■» Belle Knife Hospital of >lrs. “Chuck” Davis, of Coquille, an entered the hospital for a major oper­ ation last Wednesday night. ’ g- pre same day Marjorie May Shipp, la. of Coquille, and Roger Depnings, of of Bandon, underwent appendectomies, na A baby girl, named Cecile Faye and who weighed 11 pounds, was of born to Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Albertson of last Thursday. To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wilson, of Denmark, a baby girl named - - Sharon and who weighed six pounds, was born Feb. 11. E. V. Hand entered, the hospital ’ last Saturday for medical attention “d and Darlene Flowerday underwent ' an appendicitis operation the same h day. *° On Sunday Gerald Wetobrook for ** a major operation and Ruth Burgess _ for an appendectomy entered. Both are from Coquille. r Mrs. N. E.Bernheisel, of Coquille, entered the hospital lor a major < operation, and Jackie Kelly, Coquille, " also for a major, both on Monday. Glen Grant came to the hospital 'id ^ro,n Gaylord on Tuesday for treat­ ment of a dislocated shoulder. Stewart Avery, Coquille, submitted to an appendicitis operation on Wed­ nesday. Mrs., L. L. Gilbert, of Overton, ce Nev., after being in the hospital for to five days following a major opera­ tion, was taken by Dr. Gilbert last th Week in an ambulance and started for It their home. to Other dismissals have been Mrs. its Emma Cole, of Bandon, on Feb. 10; ee Mrs. Arlene Kesler, Cooquille, and Waldo Lee Lund, Gaylord, on the n- 15th, Mrs. Chas. Spencer and baby a of Marshifeld, and Monte Lund on the tx> 10th. ------ —ki—--------- McClure and Infant Daughter Born To The 'F.'F. Kcslars Buried » Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock for the eight-day old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Keslar, who paaaed away Feb. IS. Services were in charge of the Gano Funeral Home and Rev. L. C. Persing offi­ ciated. Interment was in the 1.0.0^. cemetery, No 2, of Coquille. ,WANTED Any and All Kinds of FURNITURE Garden Tools Carpenter Tools Linoléums Ranges Bed Springs Sewing Machines AU Enamel In Fine Condition Small Motors nt Bank Bldg. Also Service oh INCOME TAX REPORTS INSURANCE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT NOTARY PUBLIC Railroaders with their THINKING CAPS on They call me * real trouper. I’m always on the Job when needed. But still I’m no power­ house. PLEASE take good care of me. c