ship to one who honestly and inleUi- gently endeavors to comply with the law is not too high a. price to pay for the protection of the whole com­ munity' against inflation.” This indicates how aware Con­ gress, which is composed of our rep­ resentatives, was of the very real dapgers of inflation, and it serves to remind qp all, as the court says, that “Innocent non-conformity with the Price Control Act is as inflationary and as damaging to c >mpetitors and the public as guilty nori-conformity.” Personal Mention Mil. Eula Brown, daughter of Mr. and Rrs. Jay Doak, came downfrotn Portland last Saturday for a week’s visit with home folks. M. A LAUGH-CRAMMED MELODY • LADEN HIT featuring the Nation's favorite RADIO CLOWNS Mr. and Mrs. J. LeRoy Starr and Barbara Anne, of 2«0 N. Henry St, returned last Sunday from a visit with Mrs. Starr’s parents in Portland. Her mother, Mrs. E. Schatzman, re­ turned for a w*jk’s visit in Coquille. Evan Alborn went up to Portland last week and Monday evening ar­ rived home with Mrs. Alborn, who had been in the hospital there for six weeks. She is steadily improv­ ing but will have to remain in the cast, which prevents her sitting down, for another three months. ____ Easter cards are Norton’s. Buy your stocks are complete. ««us» . * . ■ - .r Prevent Blackleg Loss l^HRULS! IT SOCKS! IT'S SWTLLI Remember — Norton's tor school and home supplies. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open 8:30 a. n>. until 0:00 p. m Send FREE Catalogue to MATINEE SAT. 1:45 WEÓNESDAY March 1 Aboard the Submarine ‘Copperfin’—with a cargo of courage and TNT—they slug it out with the Jape I COULD SO BRILLIANTLY. SO PASSIONATELY FIRE THE SCREEN! SHE’S RIVALS AGAIN WITH A WARNER BROS PICTURE WARNER BROS.’ LATEST NEWS COMEDY Matinee Sun. 1:45 ” ,4.