>> OOQtniXt VALUT SENTINEL. PAGEÍL« Fairview News Arago News Items Norway News Items Letters Written Home County Schools By Pat Chaney The Coos River School reports that Mrs. R. R. Rackleff attended the Two men were "hurt at Coos Bay j, Mias Frances Hall, of McMinnville, Camp Sunday morning. The report ; has been visiting at the home of her funeral Monday afternoon of Mrs. was that a donkey got away and | sister, Mrs. Werner Plaep, since last Frank Hazelwood, who paged. away I Patterson Chaney, son of Mr. and on January 27 and 28, bonds were i at her home in Myrtle Point ladt [ t Mrs Mrs. Gviorge Chaney, left here about sold to the amount of »7,350. ran.over Norwood Brown, mangling Tuesday. ..... Army. He writes ; Schools in Coos county have been one leg terribly and that it also hurt ■ Mi-, and Mrs. Robert Burtis stopped Wednesday night of a heart attacfc.lDec. !. 1 to join the .at the home of his uncle and aunt, ( "Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison came inborn Fort Francis E. Warren, where purchasing stamps regularly for the Bobby George. *• past two years as is shown by re­ Lula Marie Lindsay visited in Co­ rMr. and Mrs. J. L- Burtis, last Friday Friday of last week and left Monday he had been sent from Fort Lewis. quille last week-end at the home of as they were on their way to visit morning for' Corvallis, where they Upon arrival he entered the Fort ports which have been mailed in to Portland. Robert is in will remain for a while as they each hospital for a ten-day bout with'the L. A. Parr and Martha E. Mulkey. relatives at i Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Creager. * have employment there. flu. The following are excerpts from However, in order ^o secure the quota Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler left the Navy. his letters home in the past month:- of »22,914, the schools are increasing Mrs. Kenneth Laird, of — Sitkum, < and Mrs. Lester Cunningham ___ __ — Z11L .' Mr. early Tuesday morning for Eugene, “Apparently this Fort Francis E. their effort in buying.' where they attended a state ministers’ visited at the home oPher sister and and two childreq, of Lakeside, were ! meeting at Light House Temple. They husband, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow here Monday of this week and visited i Warren is the biggest quartermaster Eairview Pupils Compile History .. ................... The third graders of the Fairview , his father, C. D. Cunningham of Nor­ outfit injthc country. This is a big Robison, this week. returned Wednesday afternoon. school. It 1 teaches almost twenty School have been compiling local Mrs.. Floyd Sexton, formerly Lois way. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Richardson and location is history. has been written Mrs. Wm. Winkle and daughter, different occupations. Its 1» wvauua —'• This ----- — then —• ---------- — - -------- daughter, Melva, were dinner guests Robison, has returned home. Her at the Dee Richardson home in Co- husband has been transferred to Karen Lee, of Coquille, were visitors practically in the town of Cheyenne. UP in PUP‘* wording and made into - m J last Wednesday afternoon of last AU the modern ^section of the camp booklets which have been illustrated quille last Tuesday evening. Louisiana. The Home Extension Unit met last Mrs. S. JC. McAllister Was a Fri- week at the A. R. Bennett’s Home.. is devoted to negroes; they out-num- with drawings and paper cuttings, Tuesday at the school lunch room, day evening visitor at the home of " : Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Strang were ber ut considerably. There are sev- The booklets are dedicated to Mrs. After the business Saturday over night guests at the j, oral regiments of.Wacs around and^jell Teters, a pioneer of Fairview, After the business meeting, meeting, a a lovely lovely Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Werner Werner Plaep. Plaep. " who contributed information, and planned lunch was served by the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Watkins spent J. H. McCloskey’s and Sunday the you see them wherever there is desk have been sent into the office of the committee, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. from Wednesday till Saturday at Strangs, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett, Mrs. work. Also at this camp are several hun- county superintendent to be forward­ Hall. In the afternoon a beautiful the home ot Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mc- ‘ Lilly Dement, Mrs. Clarence Strong myrtlewood sandwich plate was pre- ! Allister. They left Saturday after- ' and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey dred of German prisoners of war. I ed later to the State Department of sented the county extension leader, noon and were going as far as Ban­ were dinner guests of .Mrs. Emma ¡walked past their barracks the other Education. The. third graders writ­ day and they are just like ours. You ing histories were La Juana Jones, Mrs. Dorothy Bishop Dunn. The sub­ don and spent the night at the home Hermann at Broadbent. Mrs. Julia Leep and Mrs. A. R. Ben- see groups of them wandering around George Ryder and Belle Hill. The ject was “Pattern Fitting and Altera­ of Mr. Watkins’ sister and husband, tions.” The next meeting will be on Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Baker, after nett attended church services at the doing work with no guard. They teacher is Mrs. Dena Pierce. The plan of the new course of "Remodeling Clothing.’’ The luncheon which they were to return to Camp S. D. A. Chyrch in Coquille test week wear their own uniforms, otherwise, committee for the next three months, Parks, Calif., where Mr. Watkins is and after church visited at the home except for their English which is study is to have the study of history poor, they look like Americans. They b««*" with the local situation. Pu- appointed by the chairman, Myrtle stationed at this time. Mrs. Crystal of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laird. .................................... Harry Druliner is doing some re- still believe firmly jn Hitler. , They P*'s are asked to write their own lit-' Holverstott, will be: Hazel Benham, King, who has been visiting at the Frances Gaslin and Amy Richard- , home of her mother, Mrs. Amelia modeling, papering and painting this were surprised to find the American ’tie stories of pioneer days as secured from local pioneers. These stories son. Mrs. Kathleen Lindsay resigned Lafferty, returned to her home in week at the home of Mrs. May Rad- cities standing when they arrived. uuvriua with wim mr. t » aw . hu ». abaugh in Myrtle Point. i “This is an odd place. The build- wil1 servejater as as secretary-itteasurer and Mrs. June ‘California Mr. «uu and mru. Mrs. Watkins Mrs. E. F. Brodie and daughter-in- ings are red brick and old style ar- for succeeding third gi Butler was Appointed in ber place to ' Mr. Mr and Mrs. Mrs Oliver Myers Mvers visited The commander of the serve until «lection in April. Ladies at the home of Mrs. Ide Mrera Sun- ’» sons, visited Monday afternoon at Fort lives in a red brick house with present were Mrs. Patrick, of the home of Mrs. Eldon Brodie in large white pillars. I think our house v es statt,-...— Kathleen Mr. and Mrs. Perm Patrick. ... ........ w hi tome [ Myrtl» Point. Mrs. Eldon Brodie 1 looks better than any of them. Lindsay, Frances Gaslin, June But- Brewster Valley, visited at the Jan. 26—James L. Walstrom, ler. Amy Richardson, Emma Hall, of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patrick last returned to her home in Myrtle “We went on parade today. (Dec. Marshfield, and Audrey Virginia Ja- Nadine Wheeler, Bethel Norris, Roxy week. Point Suhday after being at the 24), with 75,000 men, they say. The cobson, of Portland. Doyle.! Mrs. R. E. Mason, primary teacher, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fort General reviewed us., Now we- jan. 27—Gordon A. Sprague and Frye, Mrs. Fanno and Margaret Doyle. I .. Word has been received that Har- . was ill with the flu and unable to Knife in Coquille for the past month ii aye getting winter equipment and our Palma L. Johnson, both of Lakeside, old Young had received his oversees be at school the first of the week, or more. She has been recovering basic starts Monday. We went on a They were married by Liston Parrish orders. Mrs. Young will probably re­ Cecil Carter, of Myrtle Point, was from a siege of pneumonia. (six-mile walk today and got a look at the Church of Christ parsonage, n turn to the west coast later.in the a business caller in Arago last Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holland, of Co­ at the country. The place Is all level. here - last — Thursday. day. spring. quille, and sons, Roy and Dale, i It is cold and treeless, clear as a bell Jan. 29—Jack B. Lange, of San Charles Thommen, who was ex­ Mrs. T?B. Haberly, Billy and Da­ and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy jand below freezing. Higher altitude Diego, Calif., and Emmy Lou Pom­ pected to be home while his ship was vid, of Myrtle Point, visited at the Robinson, were last Saturday eve­ and colder than I have ever been.“ j I eroy, of Marshfield. in for repairs, writes it will be im- ■ home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aaaen ning dinner guests of Mrs. Holland’s "Dec. 25—1 had /• prdlty good June 29—Marion Albert Clawson possible to come. Harvey Thommen and Mr. and Mrs S. C. McAllister sister and family, Mr, and Mrs. Har- Christmas. On that day we slept I. and Dora Mae Wolf, both of Sun City, writes he is being sent to Mare ! last Saturday. < old Pribble at Norway. in until seven o’clock. Then I got a Kans. They were married on Sun­ Island, where he will be assigned to ! Miss Chloe Willson, of Myrtle Point,: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett enter- pass that was good for the day. After day by Justice Allan A. Hall at his a submarine. P- He states *•- he — expcts ' . has been staying at the home of Mr. tained at a tamale dinner Thursday lunch I went to town and looked the office in Marshfield. L, Z* South Lktaava Fl ' and Mrs. YMF — —J Evans, «I since maa L her am 1 —. —— — of A 1 — JV11* o be on duty «■ in a ♦ the Pacific Ward evening last WefclGd capital building over. I went to the Jan. 29—Bernard William Dabbert, it the duration. He has been un- mother, Mrs. Chester Willsqn, had an sister and family, and Mrs. P. U.S.Q. at six. Just as I came in I of Chicago, Ills., and Either Brunst, of able to come home on any leave since operation at Mast Hospital in Myrtle (E. Breuen-and jwieir- daughter, Mrs. heard an announcement that a sol­ Park Ridge, 111. Justice Hall also ---------- • Point last Tuesday. ------ ------------ J children, Teddie ----- joining » the service. i ” Wayne Cook and and dier was wanted to go out for Christ­ performed the ceremony for them at Melva Richardson worked at the Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans drove Sharon of Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mrs. mas dinner. I immediately went to his office on Sunday. •tax Quinton home during the time to Myrtle Point Monday and attend­ Walter A. Moore and daughter, Ma­ the desk and got the address and Feb. 1 ames Remer and Har- li tre was no school. Mrs. Quinton ed the funeral services for Mrs. Frank rion, of Coquille. headed for the home. riett Ruth Bryant, -both of North vas iU. Hazelwood at the Schroeder Bros. >. Last Friday evening dinner guests “Upon entering the living room < Bend. They were married by Justice Mrs. Harry Lindsay fell in her Mortuary. Mrs. Hazelwood had a of Mr. ___ ___ , Campbell ___ ,___ of „ discovered the walls were covered F. R. Bull at his office Mere Tuesday. and ___ Mrs. ___ Roy nome Monday evening, severely in­ heart attack several months ago from Norway were her parents, Mr. and with oil paintings and about half Feb. 1—Rex S. McDaniel and Ruby juring both limbs. Although there which she had never fully recovered; j Mrs. Fred Yarbrough, daughter, Sid- were of horses. Much to my amaze­ M. Bateman, both of South Gate, were no broken bones, there are sev­ Mrs. Ora Austin, of Seattle, Wash., ney and son, Freddie, and her grand- ment my hostess was an artist and a Calif. They were also married by eral bruises. s was a house guest at the home of Mr. , parents, Mr. and Mrs.,J. F. Schroeder, horsewoman. So I got along very Justice Bull at his office Tuesday. Mrs. T. H. Benham and Karen vis­ and Mrs. Andrew Patrick the past The occasion was her father’s birth- welt We had a most savory meal ited Friday last week it the Harry week. day. and a desert of venison mince pie. I Brownson home at Bridge, where Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela, Maureen Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder left went back to U.S.O. where a dance Tom’s mother, Carrie Benham, makes and Chloe Willson, visited at the early Sunday morning, going te was in progress. Catherine Lorena Ruble was last her home. She has been ill with homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lsgieve, Sweet Home, taking their daughter, “I have been going to night school flu, having been hospitalized a week Mr. and Mrs. Ray Willson and Mr. Mrs. Wayne Hubbard, and son to see on my own time. I am to be some Thursday appointed executrix of the at Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point. and Mrs. Harold McCue in Coquille Freeman. Mrs. Hubbard had re­ type of Platoon clerk. I have found will of her late mother, Mrs. Emily Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden were last Sunday. *”li jeeived word that her husband would out that my rating in the army is that Ada Hersey, who died Jan. 12. The canvassing the valley Monday on the Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday be home on a furlough but instead of a clerk. Thus I am a Platoon beneficiaries under the term of the fourth war loan drive and report for an all day’s meeting with pot­ he was shipped to Sioux Falls, S. D., clerk and handle paper work. I have will are her daughters, Mrs. Catherine splendid results, they having sold luck dinenr at noon. In the after­ and from there he expects to be sent been missing Basic and working at Ruble and Mrs. Margarette Hartley; over »1700 in a few hours of work. noon there will be a short Missionary overseas. Mrs. Hubbard immediate­ Battalion Headquarters, where I come her son, Ben, and her grandson, Mrs. Clarence Miller, of Gravel- i meeting at which time there will be ly took the evening bus to Sioux iA contact with the colonels, major James Hersey. Appraisers of the es­ ford, was over and stayed a few days i the election of officers for the com- Falls, leaving the baby with her sis­ and captain, and see the orders, etc., tate which is estimated to be worth at the home of her parents, Mr. and (¡ng year. ter, Mrs, Freeman, till she returns. quite interesting. I will attend < >10,000, are to be C. G. Caughell, Wm. Mrs. R. M. Noah, who were both bed- Miss Pauline Shinkle, of Myrtle Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hughes, who clerks’ school later. I have been tak­ Bettys and John Leneve. teft with flu. Ben C. Flax el was on Tuesday ap­ Point, was a week-end guest at the have been living in Marshfield the ing the place of an officer, teaching Mrs. Ed Isaacson visited at the home of Miss Yvonne Holycroas. past two months, have bought a map-reading to classes of 30 to 60 pointed administrator, with will an­ home of har sister, Mrs. R. M. Noah, nexed, of the »1500 estate left by Nile Miller is able to be up and home in Roseburg, where Mr. Hughes men. Sunday. around the house again after being has employment with the Hansen “ I had to cover a large picture of Frank Walter Newhall, who died Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan heard from confined to his bed /or the past sev­ Chevrolet Co. , Betty Grable in shorts while I was June 24, 1943, at Carmel, Calif. Ap­ their son, Bud, last week after a eral weeks with the flu. E. O. Sempert, of Myrtle Point, giving my lecture. It was distracting praisers named are Victor Braun, several weeks’ sijence He was O. K , Lyle Pauli, of Myrtle Point, was a local chairman of the fourth war loan to try to make my lecture interesting Byron E. Barnes and E. M *Shriver. still “somewhere in England.” ___ evening ____ _____ A petition for probating the will of Friday dinner guest of Mr. drive, has appointed Herman Tedsen by drawing pictures and maps all over Word has been received that Floyd ------------- >nt| ¿r, ------------------- Nile Miller. i for the Norway community. With the the blackboards and have my prob­ the late D. C. Krantz, who died Jan. Felt, formerly of this valley when Orvus Miller and Phyllis, of Myr- assistance of Martin Schmidt and J. lems on them./About 75 per cent 20, was filed in probate court on he drove truck for Kline Logging Co., tie Point, were Saturday guests of|H. McCloskey they took in »14,200 of the men want to learn if you can Wednesday. The estimated value of had safely landed in Africa. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. Monday of this week. hold their interest, the others don’t the estate is »3,000. is a mechanic In the air force and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited at Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolff aDd son give a dam.at all. has a wife and baby daughter in the home of Mrs. Robert Fish in Co­ are moving into the tenant house-of Hand-çarved Myrtlewood for col- “I think I will have a break in April Roaeburg. .ectors at Harbison’s. quille last Monday. Robert Fish left Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rylander this and get home for a furlough. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. HaU have heard last week for Arizona, where he is week. ■7— “Jan. 25—The ^largest piece of news from their son, Clifford, that he ex­ to be employed. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fish, of Bridge, is that I have been promoted to Pri­ pects to be sent out shortly. Clifford Mrs. A. H. Bender, of Myrtle Point, were Monday evening callers at the vate First Class from Buck Private, is a chef and was home recently on was a Wednesday over-night guest at A. R. Bennetts on their way home which means an increase in pay of furlough from southern California. I the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl. from Coquille. • Mr. Fish is taking »4.00 a month and ope stripe or. the Mrs. Ray Norris is hearing regu­ Mr and Mrs. Melden Carl and treatments of Dr. Rankin for neu­ arm. larly from her nephew, Phillip Stock. , Douglas visited at the home of Mrs. ritis in his right arm. “We went on the range today. I He is a chef on an aircraft carrier , Carl’s uncle, Clifford Bonniksen, and I — tot a score of 163 out of 200 at 200 and was recently in the States on his family last Sunday. Industrial Accident Commission yds. with an old Enfield. first leave since since joining the ser­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. “We have a hike coming up tomor­ vice about four years ago. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Mrs. Handled 60,442 Cases In 1943 row night with gas masks, rifle, full Two dollars and fifty cents was t Ida Myers drove to Bandon Sunday. The state Industrial accident com­ field pack, about twelve miles. And taken up in the “March of Dimes” Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow mission handled 60,442 workmens’ we get up the same time next morn­ at the Fairview church last Sunday and Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Martin and claims on time loss injuries during ing. and was sent to the prrstd’mt tn &MW to B om U i oti bust- i*4J, the majority of the claims also i “We have been issued arctic cloth- add to the Infantile Paralysis fund. ness Sunday. involving medical care. Attributed Mrs. Charles Griffith and Miss to the upsurge in industry reflected Pamela Evans were Monday visitors by war demands, the volume of claims at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wemer handled by the commission estab- lished an all-time record, showing an Townsend Club, No. 1, met Tues­ Plaep. Mrs. Ward Evans and Chloe Will- increase of 25 per cent over 1942 Jan. 28—Ben H. Coffman vs. Nan­ day evening with President McCue in nie Coffman. Suit fdk divorce. the chair. On acocunt of rainy son visited Mrs. Chester Willson at claims. Jan. 31—(Cranberry Canners Inc. weather the crowd was not as large as ** Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point There were but 110 court appeals ugugl ; Saturday, while Pamela and Maureen from the awards made by the com- vs. Oerding Mfg. Co. On Sunday. Feb. 20, the fourth dis- Evan* attended the Juvenile lodge, mission during the year which is the Jan. 31—Edythe Clarice Foster vs. Rev- Charles O. Brown, of Co-, feweatt number of appeals made dur- Glenn Lee Foster. Suit for divorce. trtct council will meet here ,t i quille, conducted the regular Sun- ing the last 13 years. This number W.O.W. hall, at 10 a. m. I J’eb. 1—Rita Milligan vs. Neill _______ gave a good __ report ■* ------------ 1— —*•------- - The treasurer <¥y morning church service. Son-. represents less than two-tenths of on . his ___ part . of the work? We K.... have day school •choo‘ followed With with an atten- atten one per'cent of the claims filed, Milligan. Suit for divorce. .i______ k w. Geo. Oerding Sells Two-Acre Ranch To The Harbisons The property consisting of two hpuses and two acres of land, four miles south of Bandon and owned by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Miller, an em­ ployee of Smith Wood-Products, Was sold by George E. Oerding, a CotRriUe realtor, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob .Harbi­ son, who opdFate the Bergen florist shop in Coquille. They have pur­ chased the property for investment purposes and will continue to rent the property to the present tenants. Tired of washing so many table linens? Buy the new Pakay “Host­ ess Ensemble,” 110 pieces. 6 water­ proof table mats, 24 waterproof coasters, 40 luncheon napkins, 40 beverage napkins. All for »1.25 You’ll find these sets, boxed, at Norton’s. Marriage Licenses Chadwick lodge No.$ A.L4JLM. ’ Special Communication Saturday, Feb. 5, 8 P. M. Work in M. M. * l Friday. Feb. 11, 7:M P. M. Work in F. C. Stated Communication Tuesday. Feb. 8, 7:14 P. M. Visitor« Welcome Probate Court Items U. S. Marti Townsend Club No. 1 Circuit Court Cases sent greetings to our absent members dance of 3«. There will be services and now the flu eDidemic is on the “«•*«» next Sunday, preaching at 10 wane, we hope to see them out Mrs. [•. d. Sunday Sun.^y school «*001 at 11 a. m. a, m. *l and I Mrs. Edith Woodward returned to McCue received the door prize. A good program was enjoyed, it Brookings Wednesday after visiting consisted of music, jokes and “true" relatives in Arago for about weeks. stories. Sandwiches will be served next meeting.—Press Correspondent. Calling cards. So ror »1.00 which low rate is probably due for national recognition. ' ‘ Thus. in volume of claims handled and the few awards appealed, two outstar ding records were established by the state industrial accident com­ mission in 1943 Income Tax Service— T. R. Bull. Feb. 1—Lois M. Ainsworth vs. Lee T. Ainsworth. Suit for divorce. A. L. Hooton is again ready to at­ tend to the public's needs in electri­ cal repair and wiring. His phone is 222R. and for the present his shop is at his home Fairview road. 52tfs Dressmaking Of The BETTER CLASS ★ ★ A Workmanship Guaranteed ¥ ¥ ¥ Mary J. Cross 608 East 9th Street Pimples Disappeared Over Night T h , It Is true, there la a safe harm- leas medicated liquid called Kleerex that dries up pimples over sight. Many report that they had a red sore pimply .face one night and surprised their friends the nest day with a dear complexion. There is no risk. The drat application must oonvtnoe you er you get your money back. Only ISc. Join the happy Kleerex veers who are no longer embarrassed with unsightly plaaplea guld and recommended W BARROW DRUG CO. 9l