Fairview News Out-of4)oors Stuff THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN ¿VERY GANO SERVICE T€L£PHOO€ 100 ¿flBl/LANCt S€WtC€ • COQUI LL€ Norway News Items i Mrs. Harvey Gant has been ill the. fliist six weeks, having to remain in ' Led the greater part of the time, ' though at present, »he is improving slightly. Warren Deyoe was a dinner guest at A. R. Bennett’s one day last week. The Victory Society of the Norway School gave its Washington's »nd Lincoln program Friday afternoon and were very happily surprised to see so many of the parent« present, mu m A w * . miiwaw^wi umwi | f It W“ « gJFTTsj Uj’ ■Howard Hancock, Tom De lief sen, Norman Halter, Henry Gagnor, Wm. McKinley, Glen Robison, Henry Det- lefsen, Martin Schmidt, Glen Wolf, W, A. Soaper and Raymond Thomp­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pribble and sons, Billie and Jimmie, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drake and daughter Wilma, 1 and her uncle, .Steve Pribble, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of ; Harold Pribble’» father, Howard Pribble and daughter Gjadyg. fhy occasion wag his «father1« birthday. Mig. R. ft. Rackleft returned Sat­ urday evening of last week from Port- land where »he has been visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrr. i Edwin Baker. She stated the weather ; in Portland was very similar to that ‘ in Coos, there being a good day fol- ' lowed by a very stormy one and also being quite cold as well. From this we learn that other places can have ' disagreeable weather as well as Coos county. The Norway school has a new pu- t ’pil, Harold Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wolf on the Rufus Rylander place. ‘ Mrs. Brandon soys in sp|te of colds J and flu that a few of the Norway pupi|g ^scaped to be present each day | j thfuughout the month, the fortunate «pesbeipg Maw Apfl QefieMen, Jan­ ice Rathmap, Rpta Kelley, George Soappr, Chari*» Haughton. Beverl* Hasner and Chloe Hancock. Mr. and Mr». Archie Racldeff and daughter», Phyllis and Patricia, of Marshfield, were over and »pent the day Sunday visiting Archie’» par­ ent», Mr. and Mr», R. R. Racklaff They had received word from their son, Archibald Rackleff, that he has arrived in Ireland and is Safe and well and say» that the soenery there Is beautiful. ' Ged Haughton, a well-known, old- time resident of our Norway com­ munity, passed away Wednesday of last week at the Mast Hospital and The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr». Roy Blohm 1» reported ill with pneumonia. Quality Gay — Yet Practical AUSTELLE DRESSES