fAQIMTt» COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 27, 1844. D. C. Krantz, Pioneer, Coos County Schools W. S. C. S. Installs Buried Saturday In The War e Officers For 1944 This Is A Dangerous Fire Season In Western Oregon ddring the entire protected season of IMS, and most of this was slash burning, but more than five time« as •The next few weeks, during Feb­ ruary and March, is the most danger ­ much land was covered in these Funeral services were held Satur­ Schools in Coos are busy in .an ef- ~ The Woman’s Society of Christian Funeral service* for Willlkm W. ous fire season of the year," cautioned early spring fem fires. day at two o’clock, at Schroeder Bros. fort to attain the Coos school quota Service _ „ met _________________ in the Methodist church Kight were conducted at the Gano Mrs. Stella A. Cutlip, “Keep Oregon Mortuaries here, for David Crocket of 822,814 in Defense Bonds for -the parlors for the regular busim meet­ Funeral Home last Saturday, Jan. Green” county chairman. “Don’t Crantz, who passed away at the hos- Fourth War Bond Drive. ing on Jan. 20, at-10:30 -a. m. Pot­ 22, at 2:00 p. np, fhe Rev. Cha*. G. burn fern, because ferns are now liital in Salem at 8:28 last Wednes­ Bridge is planning a War Bond Box ! luck luncheon was served at noon. Brown officiating. dead, and they dry into a highly in­ day morning. Liston Parrish of the Social for February 11. Woody At the afternoon meeting the fol­ Interment was in the Masonic Cem­ flammable fuel under two or three Christian church officiated at the ■ Mason, principal of the school, prom- ; lowing officer* were installed: etery of Coquille beside his wife who days of sun, and these fern fire« once services. Pall-bearers were members ised to match the buying of the school President, Mr*. Helen Peterson. passed away five yean ago. set off bum fast and hot" 87, - Her husband, August Lenta, died «1 Sa­ time to come. The Civil war was fought to save lem several years ago. the Union and free the bodies of men, Besides her son here, she is sur­ women and children from the vived by four other sons, Wm. Lenta shackles of slavery and give their of Grande Ronde, Ore.; Carl of Wil­ mind« a chance to vision new hori­ lamina, Ore.; Rev. Samuel Lentz of zons. Suppose the Union had not Tacoma; Benjamin of Castle Rock, been saved and Seward had not Wash., and a daughter, Mr*. E. D. bought Alaska! Reeking, of Reardon, Wash.; also by This war is being fought to save two sister* and three brothers who mankind from being dominated by live in Edmonton, in Canada. liars, thieves, robbers, thugs, rapists, murderers. The Almighty is not near­ sighted. His is the long look ahead through the centuries of time. it seems to toe I lmv*. icial that James Russell Lowell wrote his poem, “The Present Crisi«,” in ¡H4. Except to doubters and the weak- kneed, there is no doubt In the poem. Read it. "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne— But that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, t Keeping watch above his own."^ Emerson wrote: “The lesson of Y life is to believe what the years and the centuries have to say against the hours.” Who can doubt it? R. A. Easton. W. W. Kight Buried Last Saturday Coquille Studio f IF YOU WANT TO SELL IF YOU WANT TO BUY / GEO. E. OERDING Jo|m G Page Services Held Tuesday I r SHOULD BUY z BHD BOLD BONDS 2 3 ** ★ ★ *.* * ★ ★ 4tew Career? You put your money in the sound­ est investment in the world! BUT MORE BONDS BRANCH • The net proceed« of the President'« Ball Friday, Jan. 28, will be donated by the Coquille Junior Women to the Infantile Paralysis camoaign. 2t A ★ * * * ★ * T. R. Watkins Products for sale by G. C. Ashenfelter, 18« 8. Division and East Third St. 52t3** FIRST NATIONAL BANK A OF PORTLAND i