r AG* THBU 11 No Strike he’ll start rigt^ eoen^ain, Coquille S. D. A. Church I For “Two more bucks »day.*’! Helps With African Missions A Soldier Speaks to John L. Lewis "Buzz" Always Did Make Friends * Extract from a totter to his mother from "Buzz" Holmstrom, land-based somewhere in the South Pacific area: X ♦ t • The following poem from a boy duty in New Guinea was sent to Mr? Letter From Marc Shelley and Mrs. B. D. Keener, who give the To George F. Burj Sentinel permission to print it It Writing to thank Geo. Burr for the ¡tells very forcibly what the men in courtesies shown him on his recent the service think of strikes: visit ¡n Coquille, and for the invita­ tion to the Rotary lunch, .“the mem­ I’m full of* damned malaria ories of which linger,” Mark Shelley I shake the whole day long, says he could write enough about The quinine’s ringing in my ears what he has seen and done to fill the I’m anything but strong. Sentinel, but anything which would Mosquito bites all over me | -------------------------- Lieut. T. Ranald Hanly M Here For Week’s Visit ■ Lieut. Thomas Ranald Hanly, who has jyst finished his training as an Air Corps pilot at B25 TransiH —i Transitional School at Mather Field naar near nacra- Sacra­ mento, came in on a furlough lunougn Sun aun- ­ day night and is a Floyd Peterson home . . ’ , About those seeds you sent me. It resided for many years. He is visit­ just wasn’t practical to plant them ing relatives and friends here and in myself, so I gave some ef them to Bandon. -When he returns to duty some natives I know. I read the he will go to Columbia, South Caro­ My ears are full of New Guinea Mud directions carefully and then, mostly “1 am in the pink,” he goes on, M . . lina, for further training. muddy ditch. by the sign laftfuage, I told them “have seen a lot of the Pacific, calm how to plant them. and stormy, never lost a meal. Have [ I’m living in a jungle, SeaBee Ernest Dalton You just have to imagine the pic­ helped pay the 10 gal. gas deal off It's hot as merry hell, ft ture. We were squatting^in front of many times over. The war looks “C” rations is my menu, Came West For Christmas his thatch hut. With the smoke very good for us and the Japs defin­ No cooking can I smell. Another Coquille boy visited his front the little fire inside seeping out itely and positively get whipped For this I get two bucks a day present home which is in Vancouver, through, the roof. There was a pig where we meet them. Am very proud And a chance for a little ground, over Christmas. He is Ernest Dal­ or two rooting around, and the na­ of this ship; all have proven they That measures four by six by four— ton, who worked for the Coos County tive’s two pickaninnies, dirty as the •have what it takes.’ Have had my And a covered grassy mound, Highway Department for about five dickens, needing their noses wiped, feet on land twice in about two years. He has been in the Sea Bees not a stitch of clothes, but cute as months. First Ume' was on the My P31 who came down here with me' for over a year and just came back anything you ever saw. beach where I met Frank Harlocker,The lad wa* fu,t eighteen, ■ from six months work, somewhere in He wears a sort of trousers ar­ and enjoyed every minute with him. 2,ot hlm a. h*'11 never 'eave the North Atlantic. z He is at present in Rhode Island vuverrlei ia «iTOl, ‘ rangement made out of a banana Liberty on the beach is very limited. yhe coverlet is green, leaf and his wife a grass skirt. He When we go ashore we say we are Another one will see no more getting additional training for service has great bushy, fuzzy hair, but her going ‘ — —. beach. ,__ .... ’ Another lost an arm on the elsewhere. head is shaved and hgr face blacked . "Geo. McDonald Jr. _________ is dubbed __ The “Geo. McD< _______ __ And hundreds more I do not know The Ernest Dalton’s still own their with charcoal because somebody has Banker from Coquille.’ He is look-! Who now are safe from harm. place on East 4th Street in Coquille | I ing and feeling »- j 1 , But when I hear a bunch of guys Well I <«• im o u„i i < ieelin* fine. iin*- I 1 ----- waa — rated and may move back there after the | er^ni J U P I CarP*nler!1 Ma*’ la‘ Cla“ The Car' Are safe and far away, war as they haven’t found any place , XyS w uCtiC XCIX hill and another four feet away. It little longer. • ’ >» ” Man Ia Slowly Improving To To live Uve in in Guinea Guinea jungles jungles was touching to see how intense Well it looks like I’ve about run And there we>d let them gtew Mrs. Ida Baumgartner writes the their interest was. His wife asked Ollt Of ''stuff. ??. aqoa anv ” ' DI Please say hdllrx hello fzx to Sentinel from her home at Riverton me If they finish in one moon but I friends and will be seeing you all. We’d, give them all malaria that their son, Robert H., who was said I think two moon. When I left ------------ - ------------ Let mosquitoes have a feast, wounded in the South Pacific last they were just as happy as an Amer­ Husband Of Local Girl Receives We d make them bury many a lad year and is now convalescing at a ican family that had fallen heir to a Fl.in. C«.. From North' West- S0“111’ and East hospital in California, is regaining We’d feed from g fortune. . I sure do hope those seeds Distinguished Flying Cross his strength and is now able to walk thrive there.. Lieut. Richard O. Sherrill, whose We’d let a hot sun blister them, with crutches. He hopes to be I can say a few words of the na­ wife, Mrs. Markie Sherrill, is em- T’would be no “Palm Beach Tan." to come home soon. , tive language and am getting pretty ployed in the ration board office here' good at the sign language. I tell and makes her home with her par- We’d let them hear the wounded moan them my name is Buzz but they 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Smith, hasWe’d let them see them die, Delbert Starr Takihg Army simply can*t say it that way. They 'recently been decorated with the dis- 'With snipers’ bullets whizzing close Aviation Training In S. D. call me “Boos,” so I answer to that tinguished flying cross in the South With star shells in the sky. x Delbert E. Starr, son of Mr. name, too. Pacific. • ............. ** known And then we’d send them home again Mrs. J. W. Starr of Coquille, is You know I can see where experi­ as a “Jungle Skipper, _’ ” .. 1 To their ten bucks a day, Stationed at the Jamestown College ence has taught the natives right of the character of the South Pacific To tell the others what they’d seen in South Dakota, where he is receiv­ about this clothing deal. They mostly islands over which they fly and on Way down New Guinea way. ing Army Air Force instruction. Af­ are healthy and it is because they get which they land.* z_ i I'll bet those guys would have enough. ter five months there he <¡11 receive I such good ventilation. When you Lieut. Sherrill has over 900 flying At home they’d gladly stay, an appointment as Aviation Cadet. | wear clothes you sweat and in no hours to his credit and has been in time at all you get irritated and the several bomb attacks by the Japs. first thing you know something like “athlete's foot” sets in Somewhere Corp. Bob Littrell Back on your body. It does not get well From Camp In The Southeast and soon becomes a little sore which Corporal Bob Littrell, formerly will develop into a big running ulcer and from there on I don’t know what with the Littrell Supply Co. here, but who is now in the Army Air Force, happens. was here with Mrs. Littrell last week, So long, Haldane. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. True. Mrs. Littrell is employed in 2nd Lieut. Howard D. Caudle the Mt. States Power Co. office at Finishes Marine Flight Training Marshfield. Bob has been stationed Second Lieutenant Howard Donald in one of the southern states but when Caudle, son of John David Caudle, he left Tuesday evening it was to re­ of Coquille, this month will complete port to the base at Fresno Calif. Ration points and prices on His brother-in-law Frank True, re­ his advanced flight training at the beans are low, but nutrition Pensacola, Florida, Naval Air Train­ cently inducted frym the Coquille and nourishment are high. ing Center. He later will be assigned Selective Service office, left Monday Most important oí all, they to duty with an aircraft squadron of evening to attend Boot camp at Far­ taste nrslL Fix np a pot the Marine Corps. ' ragut, Idaho. of beans real soon. Iavy> Pink«' Rods, Limaa Blackeyes, Soys— we've got ’em all. 1 Climaxing a three months' study of i the West coast missions of Africa, and the Countries of Iran, Ethiopia and the. Holy Land, members of the Coquille a , . . S. D. A. .. church , . Presented ,___ *Pec,al Pro«ram »he last of IMS, «nu and answered, and that there are plans ' °1« “thirteenth Sabbath . - ” overflow __ of- for missionary nurses and teachers to fering of >102.00 to help establish be sent>s soon as possible. Two gen­ ~ i mission stations eral conference officials, W. G. Tur­ thirty-five millions of ner, vice-president, and E. D. Dick rw*nnlp people in that sect section of the world. secretary will go to West Africa very Mrs. Virgil McKinney, superinten­ soon it is also reported to the church dent, reports that Dr. George W. ¡here to assist in the reorganization Allen, a Seventh-day Adventist mis­ of (hat territory, which before the sionary physician, and wife, are now en route to Nigeria, there to head a war was under the direction of the fifty-bed hospital located at Ile-Ife, church body in England. Both have the sacred city of the Yoruba tribe. traveled in these lands. Large 8-Piece Dining Set $109S0i| Slightly Soiled Kreohler DAVENPORT ft CHAIR Was 1139:50 Now *. -, FASHION FLOW DAVENPORT & CHAIR Was 1139.50. Now , - . 4 o BABY FURNITURE Crib Mattresses - High Chairs Bathinettes - Bassinetts Nursery Seats Purkey Furniture (When Yoe Think of Furniture Think of Purkey) and help you save on ration points, too! a N extra W a R bond LOAN —NOW —4th I wlue J l There never has been ■ time when Conservation meant so much, both to you and your Country. Lubrication and general periodic checking of all the work­ ing parts of your car will save you MONEY! to say nothing of hard-to-get parts and labor for costly repairs. a, “doÿUL OjUUUpiAS " ¡AMudiu uwdh? We still have Ethyl Gasoline! BEANS PGM IN J Large Limes (2 pts, lb.) 2 lbs. (no points) SOY BEANS .nb, 20c (no points) BLACKEYES tlbl 19c Pork ft Beans, Van Camp (15 pts) No 2 17c Beans, Libby Baked (9 pts) 14 ox. jar 11c Pre-Cooked Beans Copelands (1 pt) 8 ox 15c Raisins, Del Monte 15 ox pkg. (4 pts) 12c Green Beans (Little Mill—no pts.) No. 2 13c Beans, Gardenside (no pts.) No. 2 can ..14c llbJ„ Samuray. Jaim -J ica A (piodit GRAPEFRUIT—Arizona— lb. ORANGES, Sunkist—lb. LEMONS—Sunkist—lb. nWTLFV APPLES—’b. LETTUCE, Ice Berg—lb. tn weight a PICNIC Modem curing make F1CWICS and every bit as a WAS LOAN ' [B ob ’ BEANS ^:,,,Sn"uÄ.44c M J B—lb. jar....... Airway Coffee—lb Nob Hill—lb. bag- produci (niiu"- (2 points lb.) COFFEE aMK-R .' '*■ We stock PRRSTO-LITK BATTERIES. Wp also have bat­ tery recharging and testing equipment, Keep your battery in «hape ■“