The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 10, 1944, Image 1

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    "Avenge Bataan" Week Being Observed
With Bond Rally At Liberty Theatre Tonight
"Avenge Bataan Day" was observed •
¡Dress S
Boy Scout Community Mrs. Elrod Tells
Session Here Sunday Woman's'Club Of
Dire Need For Nurses
---------------------- ------ ——•——
About seventy members and friends
of the Coquille Women's Club were
in attendance on Tuesday at the Par­
ish Hall for .'the regular February
The program had been arranged by
the Committee on Music and Arts.
Something of a studio effect had been
gained by the use of two fine hand-
painted tapestries of considerable di­
mensions, arranged tq advantage
across the stage. Mrs. Ruth Candlin
loaned the tapestries.
A pleasing collection of prints rep­
resenting paintings of various periods
whs on exhibition.
Mrs. Pearl Ellingson, principal
speaker for the day, defined rine
Arts according to a discussion from
the writing of Tolstoy. Her personal
interpretations of two noteworthy
prints were received with ipuch in­
terest. Mrs. Ellirtgsen introduced to
the group a visitor in Coquille, bps.
Robert Zentner, who arrived in town
on Monday. Mrs. Zentner is study­
ing art at the University of Califor­
nia and teacheedh a private school in
Berkeley. Her subject was .the his­
tory of Art; also some discussion was
givert oyer to Modern Art
Persistent and unusually persuasive
applause failed bring back Mrs- Mil­
dred Tyrreir following her rendering
of “My Hero” and “A Spring Song.”
The muses, indeed, must have pre-
(Continued on page three)
Merchandise Prizes
campaign. In Coos county the degis- E
Aiiehinn TnmnU
nation to applied ta this whole week. »<*» AUCTIOn I OnigflT
aooording to County Chairman Clar-
EveryOdng ,B
for the Bo
Nearly A Million To
Coos Co. In 3 Months
Spring Just
Around Corner?
Pirates To Meet
Red Devils Friday