rAus nvr ■ i Slaughter Of The Innocents Out-of-Doors Stuff hr LANS UNKTK N.W. To Need 95,000 Houses After the War Gems of Thought i. iiMiai ‘¡4-H Leaders To b ¡Meet Feb. 7-8 , , TIME ' t Right now forest officials are try­ Orville R. Miller, President West Local 4-H leaders will have the There are no fragments so precious 1 opportunity of meeting together to ing to work out a plan to save the Our good friend Ray McKay, of Coast Lumbermen’s Association, millions of young trees and seedlings which met at PortlanckFriday, Jap. 28. as those of time, and none are so ’ discuss club problems in two differ­ the Coos Bay district, relates the fol­ which go up in smoke along about ding story. In the past we have Markets for new homes, amounting heedlessly lost by people who can­ ent meeting* which will be held in th* this time of the year in fern fires. published many stories from readers to an estimated 350,000 dwelling units not make a moment, and yet cab county February 7 and 8." L. J. Allen, Many of these early spring fires and $1,500,000,000 (1H billion) in waste years.—Montgomery. of this column and all of them in­ assistant state club leader, will meet start from just pure carelessness. But ¡the three Pacific Coast state* alone, teresting and we are always glad to With each returning year, higher with the groups at which Ume the by far th* greatest majority ar* ’ will be greater in the two year* fol­ joys, holier alms, a'purer peace and leader* association will be organized. ieceive anything of interest pertain­ burned by rancher* and stockmen on lowing the war than in any other diviner energy, should freshen the Suggestions on organizing and co­ ing to the out of doors. Mr. McKay’s tarais adjoining so-called “free range period of American history, accord- fragrance of*being. — Mary Baker ordinating leader actiivtles wiU be story is of unusual interest and we __ land.” It is to both of these groups ■ ing to industry leader* who were on Eddy. extend him our grateful thanks for • i ’ discussed by Mr. Allen. Washington, D. C., Feb. 8—While that. ï<“’eatry officials are now di­ the program of the annual meeting of same. Well, her* it is; we quote: For leaders in the north end of the Regret for time wasted can be­ of th* northwest "At one time I used to do the plow- I1 member* ___________ _________ —. delegations recti”< an urgent appeal, "Don.’t Burn i county the meeting will be held at » come a power for good in the time mg and planting on our ranch, and in congress labored for months to^**”- that remains. And the time* that re­ the North Bend city hall, Monday being interested in Nature, I always induce board w to ravog- recog-'. ------w--------- ---- ---- — —-- war production uu»u . In moat fern " patches, • young ----- — Doug- — —— mains is time enough, if we 'will only evening at 7:30. On Tuesday eve­ observed tjie wildlife I chanced-upon niz* th* value of cjiryma deposits in laa',lr trees And • friendly haven stop the waste and the idle, useless re­ ning in the Bandon city hall at 8:00 with Interest. As I plowed, the southwestern Oregon, $23,000,000 was until they are big enough to with- the meeting will be held for all lead- gretting.—Arthur Brisbape.^ crow* used to occasionally follow the being spent to construct a chrome stand the »trong, burning sun, and , ers in the solith end of the county. In time there is no present, stlck u,elr their h hcads above the protecting plow, picking up the worms that were ■ extraction plant at an elevation of auca *tda abova Round table discussions will be held In eternity no future, mw Montana x««»,«*. arn cover e early spring of unearthed. And I’m tolling you that 7,500 feet .. in the Rockies. ' fern ct>ver ' - Kilt »« ,n lh lhe for both home economics and agri­ In eternity no past. a complete plant an old crow la plenty smart. He ia'Not only i was __________ ,___ r ._... In- the year’ . after ? the winter rain* stop cultural projects. Leaders will be —Tennyson. aware of the fsct a* to whether or stalled but there waa also built a “"d before the ferns start growing, given opportunities to report what not you are carrying a gun. If a gua modern hospital, recreation center, these dry fern patches are a dan- Dear Land to which Desire for ever their clubs have been doing thus _____________ ............................ .... the wiw gerous tinderbox. Dry fern burns far in the club year and to present is in evidence be is ___ very < shy, but if .. ............................. business structures and house* for flees; you happen to be unarmed be does prospective workers. It was a com- Ilike cel,uloid and when fire once Time, doth no present to our grasp any problems which they may have. not express miich fear, especially in plete city on a small scale—a city geta a toe‘ho,d 11 ruahes pell-mell All former leaders as well as any allow; a district where he 1* not warred that has no occupants and from which °” “ de,‘$Uctlve path. Fern make* Say in the fix'd Eternal shall we one interested in the club program upon.______________________________ I not a single pound of chrome is being 1 a flaa*1 hot •nou«h to kiu a y°un« are urged to attend, aocording to Mrs. seize “One day, while plowing, I observed shipped. Th* only person to ««toy j, but not hot enou*h Dorothy Bishop Dunn, home demon­ At • last the fleeting Now?- a large crow flying low over the field the luxury of this costly installation ’ tOJ__U °Ut . de^P'rooted f*™ stration agent. Transportation will —Bulwer-Lytton. The number of fires started acci­ be provided by the county extension und was astonished to observe that is a watchman. Beloved, be riot ignorant of this agents to the meeting at Bandon for he had a snow-white bill, for-as you The modern hospital has never dentally can be cut down in the fem bne thing, that one day is with the tat those interested in attending on know, crow* possess black bills. I been entered by a single nurse or seaion, just as they have been great- I Lord as a U|bùs?nd shears, and a Tuesday evening, Cars will leave centered my attention on thia parr doctor; lt has never had a single pa- ly reduced during the regular fire — mm In ryiTr Tfrr- iwrs | .____________ _______ thousand yt its as on* d*y IT Deter -the- CdiiH -house in Coquille at t i c ula r ~bird and wktdbit-fcfa n ** h e Tfl e n tr Th* T«r*uliuii eenlei has a 7:00 oclock. alighted some distance behind th* . large bowling alley in which workers erately sq^, fern Jires also cam~br t&>* W es t C uaal LUtilMtiii*nls ~As^ i plow, i And imagine my amazement, in the chrome plant were presumed stopped, but' only through education aociation at the Multnomah Hotel, of the fira.aettor. ¡Portland, Friday, January 28. The Marilyn Sage Taking Part In when he deposited what I supposed to amuse themselves, but it ha* never The real solution to this year-after- theme of the meeting, announced as, Campus Activities At U. of O. was his bill, upon the ground and , resounded to th* booming of balls or started picking up worms. I dropped the crash of pin*. Its alleys ar* as year destruction of young forest re- “While we are finishing the war, how In charge of selling refreshments the reins and started for him to see smooth and glistening as the day they production lies in an understanding can we best plan to fit lumber into at th* Women's Athletic Association by the general public of proper land post-war reconstruction and employ«, what object he was carrying about I were completed. No store or other Fun Night on the U. of O. campus When he spotted me coming, he gave ' business enterprise ha* ever opened use. The annual burning of fem to ment” was discussed by Orville R. last week, was Marilyn Sage, Co­ ★★ create pastures should be oarefully . Miller, Association president, Charles forth an angry caw and hopped to' its door* to supply an anticipated quille, freshman in journalism. She restricted to lands that ar* principal- L. Wheeler, president of Interna- the object he had discarded, and' population of many hundreds, is the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. D. See us for photographs of picking it up flew away. But within Almost before the “city” had been ly valuable for agriculture and not tional Rotary, and Charles Snell- I J. Sage. be done on most lands In recognized Strom, chairman of the WCLA Trade a short time he circled about and completed, other source* of chrome V Basketball, badminton, table tennis, areas, for this land is rightfully Extension committee. ' • Family Groups alighted again, layed down the white, ore had been made available and ex­ forest forest land and will never be profit- [ “The Association has made a com- shuffleboard, swimming, tumbling, object and went about gathering traction of chrome from the granite folk dancing, and parlor games were • Service Men ably kept in pasture. The fight to posite of authoritative national sur- worms. I mad* another dash for th* formation of the Montana Rockies was offered for amusement. Those who keep forest land as pasture land by ( veys on the postwar market for • Babies white object, but again he beet me found to be altogether too costly for attended th* WAA Fun Night signed burning off young growth in the end homes, and has broker! it down by to it. All day long I sought to get a continued operation. The whole plan their names In a guest book. • Copies of Pictures is disastrous. region* and states,” Mr. Snellstrom hold of that white object, but “Mis­ was abandoned and, so far as present Mias Marilyn was also one of six Continual burning kills off all said in Portland today, “ This yields ter” Crow was too smart tor me. He prospects indicate, th* venture will be pledge* to Amphibian, swimming young forest regrowth and also will a home building figure for Oregon beat m* to it every time and al the a total loss to the government. honorary at the university. eventually kill ths old seed trees, and Washington of 08,000 units and end of the day he was still in posaes- Chrome ore is* now being produced But more important, fern burning $430,000,000 in the first two years of Calling cards, feu lor 81.00. sion of the object and I was more de- in quantity in southwestern Oregon doesn't kill the fem. Fern burning peace. Such figure* are of course not termined than ever to secure it from and steel mills are having no diffi- culty in supplying their needs for doe* kill off other weeds, but the offered as precise predictions, but a him. t deep-rooted fern comes back stronger means to visualize the pentup demand this essential alloy. “Th* following morning he waa again BABY BUGGIES RANGES than ever after each fire. And in­ for new family dwelling*. Certainly In the investigation of war spending back on the worm seeking job and 17.50 115.00 to $40.50 stead of having pasture land the set­ this will be a gigantic economic force still carrying his “white bill,” and this example of hasty undertaking tler has only a worthless fern and when time* gr* peaceful again. We BICYCLES HEATERS again I sought to get it from him, but is regarded is a prim* illustration of brush patch with all hope of either lumbermen must prepare for it.” OO to $1150 OO to $14.50 the snap judgment which caused he always beat me to it. a profitable pasture or a fine young : A ■ - ‘............. ROLL TOP DESK CIRCULATORS "For several day* that crow and I waste of money and manpower im­ forest gon* with th* fem fires. 130.00 Bulletin On Freezing Of 129.50 to 150.00 went ’round and ’round, but he al­ mediately following the treacherous This destruction of young produc­ We pay cash for Used 1 ’’urniture. Stoves, Bicycles, ways out-foxed me. But my perser- attack upon Pearl Harbor and ranks 1 Foods Is Available tion on forest lands every spring in Sewing Macblns is, Washers, etc. vance finally won out, for one day, with th* Cano] oil field development Freezing of food can be on* of ths bracken or fern fires takes the lives as he paused too long, evidently in th* Fort Norman district of Cana­ ot millions of young trees. In the most satisfying methods of food pre­ gloating over an unusually fat, juicy da. The total investment of govern­ spring of 1943 more than 22,000 acres servation providing one is fortunate worm, I made a mad dash and was ment fund* is less, but th* ultimate were burned over tn fem fires. This enough to havs a locker available, almost upon him—in fact, so do**, loss may be even greater, in th* fern fir* destruction is a serious has used recommended method* for ..... ■■■ . ... '........... that he hadn’t time to pick up his opinion of those who still defend the threat to a sustained forest economy preparing th* food, and an adequate treasure and I beat him to it The Fort Norman adventure as supplying and equally as disastrous, the land low temperature has been maintained white object proved to be the handle a war-time need. when reburned too often ceases to throughout the storage period. off of a white tea cup. Freezing of foods ha* many advan­ have value for any purpose. "While I examined it, the big, black Promises have been- given that We must stop fem fires, for fern tage* over other methods of preser- rascal flew about the field squawking Oregon and Washington federalized fires destroy and do not build our | vstion; a greater quantity of essential ■his displeasure and cussing me plenty 'guardsmen i ________ vitamins can be preserved, les* labor will _______ be brought back to |stat*. in “crow language," So I toesed the 5^“Un^Statesfro^'the¡South Pa- and time are required for preparation handle back upon the ground and had ctf|c for , Ume thu y..r, and the finished product more closely only made my way a few feet, when Thege boyg were among the fi„t Car On Left Must Always resemble* fresh food in palatability upon outspread wings he descended i ¡tran>ported to ___________ ___ Yield Bight Of Way Australia _____ and they and appearance. and grabbed up the old handle and [ ^« ’ve‘been in that haye Jb that äreä ar they are entitled jority of th* traffic accidents involv­ times of the year, using it for such after that but guarded his treasure I brought back. They will re­ ing angle collisions during the year food* a* meat, poultry, wildgame, st, tie would never allow me {urn meana oi transportation af- 1943, according to Bob Farrell, Secre­ fish, craba, oysters, eggs, butter, fruits to near him again. Now |fortJ opportunity and not in one tary of State, who reminds drivers and vegetables and many others. can you tell me, Lans, what he saw body that in this state, the car on the right Recommended methods for freezing in that old tea-cup handle that caused has the right of way, regardless of the food* listed are contained in the him to stick with it in that manner?" Opposition is being raised to the ' which vehicle is first in the intersec- bulletin No. 23 just released by the Unquote. • Oregon State College Extension Ser­ proposal of the state department to tlon. % - To be perfectly frank with you, bring into the United State* some , in 78 per cent of the accidents in- vice. Mac, we cannot. We have know« of 75,000 Italian* to relieve the shortage volving angle collision* at intersec- ' Since all food* retain better texture, crows picking up some bright object, of labor. One argument is that there tions, the car on the right struck the flavor and quality and are les* apt flying with it a short distance and man ,ltUation warranting I car on the left, indicating a tendency .“> m°‘d °r «P011 a‘ 0 de»r~* Fahr*n- then dropping it, but never have we invallofl and th.t Once they are on the part of many drivers to try ha“> “ “ «Pectolly important that heard of one hanging onto one par- admitted “*“ M —• -• at th«y may remain for many to hurry through the intersection thiM ------------*----- temperature •— be — maintained ticular object over a period of time, ’ year*. Th* situation with regard ahead of the car on the right. a11 tl,nea- Where no quick-freeze is Smart fabric upper* with as did your old crow. Your story is to Mexican labor is different. The Farrell warned drivers that they available, package* should be spread plastic laminated fabric indeed interesting and I am sure it Mexicans worked in the fields of the forfeited their right of way privi- iin open to aid ln ireezin« quicy. •ole*! Open heel, open has proven so to th* readers. And northwest during the harvest, where lege* in the event they approached an The Packa8eg may be stacked after loe. With prim bow trim. thanks again for it • there was an acute shortage of help intersection at an unlawful rate of freezing- i-v. that ♦!,.♦ ni.n. __ i u _____ 1.^1__ i the dangers -J Copies of this new bulletin are and . did such _____ a good i job plans I gpeed. He emphasized ot trying to' hu^’y through "an 'intoi- IavaUab,a upon reque’t Mra Do^>’ are now under way to bring in an •4 section and urged drivers to observe ¿ by B toh< >P Dunn ’ Court Houaa ' equally large number for the 1944 quille. the right of way rule in the interests crop year. nf aeetitont vehicle conservation. Since many new citizens ln Oregon may not be familiar with the Oregon I The Ladies Auxiliary of Townsend __ ______ ______ traffic rules and regulations, Farrell ! Club, No. 2, met with Mrs. Mildred time million* of bushels of Canadian suggested that they obtain copies ot Miller on Jan. 27. Plans had been These made to meet with Mr*. Esther Brin- * I er, but she was ill with the flu. There _________ ____ ____ . Warehouse* ln sheriff’s offices, from state driver’s were nine present and routine busi­ mneT to U** northwest, from Montana to the license examiners, or by writing to ness was transacted. Letters were | coast, are filled with grain because, the Secretary <# State, ^glem, Oregon. read from our boys overseas in an­ swer to the Christmas cards we sent la Bright Bed or See “spute” Leslie tor the best in them, each one telling us how grate- "Slingback heel, open toe. Liability, or other Insurance. Office, fu] they were to receive them Letter Fabric uppers with plaatic Canadian wheat into the United next door to Coquille Hospital, from the one the farthest away was laminated- fabric sole. phone 5; residence phon- 95L. * I from Carmon R. Carlson, SeaBees States. The so-called Canol fiasco is only first class, pf Kirkland, Wash. Card one of several that will break one 6*e Schroeder* Jewelry Store in was sent In October and he received of these days and there will be re­ Coquille for Diamonds and Watch it Jan. 11. His answer by air mail percussions that will shake th* Pa­ Straps. tfs came in a short time. cific coast, and some reputations will I------------------------ ------—----- Wide strap* criaa-croaa A nice luncheon was served by the over the instep. Adjustable. be blasted. The stuff is brewing and and women for relief work in Europe, hostess and plans were made to meet at back, fabric upper» becoming hotter every day. The and United Nations relief and reha­ with Mrs. Florence DeNoma on Feb. plaatic and fabric soles. Truman committee will have its bilitation administration has already 10. hands full when and if it probes into sent agents to locate supplies to be -------------------------- Income Tax Returns prepared. Call purchased when congress make* th* It will pay you to look at Bergen's .___ ­ ,the* matter’ 280-M for day or evening appoint appropriation. j before you buy. Jt2s i Ten schools are now training men ment. George L. Maynard. f . H Coquille Studio W W Brooks Used Fl jrniture, Phone 119L STRETCH YOUR PRECIOUS COUPON WITH BOW PUMP Townsend Club No. 2 • HILII I • ------------- ' -I SANDAL TY 2 ’s..