Spent 18 Months At Island Base Belle Knife Hospital Mr». Paul Lentz, of Coquille, un­ derwent a major operation lust Wed­ nesday. Geo. Hu^st, who suffered neck and shoulder injuries at Kline’s camp,1 was brought to the hospital for treat­ ment, and Lorna Willard, Coquille, underwent an appendectomy on Fri- I day. Mrs. A. T. Richardson, Coquille, submitted to a major operation last Saturday and the same day Lee Mast, of McKinley, and James Copeland. Coquille, entered for medical care. Mrs. O. H. Garnier, Coquille, un­ derwent a major operation on Sun­ day. A baby girl was born on Tuesday I to Mrs. C. W. Brown, of this city, whose husband is in the service. The baby weighed eight pounds and has been named Darlene Claudette. ! W. L. Kistner, Coquille, entered for treatment * and Merlin Spencer, Marshfield, underwent an appen­ | dectomy on Tuesday. Mrs. Basil Arnold entered the j hospital Wednesday morning for a tonsilectoaay. > Dismissals the past week were: I E. V. Hand, Mrs. Harry Jensen and I Johnny Knight, last Friday: ' Mrs. I Cecil Albertson and baby, Mrs. James I Wilson and baby, Marjorie May I Shipp, on Saturday; Darlene Flower- I day and Mrs. “Chuck” Davis on I Wednesday. I Arthur Hooton 1« back on the job in the electrical wiring and repair business. He can be found north of ball park on Fairview road: phone mH. - 52tf. 231 South Taylor ^rTcnOOO SUI ANNA Pancake Flo WH Buy Y m Twa *100040 W«r B«Mb A 99 other BIC CASH AWARDS WANTED Circulators Heaters EGGS! Davenport Sets Favorite of all Lenten Foodel > C.rU. A.1^,34C I Grade A Medium Choirs Home Comfort Rockers Furniture Sets A. C. Schultz fihoud. of. O mjl IS NOW PROPRIETOR of the GASOLINE, OIL AND LIGHT AUTOMOBILE REPAIR Including Tune-up, Tire Repair and Servicing t ■ SAFEWAY