k th « CXMKJUU VALUnr SBNTINKL. COGUUXB, ORBGON. THURSDAY, FKBRU AS Y IT, 1M4. [ Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C [ Out-of-Doors Stuff BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH br LANS LKMBVS I.O.O.F. Honors ¡Coqjuille Scouts j ti feature of Boy Scout Week PAGE FIVI Family Relations Program For Coos Co I classes, in order to provide a build- I ing, heating of same and to select a leader and co- leader. In some com- munitiee, it la being planned for one group to sponsor an evening discus­ sion group and another a day group. This organization'will open the mem­ bership ot q/ass to all adult* who care to attend. It is very important that communi­ ties which desirs to take advantage of this should go to work at once to get the details lined up and reported to the county superintendent. In Marshfield, report at ' intention* should also be made to Miss Jose­ phine Griffin, head of Morale Divi­ sion of O.C.D. and those in each North Bend, Coquille and Powers, report to the head of the interclub com? mittee as follows: H. L. Crawford, L- A. Lundquist and Mr*. Margaret Brown. ' '. ’V" --------------- was Representatives of six communi­ Washington, D, C., February 18— i the entertainment provided for the ties attended the Family Living Con­ Hearings before the Public Lands local Scout troops by Coquille Lodge ference with Mr*. George Moortiead, Committee of the House will begin No. 53, I. O. O. F. Thto was held in Friday _______________ at the City Hall in North Bend. Monday on H. R. IBM. This bill is of spring the hall last Wednesday evening and «•These communities were North Bend, for the purpose of clarifying the simplification of income tax return*.1 ®videnUy d*«* not Uv® In Or®««», was attended by the scouts of Troop ' Marshfield, Coquille, Powers Ea*t- present confused administrative sit­ December, January and February Derember, Fkbruary are No. «3, Troop No. 14, and the Sea «»de and Charleston. the month, months when when «Ata robin red-breast is uation with respect to some 500,000 ~ - - I I the 1. Scouts. n_... Mrs. Moorhead, Field Secretary for Th. railroads of th. country came!than anv¿the “T K.r MOOrhe“d acres of the old O. A C. grant lands. in for a panning thia week when f ™n ®“er After ________ __ Ator being greeted by a number at of the *he E. B. Brown Trust, has promised The lands were originally a pert of WendeU Berge, Antitrust Division of T"!, with 9ddf The robin “ 1 toe* in , boys then listened to talks on Odd- cussion groups can be carried on in (8 702) drew ZL .T k . ------ ---------------7 ,lslenea to talks on Odd- cussion groups can De carried on in dMw sftar 7*ieivldan<* duri«g «>® "»«>«« fellowship by J. P Beyer, and Fred '«« individual communities in April, lish proper administrative authority. the following conclusion* Guy Cordon of Roseburg, attorney listic and collu- , *** *ea*>n “f year’ Bul1- There were short talks by Because of the late date of starting, the rnnongraBr^X monopolistic and Xh collu- •ive practice. ‘ 8‘?°Ut’ Chuck StiV‘n’on' Norman ‘thereby extending th. meeting, into for the land grant counties in which nouncing the disputed lands lie, is in Washing­ he said, retarded such improvements n-T 1 „LMtioVoTthXe tords”^ ^er*ln<’and Vernon »dredge. Group the garden season, it was deemed beat season, it was deemed best ton and will present the case for the as air-conditioning and streem-lined' ___ .^ B»®®® ^rd» from singing followed Until the boys were to streamline the local discussion 6 i T - --- ------- W--W- -v-w»» MlWVUOJIVll train.. * «r*®n »‘•Ma to their nesting spot invlted to “com. and act it.” J groups, thus holding only four local counties. One half a million dollars was re­ 'come and get it ” ' -¡groups, thus holding only four local trains: —or- in the low ignis during the evening cently left by Dr. E. C. Brown to en­ In the dining room tablas had been 'meetings at this time. “ First: Competition among the hour*. . * The soldier vote problem, which has set " and decorated with red, white and Other set dow this fund for a program of Social .7 „ na aecoraiaa '- ’“»er communities desiring to act ha* been re- j ~ _ _ ____________________ ------ 2- of this country has occupied so much space in these'let- railroads Hygiene. Family Relation* is one During the winter month* tne little blue candle* and flag*. Before being U P «tudy group*, will be welcomed by^* «reeU,tt a"d brush Vrw’to ^'ap^t’abou’t .- rlOU1 loua a agreements irate un>«n l*> mnro annarnnf tateraaad____ j - • > • . . ters lately; is tied up in disagree­ seated the whole group sang “The and «hould report same to the office phase of this program. Coos county clb, ln I. houae* has been appointed, and it is portation services, and high non-com- "2 aaW‘allJr ,n They were then served cfeughnuts, low’ Th® »• C. Brown Trust will leaders is one means of availing our­ non-com thelprln, Bnd iummer monthM> when ice cream an(j chocolate b g provide the faculty for the training selves of this opportunity. hoped thia group can reach an agree­ JXnfo. petitive rates. at^ all I of Rebekahs who assisted the Odd- ’»chool. Place has not been set as yet, ment. A* presently constituted, how­ Th. _____ :_____ .-A thei£ sweet song^may be heard “ — —i or KeDexans who assisted the Odd- «nc>oi- nace , I "Second: ever, it is rather more than likely n. m i_-......................... . ..____ ____________ ‘ ‘ ."’ ion the Bay. Four or tellows in preparing the refreshments. but it will be , »upplytag of railroad equipment, that the conference itself (will be -------------- , travel ■ hav. ____■ VJj * d °d weat er evidently Thia was followed bv some vonr five days (on ” “ ' . ------------------------------------- ZZ Th,i waa followed by some very f,v e days (one for each successive ticularly for passenger deadlocked so further action in both «ritotic eon-IZZ" ’*rited «wiP singing led ‘*<1 by Mrs. Mrs. J.l J,!*®*h) will be « given for training the been subjected to monopolistic we®a> *>» lven for houses of Congress may be nooeaary. trol, for the purpose of protecting the 1 1**° whl * 1 '*“* f”® Pt Beyers. At the close the apprecia- leaders and co-workers. These will 5 th* exprmmd by *** The Administration forces have mo^opoltottepJE used every possible delaying tactic Bill Brown of Troop 14, Chuck Stev'- at noon These leaden will later on this problem. It is not clear why enaon dt Troop 83, and Earl Bteham lead the discussion in their own com- they are doing it, but they ars. This ¡munlttea.------------------ ---... —---- strategy is still in force. The con­ --------- m «ne tee com w.vc,, wnne i Oddfellows who acted as _______ official Th® ’s responsibility r——'-^7 •• -y ■»" —->3 ___________ ______ community |L WBAACTMA ’ ' ’ in ____________ — - -- w flcient and economic equipment ha* ference chaimen in-both houses are sat there upon the bank bundled up hosts for the lodge were Earl L.. i the matter is as follows: Some or- users who ars no lonxer smbari been *eriou*ly retarded, with ëirffeuÿ ptosplee. doh administration men, so although the “Thlrd While nesting essential !? clothln« and ab,verln« *ltb Schroeder, Fred Bull, J. P. Beyers^ ganbatlon or combination of organ!- conferees were named Thursday of BARROW DRUO CO. CM*. K H HU,„. W.,U, A. MM u -p— •!» developmrats ln toelrown field, the completed his bath, he flew to the this week, no meeting of the con­ Moore. T. Herbert and G. Robinson. railroads have retarded the dev-lnn. 1___ _ ... . - ..__________ . . . ference committee has been called. ment of transportation of cargo by perched himaelf upon a Umb for the | Rebekahs who assisted in the kitchen '■** . .x Chairman Worley told me this morn­ were Mrs. Lonnie Clark, Mrs. Earl night. » ing that he did not expect any meet­ y j- Schroeder and Mr*. J. P. Beyers. ing to be called before Wednesday— 1 • '■ If a person remains perfectjjr sta- Scouts who attended were: • -r and so another week of delay is the A touchy issue will be before the Uon*d. not even bats an eye or be- Troop No. 83—Bruce Martin, Don result Congrew in a few weeks. It ie the hlme.lf by the slightest move- McLarrin, Edward Stevenson. Ray­ qutetion-of what changes to make in'n*n<. 11 wtoniahlng how close mond Kay, Bill Anderson, Frank Bar­ It will be necessary for the Com­ OPA. The present OPA taw expires 'wild •*ma wiu »PProaoh him. If rows, Jerrf GulUim, Chi ’ “ Chuck Steven- modity Credit Corporation MU, on June 30. The law must be extended th® 'V>nd »• tawwble, a dw. bear, son. Cecil McKee, 1 Harold Shelley, which io tacked k paragraph forbid­ or revised If price control continues., c°ugar-in fact, any wild animal- Forrest Peteraon, Allen Laffety, is determined to force *d-[^.U ap*^h.\P„ ding the payment of consumer subsi­ Congress Billy Cobb, Jhn Kay, Donald Beal, congress is determined to force ad-.’”» “»X'T”' they can think of-and it’« still dies; more properly describe^ as con­ mlnlatrative Improvement*; to whittle ,F°U' Birds Wlll_ a»ih» n®®r you— Donald Ayery and Scoutmaster Don- up to the people themselves to d^7>PA ’ ^toi7Zh ’ teh7hn tori '* ven u P° n ’ rw sumer rebates, to be completed dur­ • .1_ aid H.,Farr.. see to it that the world is ruled ing the coming week. The'extenaion go far beyond Congresaional author-. At one time I had a little bruah TrSop No. 14—Donald Harris, Bill by tolerance and understanding. Congress waw-.w angered ..v, not «• at wren alight Upon th. - _ barrel of my ¡Melton, if* the right to eajoy • gtoee of probably be passed and sent to the pushed, la thinking about specific re- . ^* beer eccnslnnslty or the right to President during the coining week strictions tote stepped on OPA prac-. fauilly engaged ip cleaning himself up,, tert jteed, Jean Boots, Jimmy Clark, vote accordtag to our conadence hi* hs«d he*d h« burst Plerce Bryc B T tics. in In th« the making mekaw will be a oaU caU «*" u*" P«<“ p « back his Plercej , ’ Tracy( Q1 1 texxzi tn lea■*<*!• item« I ... for a review of OFA decisions by ‘ nl ° * on «' 1 bad ,au ® b a,,d Knight, Preston Willis, Nell Haga, contain the ban on consumer rebates. be worth the paper that it's Thto would establish'broke tte spall ted aw«y he went.Bm K-Ue regular oourta, CZ1 , printed Cte .... ------------------ a ... I with an anerv twi tee, Jack guk The House adjourned Thursday for the right of appeal from OPA deci- with an angry twitter, You may mav remain r®‘"aln perfactly " quiet Kuenzli, George Utzenberg- the week-end after passing the Treas­ aiena in the router way. If present j Yuu ury-Poet Office appropriation bill; a Indications are borne out. It is likely and wild duck. wiU ewim up to er, Tommy Mullins; Phil Alborn bill to create a Chief at Chaplains for that the Congress will tak. advantage within « few yards ot you, but just .scoutmMter. «nd Connie Phillips As- the Navy; a bill to provide for the ap­ 'a* the renewal ot OPA legislation to • slight movement «nd they are aware | ,lgtant Scout Master te1 Scouts—Vernon Eldred^. Kart , ____ , of another Assistant Secre- ‘ settle, once and for all, how far OPA V’ pointment Cold and wet rainy day* seem to I Benham and Leo Call, tury of th. Interior (making three (Is to go in its rule., regulations and put a dampuj, on the spirits of song- I - _ _ _ in all). The Senate spent most of the practices. stars, as well as such game birds as * _ . — ■------FTiTTi-i. am ¿7 ------ 1 Tg“ii .HT i h O W i TnTii i i gf 8 quail, grouse and pheasant* and they I OWnSend CIlID NO. Z We and the telephone-using public much pagtar «gproaohed than m a „ shall have to make some real sacri­ are during rny other kind Of wrethor. TowwendClub Norland Auxiliary fices in order, fo MW fhg Army «nd and even W «tert hawk Will often "*t *ith Mrs. Florence DeNoma on N«y» «to pomffiwMc*U°n wvtem allow « man to approach within easy Feb 10- w'th, a good crowd th af- they mwt MW to ftotoM th« Japaq- gun eun shot if he is perched on a limb— tendance. In honor of Lincoln’« - The growing Shprtagp pf facilities asa." we mean the hawk, of courgg^-teurlng Birthday a patriotic program was for telephone service |S indicated a drizzling rain. . carried out., Luncheon was served recent changes |n WW PrrilWtlW Some anglers maintain that trout bF "J14 pU®® ewxta ”*• ’ Board ord®r*». according te H, O. High Spaed Brings Higher will pit* better on rainy day», While tn“d® * •maU Chapman, di»trict^ manager for the Traffic Death Toll West Coast Telephone Company, . Traffic apcidente in Oregon during others maintain th»} It take« the »Un- IlntWMttag to learn that DrNoma's grandfather, Chas. O. Mr, Chapman States that th« Mtgrt the firtt pHHiih qf l«44r shewed « Shine to make them really strike. We * revision of WPB Order U-3 hM «(M®d Sharp upward trend, Secretary qf f WI--T YH. «TSC. J lim m i. ™”i«u wm a mandatory order that ti|iph*ps state Bob Farrell disclosed today today to in Wffltog this And personally W« be- ÖVÜ War and knew President Lm- *•’> Mr» DeHoma has ppmpaniM *hal| cjisconnetrt service aonouncinrib* death of •» p*r*on* lieve thst the wMthw "haann aa murfi |eoln When they learn that the present ] in automobile accidents that month, to do wtth them biting as has the two b°F® ,n the service. One la over­ real user of service is not a u«er sen* In comparison with th« II persons condition Of the water, the .tides, etc. •*“ The only thing we art sure of on i Mrs. Esther Briner and Mrs. Mil­ |emp|ated when the service WM «ri- | killed In traffic In January of IMS, have 8ome work ginated The exchange line plant, , thia represents an IncrtaM of •» per that subject is the fact that it is much drwl MUHr pUn more pleasant fishing with Old Doi raady tor Auxiliary which will central office equipment, or telephone cent, I Instruments thus made available shall In connection with the sharp up­ smilin’ OYgyhOMI than It la to angle m®et with Mrs. Violet Roth at 505 be used to take ear. of current appli­ ward trend in traffic death*, Farrell iB th« wn «T te dark, cold day*. Holly street on Feb. 24. TOUGH •/ SOPIR cation* for service essential to pro- ( pointed to apeod chepkl mad« by th« That1* something that we believe no 1 Club No. 2 will help Club No. 1 ducers of substantial quantities of traffic engineering division of th« angler will be adverse to admitting. entertain the district meeting on Feb. 30 ih the Woodmen hall. good*; or service authorized by th* state highway department, showing DAMP PROOF W*r production P*«r