• < % (XMHHLLC, ôttâûN, THUMDAY, JANUARY M. 1M4. '4 r — ■■■• hand in greeting, the “SeaBees are always happy io welcome the Ma­ rines!” » ' IX. Col. Michael Currin« leading the Raiders, almost dropped his bolo kiMÍé in astonishment, and was re­ duced io a gasped: - , “Well I'll be —I” * -The SeaBegs had landed at Sefi ..... Burton Johnson In Training For Army Air Pilot In Justice Court The Past Week At the pre-flight school of San Antonio Aviation Cadet Ceqles, 27 Corporal Robt. H. Irwin Dick Ray Now A One of the clippings sent The Oecar Kinder Sargent and William cadets from Oregon, including Burton Sentinel by Marlin Brandon, some­ Recuperatine From Injuries u Fireman First Class R. Johnson of Coquille, are receiving Earl Sargent, the two brothers from where in England, was an article training designed to mold them into Canyonville who were before Justice Corporal Robert H. Irwin, son of Now a fireman first .lass, Blue­ written by Jack Foster, “Stars and Army 'Air Forces pilots. Burton Bull a few days before, were before Mrs. Ivy PHeth «I this city, stopped jacket. Richard G. Ray. 18, son of ___ ____ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy C him again last Friday, having been wr™rr’ ”” ’T’*,“**2 here-for a couple of days* visit on Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ray formerly ¡‘’’"’T of Coquille but'now living near John lpe“T* *“• “ arrested by Ujp state police for posses­ J>is way north to Seattle where he of Coquille but'now living near John , trucks on June 30, the day the Amer­ Johnson.------------------------------------ -------- Day. Ore., received this rate at recent The foUo^ng it quoted sion of game—venison this time— is to enter the Naval Hospital for Day, Ore., received this rate at recent ican invasion of New Georgia started. from it: were each fined 325 and costa of 84 further treatment and await orders graduation ceremonies for students Most of the outfit hailed from Texas Norman McCool Left Fqr by the J. P. They were given until for again reporting for duty. He has at the Naval Training School (Diesel) and Oklahoma. They turned an the San Diego Monday Morning “Confused Bassars” the Marines Jan. 25 to make payment. been back in the United States for on the Iowa State College campus, muscle and within nine days from called them back in their early train- Edward Tuel, picked up by the Norman McCool, Marine private four months now, recovering from his Ames, Iowa. d ’ the moment the first tree was up­ Known as a “qualified striker” for,1”* ,ay*' , ... ... , ,. .. . rooted the first fighter plane made first class, who had been at home state police for angling without a injuries and is much bett<$ at this .. __.. . 1 But a tag like that doesn’t stick here on a three weeks' leave, after license on Tuesday, was fined' 825 time. the petty officer rate of motor ma- '. j an emergency landing on the coral chinist's mate third class, the Blue- long when “ r*ier* to “ ,ot of ru“ed seeing action in the South Pacific, and 84 costa by Justice Bull. Upon strip of the airfield. The first take­ . . , ... ... . • . guys who spent civilian days sending left Monday for San Diego to report payment of the cost and 8J0, the 815 jacket was sent to the specialty school . . Bob Martin Secures .. . . ... , up skyscrapers, building bridges, pdt- off was achieved on the eleventh day back for duty. Where he might be balance of the fine was suspended. on the basis of his recruit training .. . , ., “ ¿7 5.. after construction. V-12 Rating In Wisconsin* _. , . . tmg-down pipelines and pushing bull­ Oscar Dulaney was summoned by sent from there he did not know. aptitude tests. The completed course . _ *'*?. „ . «T _ Jap-slaughtered civilian construc­ i u-u a *. - dozers around from Nome to Florida, Bob Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs the state police last Friday to appear of study included the operation, func- > _ . .. tion workers at Wake, Guam and . . . , . , For the SeaBees, men of the Navy’s F. W. Martin of this city, who fin­ .. in J. P. court for having a 3300 pound tian and maintenance . of * internal - _ .. Cavite decided the navy Navy on on its its own own Does Not Find It Much * j ■ Construction Battalions. have been ^ “v,uc «■ oaea ine ished boot eamp at Farragut last combustion engines. combined overload on his truck. A theoretical laying ajrfieI for the past year. He says it is just correction by made in what was said the U. S. Last July the 100th Bat­ ' i parts of the world. take an eight months’ course and then one blizzard after another up there at the council meeting on Jan. 6, talion was commissioned and sent when it was stated that a fight oc­ They lost that "Confused Bassars ” be in line for commissioning as an to an advanced base depot for ship­ but that when the sun does come out, curred Jn a cafe where dancing was Letter From Fred Watson name for ever last June when they ensign. it is down close to the horizon, travels , ment overseas. Somewhere In England in progress during the holidays. won the respect of the leatherneck Most SeaBees were draft-proof be­ a short arc and disappears early in The .cafe referred to was the 101 re- legions by landing on the beach at Herbert Carl, , of Arago, has the afternoon. Bob McCarthy Taking Army cause of age or family. Hardened on Front street and Mrs. Gilkey says ceived copy of a letter that Fred (Sefi, New Georgia, scouting the Jap- from years of outdoor life they easily Aviation Instruction in Minn. the fight started further west on Watson wrote his parents, Mr. and controlled jungle land, surveying the , After the Marshfield-Coquille bas­ ¡took to the rigorous military training. (airfield sites before the Marines ar- Front street and was not in her cafe Robert McCarthy, son of Mr., and Mrs. Jamas Watson in Sesttle: Even commando courses were includ­ ketball game, attend the dance at at any time. Mrs. M. McCarthy, Coquille, has ar­ “About the only thing I can say is rived to secure the area. > the Coquille Community Building ed in the 12 weeks training sched­ The broken wihdow In the front of rived at the University of Minnesota, I'm some place in England and it’s An Associated Press story related | on Friday, January 28. 2t the cafe came from a young fellow for course in Army Air Force in­ really cold. Haven't felt good since how a detachment of Marine Raiders I ule at Naval Construction Centers at who walked across the street from struction, lasting approximately five I got here. Guess you have to get crept ashore ready for a desperate | Camp Peary, near Williamsburg, Va., < ' Arthur Hooton is back on the job the Belle Knife Hospital corner and months prior to his appointment as acclimated or some thing. Boy, I’ve beachhead battle. Instead, they were and Danville, R. I. in the electrical wiring aqd repair I deliberately shoved his fist through anz Aviation Cadet in the Arrfty Air never seen such weather in my life, met by Lieut. Bob Ryan, SEC, USNR, I Forces. During this period he will It’s damp all the time and usually Ventura, Cal., and a grinning group FOR RENT—Cabin at 408 So. Elliott, business. He can be found north of the glass. He had no connection with Inquire Mrs. Sarah Walker at that ball park on Fairview road: phone the fight but had to call on Dr. Stark take numerous academic courses, as •old as heck, I wear all the clothes of SeaBees. 222R. 52tfs to dress his cut fist. address. well as elementary flying training. I can get on when I am outside and “Colonel,” said Ryan, extending his Upon completion of the course he about as many inside as these coal will be classified as a pilot naviga­ stdves seem to hold the heat in much tor or txgnbardier and go on to schools better than they let it out. May get of the Flying Training Command for a chance to go to London some of training in these specialties. these days. They say it is very in­ p i teresting. Lota of bomb ruins though. I Everything is so very old. All the Jack Caroil la ^viation old town halls and churches are very Radio School At Memphis quaint.. Would like to really look A letter from Jack Caroil states soom of those places over. Haven’t he is now in the Aviation Radio seen any papers yet from home, we School, which is one of three at hit do get an English newspaper but it base at the Naval Air Technical Cen­ only tells what the English are doing. ter at Memphia, Tenn. After com­ There is a short wave radio in the • e ik pletion of twenty weeks st this base club we get American programs on. Jack says hs is to go to Florida for Everything la rationed here and I At Safeway you know the quality is high and the prices are gunnery school after which there will mean everything. low! Stock up thia week on nutritious "bulk fooda"—typical We only get a values are listed below. be six weeks with a squadron prac­ little sweeta and no cookies or stuff ticing what he has learned. His ad­ like that. dress is John Caroll, W. A. T. T C., Barracks 11, Lower, Section R-24-B, Tyler Walker New A Colonel Memphis, Tenn. 3 good, tarty soup recipes • • •Ik • • 9um Food Values • V »1 In The Army Dental Cerpe Jim Watson Has Arrived In England Mrs. Carl Gilbert has received word from her brother, James Watson, that he arrived safely in England recently. ■ -------------------------- Tyler J. Walker, a student in Co­ quille High 20 years ago, the son of T. J. Walker and brother of the first Mrs. C. W. Endicott, has recently been made a colonel in the Dental Corps of the U. S. Army, according to last Thursday's Oregonian, which in­ cluded his pictuis in the story, is stationed at A igusta, Ga. Roy Miller, formerly Mt. States Power Co. representative in Myrtle Point, and who has been in the Navy The Junior Women’s Club the past six or seven months, was * in Coquille Wednesday. He leaves meet for a 5:30 pot luck dinner next soon for Gulf Port, Miss., from which Monday night. Dorothy Ha'rris is in charge and urges members to come. his next move will be overseas. 1ft cups dried beano 1 cup coarsely chopped onion H cup thinly sliced celery 8 tbopo. shortening • cups water 1ft tape, salt ft tsp. dry mustard ft tap. thyme ft tap. pepper 2 tope, vinegar Pick over and waah the beans. Saute onion and celery in hot melted shortening in heavy 4-qt kettle un­ til limp but not brown. Add beana and water, cover. Cook alowly until uahy (about 3 hours). •LGE. WHITES1,** 45 c •LGE. LAMAS ’,££63c S lb. pkg. BLACKEYES ~PX¿< 19c •BABY LIMAS SHORTENING SHORTENING Snowdrift <15 pta)—3 lb. Jar MAGARINE Snnny Bank <6 pta) lb can Sorry Folks We had to Close 8 medium-site 8 tbopo. enriched potstoes flour 2 small turnips 8 tbopo. cold 2 small onions - water 1 largo carrot milk U cup sliced 1 tbep. butter or cpla r y margarine ft top. popper 8 taps, salt Wash, pool and dice potatoes, tur­ nips. onions and carrot Add celery: cook in boiling water to cover tn until tender (about MAZOLA OIL Come In, enjoy yourself and meet your friends 9 Free Dancing Soft Drinks and Tocacco 22c 69c 25c 32c (5 pta) Pint bottle PEAS Hctaweet (15 pta) No. 2 can TOMATOES Standards (15 pta) No. 2fts PORK A BEANS Van Camp's (15 pta) No. 2 RICK DINNER 15c 14c 17c 10c Wyler'S—4 oe. package CVfcFARM FRESH PRODUCE i- ZHM PLEASE! Bring yonr shopping bag—Help us conserve Uncle Sam’s paper supply. CA^BAGE-lb. ... 5c CELERY-Utah Type . 10c CAULIFLOWER-lb. . 14c CARROTS-lb. ... 8c ORANGES-Sunkist, lb. . 11c GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink lb 11c J for a few days so we could refinish our alleys •MACARONI •DRIED PRUNES'^,*27c Royal Satin (S pts) — 1 lb. water; add to vege­ table puree Cook until slightly thickened (about 10 gains.), etirring frequently Add vegetable liquid combined with enough milk to make | ft cupe, butter or margarme. and seasonings. Heat thoroughly (Can serve g.) CHQWMR 8 these, drippings 1ft tups eeeked 8 ttepe. fleer flaked fill» 4 tups 1ft cupe thinly ft to 1 top. gpH siloed celery ft top. onion cell 8 cupo whole 22c f 2nd Week-Safeway’s Coffee Carnival Edwards Nob Hill Vacuum-Packed Coffee Lb. 28c Jar Whole roast Airway Mild whole' roast coffee Schillings MILK 25c Sunny Dawn (3 pts) No. 2 can 10c SYRUP f ‘ Blue Label Karo— lft lb bot. 16c RODA CRACKERS 36c Snowflake—2 lb pkg. BREAD Julia Lee Wright's 1ft lb loaf 13c CHEESE 12c Philadelphia (2 pta) pkg. SHREDDED WHEAT 11c Nabisco—pkg, WHEATIES 9c Gold Medal, ru 'hensb (ft pt ean) 8 baby TOMATO JUICE cbm SA FEW y MUTS! SKINNED HAMS, Ready-to-eat ’ lb. GROUND BEEF, lb. ............... ................ PORK SAUSAGE, Type 3, lb. ........... BEEF ROAST, Grade A, lb.................... SHORT RIBS, Grade A, lb.................... PICNICS, Ready-to-eat, lb. ............. .....29c ... 32c 35c 1 /BUY AN EXTRA BOND — 4th WAR BOND Coquille Bowling