The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 20, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    PAGE r»vg
Out-of-Doors Stuff
Thia would have been a poach of a
time to have closed the trapping sea­
son an our fast disappearing fur-
boarers; to . have closed it for the
■ luradon of the war. That would have
Hiven the animals a chance to have
bt*ged a comeback and moreover, it
would have put a'definite stop to the
burning of unnecessary gas and the
saving of rubber by many trappers
today, many of them whom could be
serving their country in far more es­
sential work than trapping.
price of furs this season does not
warrant extensive trapping and any
trwppet could make five times the
amount of money he is making
trapping, by working at any war­
time occupation. Personally, we do
The olLsyaflietic tire y01
B. F. Goodrich
Amoripol Silver-town.
are Human Beings," “Feeding the
how persons with T tickets
Family,” “Everyday Nursing for the
adorning their windshields, can get
Everyday Home,” and “Diabetic
away burning gas while trapping-for
fur bearing animals
Here’s an opportunity to avail
Tar-bearing animals have had
The C qm County Health Assbcia-
Prepaid hospital services are now
pretty tough sledding the past years a reality in Coos and Curry counties
tion has established a traveling loan yourself of this valuable and inter­
esting material and the public should
and many species are becoming really for 308 farm people who are paid-up
Liberal allowance provisions of the library of outstanding books on health
scarce. The otter, for instance, is members of the Rural Health Protec- . 1944 AAA program offer Coos coun­ education and for the next two make it a point to call soon at the
almost a thing of the past, mink are tion . Association introduced into the ty farmers increased assistance in months this collection will be avail­ library and choose what most inter­
growing scarcer each season. A closed counties in September by representa- ¡ soil building and conservation for all­ able at the Coquille Public Library, ests one. 11 -
The C om County Health Associa­
season for at least three years would lives of the local Farm Security Office out production. Elimination of the states Mrs. Dal M. King, president
is entirely supported by sale of
help a lot and would cause a sharp and sponsored by Oregon State individual
Individual farm allowance will give of the county association.
rise in prices after the war is over.
The 'books have arrived and are the Christmas Seals. Therefore, these
Grange. The hospital service, nation­ each farm practically an unlimited
Throughout the season we heard ally known as Blue Cross has 65,000 soil building allowance With the ex­ ready for loaning. They were rec­ little seals that help decorate Christ­
complaints from hunters who were members in Oregon who are eligible ception of the application of lime and ommended by Miss Ethel Mealy, state mas mail bought these books.
fortunate enough to procure the new for hospital care without additional phosphate fertilizers. The allowance I consultant in health education, and
issue of wartime shot gun shells. One cost any time they need it. Until for these two materials have been in­ by Dr. Adolph Weinzirl of the Uni­ Burial Was In The *
hunter told me that they were like June of this year, a prepayment plan creased this year and now stands at versity of Oregon Medical school. Brockman Family Plot
shooting blanks, that he had bum was not in existence with rural groups two dollars for each acre of crop land Some of the available volumes are:
In reporting the burial of Mrs. Jas.
luck with them and many more stated nnd was largely confined to industry on the farm, according to R. B. Tay­ “Getting Ready to be* a Father,”
that they were very inferior tq pre­ in thii state. Then Oregon State lor, chairman of the State AAA com­ “Child Care and Training,” “Psychi­ A. Brockman in last week's issue, it
war shells. Near the close of the sea­ Grange decided to sponsor the ser­ mittee, who attended meetings in atry for the Curious,” “Your Child’s was stated that it took place in the
Weekly family plot. It was in the
son, we had an opportunity to give vice for Oregon farm families and to J Coos county during the past week,
Development and Guidance,” “Shadow Brockman plot in the Dora cemetery.
these shells a trial and we were as­ begin by cooperating with the Farm , Practices approved for 1944 which
on the Land,” “Being Born.” “New
tonished and pleased at the result, not Security Administration and the Blue are considered to have the greatest
Callin« cards, bV tar <1.00.
to mention being jubilant at the same Cross in a designated, rural area of; value to Coos county operators in-. I Patterns in Sex Teaching,” "Babies
time. For with exactly ten shots with Southern Oregon, which included elude seeding of crop lands and hill
these much berated shells, we bagged Coos, Curry and ¡Josephine counties, land; pasture to grasses and legumes
ten ducks. That’s a good score with
The FSA is federally assigned, by,crop; application of lime and phos-
any ammunition. Perhaps those who the Department of Agriculture, the1 phgte
fertilizers; construction of
were complaning about those shells responsibility of working with farm ' drainage ditches; land clearing and
didn't have their “shootin’ eye” work­ families toward better hospital fácil- range development. All farms of the
ing on the days they made so many ities as a means of relieving existng ! county are eligible to participate in !
misses. Either that, or we happened doctor shortages.
The government the conservation program and art*
to get a hold of a few extra good ones. agency participating is a means of urged by local committeemen to sign
The last Sunday of the season, my finding out something about present the farm plan sheet which will en­
dad and I Were returning home from rural hospital facilities as well as title them to payments for «carrying
a hunt on the upper river marshes helping to determine post war rural out any of ths approved practices.
and while driving along the highway medical needs.
To receiye benefits for seeding or
in the neighborhood of Lamps creek
The plan in Coos and Curry coun­ other work done during 1943 it Is the
we observed a mallard winging to­ ties provides that each farm family responsibility of each operator to file
ward us from the opposite side of the pay 312.75 for the year as financial his own report which can be done by
river. The bird passed about 75 yards provision for possible illness and calling at the county agent’s office
in front of the car, struck against the hospital emergency. If severe ill­ in Coquille, or at the Coos Bay Mu­
side of the bluff bordering the high­ ness occurs and the doctor decides tual Creamery In Marshfield, on Fri- '
way, swirled in the air a few times hospital care is necessary the Blue days during the remainder of this
and then headed toward the river, Cross pays all hospital expense. The month between 10:00 a. tn. and 4:00
only to strike the net work of tele­ family doesn’t even get a statement. p. m.
phone wires near the highway. It By this plan hospital care is within
While most of the oil meal used as
fell within a few feet of our car and the reach of every farm family. There a source of protein ii) dairy and poul­
was added to our bag for the day.’ is the obligation of a small cash'out­ try feed will be handled by feed
Evidently some hunter on the opposite lay annually and the reassuring dealers during this year, small allot­
side of the river had shot the bird, guarantee that no further bill will be ments are exp«ted to be made-jperi-
hitting it hard and it continued fly­ received.
odically for direct distribution to pro­
ing In the direction it was headed,
The low annual premium provides ducers who mix their own feed and
plunged blindly against the bluff and 21 days hospital care for each or for who may Hat orders at the county
then sailed directly into the wires. all family members. It is necessary agent's office, .giving also the num­
have’ 100 memberships before the ber of cows to be milked during 1944,
Anyway it wu thankfully received to ha
.^'■act is accepted by the North­ according to information furnished
in these days of ammunition shortage. Ljbjftri
On this same hunt, my dad, hunt­ west Hospital Service which is the to the Coos county committee.
MA Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise.
ing east of my blind and coming in agency'for Blue Qross in Oregon.
for our noonday snack, informed me
Along with the 100 memberships
that he had seen a couple of butter­ goes the promise* of 50 additional
balls, but refrained from shooting farm family memberships during'this
them owing to the fact that they are first month. Edward W. Hughes, FSA
very rare in the valley marshes these Supervisor for the two counties, this
Coos and Curry county members of
days. And while we were eating, morning praised the 100 families who
four of the little fellows alighted close were willing to pioneer in prepaid the Southern Oregon Production
to the blind and sported about in the hospitalization. He said that some Credit association will meet,Jan. 26
had put up their money early in Oc­ in the council room .of the city hall
Time was when they were very tober and that with this cooperative at Coquille for the tenth annual
numerous in the valley marshes, in spirit he felt sure the plan would go meeting of the association. The ses­
sion is scheduled for 1:30 p. m. The
fact hundreds of them were in evi­ forward.
dence in the fields south of Coquille.
The local RHPA committee is made association is holding three sectional
But as they are quite tame and will up of farm people with J. J. Geaney, meetings because of transportation
allow a hunter to approach within chairman; Ed Detlefsen, vice chair­ difficulties, with other meetings at
gun shot before taking wing, they man; Mabel Hughes, secretary-treas- Medford and Roseburg.
have been depleted to an alarming urer; R. H. Christenson And Harold e Special recognition will be given to
member« who have been with the
extent. And too, when flushed from Potto.
association for the entire ten years
the water they usually persist in fly­
and J. W. Bradley, Spokane, secre­
ing in a circle about a hunter and
tary of the Production Credit corpor­
well within gun range and will con­
ation, will speak.
Reports on the
tinue doing, so, no matter how many
Townsend Club, No. 1, met Tues­ progress of the association will be
shots are fired at them, until they
day evening, with 30 memebrs and made by Ben Hilton, Grants Pass, vice
are finally brought down. *
Sighting the little fellows that Sun­ visitors present. A short bualnbas president, and Bren H. Starcher, Med­
day brought back memories of the meeting Was held with the president ford, secretary-treasurer, of the as­
sociation. ‘ Production of food for
past when they were so numerous in the chair,
The caravan will meet here ip Co­ war and the part credit is playing in>
about the marshes and when the val­
ley lowlands were covered for miles quille at 11:00 a. m„ Jan. 23 at the maintaining that production will be
and miles with willows—the home W. O. W. hall.
Two new members were reported
Election of a director to replace
of the mallard,
at this time. Door prize was won by V. D. Brophy, Medford cattleman,
Mrs. Jeeie Gilman. Sick members will be held. Mr. Brophy is a ten-
seem to be on the mend; we hope so. year member of the association and
Next Tuesday evening the men will has served as president of the group
Townsend Club and Ladies Auxi­ serve doughnuts, cookies and coffee. since its organization. Clarence Zum­
The program consisted of readings walt, Cuft-y county, and Mr. Hilton,
liary met with Mrs. Alma Halter on
Jan. 13, meeting starting with prayer by Mesdames Hatcher, Clinton, Gil­ Josephine county, have served as di­
aqd salute to the flag. A business man, Westbrook, Buckner, music by rectors for ten years. J. P. Johnson,
meeting was held and plans were Mrs. Von Pegert and Miss Roth, Coquille, is the present Coos county
jokes by Mrs. Collier, music by La- director.
made on the work for this year.
The association is a cooperative
The charter was.draped for a be­ Velle Roth, fishermen's skit by Mr.
loved member, Mrs. Maud Brockman, and Mrs. Tilghman, fish story by Mr. fanners’ organization making loans
and a feeling of sadness hung over Von Pegert, story by Capt. Snyder. for agricultural production purposes.
OU It government is urging you—urging everyone
The meeting closed by all singing
the meeting, for her illness was so
with a job and an income—to buy an extra $100
short that she had only missed one “God Bless America,” and giving the
Notlce To All Gasoline Dealer*
V» ar Bond in the Fourth War Loan Drive.
meeting of the club and will be sadly Townsend pledge.—Press Cor.
And Distributer*
" ■ '
■ ■ • ■
missed among us. She is gone but
That’s the least being asked of every American-
Since the new strip ”T” coupon*
the noble qualities of her character Kit Carson Of Powers
over and above your regular purchases.
do not fit gummed sheets R-120,
will still live on.
Died At Salem Friday
And it won’t be Easy for most of us to set it asidel
dealers are requested to place ten
A birthday cake was served in hon­
Taxes and living costs are a heavy burden. We’ll just
Kil Carson, to, ef Powers, died at <10) coupons in each row by. over­
or of Dr. Townsend as It wag his the stale hospital at Salem last Fri­
have to sacrifice and skimp and save to put thia drive
lapping. Dealer^ should not cover
The paravan Will meet day. He had been under treatment
across I
any part of the top of R-120 as per-j
at the Woodman ha|| pp Jan. 33, An there for a little more than a week,
«noe* be
Do without fcykiything you don't nc«.u fos happi­
lUVIMstMm tw MWvi *¥(•*♦ feU*,
having been transferred from the available for checking. Each filled
ness and health. Don’t waste one precious penny.
Briner on January Ff was extended hospital at Myrtle Point.
¿hoot must contain fifty (50) cou­
And put everything you can raise into War Bonds.
to the club.
Carson had no known relatives. He pons.
Gasoline distributors please
No sacrifice you can make can approach the sacri­
We send greetings to our membets came to the United States with his notify your dealers of this procedure.
fices of our marines on the blood-soaked sands of
who did not receive cards during the parents from Sweden at the age of
flu epidemic and hope they are on the three. His father, born«ln Scotland,
islands in the Pacific, or our soldiers fighting their
road to recovery.
—Press Cor.
was lost at sea; his mother was a
way mile by mile towards Berlin. No sacrifice you can
native of Sweden.
He had never
make can match the selfless heroism of our gallant
flyers over Germany or oiir sailors grappling syith the
Auxiliary met at the home of Alma
The deceased had lived in Oregon
stealthy Japanese fleet!
Halter this week. Due to the ab-
for 35 years and was well known
aene» l4 lhs president, Florence Ps-
Ou* boys are giving up their hontes and their
Noma, the f vice president
- - • prided in the Powers area.
families, their sweethearts and their jobs, even their
Few were present but we hope our
lives. . -2
Card of Thanks *
See us for photographs of
attendance will pick up after the
’ Let’s back them up by buying an extra 100 War
For behalf of Mrs. Emily A. Hersey
flu epidemic is over. The club will
Bond in the Fourth War Loan Drive. You'll help
• Family Groups
meet Jan. 27 at 2:00 p. m. with Es­ and ourselves, we wish to express
to keep Old Glory flying everywhere it belongs I
ther Briner, 402 N. Coulter, and it our gratitude and thanks for all the
• Service Men
* ' kindly thoughts and acts. all of which
is hoped everyone will be there.
• Babies
Those pretent were: Alma - Halter. , were such a joy to her and comfort
Esther Briner,
Florence DeNoma. , to us, during her recent illness and
•Copies of Pictures
Violet Roth. Mildred Miller
and | departure,
. children,
............... David Miller, Sonny Curtis,
- - -<
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ruble and family.
Margaret Anne Rth and Emma Lou Mr. and Mrs. Bon Hersey and family,
. ..
— Mr and Mrl jamet Hersey and fam-
Roth;also one visitor.
^New Soil Building
Allowances For
For Rural People 7
COOS Co. Farmers
Interesting Books
Arrive At Library
The 4th War Loan u on!
Buy all the bonds you can
and do it now!
Mountain States Power Company
So. Oregon Credit
Ass'n Here Jan. 26
Townsend Club No. 1
Townsend Club No. 2
(doquille. Studio
Thornton Tire
Southern Oregon's Largest m H
Most Complete Tira
|40 W. Front, Coguille, Tel. FTO
Breadway at Curtin.
_ Press Correspondent, ily, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hartley.