r ag E TtN Minor Mention Pre-Induction Meeting To Be Held i ‘ A *3 , * -*'J' (Continued»from Page One) Mrs. Aaron Wilson was in Coquills Mayor O. L. Wood underwent an appendectomy at the Myrtle Point from Camas Valley on Wednesday siderable study by making a quick hospital last Saturday, Drs. Rankin She reports that Aaron, who has been survey in various areas of Oregon and Gould performing the operation, working in a mill out there, has pur- and are convinced that the need is Federal Land Bank Investment Boosts Coos County Bond Drive An investment of 812,000.00 in War Bonds by the Federal Land Bank of Spokane has been credited to Coos county, R. L. Strickle, secretary- . treasurer of the Roseburg Group Na­ tional Farm Loan association, reveal­ ed today. ■ » . The bank has just invested $3,000,- 000 in bonds as its part in the Fourth War Loan drive. Eaeh of the four states served by the bunk, Montana,' Idaho, Washington and Oregon, has been credited with $500,000, and $1,- 000,000 has been credited to the city of Spokane, headquarters of the bank. l . "... : C- YOU ARE I Ml DRTANT is no suca thing as a ipvestme.it in the Fourth War Loan. "'■*1. Your $2S or or »NO Extra War Bond mav not have great im- > portance in ’ your mind in ipaking up a 5'4 billion dollar to- ' tai for individu- > a Is. But multiply yourself by and then you see in real perspective how truly great each ____ ______ citizen be- conies in massing national strength against the Nazis and the Japs. Caut Maurice Witherspoon, Novy chaplain aboard the Carrier Wasp when she sank, tells of a rescued wounded sailor, who. as he re­ gained consciousness, asked: "Did I do my best?" That’s the only question you. too. have to ask yourself when you de­ cide the extent of your personal participation in the Fourth War Loan. There undoubtedly will be large single purchases of War Bonds in this community, but yours—if it is “your best" will deserve equally the •red, white and blue shield you are privileged to display in the win­ dow of your home. So “Let's All Back the Attack." There will be heat at the Coquille Community Building for the Coquille Junior Women's dance Friday, Jan. 28. 21 There Mrs. Sue Aitken enjoyed a visit (and that they wil last week from her daughter, Mrs. A., day of this week P. Jones, who came from Chicago. The latter lefUTpesday, morning for ductees include: What happens at Spokane, where she is now employed. the induction station! At the Re­ Mr. Jones is yi the U. S. Nqvy and Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold McCue re­ ception Center? What happens if a at present is in Australia. turned Tuesday after a week’s trip prospective inductee is rejioled?+Ar to Pdrtland. what , point . in ... the ________ induction r___ process „__ ......... should an inductee give up his job? Mrs. Cecil Finley arrived in Co- How an inductee classified and as- quille, January 15, to visit her mother, signed to his military job? May he Mrs. Gladys Gano. She left last Sun­ choose' his branch of the service, day for a few days in Portland and Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard? Vancouver, expecting to return this What kind of tests will he be given? Remember — Norton's for office, Miss Mavis Tyrrell, daughter of coming Saturday. She will remain What help may a soldier’s dependents 37tfs Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tyrrell left last here with her mother until February count on? What if sickness or other school and home supplies. week for Portland, where she became 3, and then return to San Francisco. trouble strikes his family while he Arthur Hooton is back on the job a student of Northwestern School of Mrs. Finley enjoys her position there | is in service? . . . and others. “It is our hope that one of the in the electrical wiring and repair Business. Mavis graduated last where she is employed in the office of Planters Peanut and Chocolate J very positive results of our pre- business. He can be found north of June from'Coquille High School. Co. Her husband is in the army induction training program will be’^ Park on Fairview road; phone 52tfs Mrs. Harold Hickman, the former medical department and has been t0 lift moral« generally in the com- 222R. • \ Ula Leach, left Tuesday evening for in all parts of the South Pacific. The munity by acquainting wives, moth­ ! Rudy’s Orchestra will furnish the a ten-day visit with her mother, couple were together for Christmas ers, sweethearts, even fathers, with THE EDITOR. music for the President’s Ball at the at San Diego. - what is to happen to their men. In Mrs. Roy Cowan. .. ~„„ . this knowledge they will find com- Coquille Community Building Fri­ isfiMv^d Mf- M*-* n«ic ipp<> were >n fort and assugance. y^is always the day, Jan. 28. ? 2t Mrs R. A. Wernich has Remember the dance at the Coquille newspaper notices from her old home Salem a tew days and returned Mon- . unkn(,wn that is the hardest to ‘__ Community Bldg., sponsored by the ■ learn the details of a venture’and it in Minneapolis, Minn., that her day' brother, Paul Gray, has just been in­ Mrs. Martha““Philips, of Bur- seems much more natur“ “nd stalled as Illustrftus Potentate of lingame, CaLif., arrived Wednesday . ■ T the Shrine, ‘ftie Minneapolis or­ evepjng by bus for a visit with her Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your ganization is one of the largest sister, Mrs. Marc Shelley. electrical wiring and repair needs. The net proceeds of tne President's Shrines in the country. . *_______________ [ He is located north of the ball park After the Marshfield-Coquille bas­ Ball Friday, Jan. 28, will be donated Income Tax. Returns prepared. Call on the Fairview road. 52tfs ketball game, attend the1 dance at by the Coquille Junior Women to Mrs. Geo. L. Maynard and Mrs. 280-M for day or evening appoint-} - ------- ----------- ;— the Coquille Community Building the Infantile Paralysis campaign. 2t Patsy Barkwell are local representa­ 2t 2t2s See "apike” Leslie for the best in on I’riday, January 28. ment. George L. Maynard. tives of the Opinion Research Corpor­ 11 .lability, or other Insurance, Office. I See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in ation, who are making a survey for FOR SALE—3 Jersey Bull Calves,j next door to Coquille Hospital, Keys made ter all locks Stevens | Coquille for Diamonds and Watch the corporation and whose local re­ 10 months; good stock. Goodwin’s,! phone 5; residence phon« 95L. s Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf Straps. tfs ports on post-war planning will be 1st house on Rink Creek toad. 2t2*s . incorporated in a new broadcast over ■ I the Blue Network under the name of There will be a Rummage Sale “America Looks Ahekd,” each Mon­ given by St. James’ Episcopal Guild day evennig for five weeks at 6:30 in'the Shelley Building, beginnfhg p. m. Pacific War Time. The Cor­ February 3rd. It2s poration’s finding are also-used in C ailing cards. 30 ror 11.00 the Gallup poll. Time Only! IMAGINE! A big 82 bottle of famout Dorothy Gray Uluilery Weather Lotion for only 81! Enough to help keep your ikin looking toft and ■Booth all winter long) Fuhrman's Pharmacy OPEN 8:36 A. M. UNTIL THUR. FRI. SAT SOMETHING EXCITED ' ABOUT! THE SCREENS CLASSIC OF TERROR' PHANTOM or THE opera w tcchwcoiou M1tA5.ON EDDV SUSANNA FOSTER claude rains fDGAR B *^999^ Me- www wc ¡tZ-XSLXJSSD ' CLEAR THE ROAD . . . HERE COMES PATSY! SHE’S DRIVIN’ A TEN - TON TRUCK INTO A MESS OF LAUGHS AND ROMANCE. Patsy Kelly in "DANGER! WOMEN AT WORK’" with . Isabel Jewell LATEST NEWS Wanda McKay |WED. FEB. 2 Adults 30c| BARR ifp