Auction At Smalley Ranch Feb. B Personal Mention Jack Cooper returned Saturday from Portland^ yhere he went last week for one of his periodic check­ ups. He says Coos county never had anything to compare with the heavy downpour he saw in Portland last Thursday. i Friday, Saturday action 1 cm# riotous hilarity I V/HIRÜVIWD Fuhrman’s Pharmacy THURSDAY FRIDAY-SATURDAY iEtfS THE HEART SPEAKS IN A GREAT MOTION PICTURE The lauqhs Hie tears, the traqedies and ¿S.* SUN • MON . TUE. ^¡JhenThcy WitTSe^ed... ¿KiU ♦WT TWt ROOR- DOOBtED oven WITH lAUOMTER/ ' ”^5B| 4-ALSO-+- CARTOON Latest News MATINNEE ADULTS BLANCHESTER rhnlk'