ABT 1. 1944. PAGBÌKÓ —fi------- having a 3000-pound combined over­ load on his truck. * Gaylord Glen Wiiberger paid $7. Mr*. Kenneth Talley wu genuine- Coquille Red Crow will not hold COOS EleCt/lC CO"OD Grover Wesley Rhodes was sum­ fine and costs, on Tuesday this week it* regular meeting on Friday, Feb. 4, moned by the state police last Friday for nbt having a 1944 automobile U-> ly surprised last Wednesday evening R. C. Connarn, manager of the to appear in Justice Fred R. Bull’s cense. Troop No. 14, Boy Scouts of Amer­ at eight o’clock when she answered a at Guild Hall on account of lack of ica, spent another thrilling week-end knock at her door, and saw a lovely yam and tewing materials. The Coos Coos 1 Electric Co-operative, is na- court here to answer to three com­ adventure last Saturday and Sunday. pink and blue beruffled bassinette casmty production chairman reports turally r very much pleased with the plaints filed against him. They were Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your I local unit is promised bigger following congratulatory letter, which for having no clearance lights on his eftfctric wiring and repair needs. Twenty-two boys, under the leader­ being shoved inside the room. That ship o€ Scoutmaster Phil Alborn and wasn’t all for it was filled wllh in-|and be,ter Quotas soon but did not he received this week from County car, no vehicle license and no opera­ He is located north of the ball park I Ass’t Scoutmaster Connie Phillipa, teresting looking packages and fol- saJ how or where material can be Agent Geo. H. Jenkins. The Rural tor's license. on the Fairview road. 52tfs Electsilication Administration, with Walter E. Tripp was summoned on made camp at the summit of Lamps lowed in by thirteen guests, some .bought. — _ Mr*. 3. R. Bunch, chairman of sur­ which the local Co-operative is as­ Friday to answer to the charge of mountain. The camp on this trip carrying what it takes to make a Income Tax Service—F. R. Bull. gical dressings, will continue her sociated, has done a mighty fine consisted of three 9x12 tent* and the party—th* refreshment*. However before the serving, the Monday and Wednesday classes but piece of business in bringing electri­ f large new 18x24 tent* purchased by cal energy to the farms and smaller discontinue the Friday class, the troop with the proceeds from evening was spent with chatting and ____ O*> Jan. | 27 On the Jan. following playing of two clever games which 27 the shipment following shipment communities of southwestern Oregon, their Christmas tree sale. WM “» made «“de to the u,e Coos-county head head- ­ .which did not have connection with The boys enjoyed every minute of created merriment. The group had * ■______ a aa ' I m ILA l-i / i 1 • the Mt. States Power Co., and as Mr. the trip and returned home Sunday first gathered at the home of Mrs. Quarter* in Marshfield: THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ Jenkins writes, the directors and evening, a tired but happy troop. As M. D. Remple, 150 So. Elliott, and Plain Sewin* PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING 9 Hospital Shirt*. manager of the Co-op are to be com­ on their last camping expedition up then proceeded to th* Talley home. 14 Prs. Outing Flannel Bed Sox. mended for what they have accom­ at the head of North Fork, the Scouts Attending were Mesdames Elmer PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE 9 Afghans. plished. Mr. Jenkins’ letter follows:, devoted much time to passing cer­ Holverstott, Edith Walton, Kuenzle, 4 Afghans made from old blankets tain tests necessary to their advance­ Cleo Capps, Bob Olson, Pansy Roas, Having recently completed our * ment in Scouting. These tests cover Clyde Parrish, Guy Finley, M. D. and bath robe*. 3 doz. Aluminum Thimbles. Annual Report through which my such things as making camp, building Remple, Kenneth Brown, Bess Watson 4 prs. Scuff Slippers. attention was directed to' the pro- and properly extinguishing fires, and Bill Knight. 13 Housewives. gress made by your organization in cooking, compass and other subject* ____ „ „:2i 143 Wash Cloths, (edges crocheted) serving ; farms of this county with relative to outdoor life. On both Grange Meeting Last Friday ; electricity, I am taking this oppor- ! Knitting of these recent trips the boy* have w T€l£PHOn€ 100 JUIWUNCf. SCNICt ' COQUILLE Two new members were taken into tunity because of my interest in Agri- I 4 Navy Watch Cape been fortunate in their nature study the Coquille Grange last Friday at the ' culture to congratulate you as Man ­ Corner Third and Coulter 1 pr. Gloves. jaunt*. Th* North Fork Mr ip took regular session. They were Glen ager, and each member of your board 3 Navy Turtleneck Sweaters, them into a country where the boys and Patricia Griffith. Following the 1 pr. Bed Sox. of Directors on this progress. weie able to see several bands of business session Mrs. Florence Hal­ It is interesting to note that except 3 Ankle Stump Sox. elk and on their last trip they had lock, lecturer, took charge. Mr*. i for three member* (two of whom 3 Wrist Stump Sox. the opportunity to see numerous deer Pearl Ellingsen gave a reading. Sev­ 7 Toe Sox. moved from the community and one and other wild life. eral took part in a kitchen band, ac- 17 Thigh Stump Sox. ’ received a Federal appointment Visitors a< the camp included Ralph A companied by the harmonica, 1 which would not permit her to serve 3 prs. Regular Sox. Kallaher, Scout executive from New “We are asked to complete and turn with board) all w of the Marshfield; Lloyd Claver arjd Master game called “Turning over a wiui the uic uvaiuj uiv original Leaf," afforded entertainment, Re- in all Navy knitting before Maroh 1, 1 « members m . karc rx/ ♦ V ia kzxnrrl uthn of the board who labored Gary Claver, Stan Sherwood, Rev. freshment* were served and there as these articles are to be shipped on long and diligently in the early Menno Remple, Rev. L. C. Persing, Burton Dunn, Bob Alborn, State Po­ was a good attendance. | that date. Also please return com- stages of this development are still pleted bed sox to me as soon as pos- serving. Looking back approximate- lice Officer Fred Ellingsen and Ltmnie Clark. Mr. Rempie and Mr . PCrstng Pioneer Young People A tten d. Vslble, ns these are part of a rush ly jjg years we remember the active *ay* Mr*. H. ” D. Kesner. ^leadership given to this pruject~by conducted a very interesting one- Methodist Conclave • * “ shipment," “ || Those women working on afghana Ivan Laird, who with the other di- hour devotional service for the boy* Rev. Charles Brown and Lloyd on Sunday afternoon. Oddy co-operated in making it p<«^- are asked to please note that these rector* devoted many days and night* »Ibte for *a~group "of "young ptople I are to be made larger and will now and travelled many miles in order good scouting can be practiced any­ from Pioneer Methodist church to I mdasure four feet by six feet. The that hi* neighbor* in the various com- where but can be learned much easier attend a meeting of young people at plan 1* to continue to use the four- ‘ munities of Coo* county might have out in the wide open spaces, where McMinnville over the week-end. Del- j I inch square* but lntead of ucing only the advantages of electricity on their - the boys have a chance to demon­ egation* were limited to four from 164 squares, enough squares will be farm*. •/ strate to themselves and their lead­ ¡each church. Four young ladles— used to make the afghana 4x6 feet Since the original allotment of ers, their ability to do the things nec­ Shirley Slater, Eulia McCracken, in size. funds from the Rural Electrification essary to become good scouts. Four unseen but active knitters Administration in October of 1939 'Avis Hudson and Geraldine Oerding Scoutmaster Alborn remarked that —were delegates from Pione*r. They who are unable to attend the meetings this development has expanded from if there should be any rumor 'circu­ returned on Sunday evening, follow­ are. Mesdames Frank "fcomenyck, J. 'one of 82 miles of line to one now lated about town, regarding either a 1 ing two days of a great meeting of D. Donaldson, A. E. Erickson and including approximately 300 miles, boxing hnatch or a footrace, the story Neely, Also Mrs, John Estey and 202 of which have been energized and Youth. may be considered erroneous, and he Mr», Mas* do plain sewing, , Mr*. A. 1* being served with electrtoity, > J. Sherwood made and donated a I Having had the opportunity of feel* a good deal like the Scoutmas­ I beautiful afghan. Two other attrae- 1 working closely with your organiza­ ter depicted in the Saturday Evening Post cartoons. I tive ones were turned in by Mrs. Wm. tion and it* early stages of develop­ LAoa Unrrv T Tenaen 11 i 11 SB ' Mrs. Harry J. Jensen, of Coquill*, ' Barrow'* group and another by Mrs. ment and having observed the bene­ entered thi hospital for a minor' Bert Gould. Boy Mothers’ Club ficial and helpful effect of electric Contributions of yarn, wool ma- power and lighting on the farms Katie Detlefsen was hostess to the operation last Thursday. Lee Verne Keithley, who is em- terial and pillow casing material served i consider it a privilege to members of the Roy Mother* Club at the Teacheragk last Tuesday after­ ployed at Camp Elkton, entered the for "tuck-in” pillows were received J gafer here to the important place that Mesdames H. .Godard, C. your organization through the lead­ noon. Plan* were made for a pot­ hospital Friday and was dimissed from luck supper on Feb. 11, to be followed Saturday. He was shaken up in a Schoeder, K. P. Lawrence, W. L ership of the Officers, Directors, and Springer and W. E. Bosserman. 'A Management has taken in bringing by Open House at th* school with motorcycle accident. Mrs. Cora Mackey in charge. A do- | Mrs. Blanche Broad, of Coquille, visitor, Mr*. Hansen formerly of Se­ about greater Agricultural develop­ nation to the Infantile Paralysis Fund entered the hospital on Monday to attle but now a Coquille resident, ment and providing for better home learned to knit during the meeting life on many farms in Coos County. was voted and it was agreed the group , undergo a major operation. and would contact the Red Cross and of-! A 7ft pound baby girl, named Car­ and is now working on a pair of Navy olyn Nancy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. , gloves. fer their services. Mr*. Mackey im­ See “»pike” Leslie tor the best in ported on the sale of war saving Cha*. Spencer, of Marshfield on Wed­ Liability, or other Insurance. Office, stamp* at the school and also on the nesday this week. Norton’s have just received some next door to Coquille Hospital, Robert Giorgis, of Coquille, was • waste paper drive. This resulted in very lovely gifts in rose, blue and j phone 5; residence phon» 85L. brought to the hospital Sunday for three pick-up truck loads. amber glass, also a new shipment of Attending were Mesdames Katie treatment of his back injuries and Roseville Pottery. Income Tax Service—F. R. Bull. Detlefsen, Clara Krantz, Edna Rake­ bruises which he received in the ac­ straw, Mary Johnson, Patricia Grif­ cident at the Coos Bay Lumber Co. fith, Florence Cameron, Frances Det­ camp near Myrtle Point Sunday lefsen, Huldah Ellingson and Cora morning, which cost Norwood Brown, of Myrtle Point, his right leg. The Mackey, ......... ......... • accident happened when the sled on which they were moving the donkey Two Divorces Granted Tuesday engine slipped with Brown’s leg be­ Judge King granted divorces in tween the sled and a stump. The Circuit court here on Tuesday sep­ limb was amputated at the Myrtle arating J. Wilson, the plaintiff, from Point hospital. L. M. Wilson, and Emily O. Scott from John A. Scott. Arthur Hooton is back on the job Scouts Enjoy Week-End Trip Red Cross Notes : * 'Commendation For y In Justice Bull’s Court The Past Week | (jano ‘Junerul CHome aw Mid-Winter Clearance LAST DAY SATURDAY All Wool PLAID SKIRTS Belle Knife Hospital ; Jewelry All Wool $3.00 COATS JACKETS $5n00 Dresses in the electrical wiring and repair See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in business. He can be found north of Coquille for Diamonds and Watch ball park on Fairview road; phone Straps. 222R. 52tfs Beanies Bedroom Suites $54.50 to $239.50 Choice of Three Groups at One Beautiful Suita with Twin Beds $79.50 50 We have the Best Selection we have had in many months. Dining Room Suites Large 8-piece Suite $109.50 ' $69.50 5-Piece Suite 9 Substantial Table, 3-leaf extension Walnut or Maple Finish 5 Piece Living Room Group Daveno, Chair, Ottoman and Pillows Choice of Coven Swing Chain at reduced prices $99:50 - to ■o Purkey Furniture $5.00 Robesand All in all, "The Gang’s All Here,” adds up to the most lavishly love­ ly, tunefully terrific, mirthfully mar­ velous and gfrlfully glorious musical of the year, what with Alice singing Wm» «t, Mv »jtf Now we know why they shout, Carmen as delightfully delirious as I “Hail, Hall,” before “The Gang's All ever, Phil Baker "knocking them in I Here.” the aisles” with hi* high hilarity, and For that’s just how critic* the the king of swing beating out the country over are acclaiming 20th solid-sending rhythms that have made ' century-Fox’s great, new musical him America's No. 1 band leader. The screen's, crowning musical trimuph scheduled to be shown at the Roxy Theatre, Thursday, Friday achievement has all that, and a «heav­ enly helping of romance too. In one and Saturday. And when they they, “The Gang’s of the most delightfully exciting All Here,” they mean just that, for stories of the year, lovely Alice is the picture boasts a dazzling galaxy cast as a night-club trouper who, of the brightest stars in musical his­ without knowing it, is forced into tory, headed by Alice Faye, Carmen competition with Shelia Ryan, for handsome James El­ Miranda, radio’s $64 question man, Phil Baker, and Benny Goodman and lison, an army hero, who contrive* his famous Orchestra, with a bril­ to keep the two girls apart by the liant supporting cast of topnotchers ingenious device of splitting himself including Eugene Pallette, Charlotte into two distinctly different and Greenwood, Edward Everett Horton diverting personalties. Phil Baker, and Benny Goodman and his Orches­ and Tony De Marco, a* well a* James tra, are aptly cast as "themselves” on Ellison, Sheba Ryan and Dave i the indisputable theory that “who WiUock. ' can ask for anything more?” [ The Gang's All Here' ¡Musical Tops, At ¡Roxy Thurs. to Sat. i 00 Formals Dresses Blouse Slips $2.00