rAORfftM ' if IMF * I ¡ If. rHeTSefrCifteli TWENTY YEARS AGO | Generous Support For U.S.0 * «see w ,1 - vember, 1841, but was not considered on thejewte. War Chest, from Chester I. Barnard, No subscription taken unless paid Tuesday, for there is nothing which on the Floor of the House. National ___________ ,____ ___ for in advance. Thia rule is tmpera- gives a small city more ._________ prestige thad president of USO, which is a member Add one item to the discussion of defense work on rivers and harbors five. rwMUMMuiirin of a comfortable, well- i the possession agency of the Nation'll War Fund. the Soldiers Vote Bill contained in has been done, but regular improve ­ “Three years ago, USO was only a Enteredat the CoqulUe Postoffice « '-PPointed guest hou^e And CoqtoUe —o— 1 my letter last week: The President hope in the hearts of a handful of ments were delayed for the duration. Second Class Mail Matter. now has that in a superlative degree, sent a special message to Congress Last week; however, the Rivers - II, ___ _ fV- men and women, ” said a message to' ___ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von Pegert and - , —■ ... — with a manager who is popular with on the subject. He DEMANDS the the travelling public and wpo to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schroeder arrived Mr. Sprague from Mr. Barnard. "To- and Harbors Committee of the House rapidly utvviuu^. becoming, a friend to all our ' in Coquille Monday, four months it has close to 3,000 rapiuiy ........... to day ** w v ,vw operating reported reported Oit a^Rivers and Harbors passage of the Green-Lucas (or Wor­ citizens. .. . The opening of this hotel the day from the date of their de- units, serving the fighting forces and bill. Oi iregon is. represented on this ley) federal stream-lined ballot plah, • ... .._a__«_a xl — a.'— — —A. — . T—1 ——. I.. x • _a • xa_ _ a-______ ____ ________ nrxtYtmtiii committee'by Hon. Homer D. Angell calls the committee bill a fraud, and the forces behind the lines all over to the public te probably the moot parture for the Hawaiian Islands. practically calls those who oppose ■"■o— the Western Temisphere. And the of Portland. The bill had been in important event which has ever oc­ ITI»« curred the stream-lined, bob-tailed ballot rilii The fixtures, which C. J. Fuhrman troupes of USO-Camp shows are, the course of preparation for a long in the life of t|ils small city. plan traitors. * ---- Several large controvesial purchased and installed in the new lo- playing in every combat zone around time, It seems to me the President is a ~ - projects (including the Florida ship QUOTING ANOTHER ROOSEVELT The Bituminous Coal Co., which te cation for his Pharmacy, are hand- the world. “Practically all Americana have canal, for example), were originally bit over-anxious for the passage of some and give the impression m of the Here’s what Theodore Rootevelt developing the the federal control plan. We all want most up-to-date modern drug ovuiv. store, JUlIJtJU joined 111 in II1UA1I1K making lilt the WOW USO what it IB is -------------------- included ------- in the Mfcr-w-vsas».^ sasvwa as vsa W11UI IL ------ bill, but these have back from the Masonic cemetery and haw* had to say about criticizing the man the soldiers to vote, but I think it It seems likely, — o — ( — a people ’ s service to its fighting been eliminated^ who occupies the high office of Presi­ a mile from the highway, expects to Many students have registered for forces—by giving generously to USO. therefore, that the bill just reported will be far better to provide a full place high grade coal on the market dent of the United States: Sz'hrwkl this Lhifi term as as Freshmen: Frixihmon• Every IP«4olla» ITC/“k has k»« received hno High School dollar USO has : will have favorable action by both and complete ballo( wtih names on “The President of the United here in another week. s .. it than a ballot for only three offices n u . , Lewis, " *‘- come as a voluntary contribution House and Senate. Marlin Brandon, Izora Ruth States is merely the most important _ . * —President, Senator and Representa­ Oregon projects in the current Riv ­ Cunningham, Larkie Barnes, Ber- i from the American people, made among a large number of public 1 Preparation for the construction of tive— with no names on it. I think ers and Harbors bill, which are of Kroeger, ' NorvaJ Johnson, Charles ! through such organized effort as Ore- vante. He should be supported or op- ?helr new home Bu?y particular importance to our Fourth it will be far better to provide the posed exactly to the degree which te >aa st*rted here last Saturday by the KKroeger, Norval Johnson, Clarence 'gen War Chest. I ballot in an orderly and constitutional warranted by hi. good conduct Coquille Valley MercantU. Co., when Barton, Joe Nye, Anna McAdams, ' “As USO observes its third anni- District are as follows: Coquille River—To modify existing way than to attempt to provide any versary, it gratefully acknowledges bad conduct, his efficiency or inef- workmen began the demolition of the Marvin Jane Hawkins. ¡ithe support and cooperation of mil- project to the extent of providing a i kind of ballot in a legally doubtful ficiency in rendering loyal, able and - I : VIiailIlWÀ channel IV 13 ICVV feet ddep uvvp CXV at UIVUH mean AVW low . sstBssasawa manner. • dis-interested service to the nation as the justices have divided sharply Mg war bonds plan to use them in ■ lions of friends.” water from sea to one mile above Co- ’ The committee bill which the Presi- The report to Mr. Sprague shows along lines of independent, indi- the financing of homes they can a whole. l ’ J r ! quille River Lighthouse, and for dent calls a fraud would pave thfi_j. that the American public contributed only dream of today. of poltical “Therefore, it te absolutely neces- vidual views regard^ snagging to state highway bridge at way for a complete ballot for soT- -T ------------ Farm building will absorb a huge $14,000,000 in USO's first year to sary that there should be liberty to consequence. The contempt of the . Coquille. Estimated cost $2.000 an- * fliers to be provided by the states on operate 554 uni ,000,000 in its quantity of lumber due to lack of legal profession for the court is get- tell the truth about the acts of the —*-*■----------*— -*-**“— *- to a constitutionally sound basis. in addition te 1,815 units, nually for maintenance President of the United States, and ting under their skins, a healthy sign ability to keep m The issue will probably be decided I that now required. and $81,000,000 in the third year to . The amount this means that it te exactly necessary that promises restoration of lost I Chetco Rixer—to provide for stab­ thia coming week although action has operate 2,809 units. this potential demand te impossible to blame him when he ilization of the channel though the been delayed by the Administration or to Now that the trend is definitely to accurately estimate. But the ag­ bar at the mouth of the river by the until as much pressure as possible THE PUCE OF A DUNK Any other attitude in an American «way from collectivism and towards gregate can hardly be insignificant construction of jetties and dredging. could be applied—and the pressure citizen 1s both base and servile. Noth- , ztate and local government, it should as a factor in annual consumption. “Five cents a glass.” Does anyone ' First cost $190,000. Annual main­ for the federal ballot plan has been Line yards in the farm towns of ing but the truth should be spoken be helped on its way by strong and think PLENTY! tenance, $8,000. about the President of the United efficient handling oi local affairs by prairie states are almost wholly with­ That that is really the price of a 1 Umpqua River and Harbor—Modi­ out stocks. One guess te that it will States, or anyone else. But to an-¡.elective officers. There should be a drink? fication -- of existing recom- ,----------- _ project — __ --------- Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your nounce that there must be no criti- I vigorous reassertion of state intiative take all of the lumber production for “Five cents a glass,” J __ to __ ------------ near you say 1 j mended provide for a channel 200 ^ectrical wiring and repair needs ’ one year just to bring up yard stocks ctem of the President of the United in the administration of intra-state “Why. that isn’t very much to pay| and 22 < tart from au the Dav.” < feet __. w~de ____ a ” — ____ . deep a _____ a ________ - _ . . ... . . .. He Is located north of the ball park States or that wq are to stand by the matters. It is te fortunate that Oregon to a decent normal. Ah, no, indeed, tis a very small sum ma|n river channel near mile 8 to on the Fairview road. 32tfs Erection of new facilities and ex­ You are passing over ’twixt finger1 president , is not only has a good administration at this time, and including a turning basin of same , but is morally ' alert to the possibilities qf permanent pansion of old in our new Pacific unpatriotic! and thumb, depth 500 feet wide and 800 feet long treasonable to ★ ★ A ★ W * ★ A ★ ’ * American «pirit.” advantage from current war activities bases will absorb another large block And if that wens all that you gave opposite mill dock at Gardiner. Es- and pledged to encourage private en­ of heavy lumber cutting. away, cost $55,000. Annual Then last, but not least, te the tre­ ¡It wouldn’t be very much to pay. tímate first terprise in the development at our maintenance >10,000 in addition to mendous need for lumber in the re­ * The price of a drink! Let him decide resources. amount now required. building of war-torn countries. The By R. T. Moore I Who has lost his courage and lost his Also modification of existing pro­ part our lumber Industry te to play in pride, ject on channel is recommended pro­ News items of tbe past fortnight' Much has been said of late con­ this great reconstruction program I And lies a groveling heap of clay viding for 10-foot depth 100 feet cerning “fair profits” in connection indicate the continued trend away -with tax matters. . The term sounds depends upon trade agreements and I Not far removed from a beast today. wide from deep water in river to from collectivism in the national | our^teompetitive position with other The price of a drink! Let that one tell well politically because it fits any capital. lumber producing countries. It is 'Who sleeps tonight in a murderer’s vicinity of docks in Winchester Bay situation and everybody imagines that with mooring and turning basin 10 The total number of Federal em- 1 good sense to produce our lumber cell their particular profts are “fair.” feet deep, 175 feet wide, and 300 feet ployees has dropped below the three cheaply enough to enable other coun ­ And feels within him the fires of hell. long at the inner end. But to show how impractical it is First coat million mark. Men pledged to cham­ tries to buy it We cam produce it Honor and virtue, love and truth, ¡to establish “fair profit” levels by $44,000 with $1,000 annually. (Lo­ pion states rights and to preserve cheaply if there te proper coordination All the glory and price of youth, law, consider the annual report of cal interests expected to ' furnish private enterprise have been elected the Swift & Co. operations just re­ of effort. We have the machines, Hopes of manjwod, the wreath of $10,000 toward first cost). in run-off elections. The Congress the men, and the know-how. fame, 9 leased to the public. This vast busi­ Willamette River — Open channel has embarked on a determined cam­ But lumber substitute industries High endeavor and noble aim— ness organization has been able to navigation jrorks as may be neces­ paign to recover the constitutional operate and to maintain its business are not idle. They are as fully aware These are the treasures thrown away sary, recommended, to secure with powers improvidently yielded to the t of the coming opportunities as we are As the price of drink from day to day. i health on a' net profit of 1.2 per stream flow regulation controlling president in past years. The Senate and are much better organized to take “Five cents a glass!" How Satan depths of six feet to the mouth of cent per annum. makes plain that it intends to insist advantage of them. It te for thia rea ­ laughed Contrast this with the average the Santiam River and five feet upon participating tn treaty-making son that we should take stock of our­ As over the bar the young man small grocery concern that must have thence to Albany. Also reconstruc­ jointijk with the president and that selves and get our lumber-producing quaffed a net of around 20 per cent to remain tion of the.Locks at Oregon City. it will not stand for being side^ in business and you realize how im­ machine-oiled up ready for business. The beaded liquor; for the demon Estimated cost, $3,800,000. tracked through the flimsy device knew possible it is to legislate “fair pcofit” , In this connection, a hearing held of calling treaties “agreements.” In laws that can definitely state exactly this past week in Marshfield pro­ The terrible work that drink would short, the check against the chief ex­ Another item is included in the do. what is meant by the term. The duced evidence of a disgraceful scan­ ecutive and his bureaus provided un- - bill which, although the suggested A ★ ★ ★★★ ★★★ current attempts to limit profits dal in our falling and bucking de­ And ere the morning the victim lay der the constitution is to be firmly ............... -........ —- 11 'i- .. . through renegotiation of war con­ partments of logging camps. It was With his lifeblood swiftly ebbing exercised in spite of protests based away. tracts are not based on the exact indicated that the shortage of man­ on war expediency. The best part science of statutory law but on the power was taken advantage of by And that was the price he paid, alas! of it is that these things are coming many workmen to chisel unearned For the pleasure of taking a social x I to pass because of the indicated will personal opinions of the particular wages by means of falsification of glass. officer who happens to be handling of the voters and taxpayers. or scales, collusion between scalers and The price of a drink! If you want to the case. It is a dangerous doctrine Tfce-president, alarmed by loss of know that substitutes opinion for law and fallers, and all sorts of schemes to popularitly among the armed forces, Congress is trying to eliminate this extract more dolllars from the tax­ What some are willing to pay for It, go has made a speech that shows his payers who are paying for all this Through that wretched tenement over awareness o/ the trend in public there thinking, .fhe speech indicated an*? to the 7“^ “ ?e< lumber right now. The fact that this racket has become universal in the With dingy window and broken stair. almoat complete reveml of hi. form- re~Te fo" ob- er ool.ciM afdi-. with th. w.w IlecUn« to the •rWtrtty finding, of lumber business of the state te evi­ Where foul disease, like a vampire, er policies and a break with the New i , - , , — - crawls . Deal. He has ¿penly ,dvocated labor u It te to be denced by the attendance of men from other lumber-producing areas, With outstretched wings o’er the conscription a. a cui< for war work "*7 interested spectators anxious to find moldy walls. stoppage, a thingtwhich he indignant­ negotiation Act will contain the right a way to eliminate this particularly of appeal. • There poverty dwells with her hungry ly rejected as fastfatic and un-Ameri­ brood, Though profit taxation is descrim- reprehensible practice in their respec­ can only a ssort time ago. The meet lnatory and unsatisfactory in many tive zones. I Wide-eyed as demons for lack of plausible explanation for this sudden The exposing of this racket should I instances, it is the best scheme yet food; reversal of policy te that the presi­ at Bank Bld*. i devised to spread the heavy tax result in a prompt and ruthless cam­ There shame in a corner crouches low; dent, believing labor so firmly in his paign to ' stamp it out without fear or There violence deals its cruel blow . rwa h . ■ lempor- 'load b , U8ioe “ mu8t •* Also Service on camp that he could risk its tempor­ . action of government. And innocent ones are thus accursed deliberately pr0Vlded ,orR ade*ll*at* accumulation favor. Joint ary displeasure, has 1 • INCOME TAX REPORTS unions and operators te <- called — n.j for be v- ­ ,j, o pa y price of another's thirst. ' ■ of reserves by established enterprise slapped its face to please the service­ fore the new logging season gets un- “Five cents a glass.” Oh, if that were • INSURANCE to finance expansion. Encourage- . men and the farmers who have re­ ment must be given new enterprise c*er way- It is a betrayal of the good •11, • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT i sented his failure to control the labor in the way of liberal depreciation al- I record of lumber industry in the The sacrifice would, indeed, be small. • NOTARY PUBLIC situation. Whether this be true or lowance and a high level of excess Iwar and nothing should be But the money’s worth is the least not the president is yielding to public undone to hunt down and de­ I amount profits tax exemptions, The present demand that something be done about We pay; and whoever will keep ac­ tax set-up is much too punitive to stroy it. the domestic mess, and fast. But he How short-sighted it te to jeopard­ count new business to be satisfactory.. continues to attempt the impossible ize a steady income through the years Will learn the terrible waste and .-With costs of government soaring by insisting on having all matters blight to astronomical heights taxation has for the sake of a few lousy dollars cleared over his desk. I That follows the ruinous annetit» becqpe the chief over-head expense in hand. A surprising development in the Tute ìmù I mì H proves die need for “Five cents a glass!” Does anyone I. I puuucai piciure is the about-face of* of cviaj u u »i nv »a. Ite -c.kUUiiC oai- better organization of our lumber in­ think ance and just administration are vital the official Communist Party. It to post-war economy. The burden dustry towards the ultimate goal of That is really the price of a drink? seems that everything 1s hotsy-totsy —Author Unknown. will be distressingly heavy. Every­ producing a good products at a fair with capitalism noW and bygones are one, rich and poor, great or small,* price. Those who rna^e it their life bygones. The Communists are going * work must be vigilant ito detect and must contribute until it hurts. We carry a complete line of V- along with the private enterprise sys­ Let no one be deceived. The ter­ destroy subversive activities so as to tem and it would aeem that they have rific national debt has sentenced us Washing Machines and other equip- adopted the Democratic Party as the ALL STOCKS OF USED TIRES ARE against lorn of employment in the fu- I vehicle for political expression. Quite to oppressive taxation far generations. fare. I ment. Washer Service Co., 365 W. ; PRACTICALLY EXHAUSTED! possibly some firm prompting from There will be no escape from the bur­ Front, Coquille. Phone. 16tfs The end of the war boom is not • den for any class of people. It is"a YOUR PRESENT TIRES MUST LAST! Moscow is at the bottom of this. far away, we hope. It is unthinkable I Mr. Stalin te very realistic. He like» thing to which we must resolutely Now is the time to look them over.. Let us inspect that the stewardship of caring for the the way the American system has adjust ourselves. The saying: “Noth­ your tires for hidden defects. jobs of those boys at ours in the produced supplies for the Russian ing is so sure as death and taxes” armed services should be destroyed comes home to us with grim signifi­ Army. ■ - by the irresponsible acts of a few cance. To make tills simple, no risk hear­ The splitting up of the blo^ of immoral men. It is our plain duty . ing _________ _ _____ deaf- • test If you are temporarily ' FDR appointees in the Supreme Court to see that this great industry is ened, bothered Dy ringing buzzing te encouraging. It was feared that The outlook for the county’s chief purged of such men and .uch prac- head noises due to hardenedoecoagu- these justices would leaven their payroll, the lumber business, is very a Southern Oregon's largest and most Complete Tim 8 lumbermen are of strong, rough he- I has enabled them to hear well again, decisions with Nkw Deel politics and good in the post-war period. A back-log of demand for housing men with plenty of bad habits But You must hear better after making the Supreme Court has lost prestige is being built up at a j they played square. Let’« keen it this simple test or you get your mone; Let s keep it about Qurini Ear because of this suspicion. But lately great Many of those purchas- 1 that way. Drops todav at —J IL A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES I ' (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, Jf \. February 1, 1924) .J ,’CoquiJle permanently stepped out *1 Ofi °f th«| village class with the opening old city hall, which the company now owns. ... On to the lot just cleared the present Busy Corner grocery building will be moved. Where the building now stands a re-inforced concrete structure, one story in height, and 50x100 feet in size, will rise to be occupied by the grocery as soon as completed. a P ^-Timely Topics News for you about the WAC IF YOU WANT TO SELL IF YOU WANT TO BUT BEO. E. OERDINC I I Warning" All Motorist Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing ™«™ •£, Thornton Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270