J PAGI WNr CLASSIFIED Norway News Items < Rev. pae Cent a Ward Baek laaerUee ♦ Na Adv. lees than M cauls The Woman’s Society at Christian Service met Fab. 8 fa the parlors of, *v.w ounaay scnooi. i the Methodist church, Mrs. Helen Pe- 11:00 Morning Service, tarson, the president presiding. The topic." “Bound in Heaven, morning session was devoted to busi­ ness when officers and chairmen of i various committees made report» Then Rev. Chas. G. Brown pre- ' tented f report from the Bishop's Cru- aade, held fa Portland; also the pro- [ «»*«n and plane for the local churches. At noon a potluck luncheon was served with Mesdames Rolla Newton. Barman, Howe and Fugieson • Church W Christ acting as hosteaes. ‘ At the afternoon meeting Mrs. Es­ £ f J East 4th k CtMUter Liston Parrish, Pastor ther Taylor led the devotions and 7^ 8:45—Sunday school hour. Enjoy the study of the Bible with this ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are group. available fa limited q»«ntittm: ’ ' 11:00—Sunday morning warahip have those extra convenience out­ FOR SALE— Mi h.p. motor, just over- service. Laymens Sunday with a let« installed. Phone 183R, E. O. bwlod and fa good condition. Also special program. Opparmdn.__________ 48tf • ■ .............. jL . ..w—. 11.1- new Borse Collar. Can be seen at • 30—Youth Fellowship groups. A »0» South Coulter. Geo. A. Oilman. FOR RENT — Two-room Furnished wonderful group to be with for study 1* •» ; Apartment, private bath, and gar- or for recreation. " ■ * age, to adults. Phone 187R. E. O. 7:80—Sunday evening worship FOB RENT — 4-reom Furnished Opperman. tf vice. Song service and the men . Apartment at «I» East First street, by the pastor. Coquille. O. T. Nelsen. WANTED — Water wells to drill. 7:30—Wednesday evening choir re- Have new and up-to-date equips hears.! hour. Noble Chowning direct- FOR RENT—»-room Cottage at »00 ment and heavy pipa where needed. ‘ng North Taylor. Phone 75J. ,lt Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. 7:30—Thursday evening mid-week 30t4*tf - FOH RENT — 3-room Furnished services. Thursday 7:30 Bible study and Mrs. Minnie Laws had charge of the Apartment. Mrs. Geo. Chaney. What is our contribution to the SALESMAN WANTED — Wanted at Phone 52L. H study program. prayer meeting. We will conclude causes of Christ, by way of service Once—Rawleigh Dealer fa South Those in attendance were Mes­ our study of “What the Bible Teaches and cooperation? • Coos k South Douglas Counties. WANTED—Housekeeper, two adults dames Richmond, Eilia, Carlisle, Way, about Christ." Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. ORB- only in family; best wages. Room Minard, Oddy, Purvance, Peterson, Bible ScHbol 8:45. Martha Mulkey, > YU H»ly N um Catnolie Church 282-F, Oakland, Calif. it* if desired. Inquire at Ml South Fugelaon, Laws, Taylor, Lundquist, Supt. We invite you to.join us in Mass at 8^*0 a. m. eveiy Sundi Heath, or phone 158R. Mrs. W. H. Brown, Stonecypher, Skeels, Chas. an hour of study and inspiration. SEED SPUDS—Also early pea aeed, Fortier. ■- - ’ ,y 'i Oerding, Harriman, Boaaerman, Rolla Morning Worship 11 o’clock. Spe­ ’■®oou*T’r COURT OF Tl onion sets. FARR k ELWOOD, s ■TATE OF OREGON IN AND N both ' IBS?1**1 thU 28U1 d** JaBuar>> good Coal Circulator in exchange. Joyce, (Mrs. Wayne Hubbard)> that socially and financially Several she has reached Sioux Falls, 8outh ' gue.u canw from th- Z y p *| Bob Burns, 707 No. Taylor, phone Catherine Lorena Ruble J49L...................................................... • 3t5 Executrix of said Estate. “it u WUh. b* h“’.‘*nd.K lC,Ub Prize was won by Mrs. . "*"1, J* TH*hman- Assorted salads will be GARDEN TOOLS — Rakes, shovels NOTICE TO CREDITORS house on the» Dal King ranch, now Mrved at the next meeti NOTICE is hereby given that the and hoes. New stock just arrived. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. “Dock" - There will be a district meeting undersigned was on February lary 8, », 1844, 1944, J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s Royer. 1 ‘ -.ft duly appointed Executor at of the WlU WIM here Feb. 20 and «Iso the caravan of Mr “T.J*"“ "tELZ? ^^be^Z^F^’.’aub of EL C. Krantz, Deceased, by by th» th» TOILETS k LAVATORIES — We vniinonr nrara Qshirdav »• - * . County Court of Cooe County, Ore ­ « two younger children were Saturday H to”hito’«^day"“lton’t7Qr- have them. No nriority. FARR k gon, and all persons having claims ' afternoon visitor» with Mr. and Mrs. —. w ELWOOD. ' , S get the two dates. against said estate are hereby re­ 1 Walter Schroeder. quired to present them to me with Several of the memebrs are ill and , The Bright Bros, whose tie mill, to- also death hag come to the homes proper vouchers attached and duly FOR SALE — Drapes and Kitchen verfied at the office of F. E. Mc­ , cated east of Myrtle Point, near the of oom* of our memebrs, for which Curtains. Phone 222J. Mrs. J. W. Cracken. Attorney, in Coquille, Ore­ Starr, »24 No. Elliott, Coquille. It’s , Sky ranch, are planning to hire a man we are very sorry. *><. gon. within six months from the date . to help boo«t their output of railroad of this notice. Dr, Townsend qrUI bo in Portland DRIVE IN and lm us inspect your CHURNS—We have both glass and Dated and published first time Feb­ I ties fa order to keep up with the fa- March 18; all our members wish he tires for hidden defects before you ruary 3, 1844. stone chums. J. A. LAMB COM­ . creasing demand. might come to Coquille. — Press Cor. Walter A. Krantz, . take that trip. Thia service Is frac PANY. g i Geo. Haughton wu taken to the 3t5 Executor of said Estate. and may save you trouble and os- ... ........ . - e ■ Mas? hoepltai Mopday morning of thia penae away from home. Thornton APARTMENTS and ROOMS FOR ’ week with a relapoe from the flu and CARD OF THANKS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT RENT—At Watson Rooms, Front 1 a very bad heart. Tire Service. It» Notice is hereby given that the Wo take thio means of expressing and Hail Sts., Coouille. 4t2*» undersigned has on the 7th day of ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druliner «nd our sincere thanks and appreciation HELP WANTED—Married man od February, 1M4, filed fa the County dairy ranch, age no consideration. FOR SALE — Donkey, lines and ! son Douglas, who have been living on to our friends for the sympathy and Court of Coos County, Oregon, his kindness shown us during our recent final account in the administration blocks. Wm. Knabe, on Fiahtrap. the place above the Norway school Good wages. Lester Clausen’s the Estate of Judd M. Doering, De- house, owned by Horman Tedeasw are »vement caused by tip death of 4Ws ranch, five miles Coquille on Ban­ ssed, and that said Court has made 4»< ... . '■ ft Harry. Also for the flowers nftovlng to Myrtle Point lh a lew day£ don highway and Geo Clausen order setting Tuesday, the 14th Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder drove at the services held Saturday and X of March, 1S44, at 10 A. M., at road. Phillipa k Blauvelt. lt»s LANTERNS—New stock just arrived. the County Court Room in Coquille, J. A. LAMB COMPANY. h to Roeeburg early Wedneeday morn­ among those sending floral pieces we Oregon, as the time and place for WALLA WALLA SWEETS are here. ing of last week, returning late Thurs­ wish especially to mention the Coos hearing objections thereto, snd for Make mild, sweet-flavored green or ■MILKING MACHINES — We are day evening. He went out to help his Bay Lumber Co. and employees, the Of The final settlement and distribution of agents for 8URGE MILKERS. Fast­ daughter, Eva, (Mrs. A. O. Hugbee) V. dry onions. FARR k ELOOD. s W. Post No, MS* th« men it th« said estate. BETTER CLAi er — Cleaner — Safer. FARR A get moved into their new home there. Laird, Benham k Laird camp, the Raymond Doering, * ★ ★ . TIMBER WANTED—Fir and cedar I Administrator of said Estate ELWOOD. R Mrs. R. R. Rackiefi toft Wednesday 1 Eagles Lodge and F. S. Slover Co. —x. poles and poets, all sizes. Quote of last week, going to Portland for 1 Mrs. Violet Harry and family, Grant prices f.o.bu/shipping point earli­ FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser- Joe Harry and family, Mrs. a visit with her daughter and family, i Harry, 1 vice—calll-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ est shipment Niedermeyer-Martin NOTICE Beryls Syphers, Mrs. Maud Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Baker. PANY Co., Portland^Ore^^. It5e Mr. and Mr». Gale Bush from Gold Mrs. Chloe Tennison. Oregonian Subscribers: help your carrier by having your Beach visited several days last week PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We stock a with bar grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. paper money ready at hie first call. lull line Including fixtures. J. A. Remember be must pay hie paper Bert Soaper. Mr. Bush left Mon­ LAMB COMPANY._________ ■ de/ of this week for Eugene to get obligation before the 10th of the FOR SALE—8 rooli House, modern^ month. Thank you. s truck driving job. Meanwhile Mrs. full basement, and three lots and CIRCUIT OOUM* OF _ Bush remained at her grandparents' THE OREGONIAN AGENCY STATE OF OREGON IN AND chicken house and garage. Inquire for the time being, until Mr. Bush 1S4L FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS E. E. Benham at/Benham'» Trans­ gets located. • Fay Caranchlni, Plaintiff, fer____________ w sotti Mike Daniels was clejk of the auc­ .T T. va. Louis Caranchlni, Defendant. tion eale at Dr. Gilbert's ranch on DAIRY & STOCKMEN—Feed your TO LOUIS Z CAÉANC1 stock Min A Lak, the mineral con­ WE HAVE A fair supply of Bicycle Hall's Creek Sunday. Mrs. Daniels “ ARANCHINI, DEFEND- and her niece, Miss Margaret Dan­ ANT:— taining yeast culture. FARR k EL­ Tires and Tubes, J. A. LAMB iels, served lunch to about one hun­ In the name of the State of Oregon WOOD. ____________ • COMPANY. ' s you are hereby required to appear dred. and answer the Cdtapiaint filed GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ RHUBARB ROOTS — GRAPES — E. F. Brodie has sold his ranch against you in the above entitled suit surance I give service. F. R- with the exception of three or four on or before the 24th day of Febru­ STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Farr k ary, 1844. that being the time pre­ Bull. • Elwood. s acres surrounding the house where scribed in the order for publication they will continue to live. of this Summons, and if you fail to McCORMICK - Deering Milkers. The Norway Home Extension Unit so appear and answer for want TRACTORS, Farm Machines and met Friday of last week at the home thereof plaintiff will apply to the Genuine IHO Repairs. J. A. LAMB of Mrs. Frank Southmayd. Miss Lois Court for the relief prayed for in 14SM "*■ Benham’s Transfer PhoaeSS . Night Phone MX « Southwestern Motors Che v ro l et — Buick FOR SALE—Lot 80x110, Frame of Bun. 5 Rm-Wouee, opposite 8th St, »300. 1100 down, or »250 cash. Wm. H. Maben, 4021 W. 108 St., Inglewood, Calif. 2t»«S Insurance Specialist F. R. Bull, 4 V a Anywhere For Hire * DB. WILLIAM D. MORGAN 17» N. ink st. SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregan-Nevada-Californfa Fast Freight