PAGE NINE 'Ordinance Will Give Police Authority worship Song ' s make (Continued from Page One) prohibiting the persona having the legal care and custody ot such minors from permitting or allowing viola- > Wednesday evenings choir re­ hearsal hour. t 7:30 Thursday evenings mid-week Church of Christ, Scientist Bible study hour. CoquiUe. Oregon What are we doing to support the conrnct there­ Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. cause of righteousness in our Com- with, and declaring an emergency. Sunday Service st 11 a. m. munity? Why not find some church ___ _ overrun on that account, and it' THE CITY OF COQUILLE DOE8 Subject for next Sunday, Truth." where you can give yourself in service Third, phone 147J. Call mornings. ! is probable that a radiator will be HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 47tl0* the Otjly Cause and Creator." and help there? > It ... ....... . ■" placed in the auditorium, along the Section 1. That it shall be unlaw­ Wednesday e* ening meeting at 8:00 room furnished house library wall, that its heat-«nay help ful for any person under the age of o'clock. Church of Christ Coulter. >29 and half FOR SALE— in the library. - eighteeh years to be upon, loiter, Free public Reading Room at 255 1 Gasoline 4 HP Engine (Ideal) lights and water furnished, or 828 East 4th A Coulter The furnace and plumbing of the Wander or stroll upon any street, W. Second. Roxy Bldg., open every and I furnish both. Joe Peart, at -1 Barrel of Linseed Oil. Liston Parrish, Pastor Community Building have just been alley, park or other public place in day except Sunday and holidays fl on 1 Office Desk or Table above address. 92t2* Thursday 7:30 Bible study and installed but the heating units for Coquille, Oregon, at night after the 12:30 to 5:00 p.- m. 1 Large Library Table prayer meeting. We will continue the various rooms have not yet ar ­ hour of 1090 o ’ clock P. M., unless; keposessed items — 1 White Marble Slab the study of "What the Bible Teaches rived. However,* there is now more I 4 pc. Bedroom Set . ..... >89.59 I pr. Ladies’ Rubber Boots, size 8. I about God.” or less heat throughout the building parent, legal guardian or other rtutt 8 pc. Dining Set ................ >79.59 1 pr. Men's Rubber Overshoes, size Bible School 9:45. Martha Mulkey, and it is certain the interior wood ­ person, lawfully and properly accom- , — 7 pc. Dining Set .................. >29.59 11 : Harry Hull underwent an operation supt. Will you Join us in an inter­ work will suffer no further deteri ­ panying such minor person. PURKEY FURNITURE 1 Cowhide Bag for appendicitis last Wednesday after­ esting, inspirational program. oration. Section 2. That it shall be unlawful i “When you think of Furniture, Many Other Items noon. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Spe­ J. L. Smith, who has for several i for any parent, legal guardian or Think of Purkey” Place—Comer First and So. Henry, years used a portion of the land oast other aduit person, having the legal Major operations were performed cial music, Lord’s Supper and a mes­ at the Quick Apts. LIVESTOCK MINERAL—A NECES­ of the reservoir, and which has re- Carc ang custody of any minor per­ last Thursday for Mrs. Russell Mar­ sage on “A Greater Stewardship.” Beginning Friday, Jan. 21, at 10 Jr. and Intermediate C. E. 8:00. SITY in the diet of Coos County eighteen years, tindale, of Fairview, and Mrs. Clar­ i < cents been acquired by the city, as »on undar the ato go upon or be upon any street, Attention Dairymen. A few elec­ MRS. FLORA E. DUNNE It Powers. Wed. 7:30 Choir Practice, Don The pasture is separated from the mie; -illey. park or other public place in tric water heaters will soon be avail­ On Saturday Maxine Wigant, of Farr, director. FOR SALE—1 Electric Cooker, one resevoir by a fence which Mr. Smith Coquille, Oregon, at night after th« able for dairy use. If you need one Coquille, underwent an appendectomy maintains. 2-bumer Hot Plate, one 8-tube hfiur ot 10:00 o'clock P. M„ unless see us at once for information on how Engineer Gearhart was instructed such minor Is accompanied by a par­ land Mrs. Emma Cole of Bandon en­ The Assembly or God Silvertone Radio, and many other you can obtain it—J. A. Lamb Com­ tered for treatment Weeead and Heath Sts. articles. W. D. Barrett, phone to survey an additional acreage, >0 ent, legal guardian or other adult per­ pany. An eight-pound baby boy, who has L. C. Persing, Pastor 280R. . » It* to 49 acres, of government-owned son, lawfully and properly accom- been named John Patrick, was born Sunday) land up there which the city needs to pan’ylng such minor^p^n. FOR SALE on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Leo 9:45 Bible school hour of interesting acquire complete . control of the Rink Section 3. That any police officer One acre with river frontage near n Coquille Community {creek Whtar shed. When the survey, or other law enforcement offlcer u Justine Cary, of Gardiner. Bible study for other groups and Kline’s Camp on the* North Fork, Building Friday, Jan. 28th. Elmer Parry, of Myrtle Point who Bible stories for the smaller little 2t is completed application will be made hereby authorized and empowered by with 4 room house, double garage ;to the government to have the' tract virtue of his office, to ^ake charge of underwent a tonsilectomy on Monday, folks. Bertha Byrd, superintendent. WANTED — Competent Woman, for set aside aS a reserve for the city’s and chicken house. was dismissed Wednesday. 11:00 Morning worship; the pastor any person under the age of eighteen assistant housekeeper. Full time Priced at >550.00 cash, or >800.00 Carl Herman, of Bandon, under­ will bring the'message. control. jr nsaa^ jsswinsvsi w (ilia years violating any provision of this job, M cents an hour, See Mrs. oh terms. 8:30 Christ Ambassadors service, In order that he may have police Ordinance and it shall be the duty went a major operation yesterday. |t Forty acres, with river frontage, __ Compton at Coquille Hotel, Other dimiaaals the past wpek were Dorothy Caudle, president. authority at the high school, on nights oi any iuch oMlc12.75 annual­ The curfew ordinance discussion Ordinance, and to notify such parent mipic for the President's Ball at the the right party. ly Provide each family member appears elsewhere in this issue. Coquille Community Building Fri­ Church oLGod ' or legal guardian or legal custodian Priced to sell; terms tf desired. with 21 days prepaid hospital care day, Jan. 28. ' 2t Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. that said minor person will be held in J. S. BARTON, Realtor a year. It Pastor, A. L. Perry I custody at the Police Station until - 356 South Taylor Heat Never Was Off At said parent, guardian or other legal HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy All are invited to attend. If your Insurance, Abstracts, Loans A Bonds custodian can come to the Police Belle Knife Hospital child does not go to Sunday School and P^ittry Feeds at Pacific Feed The Sentinel war misinformed by elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Station to get said minor persons. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN—If your A Bead Co- ' W I Sunday School, 10 a. m. milking machines need overhauling McCORMIOK • Deering Milkers,1 Harlan Dale Stanley and George and said minor person shall thenjje an informant close to the Belle Knife David Smith, the former from Cree- held at the Police Station a reason- Hospital last week. The rooms and Preaching service 11 a. m. before the flush season starts, bring TRACTORS, Farm Machines and' cent City and the latter of Coquille. [ able time pending the arrival of said wards were at no time without Young People’s meeting, 8:45 p. m. them in now. J. A. Lamb Com­ Genuine IHC Repairs. J. A. Lamb who had been bound over to the grand parent or legal guardian or legal cua- warmth and the ashes removal trouble or better still bring them. pany. s Company. .. . . s' is in process of being settled. Jury by Justice Fred Bull ten days | todian, Preaching service 7:30 p. m. FOR RENT—Furnished Apatpnent •, *■ * i Section 4, That It (hail be unlaW' WANTED Jf- Water walk tof drlU. previously for the robbery of Martin of three large Rooms. No children. Have new and up-to-date equip­ Clausen near the depot, waived grand fui, and shall be considered a sep - R. The Holy Name CaHsolic Church See Mrs. Edna Hartaon. lt*s Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. ment ah^ heavy pipe where needed. jury investigation In circuit oourFon »rate offense under thia Ordinance, Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. Tuesday and plAded guilty before for any parent or any other adult FOR SALE—38 Chickens — 8 old Norton's have a new line of place Judge Dal M. Ring, who sentenced person having I the legal care and cus- There will be heat at the Coquille 30t4*tf hens, 9 roosters and rest pullets. mats, and paper napkins to dress up any person under the age of each of them to seven years in the tody of Community Building for the Coquille See L. V. Wolf, 705 North Henry, s eighteen years, to fail or refuse to Junior Women's dance Friday, Jan. your luncheon tables. pen. phone 231M, Coquille. Ills Sheriff Howell, accompanied by come to the Police Station and take 28. 2t FOR SALE—Hoerner Piano Accor­ A, O. Walker, took them out to Salem such minor person in custody imme- dion, 120 Bass, In excellent condi­ dlately upon begin so'notlfisd by the on Wednesday. See •qpixe " Leslie tor the best In COQUILLE AGENCY Phone 222R, to Art Hooten for your tion. Inquire at Jim's Market or Twin, ~ ’• itary, well constructed, long lasting at Mr. Boren stated that the boys i (>100.00) Dollars, or be imprisoned cans. FARR A ELWOOD. s WANTED—Girl to do Housework by MRS. LUCILLE DONNELLY were neighbors of his and asked in the City Jail for not more than the hour, no laundry. Two adults. 178 East Third Phone 141M MONUMENTS Judge King to be as lenient with ] ten (.10) days, or by both such flr\e Phone 218. Its ■ Now is the time to order markers, them as possible and the boys said and imprisonment, in the discretion BABY CARRIAGES >39.09. J. A. monuments, or cement work for your that had they known the fowls be- . of the municipal judge; that ' any Lamb Company. b lots at the cemeteries, for spring de­ longed to Boren they would not have [tnlnor person under the age of eigh- livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, touched them. The judge gave them, teen years violations any provisions FOR- RENT—Apartmentat Ko-Keel or call at 541 West Sixth. 47tfs each a sentence of four months in of this Ordinance shall, upon convic- Village. N. A. Kent, phone 77M. . _______ A_____ _—. the county Jail and then ordered their , tion thereof, be punished by a fine MECHANICS Metal Tool Boxes lt*s immediate release-on parole for a not —--------------------- exceeding Twenty-Five ---------'*“* (>39.00) priced >2.49 to >11.25. Several Dollars. two-year period. FOR SALE—8 room House, modern, models to choose from. J. A. Lamb Section 8. That all Ordinances of full basement, and three lots snd Company. • FOUND—A pocket purse Monday af­ the City of Coquille in conflict here­ chicken house and garage. Inquire ternoon on North Henry, Owner with, be and the same hereby are re­ E. E. Benham at Benham’s Trans­ WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows NOTHING OVERLOOKED can have same by identifying it to pealed. fer. BOtfs and calves for Mink fsed. B. T. G. L. Millard, 118 Quick Apart ­ - -- . mi,........ ■—■■■■„ —— Hepler, Bullards route. Phone no matter how large and elaborate Section 7. Inasmuch as the provi­ ment, West First St lt*s For Refrigeration Service phone 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 sions of this Ordinance are necessary the scale upon which the funeral shop, 106/, or residence 168J, CRACKED CORN—1 sack to custom­ for the immediate preservation of the arrangements are to be made. That WASHING MACHIN* REPAIR-We write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. er. FARR A ELWOOD. s peace, health and safety of. the City service sfi makes of washers is»our policy—that la our proud Garnier, authorised Frigidaire of Coquille, Oregon, an emergency Washer Service Co. 365 West BRING Your Service. 27tfs claim after many yean of experi­ is hereby declared to exist and this Front St. Phone 17. tie Dr. De 1-a Rho* ence A conference with us will Ordinance shall be in full force and COW VASELINE — 10c lp. bulk. effect immediately upon its passage be tn your advantage. FARR A ELWOOD. . S FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser Eyesight by the Common Council and its ap­ vice—call 3-L. J. A. Lamb Com- Hpedsliet INTERNATIONAL Electric Fence proval by the Mayor of the City of psmy. * «• Controllers. 2 models to choose Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Coquille. from. Priced >18.90 and >20.00. CLOTHES DRYING RACKS—Three Reception room jointly with sizes to choode from. FARR A EL­ J. A. Lamb Company. Dr. J. R. Bunch WOOD. tÙKjliilU tuK KlsNl—Two luiiùabed Electric Water Heaters reasonable rent. Lights and water .»I«*, furnished. Call in rear, 945 N. now available for Dairy use Chas. Coulter. » F. Wooldridge, Phone 112J, Myrtle Point. UK LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ Inxtructor of Plano ers. Parts and Daily Supplies. Get them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co tf* Belle* Knife Hospital Four Plecyd Guilty In Circuit fònirt ■ Attention 19.90 and >18.50. i'uixhasa certificate not necesary. J. a Lsrfnb Company. 'Benham’s Transfer e Ph