COQUILLE VALUT SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, THURSDAY. ==■■ CLASSIFIED - PAO! SEVEN —------ L_—----- i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT E- FOR SALE—Sanford Heights, 3-bed- Pioneer Methodist Church The AMfflRlbly otGwb------ Notice ^rgi room, modern Bungalow, electric .Ivan that the • aw s • ^^undersigned, on the 31s Seooud and Heath Sts. range wiring, combination sow aw ... _------ „ ------------------- 1st day of Jan- ; Rev. Chas. Good win Brown, Pastor i uary, 1844, filed in the County: 9:45—Sunday school hour. Gor- barn and chicken house, excellent L. C. Persing, Pastor i Court for Coos County, Oregon, her j don Ashenfelter acting superinten­ Sunday: garden spot, fenced ' pasture— 85 account in the matter of the ad­ $3000.00 cash Teta" 1 The SenUne* l* in receipt of a let- final of an acre. ----------- 9:45 An interesting hour in the ministration of the Estate of Louis dent. . ter from a geologist, Wm. L. Walden, phone 804L. It—----- “ - *•. o.iucn, n. ounneiuna, aeceasea; mat A. Sonneland, deceased; ana and that 11:00—Sunday morning worship study of the Bible for the young and --------- -- -_____________ who lives in Reseda, Calif., which «aid Court has made 7, an 1844? order fixii — Tuesday.^ March “10$ M°V“ the old, and a class for all. Bertha POST-WAR JOB for responsible I *®«ms to have been inspired by John RJ?rvh, Il 5’ J"' Forward." Byrd, superintendent. / Have a good p^M^Eweil ’ s stateme^Xra person. Have a good paying Milk Ewell’s statement that there is probi* room CoquiUe, Oregon^ ^“the 8:30—Youth Fellowship groups. 11:00 Morning worship; you will Route available. SWIFT 8c COM- *hly a larger oil field underlying time.tand place for hearing objec- Senior and Intermediate. enjoy the spirit of the service and ,PANY. Oregon than there is under southern thereto, and for the final set- | 7:30 — Sunday evening worship its reality of worship. The pastor writer -- never heard “ $™ent ‘ and distribution of said e»- Tn nr a -TZT,-.--------* —[California. * This ---------------- ----------------- — ! hour. Organ music and song service speaks. new han it E Modern of Mr. Walden before but presents tate. Dated and published first time Feb- with a brief message by the ■ pastor, 8:30 Christ Ambassadors service. CoouUU nlile irOm hiS letter for what “ ‘* worth to ruary 3, 1944.~ ___ ___ make this a helpful hour. Dorothy Caudle, president. oiTon? h*airgh?e d Hi«hway; those interested in oil and gas de- Helen M. G. Sonneland, 7:30 Mrs. Mollie Baird, a missionary 315 Administratrix. | 7:30—Wednesday evenings choir re­ herriM t ,OU veloPm®n‘ in Coos county: hearsal hour. of eighteen years experience in India, berries, trees and shrubbery; city ' ______ 7:30—Thursday mid-week service. will be speaking. Th.^Li eieCtriCUy Ond telephone’ fading oil items is always interest- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND [ Study the Bible with us. Tuesday 7:30 ¡Prayer meeting night. Ud ™?CT.“rn? “n FHA 1O“ in< to "*• and “> als° contribute FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS i 6:30 Tuesday, February 8th, Dr. C. I Thursday 7:30 Choir rehearsal, Ai- «mm ay k pJ*fcha8ed subject to 1 Something along that line is a pleas- Fay Caranchini, Plaintiff, K. Vliet will be with us. A pot-luck leen Wilson, director. vs. same or cash. Place shown only, by ure to me. s. dinner starts the evening. Dr. Vliet Louis Caranchini, Defendant. Friday 7:30 Bible study. appointment. J. S. Barton, Realtor, Summons As we read the very favorable re- , will speak at 7:30. Phone 21 J, Coquille. ports for t)ie discovery of new Oil t TO LOUIS CARANCH1NI, DEFEND- -11:00 February 13th will bring Rev. Church of God territory in the Coquille locality, we I ANT: ANT — FOR RENT—3-room and bath House "I 1" the n#me of the State of Oregon Ray S. Dunn, D. D., to us. Do not Corner of Henry 8c Seventh Sts. readily wish it a success. , ■** war you are hereby required to appear ! fail to hear this remarkable man as on North Schroeder street. In- Pastor, A. L. Perry Conditions tions now stand, the United and answer the Complaint filed he brings nightly, messages until All are invited to attend. If your ■ States has, to quite an extent, «pened-M?«“! in ‘he above entitled suit February 18th. T’ child does not go to Sunday School STRAWBERRY PLANTS —Time to «. a. .aatau. «, .id U» .uppi, ” We often promise great things, but ptant them. FARR A ELWOOD, s of the world, and we will have to, scribed- in the order for publication fail to fulfill these. God needs our elsewhere, we urge you to send them, ________________ SUudayrRcAeoU 10 a u-m. - - face the music. This is what the of this Summons, and if you fail to best, why not give idTOnt w« have FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished boys tell about one of their officers Preaching service 11 a. m. appear and answer for want in service. , Apartment. Mrs. Geo. Chaney. I „. _ ____ . . - . j thereof plaintiff will apply to the Young People's meeting, 8:45 p. m. when our Army was over in Cuba.' Court foV the reUef pr^ for in Phone 52L. or better still bring them. The officer was not liked very well, her complaint, namely: for a decree Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Emanuel Baptist Church of, the Court dissolving absolutely the 1EADQU ARTERS for Crown Dairy and was just leaving on an “absent” otthe marriage contract between plaintiff Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor and P-xiltry Feeds at Pacific Feed leave. The band struck up “I Don’t and defendant and for such other The Holy Name Catnolic Church * 8Md Co. tft Care If You Never Come Back.” The and further relief as to the Court Feb. 8, 1944 ’ Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. officer quickly replied, “I can face may seem just and equitable. 10:00 Sunday School. Every church SEE US At Once if you need an the music." This summons is served upon you has room for more people. There "Is F'awuvuuuu thereof uivicuz yuiouain, iu e i by publication pursuant to First Church of Christ, Scientist electric water heater for dairy use. John F. Ewell must have had in If the .................................. ................ order of the Hqn. .. Dal M. King, no excuse not to come! Coquille, Oregon J. A. Lamb Company, g mind a supply of major quantity when ■ Judge of the above entitled Coi ' ~ 'urt, 11:00 Morning Church Service, *■ Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. i which order was made and enter« _ he said that there is more pil in Ore­ •red Sermon Topic, "The Judgments.” OLD RAGS WANTED at the Sen­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. gon than California. Even at that, herein on the 25th day of January, Special Music. >1944. tinel office. Not dirty ones, the » Subject for nexT Sunday. “Spirit.” there might be to quite ap extent 7:00 Young People’s meetings. HAROLD A. OLSON, force will make them so. » _________________________________ more than one side to the proposition; Attorney for Plaintiff I 8:00 Evening Worship service. the Only Cause and Creator.” ♦ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Residence and Postoffice Address Men’s Chorus sings. Lively Song LOST at Liberty Theatre Sunday °r the ,irwt P°“ibly a laugh, and the i 2t5 North Bend, .Oregon. o’clock. night a bill fold containing valu­ writer living in Reseda, California, ’ : service. Sermon, "Who Put the *AI’ Free public Reading Room at 255 some twenty years, is supposed to beWARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE ‘ in Failure?" able papers. Finder keep money W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Notice is hereby given that War-1 Tuesday, Choir meetings. and return papers to Claire Melia, a Native Son, and conditions would be i rants 2834 both in- Minaiina tk. .tv .. «k. limit k./n-.1 rant* Nos. 2819 to 2834, day except Sunday and holidays front ■ cius/ve issued issued by bv School School District District No. No. Junior choir. 544 West Front St., or Sentinel of­ equaling the sky as the limit before _ ¡elusive, » fice, Coquille. Friday, hear Miss Margaret Cudde- 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. l*s acknowledging any superior to the «;, Riverton. Oregon, will be paid Golden State ot Sunny California. | upon presentation to the clerk. In- oack, missionary from Japan just BARB WIRE, both heavy and light. But as we are now being educated in ltre^t0/ln **ld warrants ceases Jan. returned on the Gripsholm, at 7:30 "At Christian Science Churches —a speech ___ „1. by u.. j - ' ****• __ . ..................... _ . I Buy your spring requirements now. freedom of thought and Mrs. Lillian Hanly, Clerk, ' p. m. Everyone welcome. “Love” was the subject of the Les­ J. A. Lamb Company. the late International advertisement Bullards Route, ‘ — i . — ........... son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, ’ FOR .. .... ..... ...... I ......................................... SALI^Hand Printing f,................. th« B1U of Right., I wUl venture'«3 Coquille, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Scientist, on Sunday, January 30. new, and two font, of Type. W. D. * ” tO,mL,UKrV?:’ ' NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ The Golden Text was, “Beloved, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That Let­ QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY. Barrett, phone 260R. If. ‘h,e,)S^te4 ters Testamentary of the Estate of let us love one another: for love is OREGON, FOR DELIN- oil fields to be discovered that would iiiiwT1 taysh Mrs. Mary Julia Elrod, deceased, is- of God;'and every one that loveth is 'sued to us by order of County Court FOR SALE—3 Jersey Bull Calves, equal the extent of oil territory in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that of state of Oregon for Coos County, born of God, and knoweth God.**' 10 months; good stock. Goodwin’s,; the Kettleman Hills field; but this I under and by virtue of an order of maf Bandon Coquilte livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, said day at the front door of the 1983 or egli at 54i W«M bLsib. 17tf: IF YUU Rfc AN EARLY BIRD OAll- C omí I wum : lu IL- Citj u* Ccqulllc, 1 and County of Coos, State of Oregon, DENER you will want to plant your $35.00 for Good Washing Machine offer for sale and sell at public auc­ SPUDS and PEAS now. FARR 8c tion the above described real property and set of tyb^ for sal» at 449 N. ELWOOD. ■ '* . • to the highest and best bidder, on Elliott. Phone 2$1 J, It’s the following terms and conditions, Coos Oil Prospect By ! One teat a Ward No Adv. lea» tl California Geologist 1LECTRIC WIRING Supplies are giailable in limited quantities; have those extra convenience out­ lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. Opperman. 46tf PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Chann-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay Mc­ Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Barrow Drug Company. 47tl0* WANTED — Water wells to drill. Have new and up-to-date equip­ ment and heavy pipe where needed. Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. 30t4»tf SEF'D SPUDS—Now on hand. FARR 8c ELWOOD. S PLUMBING GOODS—You can buy most plumbing goods WITHOUT PRIORITY. We have a good stock. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s MECHANICS Metal Tool Boxes priced $2.49 to $11.25. Several models to choose from. J. A. Lamb Company. . s TIMBER WANTED—Fir and cedar poles and posts, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earli­ est shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Portland, Ore. It5s FERTILIZER—Carload due in this month, most of which is sold. Place your order TODAY. FARR & EL­ WOOD, s WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—WF service all malees of washers Washer Service Co. 385 West Eront St. Phone 17. tfi 9 GAL. Flat Blita Gas Cans. Limited Quantity now on band. L. A. Lamb Company. s Order Your Chicks NOW for Later Delivery. Also have good stock of Chick Feeds & Dairy Feeds. Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille. 2tfs FOR SALE—fl room House, modern, full basement, and three lots and chicken house and garage. Inquire E. E. Benham at Benham's Trans­ fer. 50tfs For Refrigeration Service phone shop, 106J, or residence 1MJ, write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. Garnier, authorised Frigidaire Service. 27tfs ROOFING—108 sq. ft., tar, nails, in­ structions, only $1.40. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared. .Call 280-M for day or evening ap­ pointment. George L. Maynard. 2t2s Kalso mining, PAPERHANGING, Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex­ We buy cotton terior Painting. rags. Herbert E. Wood, 27S N. tfs Henry St. Phone 286. HARNESS—We have just received a set of heavy leather work harness. FARR & ELWOOD.. » FOR RENT—3 Large Rooms, Fur­ nished for Light Housekeeping; Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 So. Henry, Coquille. if* ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS —Now available for dairy use. Ask us. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s MILKING Machine»—If yours needs overhauling, bring it in now. We carry a full line of parts and sup­ plies for McCormick Deering ma­ chines. J. A. Lamb Company. s USED Davenport arid Chair, $80.00. Used hardwood Breakfast Set, $20. Purkey Furniture. TANK SFRA YERS—Just received a shipment of this scarce article. FARR 8c ELWOOD. a FOR SALE — Ice Box — Saddle Horses — Pullets — Pigs — Cows Work Hersce — PwUtar Battery - Puppies. See FARR 8c EL- Wood "Swap Board.” • — '1J I / /Attention Wo Details FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet Truck, and one Austin motor. Call at 280 — dt'.á. North Taylor. Prince, It* ELECTRIC Wire and Wiring Sup­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE to-wit: For either cash in hand at the •TATE OF OREGON IN AND plies available without priorities. time of sale, or if the purchaser FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS WE SPECIALIZE on pennaneht ré­ electa, for not not less than thirty In the "Matter of the Estate of J. A. Lamb Company. pairs for cut or broken casings and per cent (30%) erf the purchase EMILY ADA HERSEY, some­ tubes, any sise or type. All work WANT A Reliable Party to take times known as Emily A. price Jn cash, the remainder to be paid under written agreement Deceased. fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire over a good paying Milk Route. For Hersey, at terms arranged between the Notice To Creditors Service. Mtfs further particulars apply Swift A purchaser and the County Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Company. ,l*8 the undersigned has been duly ap­ all deferred payment to bear in­ terest from the date of sale at pointed by the above entitled Court, NO SHORTAGE OF FEED AT FARR as Executrix of the Estate of said the rate of 6% per annum, on any and all parcels the purchase Modern A ELWOOD. • Deceased, and has duly qualified as priée of which equals One Hund­ such. ___ red ($100.00) Dollars, or more. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons ELECTRIC Automatic Water Sys­ No sale shall be made- of any of tems. If you need, one, see us now. having claims against said estate are the above parcels of real porperty hereby notified and required to pre­ Phone 83 r J. A. -Lamb Company. ' i’, • sent the same, together with proper for a lesser afnount thah lu. « ------ the — mini- ------ vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, mum price shown theron. Night Phone GOOD Residence Lots for Sale. Your at* 309 East Third Street, in Coquille, I Dated at Coquille, Coo» County, Ore- choice in the old Acadamy Addi­ Oregon, within six months from the I gom this 3rd day of January, A. D.. tion, on easy terms. Ned Kelley ^DaterT'this 28th day of January, 52t5 WM. F. HOWELb, Will show them to you, or write C. Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon 1044 A. Pendleton, Orland, Calif. Or Buick Catherine Lorena Ruble ■tailing caras, av tor <1J». Executrix of said Estate. will trade for Orland lota. 2t2*s 3t5 Benham’s Transfer WRECKER WX Southwestern Motors Anywhere - I ___ . SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Of Gee Phone \ Farr * El wood Bldg. W. Second St A Ï For Hire «