MH PAqKKJ¿!rf ..---------------------------------------- Eugene Judd Buried Wednesday Gems of LEARNING Funeral services for* Eugene Judd, Fairview resident, were held at the Schroeder Chapel at 3 o’clock Wed­ nesday afternoon. Rev. Robt. L. Greene officiating and interment was in the Masonoc cemetery. Mr. Judd, who was a logger by occupation, passed away ¿aaL Sunday at the Portland Sanitarium where he had been receiving treatment for several weeks. He was born at Lakeside, Oregon, Msrch 7, 1908, and was ten months and 16 days past 35 years of age. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Frances Judd, and their seven year old son, Jimmy, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Judd, and a brother, Clif­ ford, formerly of Coquille, who now resides in Reno, Nev., and who was in Portland go accompany the body to Coquille. . 4. ■ huj 'North Bend Leads True wisdom is to. V now what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing. —Humphrey. A heap of ill-chosen erudition is but the luggage of antiquity.—Balzac. The aim of education should be to convert the mind into a living foun­ tain, and not a reservoir. That which is filled by merely pumping in, will be emptied by pumping out.—John M. Mason. The U. S. Treasury report on the “Battle of the 4th War Loan,” at the close of business Jan. 22, showed Coes county a* standing 27th among the state’* 36 counties in percentage of it* quota of 'bonds sold. Of it* »1,518,700 quota the sales then to­ talled »163,300 or 10.8 per cent. Curry county stood fourth with a percentage of 37.9. That county had also sold 90.2 per cent of it* E bond*, while Coo* county's percentage on that type was 18.2. A. L. Hooton is again ready to at­ tend to the public’s need* in electri­ cal repair and wiring. His phone 1* 222R, and for the present hi* shop 1* at hi* home on the Fairview road. 53tfs Sooner or later we shall learn that the fetters of man's finite capacity are forged by the illusion that he lives in body instead of ia Soul, in matter instead of in Spirit.—Mary Baker Eddy. K ' It’s Chysanthemum season. Bergen's for choice flowers. To know the laws of God in nature and revelation, and then to fashion the affections and will into harmony « VV with 1 111 III Udi- lz laws . — —this is — w*www*v*w*v those education.— See .Schroeder"» Jewelry Store in g p Scovel. Coquille for Diamond* and Watch t Strap*. tf* I The first consideration a wise man »I'M - “—’ Curry County Up Among Thought » ' State Leaders In Bonds Sold _____ j See flxeth upon is the great end of his ........ creation; what it is, and wl»i. worein it consists; the next 1 is the mod proper means to that end.-^Walker. -_______ -„'U Vehicle Registration Dropped We taka this means of expressing Two Per Cent In Oregon In IMS our sincere appreciation io our friends Coquille By 2 Games Registration of truck* and buses ■ in*Oregon during the year 1943 Cars Conference Standings showed increases over former regis­ Marshfield - - 5 1.000 trations, white private passenger • Myrtle Point - - 3 2 .600 can showed a slight drop. Secretary I of State, Bob Farrell said today in North Bend - - 2 3 I Coquille - - 0 5 announcing annual registration fig­ The Marshfield Pirates continue as ure*. the class of the Coos county basket­ Buses increased from 982 in, 1942 ball conference, their victories the to 1,136 in 1943, an increase of 15 past week being over the North Bend per cent. Truck* jumped from 42,- Bulldogs last Friday and the Myrtle »07 in 1942 to 43,91» in IMS, an in­ Point Bobcats on Tuesday this week. crease of two per cent. Private pas­ The Red Devils dropped another senger vehicles dropped from 341,- game at the gymnasium here Tuesday 367 in 1M2 to 332,552 in 1M3, a drop evening, this being their second de- two per cent, feat by the Bulldogs. They led Total registration for 1943 was 4 to 3 at the end of the first quarter,' <15,269 vehicles, compared to 424,777 were trailing 15 to 16 at the half, ¡n L942, or a decrease in motor vehicle and 24 to 26 at .the end pf the third registration for the yeaY of two per quarter. The final score was 36 to 32 cent. | in North Bend's favor. Registration fees for the year The box score: amounted to »3,377,081.87, which North Bend (36) FB FT PF were »24.359.1» unjJer the fees paid Noel .............. 6 1 0 in during the year 1942. > Jansen ......... J!. 0 0 1 Coos county's total registration was 'Hudson ...... . 8 2 1 9,938 vehicles. Massey .......... 0 I 1 Moomaw ....... 1 1 2 New Wonder Metal Is Hagen ............ 0 1 0 Revealed By Censor „ Curry County Jersey Cattle Club Breeders ’ Totals ....... Coquille (32) DeNoma ____ Haga ............. Porter ........... Meek ...... U.. .H». Kline ~....__ _ Barton .......... 15 6 1 1 • 1 1 0 1 2 6 2 I 0 36 2 2 2 1 4 0 Wonder-metal of World War II— stronger than.steel, non-corrosive as glass, and with a melting point so high no crucible exists to melt It—is : tantalum, now made known publicly by relaxation of censorship. A laboratory curiosity for years, ' tantalum suddenly acquired enormous | strategic value as scientists, under in- and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness during our bereave­ ment, for th^ flowers at the services held for our husband and father, D. C. Krantav and to Myrtle Lodge, No. 7«, A. F. & A. M. of Myrtle Point, which conducted the services. Mrs. D. C. Krantz, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Krantz, Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Fritts, Chester Krantz and Floyd Krantz Hand-carved Myrtlewpod for col­ lectors a( Harbison’s. Howdy Folks Well, it looks like we are going to be driving our same cars for another two years, or trade for another in equally bad shape, aside from a facial. • V Remember, few mechan­ ics nowdays have time to do unnecessary repairing. That’s why we try to make adjustments and small re­ pairs, that would eventually be expensive overhaul jobs. Likewise, when we ven­ ture to suggest some needed work on your car, it is not because we need it—just trying to eliminate larger jobs in th« future. 32 1 dustry’s sponsorship, solved by means of its rare qualities some of war’s Lubricate every 500 miles toughest material problems. I ------------- -------- or not over 60 days and Tantalum in thin sheets is set into see your Dentist Mechanic the shattered skulls of wounded sol- While you still have some­ diers, ahd drawn into nearly-invis- thing left (p work on. ible wires is used to sew severed nerves. Again thg Devils muffed their It clears the way for electron chance to run the Bobcats out of streams in electronic tubes, protects their own gym. In one of the snap­ priceless chemical apparatus from AMZY ERNIE piest and fastest games yet played corrosion and serves as catalyst in by the local high school quintet. Myr­ making synthetic rubber. There are tle Point won the honors of the gtime many other industrial applications. for the second time this season b* a sere of 31 to 27. More Women In College All during the first half of the game, the Devils held the lead over This Year Than in *43 More Jomen are enrolled here now the Bobcats and the half ended with a score of 16 to 11 In favor of the than a year ago, according to the lat­ » s. Coquille five. In the second half the est report of Associate Registrar D. Bobcat t^m made a swaggering T. Ordeman, of the Oregon State Near the end of the comeback with their high-point man, College. Peck Walton, scoring 12 points,, and second week of the term 1471 co-eds i Belloni next with six, while Sut­ had registered, a four per cent in- j A group of younger .breeders of mon problems. club; John Rllingsen, Sixes; John phin scored the other two. For the crease over the 1411 at the corres­ Curry county banded together recent­ The group shown above has in- Donaldson, Denmark;* Sidney Cad- Coquille team, the high point man ponding date a year earlier. , ly to form the Curry County Jersey spected the Ralph Cope (left) herd man, Langlois; Bob Knox, County throughout the game was Roy Porter, This increase is also reflected in Cattle Club. Like other similar breed at Langlois, Oregon. The cow is Agent, Gold Beach; Ronnie Fraser, who made five baskets .and three the registration of the school of home groups of Oregon, the group has for Bended Bow Lady Bird, one of ' Bandon, and Phillip Cope, father of free throws for a total of 13 points. economics, the only all-wdhnan’s its chief function the building up of Ralph's first 4-H animals. She pro- Ralph. . Ralph and Phillip are legal Bud Meek, who fouled out in the school on the campus, and the only their herds and the cattle of the com­ duced 538 pounds of butterfat as a partners in the business. Their herd fourth quarter, was next with six one to show an increase qver a year munity. Cooperatively they plan two-year old. Shown with Ralph last year averaged 502 pounds of points, Kline with four points, Haga ago. Its present enrollmenTns 543, their breeding programs, tackle com- are Bill Sweet, Sixes, president of the fat, the year before 544 pounds. and DeNoma each with two points. up 65 per cent from last year’s 329. Mention should be made of the fine Total enrollment is now 1830 civilians I ball played by both teams and of the and 1255 army students, or a total of determination to win that brought 3185, down II per cent. Myrtle Point out into the lead in the last minute-to-play of the game. Card of Thanks During that last minute, with the We wish to express our thanks and score tied at 27 to 27, Coquille was appreciation for the helpful sympa­ penalized with.« technical foul for thy and kindly assistance extended calling more than their allotted num­ us during our recent bereavement and ber of timeouts. This point was not for flowers at the service held for When You Think of Funniture, made by M. P. Then taking the ofii1 father, John G. Page. Think of Purkey ball out of bounds, the Bobcats Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heintezman slipped it by the Devils' defense and and children. through the hoop, making the score Calling cards. M tor SUM. 29 to 27 in M. P.’s favor. When the Devils were bringing the ball back into the Bobcats’ X'ourt, they were swiftly enclosed by the man-to-man I ’ defense used by M. P. Consequently, the ball was held overtime in back­ PATHFINDER (weekly) 52 Issues court and M. P. again took the ball i ALL SIX through the Devils’ defense for an­ TRUE STORY MAGAZINE 12 Issues other two points. The game ended ON L Y 31 to 27 in Myrtle Priint’s favor. HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE 12 Issues Starting line-i ups were as follows: Myrtle Point Coquille FARM JOURNAL & FARMER'S WIFE . 12 Issues Sutphin F DeNoma Walton r Haga Wise Porter c COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL 52 Issues Deaver G Meek Belloni G Kline 1 , Substitutes were Wilson, Dement and Hatfield for Myrtle Point and Gray, Kunz and Train, for Coquille. Officials were Carver and Linn. • t. ->• — —• YOU WILL GET ALL SIX publications, and if you are already ß subscriber to ANY of Ward McReynolds wiH be iri Co­ I quille next Tuesday, Feb. 1, at the Continue to use all th« electricity you need for these SIX publications, your present subscription will be extended. Mail or bring city hall, to receive applications from proper lighting and eye conservation. But, turn those desiring drivers’ licenses and to the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE FIVE BIG MAG­ off light» when you no longer need them. conduct examinations. AZINES and TXT'S ton and so wIrstlCS . Totals 14 4 11 Officials—Snyder and Landis. Myrtle Point Again Wins Very Fast Game M&W Auto Service SPECIAL Have Wood Bunk Set» Complete With Good Steel Spring» and Lager Felt Mattreaee» Can be u»ed a» Twin Bed» 1issues $925 1 FOR ONLY FURNITURE J FIVE MAGAZINES AND THIS NEWSPAPER Uncle Sim Asks Everybody Conserve sSF3 By Not Wasting Electricity Regular Value $5.25— You Save $2.00 in all for only $3 25 ORDER AT ONCE because we may soon have to withdraw this offer or advance the price. USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel Date.... Here is $3.25, full payment for a full one-year’s subscription to your newspaper with the five magazines listed above. My name is .._ Town Address State Here’s How to Help. 2 Remember the dance at the Coquille Community Bldg., sponsored by the Coquille’ Junior Women’s club, on Friday, Jan. 28. You always have fun at their dances! 2t Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your electric wiring and repair needs. He is located north of the ball park on tha^Faityiew road. 52tfs ---------J----- ;---- .. *----- proceeds of the President'* _ Jan. 18, will be donated by the Qoquille Junior Women to Paralysis campaign. 2t After Macshfleld-CoquIHe bas­ ketball game, attend the d*ncp at the Coquille Community Building 2t on Friday, January 2«. Keys made tor all locks Stevens Cash Hardware. CoauiUe. Ore. 'f 3 —Eliminate . unnecessary waste In the use of your " appliances. They will last longer and ypu will .be conserving critical mater­ ials. Conserve, whenever pos­ sible, in the use of pro­ motional or display light­ ing, non-essential interior and show case lighting and decorative or orna­ mental lighting, etc. Mountain States Power Company A Self-Supperti«f, Tax'fay lag, Privat« Enterprise