The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 27, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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Y, JANUARY 37. 1H4.
„ ,,,,, _----- -------------- ,---- ,
-Be sure to attend the President's
of Canada is in the form of loans for date for the vacant »eat on the nin
the repayment of which nearly 500,- U. S. district circuit court of appeals. Ball at the Coquille Community
' 000,000 pounds" of aluminum has al- The late Judge Bert E. Haney was Building Friday ( Jan. 28th.
ready been delivered. .
from Oregon, and Latourette figures
i: The total output of alufflttrta» ha»yan Oregon man should be appointed
I been
great that
enormous stock
stock- ' to fill the vacancy.. If Judge McCol-
been so
io great
that an
an enormbus
Over Night
Ivan Laird has resigned his posi­ ! pile is accumulating and
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday,
was for lough is movfd up to the higher
tion as truck salesman with the local I this res ton war production’board or- bench that Will leave a vacancy o
January 23, 1024) V
that 4ri.s “P äfcaplss ®’*r n sht.
» ' «
_____ —a i I be filled in
The Coos county budget committee Standard Oil station and the middle ! dered
tlie closing
12 government-
in iko
the Droiinn
Oregon HiKtrict
district COUTl.
Thoka who follow««! «Impi« direc­
tions and appllsd Kleerax upon re-
has been in session'this morning con­ of next month will- move onto the I financed aluminum plants in the east and Mr. Latourette has in mind his
tirinx wsrs amaslagly surprised
sidering the budget for 1824. . . As Hailey Laird ranch at the upper end and south. The order does not af­ brother. Judge Earl C. Latourette of
whan they found their pimples had
disappeared- Theca users *nthulv-
it now stands the budget totals around of the grade in Brewster Valley,
fect plants at Vancouver and Long­ Clackamas county. Judge Latourette
tlcally praise Klearex and claim they
which he recently purchased.
are ne longer aaabarraaaad and are
view, Wash.
whi<>. are privately
now happy with their clear oomplex,
taka ear word for It. use
□cioerex tonight. Only Me. If one ap­
Sun Yat-Sen, south China leader,
Geo. A. Robinson ha» workmen on
nosed out by the incumbent, Judge
plication doea not satisfy, you set
the job at his store on Front street, addressing the Christian college stu­
resr money back. There la no risk so
*An example of how delay in the McCollough, who was then democratic
Jo^not hesitate, «old aad recum-
putting a stucco front to his building, I dents at Canton, has been quoted as serious consideration of bills may be state chairman.
which will'give it the same appear­ predicting a world war within ten caused by the fads and idiosyncrasies
ance as the new hotel building along­ years in which China would be allied of members of congress found typical
m.'Lgj y
side of it. This reduces his fire risk with Russia, Germany, India ^pd illustration when the senate was pass­
on the west side and the east end, the
ing on committee amendments to the
oppressors.” f Americans,” he con­
roof being covered with tar paper.
new tax measure. Senator Langer,
tinued, “will then-knchg^how it feels
of North Ddkata, who has established
Ralph Noaler expects to move his to have a powerful Chinese fleet in something df a reputation for legisla­
barber shop into the Coquille Hotel San Francisco harbor.” Words like tive foibles, offered an amendment
building next Sunday, and the small­ these cost nothing. A serious attempt increasing the exemption for depend­
er room in the Odd Fellows building to do what is predicted would involve ent children from $350 for the first
which he has occupied, will be leased tragic results for those essaying it.
child up to $9,800 for eight children
by E. G. Opperman, who will move
and $2,500 each child above that
The credit for the unqualified suc­
his electric supply store into it from
number. Senator Langer argued that
cess of the Coquille Rod 4c Gun Club's
First street.
adoption of his amendment would
annual duck banquet is not due to
tend to’avert a decreasing birth rate
What is now believed to have been any one individual, but the credit for after the war by imposing a larger
a meteor striking the ocean off the serving an elegrant three-course din­ proportion of the tax burden on
local beach caused muffled report and ner with ducks cooked to perfection wealthy people who are childless. The
caused houses to shake as in an earth­ must go to the Hotel Coquille, its amendment was rejected without
quake or a heavy blast at about ten manager, Lafe Compton, and his rollcall, but it delayed orderly pro­
o'clock Wednesday evening. . . . A kitchen crew. .. . The list of speakers ceedings in the senate for a consid-
large falling star was observed just, included Mayor S. M. Noeler, J. E.
erable time and added just so much
before the report. It was a great ball Norton, H. N Lorenz, F LG reenough,
to the cost of printing the Congres-
of light that extended across the heav­
stonai Record.
ens from east to west and apparently game warden, Lans Leneve, Dr. C. A.
disappeared into the ocean. . . The Rletman, G. Russell Morgan, Jas. W.
Veterans of world war No. 2 who
theory advanced is that the meteor Laird, and L. L. Thomas, of Marsh*
have been given medical discharges
struck comparatively close to the field.
are already oeing made the victims of
shore and that the impact jarred the
union labor contracts, according to
An American Inventor predicts
ledge of rock upon which Bandon is
reports reaching the national capital.
This caused the shake, that In twenty years television will
Practically all such contracts provide
while the report .was caused from the be in common use. Instead of see-
H a
.that when an employer finds it neces-
hot ball of fire striking the water. in« motoin picture. some time aftM- -
a nhlo
ward, urn
we ahull
shall H
able io «it
sit in
in n a
employed shall be the first to be
Wartime Stop and Go b toitfk on your automobile. If
An average of 848.37 for every theatre and actually see, as if on the
laid off. This makes it inevitable
you've thought rationed driving means leu care, you’re
man, woman and child in the United spot, instead of many miles away,
that the newly employed veteran will
State* was collected in taxes in 1922. and at the sagie time hear.
risking your car’s life. Neglect bring* trouble — to bear­
be the first to lose his job in any
The Sentinel! TWENTY YEARS AGol
a mod pares •• a mm raw* .
, I
One Year —..... ui—...... — 8? 00
Six Month*.
three Month*.
No subscription taken unless paid
k» in advance. This rule is Impera
H. A. YOUNG. Kditer
“He has something there,” is the
comment heard from a11 those to
whom L. H. Hazard has outlined his
idea of what a .simplified federal in­
come tax report might be.
The idea is for individual income
taxpayers only, but if it was enacted
into law it would save many a head­
Mr. Hazard’s plan would be for the
individual, after he had figured his
annual income and assembled all his
deductible expenses, and other items if
any, to forward the figures to the in­
ternal revenue office of his district,
where the office clerks, who are sup­
posed to know how to figure such
things, could quickly arrive at the
taxpayers income tax and so notify
him. The clubs and office personnel
have to figure the report out anyway
and, aside from the little effort re­
quired to notify the taxpayer what
his tax amounted to, there would be
nothing in addition to the clerk’s reg­
ular ditties.
We recommend this idea to Con­
gressman Harris Ellsworth with the
thought that it might be incorporated
money expended in the payment of
in the new tax measure, to the infin­
life insurance premiums up to a
ite relief of millions of taxpayers.
maximum of 81,000.00 per annum for
each individual. Obviously the bill
is being supported by the insuralyre
fraternity for business reasons. It is
By R. T. Moore
further supported by those wishing
One of the measures on the ballot to place a premium on individual
at the November 24 general election self-reliance while at the same time
is the amendment of the State Con­ penalizing dependency upon federal
stitution to discontinue double lia­ government for sustenance.
Timely Topics
150,008 CARS JU
Mie Sip and 80
send your car to the soap heap!
If this is indeed the case, this For­
tune writer should know it, as he was
a high bureaucrat himself, and it is
high time that steps were »taken to
curb this dangerous tendency towards
bureaucratic rule.' It is a repetition
of the ol^ theme of taxation without
representation, against which the
American people have fought for
nearly two centuries. The question
will come before *the Oregon legis­
lature at its next session and it is well
for the Oregon public to give It
consideration meantime, so that popu­
lar opinion for or against shall be
clearly established.
bility on stock of stat* chartered
The bill brings up the immediate
This measure hgs been referred to question of whether such items as
the people on two previous occa­ deposits in savings banks, the pur­
sions, in 1938 and in 1840. Each time chase of war bonds, the investment of
it was defeated because the issue was any other forms of savings, should not
be equally entitled to deductions in
not understood by enough people..
The story is this: In 1811 th* stat* the income tax calculations. Possibly
banker» asked the Legislature to in­ this question will be resolved when
stitute double liability on state bank the bill gets to the actual point of
stoek in Oregon. Their purpose was consideration by committee. But the
to place state banks on a par with general theme is one that appears to
the. national banks which had the be meeting popular approval.
It is a dangerous doctrine that pen­
double liability feature at the time.
The state bankers believed that the alizes the active individual to help the
public would place great emphasis on passive. Such a doctrine leads to
this feature when choosing a bank for stifling of all progress and ultimate
their deposits. They therefore asked disintegration of industrial life. Hu­
that the state banks be required to man nature revolts at the idea of
have th* double liability in order that working without being able to get
they be regarded equally safe with the full fruits of the work. This
the national banks for the people’s generation is no exception to the rule,
and the general trend away from
Washingtn, D.
Jan. 27—Because
In 1834 the Federal Deposit In­ slate socialism is the evidence.
continued purchases of aluminum
surance Corporation was formed and
from the Aluminum Company "of
the federal government cancelled the Bridges* bill getting serious con­ Canada were so frequently referred
double liability feature on stock of sideration during the war period to in the successful fight waged by
national bank* because it was felt when every penny is needed by the Washington and Oregon congressmen
that such a feature had become su­ federal government. But the theory to prevent the dosing of plants at
perfluous. The state bankers then that has inspired it, of encouraging Spokane, Tacoma and Troutdale, a
sought similar relief for their banks, self-help and self-reliance among brief review of the contract with the
but have been unsuccessful to date our people, merits the active support Shipsaw concern may of interest to
because the people have evidently not of the thinking public.
residents of the northwest. The ori­
some such measure will be wise in
understood the issue.
ginal contract was made by Metals
Only three states, Illinois, Minne­ the postwar period when emphasis Reserve Co., at the request of the of­
sota and Oregon, have so far failed must be laid on private enterprise fice of production management, in
to remove the double liability feature to restore and to maintain national May, 1941, when the need for enor­
from their state bank*.
Both Illi­ prosperity.
mous supplies of aluminum became
nois and Minnesota are about to do
The contract was for
so at this writing, thus leaving Ore­
A measure, mentioned before in 170,000 metric tons at 17 cents a
gon as the only state in the Union this column, is that of festricting fed­ pound, the then prevailing price in
which has not conformed to this prac­ eral taxing power to a maximum 25 1 I the United States. An advance pay­
per cent of th* corporate and individ- 1
ment of 821,000,000 was made by
The protection afforded the de- ual income of the nation. This bill , RFC at two per cent interest, to be
posits by F. D. I. C. makes it vir- popped to the fore this week in a
amortized at the rate of 8% cents
tually imposaible for any small de- discussion on the Senate floor.
per pound of aluminum delivered. 1
poeitor to ever lose any money in t There appear to be two main rea­ Ten days later office of production
bank failure*. There is no point in sons why tihs bill has been ratified management asked that the quantity j
continuing this double liability fea- by many state legislatures to date,
to be purchased be doubled and an- .
tipe The people should vote it out and by almost unanimous vote. The other loan of 825,000,000 at th?le|
Xúúi.ia lúai -V ar m let Uw luual c&x. -
itokt riwvenioe. ai iauueM «o
per cant interest was made by tne
state banking system.
tive medium by which state’s rights
export-import bank.
It is highly desirable that we main­ can be restored; second, it is the most 1
In negotiations with the Aluminum
tain a strong state "banking system effective way to control the Frank-
company of America to build and
competitive with the large national enstein o$ bureeeracy that has laid
bank chains that are blanketing the' strangle-hold ost our people during operate plants in this country a price[
of 18 cents per pound was obtained,'
.stat* at the present time. The bank- ’ the past decade.
Take away it*
and Aluminum Company of Canada
in« business is vital to state economy
was. inauced io reduce its price ac- '
and competition between the two
An article in Fortune magazine by
cordingly. To obtain this reduction,
systems, the national
and _________
th* state, ¡ j a former New Deal stalwart points
_ ____
interest on the advance payments was
or Jhe health of zout the difficulty of maintaining an
This- hsattef ft Mftedve eabittet.‘ vt Sr former ad- waived-.. „Th* reduction from 17 to
15 cents saved Metals. Reserve'Co
of greater importance than most peo­ ^ministrations. The main trouble is
$15,000.000, while only 82,500,000 was
ple realize and voters should by all that bureaucracy .has become so
waived in' interest. In 1942 war pro-
means protect th* state's private large and so powerful a* to defy all
ductioh board requested another in­
banking system by the removal of1 attempts by individual officers to
crease-in purchase of Canadian alum­
this superfluous liability feature.
control it. A cabinet^officer is un-
inum by 370,000,000 pourfds.
'able to put over a change in policy
was made at the reduced schedule.
The march towards restoration of i that is not approved by the rank and
state and individual supremacy over file of the thousands of*clerks in the The aluminum is being delivered
regularly, but the contract provides
that of the federal bureau set-up, bureaus affected. They find ways
.for a fixed basis of cancelation on
take* another step in a bill offered in which to circumvent th* will of
by Senator Harry Stylee Bridge*, their Chief by delay and by equivo- ,any P*rt of th* «luminum Metals
This bill provides for credit in in- , cation. They even defy the Preaident Reserve Co. may decide npt to buy
come tax computation for sums of himself and the Congress, as well.
Money advanced the Aluminum Co
ings, pistons, batteries and other hard-to-rsplace part*.
reduction in the number of employees.
This,, is wholly contrary to the spirit
and intent of all legislation for the
protection of discharged soldiers and
sailors and the problem is being taken
up by the several veterans’ organiza­
tions. * However, so long as employers
are under contract with the Onions
there doesn't seem to be anything to
do about it'
Howard Latourette, Oregon’s dem­
ocratic national committeeman, is
staying over a few days since the
finale of the big Bourbon gathering.
Latourette would like to get in a
few licks with the powers that be
in behalf of Oregon's federal Judge
Claude McCollough, who is a candi-
So get Shellubrication. It’s designed to combat Stop and
Go wear. Shell will inspect your car, tell you what’s needed,
and give you • diagram-receipt telling exactly what’s been
done to help your car outlast the duration.
Change to fresh Golden Shell Motor OU...your
safeguard agaihst Wartime Stop and Go wear.
Your choice of Synthetic
or Pre-War Tires
' *
We also have a few Grade 3 Tires
Come in and see if we have the size you need
Select from ear ample supply ef
B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns
Thornton Tire Service
Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. S52
* •