t bad out bureaucratic be kept to the letter »nee, however, the patient a ases mms is a asso resa ■upturing appendix has* a ’ BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH If moved \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. YOUNG i re­ Washington, D. C„ February 5, 1944 which was passed by the Senate, and in ■ —The soldier vote question, so far as provided for the appropriation of fif­ the House is concerned, was settled teen million dollars for advertising - ' Thursday. This is written on Sat­ in connection with the sale of war are not allowed to urday, and today the Senate is in ses­ bonds, was tabled by the Ways and services but are sion endeavoring to reach a decision Means Committtee. .Considerable permitted to accept gifts from pros­ on the same problem. pressure undoubtedly has been put pective patients. One can readily An interesting parliamentary situ­ on the committee because a targe understand that the fellow without a ation has developed. Early in Decern-, number of small newspapers are few rubles stands a poor chance of ber, the Senate debated the Green- anxious to have this bill passed. As getting prompt, satisfactory jnedical Lucas Bill for six days and rejected a result, the Ways and Means com­ attention. lit America we Would I it, passing in its place, a constitutional mittee Friday reported out the bill, term this discrimination against the , bill, making certain recommendations H57, with some amendments. "submerged third.” I to the stales regarding soldier voting Another weakness of the Russian procedure and carrying a directive to Hearings on flood control are un­ medical system, and one that would the Army and Navy to give air trans­ der way now. Testimony this week be unavoidable in America if the portation to the ballots and applica­ has been given by the Chief of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill becomes tions. This bill was then taken up in Army Engineers, on several proposed a taw, is that a Russian, having to the House of Representatives. An ef- flood control projects. Since the Riv­ • ft • ft ft ft ft ft ft 6 take hie turn with doctors, rarely has fort was made to substitute the House ers and Harbors Bill will contain a the same one twice. He, therefore, equivalent of the Green-Lucas Bill large appropriation, and the flood . loses the advantage an American en- on the Floor. The roll-call on the control bill, when completed, will , joys, NOW of having' a physician Green-Lucas or Worley Bill in the also run into large expenditure fig­ ft ft ft .ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft diagnose, treat and prescribe, who House rejected it by a vote of 224 ures, it is hoped by both the Flood ¡may have a long acquaintance with to 188. The Senate BUI previously Control Committee and the Rivers and , Recently Wendell Wlllkie warned . this winter. He went for the purpose his own peculiar and individual con­ passed was then passed by the House Harbors Committee that the two bills that heavy taxes, due to war expen-1 President Wilson died. Contribu­ of accompanying her home. stitution. The Russian doctor has to with certain committee amendments can be considered separately on the dHures, would continue far years and tions for the starving German chil­ start from scratch without benefit in and a few amendments from the Floor Floor.' The Rivers and Harbors Bill would result in «.lower standard of I Sheriff E. P. Ellingsen has another dren will certainly be halted by so most cases of previous personal con­ by the overwhelming vote of 928 to has already been reported, and it is living for the Atoerican people. Thai under his charge this morning, who offensive an act. tact with the patient. Russian ^pa­ 89. made us wonder just where that low­ hoped it may have early (Considera­ t ■ ' will not be taken before any justice tients may not fare so well but the ering level would affect us. But, about the time the House be­ tion so that it will not rtin into a of the peace. It is a boy who arrived Anne Barton entertained with a doctors do all right. My informant To be sure none of us are now gan to debate the soldier vote bill, jam with the flood control bill. at his home during the night. birthday party Monday evening from 1 added quite significantly: “Of course, traveling around the country at a Senators Lucas and Green introduced three until five. The little girls en- the Russian doctors always have plen- sixty-mile-ah-hour clip. However, The prospect tor adequate funds for their bill in the Senate agate. and t • joying the affair were Ann Van Scoy, ,ty of ................. rubles.' when we ape on the road, we can tell Snow Survey work for next winter now being debated. Zelma Boaserman, Betty Glaisyer, Do you want that kind of a medical whether it’s a wild duck, a seagull Obviously, both bills cannot become seems excellent at this time; A total Virginia Harteon, Elizabeth Pierce, tyttem in America? If npt, you’d or a mud hen in the field we pass; the law. Apparently, Jh« Q«ly thing that of »75,000 is carried in the budget Gretchen Neal, Carol Young, Audrey better take a look at this Wagner- trees are more beautiful when we the Senate actually can do is to agree request which comes before the can aisunnui*n distinguish an riuei alder iruni from an um oak, , —------ --------------- •------ -- ---------------------- Aasen, Margaret Paulson, Sarah Mar- Murray-Dingell bill—see for your- to, or disagree with, the House House Appropriations Committee this a fir from a cedar or a rhododenron iy possible, but the physiological ele- garet Nye, Esther Mansell, Joan Per- Mlf that It would be the entering amendments to the bill previously week for consideration. This 1* the from a myrtle, instead of all of them “ impossible. Ex­ rott, Edythe Farr, Ruth Tozier, Twila wedge for such intolerable procedures passed, although Administration largest amount ever-set up for this blending into a green blur as we ' P«rimeats on animals in France show Tennison. Faye Nosier, Faye Hur- in the United States. Due to the war forces appear to beUeve that the work and provides for the establish­ whir by.. We may not be able to I that such speeds produce anaemia of rell, Edna Johnson, Anna Johnson, emergency we are putting up with an Green-Lucas Bill can be tacked on ment of some new survey courses. cover several hundred miles in an, «» brain and hence insensibility and Hazel Heckert, Helen Heckert and overdose of bureaucracy. We know Snow surveys *fcrm the basis of to the end of the previously passed afternoon but neither are we ex- ¡sometimes death. Jesse Barton. how obnoxious it is. We also know Senate bill. It remains to be seen estimatgs of probable water supplies ha us ted when the rids is over (—and I that government management of any­ what wUl happen, The Admlnistra^, Ahis information is of increased im- most of us come home all in one MORSE V8. HOLMAN TO BE BIG thing is never efficient. It follows tion la making an aU-out fight to portance during war time to farmers that government*« sticking ita nóce have federal ballots without names in irrigation districts, public and pri­ piece nowadays). No the rationing CONTEST IN OOX PRIMART into the management of doctors and printed on them distributed to and vate hydroelectric power production, The following about tty Uft Pte- Mostly MÌSS_—* — ftMs^fttìs would de troy an orderly voted by the people in the armed municipal and industrial water sup­ and efficient medical system, setting forces. _ ___ ________ . plies, and in making flood control , By George Peck up one In its place that would be forecasts. > There is one law of economics that largely hit and miss—AND MOSTLY This service has been operating for Hearings on the Agriculture Ap­ . no Socialist, Planned Economist or MISS. ep propriation Bill will begin this week. more than SO years in co-operation . starry-eyed dreamer can circumvent, These hearings usually last two or with public and private agencies. i No government has ever been able to three weeks, and are handled by a These local agencies pay out far moi ej. . give anything away which it did not subcommittee of the full Appropria­ than the government does in conduct­ » first take away from those Who had ing'the survey. The government tions Committea. ' > earned it by application and thrift, function is mostly 'supervising and . Whenever the government feeds the The tax bill is nearly completed,’ tabulating. i drones, whenever it renders any the Conference Report having been ;-------- -r*-------- i free(?) service, it does so at the sx- signed Friday, and the official and It will pay you to look at Bergen’s • pens» oftbe honey-bees of the hive final report is expected by Monday. before you buy. 1 —the workers. > Even it one attributes more wisdom a The newspaper advertising bill, Income Tax Service—F. R. Bull. i to those who run our government . than that with which they are en- i dowed, they cannot find nor ever will i be able to find any way to get rev- i enue except by taxing those who have Just Arrived i toiled and saved. It is the people who Commercial I produce, practice self-denial and • Fertilizer -.save, that make all government and i government functions poesible. The latest scheme to attempt to circumqgnt this inexorable law of : economics is the Wagper-Murray- Dingell bill, which would make the more modern and comfortable, are Wayne Morse, who before 1932, Surgeon Genera] of the United States to follows the war. ta IMS, and in J8M and 1940 voted the moat powerful bureaucrat this This bill Aa for our industries, when war for the republican nominee far presi- nation has ever known. goods are obsolete, the plante must denl' and whose activity as a repubU- proposes that he be given the right have something to manuafeture which can club member, republican club and power to employ doctors. and peacetime civilians can uae. Prob- officer and republican party worker set up ths amount of pay they re- ably there will be enough labor-sav- •>«. been consistent through the years, mive; establish qualifications tar those who specialize in shy particu­ ing devices, such as washing ma- baa stepped out to oppose chines, refrigerators, etc., released ' Senator Holman, who voted for lar medical field; decide the number for second-hand sale from all the fed- Hôoeevelt in 1982 and thus by his vote of patients any physician may serve, GnpgMt K A B ? eral housing projects over the land helped put in power the New Deal and determine the hospitals or clinics JUICE feR-Delta No, to supply at toast half of such a which he now has turned upon so which would be eligible to provide service for patients. * v demand at once. Indeed, aome could bitterly; who joined the Ku Klux Waxtex — Cut-Bits The untenable and bureaucratic be spared now for with our own eyes Klan and thus helped elect a demo­ MUSTABD we have seen ah idle electric refriger­ cratic governor in 1922; who headed provisions at this bill would indicate ator standing in a federal community the movement which defeated the to anyone, not in possession of the Always Strike center, supposedly for use for occa­ republican gubernatorial nominee in facts, that our American physicians sional weekly or monthly parties. 1980; who joins Townsend clubs and and hospital authorities have fallen This kind of equipment is unattain­ many other organizations for political down on the job. But the American able for the average householder who purposes but seldom could be tempted public knows better — it is awafe may need one. It reminds us of a to join a republican club or engage that under the present free American < Whitney in republican party activities except system, medical science has progress­ recent bit of news. Cut We will have to admit that our those which promoted his own politi­ ed continuously over the years, con­ OLIVES quering dreaded diseases, saving and cal fortunes. / GREEN living standards have already been Morse is handicapped by the stigma prolonging Ufa. What possible reason lowered when a Cleveland hospital, BEANS where the electric refrigerator word of political backing by labor unions can there be for upselling such a Brown practical and beneficent system, to whose sole out and the hospital operators1 which love him not VKtTAMf*, Pointa were advised by federal authorities to i interest in him is to further their adopt a plan of socialistic medical care such as has proven so inefficient ___ i revenge __ _ upon _____ ______ by «retiring him chop ice from Lake Erie for their Holman tictan | i»0m CrOm the senate. refrigeration needs, but a politician senate, He also' is handi- in other countries* For instance, Russia has a nation­ nitted/capped by the universal verdict of in Washington, D. C., was permitted^ to buy a nice new refrigerator wherf __ republican political analysts that his alized medical and surgical program. he changed his residence from Penn­ candidacy is a set-up for Holman, Recently this writer received some authentic information regarding the sylvania Ave. to Georgetown. Po­ insuring the tatter's nomination. Holman has all the advantage of Russian system from a man who has litical graft is ugly and no people are elevated when it is allowed to grotg.. being opposed Utterly by the unions spent a considerable part of his time Our vaunted high standard of living | at a time when union policies have in Russia over the past twenty years. is a matter of opinion. Material, outraged the public. He’will have He was mast emphatic in hie eon- things can never make a nation great, | the ardent support of leading republi- demnation of the Russian medical Freshly although they may make a pqoplecans who for years have despised system. Ggaund From him I learned that the Rug­ soft. So far the American people ' him but are afraid of Morse and who have not been asked to sacrihic sense the advantage of re-electing a sian medical bureaucrats schedule ! Frosh Pork enough physical comforts to improve, senator whose power in seniority ai- patients in the order they apply for • LIVER A patient needing a' their soul. . j ready is tremendous and will be in- treatment. —o— . creased tremendously by his return prompt appendectomy may find 100 Beet Even I Russia’s new set-up of independent I to the senate—power which he can applicants ahead of Mm. TONGUES though most of the 100 may not be , states will be watched with interest, ¡exercise to help or punish, thus mak- It seems incredible that a country, I ing hint worth cultivating. Holman emergency cases, he must wait his >ork Beef welded together aa this war has once taught school, but quit it; Morse tum. Meanwhile if his appendix rup-1 IAUSAGE BRAINS Na, PU. it is no concern of the bureau-i united the many races and diverse is still a schoolmaster, and many tures, r ‘ . II peoples in Mother Russia, would vol- republican leaders are suspicious of untarily break itself into segments. ‘ schoolm ea ters. make his decisions stick—until finally « “1 despise Holman, but'IJU most in the John Lewis ease his applica­ The Kremlin may feel strong enough to keep them all in line after peace certainly vote for him." tion of taw was upset by pressure This expression we heard repeated­ from the president. His refusal to comes but the United States still bears scars of the Civil War, which ly following Morse’»- announcement. yield cost him a federal judgeship For years Morse has decided tabor which in the near future may go to resulted when some of our states de­ cases. He had the moral fane to another Oregon republican. sired to secede from the whole. The Sentinel TWENTY AGO Weekly Leiter From Washington, D. C. • Fragment» of Fact • • and Fancy Hit and Miss— POINT SÀYP sums e» j» Gwfnd Beef « u», 57c Me »30c -THRIFT „K1 18c