oeegon , FAO« SEVEN Glendon, and George were Sunday I Church dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller in Myrtle Point. The dinner The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar wfi fa hbnor of the birthdays of Friday. February 35 ELECTRIC WIRING I 2:00 p. m- "World Day of Prayer” Funeral services for Mrs. Milton , Mrs. Zeller. Ike Miller and Loren a Brotherhood dinner in the social available in limited Roth were held at the Schroeder . Miller. Those enjoying the dinner service. room.,rBring a basket dinner and have those extqa Chapel in ’Myrtle Point last Friday , were in addition to the above: Mr. Sunday, February 17 come. , lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. and Mrs. Loren Miller, of Gardiner, 8:00 a. m. Hply Communion. afternoon, Rev. T. J. Pryor officiating. Saturday, 7-10 p. m. Young People ’s Opperman, ________ 46tl •:45 a. m. Church School.. She and Mr. Roth had resided At Dwane Miller, of Myrtle Point. Mrs. social hour in the social room. Any Cora Mulkey, Jack and Harley MiUer, 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with the home of her parents, Mr. and Mfs. ?/ANTED — Water wails to drill young person is Invited to this eve­ Watson, at Pleasant Point, near Myr­ of Myrtle Point, and Mr. and Lyle Sermqp. Have new and up-to-date equip­ ning of informal fun. , Pauli, Charlene and »Marilyn, also tle Point. She had been in the Myrtle Bible Schoot»:45. Martha MulkTy, ment and heavy pipe where needed. I 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Point hospital where a baby, which of Myrtle Point. Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. Supt. Mrs. John Widmark visited Mrs. 3:30 p. m. St. J * Guild. did not survive, was born on February 30t4*tf Morning worship 11 o’clock. Spe­ 8:00 p.m. Guild. 6. She wak taken to her home last Paul Lentz at the Knife Hospital at cial msuic, Lord’s Supper. A, C. SALESMAN WANTED — IF YOU Tuesday evening and passed away Coquille Monday. Mrs. A. T. Miller, of Coquille, for­ 7:15 p. m. High School Young Bates, president of Oregon Christian very soon thereafter. ARE AMBITIOUS you can make merly of Arago, has been quite se- | People. , <—~-------- Missionary Convention, will begin a She was born Dorothy Jean Watson, g.xxi money with a Rawleigh Route three weeks’ evangelistic service riously ill with prteumonia and was I at Burns, Ore., Dec. 23. 1922, and was in South Coos and South Doudas Message, “An Awareness of God.” taken to the Mast hospital in Myrtle ' Pioneer Methodist Church two months and 21 days past 21 years ( ounties. We help you get started. Jr. and Intermediate C. E., 6:30. Point last week. of age. Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor No experience needed to start Evening service 7:30. Good ging­ Mrs. Leonard Sell gave a gradua ­ She was a graduate of the Myrtle Steady work. Write Rawleigh's, 9:45 Sunday school hour. Classes ing, good fellowship. An evangel­ Point Union High School, with the tion party at her home last Friday and room for all. Enjoy the study Dept. ORB-282-2, Oakland, Calif. istic message by A. C. Bates, “Pen­ class of 1641, and was united in mar­ night in honor of her daughter, Miss of God’s word with us. !• tecostal Greatness.’* Dorothy Warren, who recently fin- —*. riage to Mr. Roth of Coquille, Sept. 11:00 Sunday morning worship Brother Bates will speak every eve­ PERMANENT WAVE,59c!—Do your !ished her high school studies at the 4, 1942. He and her parents are hour. Sermon subject. “Building ning at 7:30 during the week. own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Myrtle Point high school. Miss her.only near relative survivors. Victory out of Tragedy.** Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ Dorothy received quite a few nice 6:30 Sunday evening Youth Fel­ The Holy Name Cautolic Church ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy gifts and a lively time was enjoyed lowship groups. Intermediate and Maes at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. to do, absolutely harmless, We wish to extend our heartfelt by- alt The youn* Present Senior. by thousands including Fay anks to our many friends for their jwere: Misses Pamela Evans, Glenda 7:30 Sunday evening worship hour. zie. glamorous movie afar, ndly aid and sympathy and for the' Thelma and Mola Crawford, Special music for thia evening mes­ First Church of Christ, Scientist »utiful floral offerings sent during Yvonne Holycroes, Evelyn Leeper, refunded if not satisfied. Barrow Coquille, Oregon sage by the pastor. Sermon subject, Drug Company. 6tl0* e sickness and at the services held Valma Etaniel«jn «nd Messrs. BUI Sunday School at 11:30 a. m. “Slaying Ghosts.” r our dear one. Williams, David and Allen Bishop and FOR RENT — Two-room‘tarnished Sunday Service at 11 a. m. 7:30 Wednesday evening choir re­ Jimmy Scott. Subject for next Sunday, "Christ hearsal. Noble Chowning directing. Apartment, private bath, and gar­ 7:30 Thursday evening mid-week age, to adults. Phone 193R E. G. Again next Tuesday, Fob. 36. from Bible study hour. the Only Cause and Creator.** Opperman. tf 10 until 4, W«rd McReynoids will be Wednesday evening meeting at 6:00 10:30 Thursday. The first T'hprs- at the Coquille city hall to receive ap­ day of every month, the Woman’s o'clock.** FOR PLUMBING repairs aqd Ser- plications from those desiring drivers* Society for Christian Serviee, meets. vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Free public Reading Room at 355 Gordon Kimbel, of Washburn, licensee, and to conduct examinations. PANY. S Keep this date marked on your cal­ W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every ' ---- --------------------------- — Worth Dakota, visited at the home of ■' * day except Sunday and holidays fion: endar. LOST—February 19, a lady’s Wrist kfr. and Mrs. Glen Keller for about ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE—' 6:30 February 28th. A w|i potluck 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. Watch in nickel case, with leather FOR SALE—40 acres of third growth a week before returning to .Roseburg, 500 chick size, forced fan hot air luncheon for Young Adults. AU be- strap. 85 reward for return to Sen­ Umber. Heavy stand suitable for where he is spending the winter. type, Oakes. *FARR A ELWOOD.1 ‘ween the ages of 32 and 38 are in- Church of God tinel office. It’s Mrs. Chester Willson and Chloe, of ------------ -------- portable mill. One mile east of - —-------- —- eluded. Rev. Frank E. Brown, of Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Roy Mast at NOTICE {Cottage Grove, addresses the group. Fox Bridge. See M. G. SumerUn, BABY CHICKS—Place your order Pastor. A. L. Ferry NOTICE la hereby given that the 1 Not what we say but how we Uve Coquille, Ore., McKinley Rt 6t3*s Allegany, visited at the home of Mr. now. FARR A ELWOOD. s and Mrs. Ward Evans last Wednesday. State Land Board of the State of1 eount, in the world w. All are Invited to attend. If your Oregon will receive sealed bids, at ln d contact, ELECTRIC FENCE UNITs Z Wire, Mrs. Helen Gillespie has been hired child does not go to S'inday School WANTED—Wood Circulator in good its office in the State Library Build- | - ------------------------ insulators, andeell fittings. FARR by the Arago school board to assist as elsewhere, we urge you to -end them, condition, with flat top. Cash or “i ?al5n’ Uf CEMENT A BUILDING MATERIALS BELWOOD. g a third teacher in the Arago school o clock A. M. on Wednesday, March | Papr . - Sunday School. 10 a. m. good Coal Circulator in exchange. 29, 1944, for all of the interest of ~rarr * «wood.________________ s Preaching service 11 a. m. and she started teaching Monday Bob Burns, 707 No. Taylor, phone iSTOVES—Just received shipment of morning. overflow lanSThSieinafte? dtocrih1 THE CIRCUIT .COURT OF THE ■ . Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m. 249L. ’ . s White, Full Enamel Wood and Coal Bivtoe hmiever o I i STATE 8TAT« °F OF OREGON IN AND or better still bring them. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller spent from butbne nr I ! FOR T" THE 1 COUNTY OF COOS COO« Ranges. See them at J. A. LAMB Friday till Sunday at the home of owners if mv tends Order Your Chipks NOW for Preaching service 7:30 p. m. thereon the preference*right!Ceranchinl.Plalntiff, COMPANY. p Mr. and Mrs.^>rvus Miller and family fronting Later Delivery, Also have good fronting thereon the preference right to purchase h?Xttr said tide and overflow Caranchini. Defendant. stock of Chick Feeds A Dairy DAIRYMEN — Do your cowl have in Myrtle Point, lands at the highest price offered, for SototoeR»-------- MILKING Maohfaes—If yours needs Feeds. M Grube or Warbles? Ask us what to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited at a period inTorlh? wVXid^^ch TO Ji?^ s caranchini , defend - overhauling, bring It in nows We LOU« CARANCHINI, DEFEND- 2tf» Coquille. use on them, FARR A ELWOOD. thecoma of Mrs. Laura Edmunds In i>*« of ii»e oioa proviaea sucn oner TQ ANT — ’ ' ---------- carry a full line of parts and sup­ 8thl Provided ' In «me °t jn the the n name of the the State State of of Oregon Oregon Coqpilie, Sunday. Mrs. Edmunds had thatIUthe Bonrd^r/^rvr» »[^ plies fof McCormick Deering ma­ han^^nd aU ^ ds ri OpSON, Monday and spent the night visiting terior Painting. We buy cotton Oregonian Subscribers: along low water line; thence Attorney for Plaintiff at the homes of his sisters, Mrs. O. H. rags. Herbert E. Wood, 375 N. help ybur carrier by having your N 73 degress 25 minutes Residence and Postoffice Addrsse Aasen and Mrs. S. C. McAllister. Mr. Henry St Phone 366. * tfs 307 feet along lew water paper money ready at his first call. North Bend, Oregon. line; thence S 86 degrees Haberly, who has been stationed at Remember he must pay his paper DRAG SAWS—We have been prom­ Washington for almost two years is. obligation before the 10th of the ised delivery on a few Vaughan to be ^jpped overseas soon and was mopth. Thank you. saws within the next few days. If on fas way to visit his parents, Mr. THE OREGONIAN AGENCY you need one, see us at once. J. and Mrs. A. Haberly, of Portland, Talbert •> Phone 134L A LAMB COMPANY. • before he has to report in San Fran­ cisco. Miss Eva Fitzgerald, wh« has Eli.CTRIC Limited quantity 13 ■M b K' worhiim in Washington, R for sale without priqrity. FARR 8t Applies ft (3-, aopopipapied him to Portland, by a certified cheek or ELWOOR _________ » Out-of-Town Shoppers! where her heme la, and she will re­ amount of the bid, pnd no bid will I Why not buy peer St main there, be consider < d tor lees than 81000 for WE SPECIALIZE eft ppraMMMfat W Rev, T- J, Pryor, of Myrtle Point, the above-described parcel of land. pairs for cqt qr broke* WSfaf9 All bids should be sealed and ad­ They aaay be conducted the regular Sunday morn­ dressed to Lewis D. Griffith, Clerk tubes, any else or type. All work ing ohureh service. Sunday school of the State Land Board, Salem, Ore­ fully (HarqntodN. Thornton Ttav followed with an attendance of 34. gon, and marked "Application and bid Service UN» R«y Services again next Sunday, preach­ to purchase tide and overflqw tends.” Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th plumbing SUPPLIES- W v »took • ing at 10 a. m. and Sunday school day of February, 1944. full Ifae including fixtures. J. A- at 11 a. m. LEWIS D. GRIFFITH I AMB COMPANY.______J Clerk, State Land Board Ladies AM met Wednesday at the 6t5 church for an all day’s meeting with ATTENTION—Can place Myrtlewood NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT a potluck dinner at noon. The ladies Novelties and lumber, abo cedar, Notice is hereby given that the. spent the time quilting. In the after ­ undersigned has on the 7th day of un market here in Washington, noon there was a Missionary meeting February, 1644, filed in the County DC. Write full details of what with election of officers, as follows: Court of Coos County, Oregon, his you Have to offer to B. C. Shoe­ Mrs. Werner Plaep, president; Mrs. final account in the administration Dr. De I ji Kb««»* maker, 4102 53rd Ave., HiUtop of the Estate of Judd M. Doering, De­ Manor Apt. 1, Hyattsville, Md. MILKING MACHINES—We have on Wayne Woodward, vice president: ceased, and that said Court has «»de Eyesight Mrs. O. H. Aasen, secretary, and an order setting Tuesday, the 14th 5t3»s hand SURGE MILKERS, it doesn’t Specialist Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward. . treasurer. day of March, 1944, at 10 A. M., at cost to use Surge. IT PAYS. Farr A Those attending were: Meedamea O the County Court Room In Coquille, AUTO PAINTING end Body Work. Otaesrit t-ltteS Oregon, as the time and place fori Elwood. —* Bring your car in—we Can start H. Aasen, Ward Evans, Albert Lillie. hearing objections thereto, and far: ton room joint)/ wrtt. work at once. Southwestern Motor Albert Guhtrom, Clarence Butler. final settlement and distribution of; Dr. J. R. Bunch Co. • Chester Willsop and Chloe, Roy Mast, said estate. Raymond Doering, Coquille rtimw n-j Werner Plaep and Wayne Woodward. 4t5 s Administrator of said Estate.! FARM \VATEH SY8TEMS— Dee» 9F --------- - ----------------------------------------------i 1083 Ward Evans and Maureen and Jun ­ shallqw well. J. A. LAMB COM" ior Gulstrom joined the ladles for NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the PANY ' f I dinner. undersigned, on the 31st day of Jan­ I Ladles AM will meet Friday this uary, 1944, filed in the County TOILETS A LAVATORIES — On I neeu imk » uw w ••«»»»»•« week Instead of Wednesday and there Court for Coos County, Oregon, her hand for sale without priority. iÄTKÄrexn Jnotructor of Piano will be an all day’s meeting with pot­ final account in the matter of the ad­ FARR fc. RLWOOD, _________ 6 ministration of the Estate of Louis luck dinner at noon. In the after­ A Sonneland, deceased; and that WK HAVE a limited quantity of noon the ladies will observe the said Court has made an order fixing Tuesday, March 7. 1944, at 10:00 Kuves trough, down spout and "World Dey of Prayer.” lidge roll In stock. J. A. LAMB Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow o’clock A. M., at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the and Mrs. Ida Myers drove to Powers time and place for hearing objec­ COMPANY. Sunday and visited at the homes of tions thereto, and for the. final set­ Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Barklow and tlement and distribution of said ea- tat*. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers. On the Dated and published first tlrte Feb­ way home they stepped at the house ruary 3, 1944, Helen M. G. Sonneland, of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Myers in 3tft Administratrix. Myrtle Point, Mrs. Harley Zeller, Of Haines, Qr% and Mrs. Nora Zeller, of Rose­ N«