■ n — lems About Local Boys In Service Tiro Shop I Norton’s still have quite a complete line in picture frame*. Reasonably priced. S fistiasti O Boiata ■»M irtwifaw • Uw Automotive Inspection — service—repairing and test­ ing has been our business for years and we will be glad to double check any reports you are in doubt of. For example example: your car may be in need (but not ur» gent) of some type of repair work. At slight additional operating cost you can drive it another year, at which time it will require no extra parts and the same amount of labor! Dup to present driving .conditions and low octane fuel your oar may be as much in need of the same repair in another year. filatila! The Paper Hw» •«e is ImMa .. • BS&® 0000 FOTATOH It sometimes takes more than Factory training to de­ termine whether an old car Is safe and economical to operate. ""■a We meet all competition ------- We are sever oadenoM ' ’•