THUR. FRI. SÄT MARCH SUN . MON . TUE. T?" [WED. m T h ' eisiin — -Fiifî zs# i—- J vi JVyl Income Tax Returns prepared. Cail 280-M for day or evening appoint­ ment. George L. Maynard. s his . home on the Fairview 52tfs 1:45 MUIS HOWS CARTOON News - Comedy MATINEE SUNDAY NEWS