TWO • PIECE I Room Suites of the Jurisprudence committee, and Mrs. Margaret Dodge. Matron of El­ gin chapter. Myrtle Point. Other El­ Junior Women Plan Dance gin chapter officers were also pres­ For Saturday, March 18 ent. The Junior Women's Club met last On March 10 the district meeting of Doric, Coo« and Beulah chapters wilFMonday evening at the Guild Hall Wood-burning Circulating HEATERS a school of YARDLEY’S HAND CREAM Large Fire-box—will take 22 in. wood. Two only at $59.50 Full Sise All White Enamel Range Large fire-box. One Ohly $89.50. Purkey Furniture Fuhrman’s Pharmacy We wish to thank the people of Coquille for their patron age and interest shown Tn the New Market. When Yon Think «0 Furniture Think o0 Turkey) IIEEKJHI urbe Our Merchandise is so Ar Hills, Wadhams, Golden West, lb or Snowdrift 3 Lb. Jars OXYDOL Washing Powder, Lge. Pkg DEV. Meat, Small Tins, Can GARDEN FRESH CORN FLAKES* Albers, Kelloggs °f Post Toasties» pkg- 5c S. BEANS, Indian River, No. 2 Tins* 3 for PntatnAc u s No 2 50 lb ■ tJlClIUwSi Real Quality bag BEANS, Small Whites or Red Mex.< 3 lbs —— -—4—— ——-— . ■ ——■ TOMATO JUICE, Garden, 47oz. tins SALAD DRESSING - TANG qts CHEESE, Full Cream, lb. CRACKERS* Sunshine Krispies>2lb. box CORN, Blue Circle Golden Sweet Corn We have Tomatoes, New Spuds, Rhubarb, Peppers, Limes, Avocados, Celery, Green Broccoli, Mustard Greens, Spring Turnips, Beets — at prices yoji can afford to pay.