) THS COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE,‘OREGON, TMJMDAT, JANUARY 96, 1944. ----------- - r V . ass ........................................... ... . labor r:_. ...................... 3835 lumber f % Ms Ben Kuhnert, uoor land, deductions for With- Jail > w . * ’tax ................................... 695.12 Steve labor.... ....... 135.87 Cherry Creek Mill Co., lumber ....... c ’ a s Grocery, graMHM. ,___ -___ —• 134.70 Van A. Spores, labor Raiion Hoard Berlyn Billings, labor...... ........ 172.99 Mountain Slates Power Co., Stauff, deductions for 32.89 lights ................. —----- -------- bonds ’ —.......... — ... 208.50 H. S. Norton, ribbons •_____ 1.70 George Huther, operating Riv­ Coquille Wood Co., wood.......... 13.50 erton Ferry .................... 13330 Various Offices Hunter and Trapper 1.80 Isaac R. Tower, bel. for oil — C. E. Mullins, mileage._______ 40.00 Oran Young, labor--------------... L. W. Oddy, cash adv. for GENERAL FUND Standard Oil Co. of Calif.- 15.27 Bounty stamps ........... —,......... -........... Oran Young, labor .,-.......... State Ind. Acc. Comm., In­ 4.83 stove oirT-..-..--------------------- 1C. F. Christian, labor............. Coos Bay Stationery CO., sup­ Lewis Eisele, bounty , bn one dustrial Ins. .....—- 40.93 7.37 J. A. Lamb.Co., material........ plies ........................ ------ ------- - 2.25 bob cat ........... „....Ci.......... . » 2.50 1 Teen Miller, labdr .... ............... County Fmplsjees Brooks Used Furniture, wood Health Department Bheriff’s Offlee Chas. Wolff, labor.... ....... ........ ■ C m M* H m MF*— 4.00 stove.............................. — 2.50 Ww. F. .. Howell, * Chas. E. McDonald, operating Carolyn Huff, cash adv----------- Sheriff's West Coast Téléphoné Co., ________ _________________ A. B. Daly A Co., material........ 50.45 Coquille Laundry Co., ser mleage ..... '......„.......... _........ ... Bullards Ferry —........ 56.00 07.04 Servie* .......... =.....— —2-—- J A J Tire Co., auto supplies 835.59 1.70 Western Union, services vices .......................... «X........... .88 W. M. Williams, labor .............. , « County Clerk iupply Co., auto Earl Littrell (Supply Jestice Courts Clerk's Office W. M. Williams, labor.... ...... U. S. F. A G. Company, supplies .XL——......... 280.45 5.00 Capital City Bindery, Can. G. C. Ashenfelter, labor.... — 50.00 E. A. Dodge, Jutsice*a Fees .... Premium Bond .......... ______________ Transfer jr Co., freight freight .55 F. R. Bull, Agent, bond for vases Binder___....................... 1.75 Wm. Burbeck, labor . ............. _____ Ceneral Various Offices Ernest Pagel .... -................... 10.00 Coos’Bay Stationery, box legal Claude Lemon, labor.......... . — 50.80 J. S. Haseltine A Co., mater­ 120.97 Coos Bay Harbor, ial"' ................ — 54.84 George L. Coburn, bonds for envelopes ..... ........................ 3.45 Robert S. Fahy, Asst." Opet — SuperinteMlsnt’s Offlee Testing Cattle Bullards Ferry ..... ............... ... 171.20 Bay Motors, auto supplies------ 121.20 Haynes A Rose--------------------- 2040 1 The J. K. Gill Company, sup- Circuit C >U» t Dr. L. C. Witcosky.... .......... 58.10 H. Z. Young, labor.... ................ 160.84 (Orchard Auto Part* Co., auto p|ies .... .. 2.96 Mathew Trewella, Janitor........ 24.00 supplies ............ — ............. — 229.71 Circuit Court Pauline Dorland, Relief Oper. PrabeUon Bullards Ferry .................„ 51.80 West Coast Tel Co., services .. 42.77 City of Marshfield, rent............ 40.00 29.00 A. B. Collier, Services----------- 175.02 Southern- Pacific Co., storage Harold‘Roberts, labor............ James H. Leonard, mileage and County Farm 9.00 37.75 Gant’s Grocery, groceries.... T. 56.91 Alice Robb, Asst. Clerk............ 7330 of oil ...... -............... exp ............ _ .......... ................. ..... Drs. Peacock A Long, Exami­ Mrs. J. H. Leonard, attending Stonecypher Packing Co.,--- G. E. Cornwell, labor............ .... 142.60 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Ind. 40.00 nations —,----- Ins. ............. -............ — 518.27 6.00 meats .... ............................... ..... 15.85 Kenneth L. Baker, labor. ....... 175.72 children .................................. Henry A. Schroeder A Sons, 1.40 Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed Western Union, services......... 78.18 I Vivian Cook, labor....... ........ 45.00 Funeral ............... —......... County Farm 126.90 and seed....... .......... i_............... 210.38 Clarence H. Plott, labor Treasurers Offlee Elizabeth _______ Lambert, 118.35. STATE OF OREGON ________ __ , »alary . — Ideal Bakery, bread,-------- ...... 13.06 Manel Bettencourt, labor.... Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., County ot Coos. ss. Cook ........... ............ ...................... -rX- r....... - - ........ ...... •: 120.00 Coquille Bakery, bread......... Cook Archie Currier> labor ............ 128.96 18.91 4.40 repair machine ...— I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk oi 31.50 S. R. Stover, salkry farm hand 100.00 ’ Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs Kermit Oliver, labor............ 49.01 Burroughs Adding Machine Mamie Stover, salary, waitress 80.00 J. A. Lamb Co., ~ - hardware ■ 12.85 Coo* County, Oregon, Ex-officio .... 26.72 C. F. Bessee, labor ............. Co., Maintenance Service. .. 51.90 I Marshfield Electric Co., elec­ George W. Workman, salary 5.76 Clerk of the County Court of said John D. Bresnahan, .labor Clerk’s Association 90.00; trical repair work 9.32 County and State do hereby certify Orderly »■ ............................. Chester Ruth, labor ............... 8.56 A. A. Bailey, Treas., Annual 16.56 that the foregoing is a true and cor­ Ben Wigle, labor,.5,.....-...;:.. Coquille Service Station^ auto 5.00 Walt Smith, salary nightwatch­ rect statement of the amount of bills Dues ................................... - 17.74 supplies ........................ '............ 2.50 man ........................... .... ......... County Employees allowed on the various funds of the Clarence Gerking, salary night­ Court House ... AA ! Coquille Medical Service Bur ­ James A. Mathews, bounty on County BD as audited », by ..... the County watchman .........................-...... 32.26 E. G. Opperman, repair to fix­ eau, Hospital dues ............... 80.00 court of said County at the regular 2.50 one bob cat ............... ............. tures ........................ .’---- --------- ;. 17.60 Mutual Benefit Health A Ac­ Reta Horton, salary nurse _... 125.00 ’ w____________ «rsa a a_____ - al______ aU8 -- George Ellis, bounty on one January, 1944, term thereof, as the 73.26 same appears on the exhibits of 2.50 Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 130.84 Stevens- Cash Hardware, Jani­ cident, Insurance ................. bob cat ......------ ---- ’•............ —— tor's supplier.......................... X 15.45 Chas, Stauff, Co. Treas., War Coos County Fann, food used Orenty Trapper ««a oa claims and warrants in my office on farm .;.............................. .... 97.50 Burroughs Adding Mashine Bonds ............... -...................... 307.82 an£j cu,tody. C. E. Mullins, mileage ............ 40.00 FAcific Feed A Seed Co., seed Co., Maintenance Service.... 54.46 First National Bank of Port­ WITNESS my hand and the seal .. , and feed ..................................... 116.03 Bounty land, withholding tax ....... 542.15 the county Court affixed this Kaufman A Co., Ins. Agency, Pacific Fruit A Produce Co., 2.50 Mickey Jones, 1 bob cat ......... ... Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Blanket Form Insurance..... 729.48 12th day of. January, 1944. . 45.14 Raymond Barklow, 2 bob cats groceries ------ --------------------- < íi? ¡ OU* lLU car nteiisrs ......... 39.00 adv for licenses .......■... Nasburg Insurance Co., Blank- L. W. Oddy. County Cleri 141.43 Stanley Okiland, 2 bob cats.... 5-00 I Qty of Coquille, water........... 4.00 (Sean et Form Insurance ............... 89.47 The Hub, clothing, etc...... By J W. Leneve. Deput- Bjegger Furniture Co., lino A GENERAL ROADS i Peoples .Water A Gas Co., Huggins Insurance Co., Blank­ paste . .......................................... 44.61 State Industrial Accident Com. ' water ................................. — ... 2.88 225.40 et Form Insurance..... NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ Marshfield Electric Co., clean, Industrial Insurance ......... ... 497.28 Union Oil Co., gas and oil....... 21.07 Red Cross Buttdtag QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY. 32.80 Isaac R. Tower, oil.... ......... ...... 50.88 Union Oil Co., gas and oil----- 735.37 test and install motor V. M. Arrington, carpenter OREGON, FOR DELIN­ J A J Tire Co., auto supplies 1” ■" Howard 171.55 ---------- - Cooper "-------- ” Corp.,mater- ---------------- work —..... -................................ 473.42 Schroeder Bros, Mortuary, fun­ QUENT TAXES eral . ............. -...... ..................... 35.00 Coast Lumber Yard, lumber . 2.25 t ial .................. 271.49 Equipment 17-00 Moore Mill A Lumber Co., Overland Coak Co., coal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I Stevens Cash Hardware, safety Burroughs Adding Machine 109.31)1 door glass ................. ................ 10.57 under and by virtue of an order of lumbar Co., Maintenance Servtee— 31.20 Benham Transfer Co., diesel 42.91 A, B, 5a|; oil _ Co., material ...... 3442 HAL Co., freight...... ................. , ily A .73 sale made by the County Court of Union Oil Co. of Calif., gaso­ the State of Oregon, for the County Rubber Welders, auto O, K Rubber Industrial Repair Co,, repair West Coast Telephone Co., line .... ... j ~........... .............. 47,30 6.75 Supplies work........................................ 16.05 of Coos, on the 3rd day of January, services ......... —........ x~. 24.98 Patek A Co., balance due on A. D., 1944, commanding me to sell F. A^’Robb, salary, Roadmas- Contractors Equipment Corp.— County Cards order ........... -........... 8.76 the following described lands, and ler ................... -.......................... 216.05 parts for excavator ............— Standard Oil Co., auto sup­ Dependent Children fixing minimum prices thereon, to- Alda L. Nosier, salary, thief Fennaughty Machinery Co.- plies ...............■■................ ......... 43.32 Albertina Kerr Nursery Home, clerk ........................................... 140.50 County Car material ..... ............ ................ 45.49 wit: 1530 care .................. .......... Undivided 3/4 ot the East Gunder Gunderson, labor __ 141.52 Coquille Service Station, auto Southwestern Motor Co., work 232.28 J. L. Lea labor.... T.____ . ....... 179.06 . ........... ....... -half, and Southeast quarter *4 149.38 supplies on county car ---------------- —. 20.30 Louise Home Court Home of Southwest quarter of Sec­ Wayne Goodman, labor .......... 81.40 Cupps Motor Co., auto sup­ Bounty City of Coquille, water............ 15.00 Mike Boone, labor tion 10, Township 28 South 1.85 ....... ___ 47.83 plies ............................................ Lewis Eisele, bounty on one Mountain State* Power Co-. of Range 13 West of the Ernest Franson, labor .5........... 179.38 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto 2.50 cat .................. ............................. lights ............... ......................... 140,7« James L. Child, labor —. ....... 121.94 8400,00 supplies ..................................... 22.40 - Willamette Meridian. Clerk ’ s Office The North half of ths North­ J. F. McKee, /tty in Fact, Victor Demarest, labor—....... 168.43 Golders Auto Parts Co., auto Office Machinery A Supply Co. east quarter and the South­ Ralph Huributt, labor .......... 25.00 supplies .......... „ 34-03 Refund on tax payment overhaul typewriter ............ 13.50 I Ralph Huributt, labor......... ...... 125.19 Bit Service, east quarter of the North­ 33.67 ............................. 51.15 made i.i.—................................ _ Various Offices east quarter, Section 29, O. r P. ’ 0,1,1 Smith, i^bor ....... .... -.......... 118.591 W. P. Fuller A Co., paint........... 39.93 Indigent Soldters Allowanee A til Township 28 South, Range McGeorge Gravel Co., sewer . Henry Mrs. C. bi. Billings .................... 15.00 H. S. Norton, supplies...... ... nenry Franson, r ranson, labof..,. ¡abor Bounty 13 West of the Willamette pipe ...... 4 20 Helen R. Graham ------- —x.... 26.00 A, GL Trendeli, labor................ Meridian, 3400-00 Martefl, labor ..... ....... 178 52 Southwestern Matora, Motors, auto sup- Mr*. Erma Wise . .............. 16.00 Guy Duncan, bounty on three c, j , * .......... 7.50 cats..............................-............. Southwest quarter of south­ Harvey Minard.--™............... 15.00 John B, O’Sullivan, labor. .. 189.66 plies ................................................ 29.10 IMO.UV 1 I 5.00 Carl Mathews, labor...... ...... John Rider, bounty on two cats east quarter of southeast 181 41 'P 101.51 F. « S. Alravor Slover ('n Co., malarial material........ Ì2131 1.50 quarter. Section 8, Township 3.30 Marie Bellah, stenog............... q»14335 E. U. Smith, bounty on one cat — 25 00 Hull's Transfer, freight........ L, C. Burner, labor Edna Danielson, Dep. Sheriff-^»37.10 VariosM Offteoe 27 South, Range 14, West ........ ... 104.99 Rogers Rock Products, crushed L. C. Burner, labor of the Willamette Meri­ Muriel Anderson, Deputy------ 143.30 B. K. Werner, rental and rec­ C. F. Hawk, labor......... .. 9)30 | rock ............... ,.. 58.50 200.00 dian pair of typewriters................ 12.50 1 Orin Demarest, 161.34 Lorenz Department Store— Juliene Freeman, Deputy.... - 104.96 .... ....... labor ........... .... iJistrws /tiiw iiwy North half of Southeast Marie Clinton, Deputy Clerk . 117.90 7.58 I Cha*. Hofer, labor....... .......... .... 142.05' boots ....—.......................... ......... quarter of Southeast quar­ Helen Winegar, Deputy......... 114.40 Ben C. Flaxel, Diet. Atty, ex­ Wm. Dinsmore, labor .............. 135.92 Coos Bay Salvage A Steel Co., pense ........... -............................ 74.50 ■ Cecil Hartley, labor ter, Section 8, Township 27 Emma M. Pierce, Deputy....... 114.40 1.80 184.81 sprocket ...... .......................... South, Range 14 West of the I Coll McLxan. labor .,............. 162.27 Consolidated Freightways, Inc. Muriel Herman, Depute...... .. 9130 County Court Willamette Meridian, 400.00 J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk.... 163.90 Milne’s Stationery, supplies... 1.45 Cart Shore, labor...-.................. 148.23 freight on material . ...... «... 5.25 Southwest quarter, Mineral • Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy 14835 5.20 99.85 Cecil Hartley, filing saws-..... Dependent Children Ben Wiglg, labor................ ....... and mineral oil. Section 22, BiUie M. Rippey. Deputy....... ............. Children’s Farm Home, care... 54.67 Jason Smart, labor ......... ..... 49,71 Smith Wood Products, Inc. H. C. Getz, Deputy Asseaaor ... Ellis Selander, Deputy------------ May Ensele, Deputy Asstssor Jean Schroeder, Deputy —... Elda Ostrander, clerk ........... Idyle A- Godard, Stenographer J. N. Gearhart, surveyor ........ Dr. G. E. Stark, Health Offi­ cer .......... ;............. —............... 50.00 Leia Elrod, Health Nurse........ 136.50 Carolyn Huff, Stenographer— 9830 James H. Leonard, Probation Officer ................... ................. 179.50 Earl L. Schroeder, Janitor____ 9930 Cha*. Roberts, Janitor, Jailer 109.15 Belle Whitsett, MatroA and Cook ................... ............. —___ 72.40 F. C. McNelly, Supt. County Farm ___ ________________ 197.50 Edith McNeUy, Matron. Coun­ ty Farm...... .............................. 97.50 H. H. Clark, County Land • 176.80 Agent Health.... Leia Elrod, mileage and Ex­ pense .......................................... 30.15 SuBsrinteaimd's Offlee Phyllis Ingell, extra help......... 52.58 Martha E. Mulkey, mileage — 11.08 The J. K. Gill Co.,.supplies........ 6.21 Coquille Medical Service Bu­ PROCEEDINGS OF I COUNTY COURT Township 27 14 “ North half of htorthweet quarter, Section 37, Town- ship 27 South, R*n8« W West . of the Willamette MdridlMU Southeast quarter of North­ east quarter, Section 28, Township 27 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette i — . 1669.00 • i 0.'. ‘ ÄI ' Hese*-!. Meridian, . 80939 -7 South half of South half of ; iit? Southwest quarter of North­ Crtgel east quarter, and North half of North half of Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter ■ less ” Und. J 3/4 ““ ■-* int paid ** by “ I, G. E. Stephan, Ruth M. Borthwick and William L. iooo.ee Borthwick, Southeast quarter of South­ < »f east quarter, Section . 29, Township 27 South, Range in. i p 14, West of the Willamette 800.00 Meridian, Northeast quarter of North­ east quarter of Section 32, Township 27 South, Range 14, West, of the Wil ls instes 900.00 Meridian, - «w.w I SHALL, in compliance wittr-H# order, on Saturday, the T9th day Of February, A. D., 1944, commencing at the hour qf 10 o’clock A. M. ot the front door of the said d: lay Court 1 House in the CMy of Coquille, junty of Coos, State of Ortgm, Oregon, and County ’or sale and sell at public MK- offer for «ac­ tion the above described real property to the highest and best bidder, on the following terms and condittona, to-wit: - ’ For either cash in hand at the time of sale, or if »he purchaser elects, for not not less than thirty per cent (30%) of the purchase price in cash, the remainder to be paid under written a^eament at terms arranged between the purchaser and the County Court, all deferred payment to bear in­ terest from the data ot sale at the rate of 6% per annum, on any and all parcels the purchase price of which equals One Hund­ red (8100.00) Dollars, or more. No sale shall be made of any or ■ of real «nrperty the above pal wit than the mini- for a leaser a i thoron. • mum price she a, ________ Coos County, Dated at CoqL___ — .. Ore- gon, this 3rd day of January, A. D.. 1944. 52t5 WM. F. HOWELL, Sheriff of Coos Coixsty, * ______________ NOTICE TO CREMYOM 72 PLEASE TAKE'’NOTICE Th St Li­ ters Testamentary of the Estate of Mrs. Mary Julie Elrod, deceased, is­ sued to us by order of County Court of State of Oregon for Coos County, made December 22, 1943; all claims against said estate must be presented to us with proper vouchers at No. 474 West First Street, CoouUie, Ore­ gon, within six months from Janu­ ary 6, 1944, date hereof. IRIS ELROD MRS. EtTA SACCHI 51t5 As Executors of said Estate Mining Locatum nonces tm 1 this office. —Ü J-L. J —-——-•-•S«*“«*— reau, Hospital dues —........ - 57.50 Mutual Benefit Health A Acc. 2.00 Insurance .......... ............. ......... Surveyor F. R. Bull, Agent, Bond.......-... * 25.00 Vartem Drs. Richmond A Stark, prof, services .............. -............. ....... 55.00 OU Leases Title Guarantee A Abstract Co., Services ........................ 35.60 Court House Farr A Elwood, mixed grass seed....................... ...... ............... Nasburg Insurance Agency, Addt. premium ...»....... ........... 31.67 Defense Coos County Defense Council, M0.76 expenses ............................... Bounty On Cats Ben Monson, bounty. ............... 5.00 2.50 George Ellis, bounty .............. Various Office* Koke-Chapman Co., supplies. . 10.90 County Court lais r. ivfciovu, Co. Commr........ ............ , 23.10 W. H. Kay, work for Crt. and Trcs semis Office Clara A. Stauff, services....... Lang Offlee Avis Rickett, work in land of. Jeetiee Court Ben C. Flaxell, Insurance Agency, prem on bond ......... Circuit Cuurt Louis P Fugelson, Bailiff....... DsgsuEst Children ' • 89.90 92.40 10.60 I 15 00 'I» Association of Oregon Coun­ ties, Association dues ............ 90.00 CMWiy Our Coquille Service Station, anti­ 3.15 freeze .......... _... Varvions Officer* Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash adv. for postage. ......... 113.20 . Northup, bounty on .... ........................ 2.50 work in tax .......... ................. ............... 266.00 79.43 • ■j - 7 1 Smith Wood-Products, Inc. 'i’ luor* ...ff' U UM -