The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 20, 1944, Image 1

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Coquille Fourth
War Bond Drive
Into High Gear
The Coquille Fourth War Bond
drive got geared for action on Tues­
day when County Chairman Clarence
H. Coe was over from Marshfield and
secured the consent of Frank W.
Martin to act as chairman.
Mr. Martin has appointed a very
able committee to work with him,
those having agreed to help being
R. L. Stewart, E. T. Stelle, O. L.
Wood, W. H. Fortier, Mrs O. C. San­
ford, Mrs Jack' Dolan and Mrs Fred
While the committee’s plqps are
not complete, it is the intention to
secure the co-operation of all lodges,
dubs, societies, etc., in the city, with
a chairman from each, to insure that
every person in the city is contacted
and shown that he or she is needed
to help, with his money, to win the
Mr Martin says that a little later
an auction, similar to the one hold
during, the Third Drive, will be held
in the Community Building.
Another feature which“ is being
prepared is a huge thermometer, to
be placed on one of the buildings—
bank or hotel—on which will be
painted in red the total sales each
day as the figure mounts toward the
Coquille quota of 8201,000.
Individuáis, ToBuy
40 Per Cent Of Bonds
The 4th War Loan Drive, which
opened on Tuesday this week and will
continue until Feb. IS, is set with a
14 billion dollar quota for the country.
Of this amount, which is one billion
under the goal for the third War Loan
Drive and four billion under the total
amount of bonds sold then, *8,500,-
000,000 worth are expected to be
bought by individuals and *8400.000,-
088 by other non-bank investors. In
individuals was ftve billion dollars,
or just 33J4 per cent In thia drive
the individual subscriptions are ex­
pected to be nearly 40 per cent
The list of Bbnda of various kinds
offered are the same as in previous
drives except that the two per cent
ten-year bond has been replaced by
“a 2Ki per cent 15-jrqar bond.
Clarence H. Coe of Marshfield, Coos
county chairnum tor the 4th War
Bond Drived, who was here Tuesday
morning, states that Coquille's quota
for the drive totals *201,000. Of this
amount *120,000-is to be invested in
the government securities by individ­
uals in E bonds, *20,000 to be in F
and G bonds, *11,000 in bonds of
other designations, and *50,000 are
expected to be taken by corporations.
The S. M. Noslers Felt Rirht
At Home In Sunny California
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nosier returned
last Saturday evening from their
five weeks’ trip, by train, to south­
ern California, where they visited
their daughter, Mary Lou, Mrs. Law­
rence Gulseth; Mr. Nosler’s brothers,
also in San Diego, and all the former
Coquille people they could find down
there. One couple was Mr. and Mrs.
Fay W. Jones, who live in Chula Vista.
Mr. Nosier says they felt right at
home when they reached “sunny
southern California” for ft rained the
first four or five days they were
there and he came down with the flu.
Mrs. Nosier has been down with it
since they returned home.
They enjoyed the trip both ways
and their stay in the south.
High School Is
Closed This Week
A new boiler which recently ar­
rived for installation at the high
school necessitated the closing of the
high school all this week while the
plumbing company at
Marshfield moved the old one out
and connected up the new one. The
one previously used w“» practically
- . worn <$lt new one is the same
km» M thrft jukt fnAkHW th the
Community Building.
Coquille War Chest Drive
Totalled |3,2M.*1
After the MpRinley Grange had
contributed the »73 it netted at its
pie sale last week to the Coquille War
chht drive. Treasurer Don Farr this
week remitted the Coquille contribu­
tion to headquarters at the Bay. The
check was for *3,100.»1, which was
*1800 lees than the quota
Oil Well Hole
Now Down A Mile
Coos County Has
{Ordinance Will Give The Coal Which
West Coast Needs
Police Authority
jCounly li Well
Within lb Budget
The Past Six Months
Men Who Left For
Induction This Week I.T,.1.
A few feet less than a mile deep
The following men were ordered to
is the hole over on Davis Slough,
report for Induction on January 18,
which is being drilled for the Phillips
by the Coos County Local Board No.
2, Court House, Coquille, Oregon,
Petroleum Corporation of Oklahoma.
and they left Tuesday ' evening for
The rock capping, and the shale now
The editorial in Sunday's Oregon­ Portland:
(By L. D. Felshiem, County Judge)
being punched through by the rotary ' The discussion by the city council
ian on the serious coal shortage sit­
End of the» first half of the 1943-44
drill bit is practically the same for­
Edward Leon Slate, Bandon.
uation on the Pacific coast does not
fiscal year finds Coos county’s ex­
mation as was encountered in drilling few ordinance for Coquille, a copy
William Henry Sharp, Bandon.
penditures well within the budget,
the southern California oil fields, but
the proposed city law being pre­ tell the whole story by a long shot,
Kenneth Brown, Coquille..
according to a comparative statement
ss yet there have been no definite aenUd below’ brought out clearly the but the fact that Sen. McNary has
Leonard Alfred Storm, Bandon.
indications that the reservoir of oil feeling of the councilmen and the do - word from Washington that the army
Harold James Withnell, Coquille. of the various funds compiled in the
which it is hoped to tap at that spot Uc« department that it was not young samps at Medford and Corvallis will
Virgil .Barkdoll, Winchester Bay. office of County Clerk L. W. Oddy.
Covering the period from July I to
W down there. How much deeper
under 18 years of age. who are need around 50,000 tons a year indi­
Frank1 t*aul Sackett, Coquille.
the drilling crew will go on the Dob- attending strictly to their own buai- cates that the powers that be are
BramWell Earl Norton, Sweet Home January 1. the total of all costs is
given as *218,188.83. The total bud­
byn tract has not been stated but that ness that the proposed measure was preparing to haul in their horns.
Frank Silas Webster, Bandon.
Not long ago two young men who
other tract holes will be drilled has aimedat But there is a gang of
Raymond Jessie Bartley, Bridge. get for the year is *570,391.18. This
; youngsters, whom the police know bave coal-mining equipment, ample
been promised.
Howard Edward Brown, Bullards. means that during the first half of the
An oil man, who believes positively well, which necessitated the adoption means for developing a business of
William Ray Ocheltree, Myrtle Pt. year approximately 38 per cent of
that petroleum underlies the Co­ cf some sort of an ordinance which that kind here, and leases on coal land
Melvin Claude St. John. Myrtle Pt the total budget was spent. Included
in these expenditures was one item of
quille valley, told this writer not will give the police authority to get in Coos county, came to Judge Fel-
Ted E. Minor, Coquille.
long ago that he could have told those toughies off the street, and it aheim at the court house and said all
Alton Junior Courtright, Coquille. *46,288.88 placed in the callable bond
them that oil would not be found »at was primarily on those youngsters' they lacked was a guaranteed outlet
James Eugene Hunsucker, Coquille. fund.
Nearly all departments showed a
the particular spot on which the rig
Morris Eugene Harvey, Palo Alto,
would justify the expense of moving Calif.
comparatively equal lesa-than-half
was set but that it could be at other considered.
Mayor Wood said he opposed hav­ equipment here from California, and
sites on their leases. Whether this oil
Terrence Henkle Staines, Marsh­ expenditure except the old age as­
sistance fund which is somewhat over
man knows any more about it than ing a curfew bell rung and Chief getting going.
They had contacted the housing ad­
the half mark. The budget provision
do the geologists for the Phillips Cor­ Creager said the police department
Arleigh Joseph Kenyon, Ashland.
poration who selected the site, re­ could be depended upon to use judg- , ministration in Portland, where coal
Melvin Harry Johnson, Glencoe, | for old age assistance for the whole
ment in picking up young people who ■ IS urgently needed, but the specifica­ Minn,
[year is *31,200.00, while the expendi-
mains to be seen.
'till** fnr fka #1 m 4
sea an
are out, unaccompanied by ah author- , tions from the office of the hard fuels
Charles Riley Corsage, Grants Pi If tore for the first half was *20,459.80.
ized adult, after the hour cf ton1 administrator. Sec. of ths Interior
LeRoy Carl Richards, Oakland, (Other assistance funds, however, are
' Harold Ickes, did not permit the hous- Calif.
i well below the half mark so a balance
Lack of the required five votes. Ing administration to buy Coos coun­
Earl Frederick Dalrymple, Coquille is struck that leaves the public!welfare
reeded to pass the measure with an ty coal. There was no deficiency in
program still in relatively good shape.
Allan Monroe Bartlett, Powers.
emergency clause, caused a postpone­ heating unita in the Coos county coal,
Budget provision for general as­
Lincoln Fremont Swain, Coquille.
ment for three weeks—until the next but in other ways it did not comply
sistance is *8500.00, compared with
council meeting—of a vote on the or­ With the specifications.
expenditures of >3,170.24 for the first
Another thing which entered into
dinance. It will also give the coun­
half. The county “cost for indigents"
cilmen an opportunity to hear what the refusal to buy Coos coal is that
fund has a budget of *1500.00 and a
half-year expenditure of *258.80. The
Mayor Wood and four councilmen, the parents in Coquille think of such the housing administration is also
limited in its purchases to specified
paid to the blind” fund has a budget
with City Treasurer Caughell acting a new law.
Following is a reprint of the pro­ dealers in Portland and these dealers
provision of *800.00 and a half-year
as recorder, were present for the
are so- tied up with the railroads
expenditure of *448.20; the “aid to
mid-monthly meeting of the city posed ordinance:
, Fe? ^**nber*_oi the Unlver- dependent
children” fund
has _ a bud-
which get the long freight haul from
_ _______ ________
____ ___
council Monday evening, at which a
AN ORDINANCE prohibiting per­ the Wyoming, Colorado or Utah coal •itF °f Oregon Symposium team 8et provision of *8000.00 and a half-
letter from the State Board of Health
_______ __
l will
will anAiklr
apeak In
in Coquille nawi
next Mon- year expenditure
of *2,538.80,
(Continued «n page ten)
wai read telling the city officials sons under the age of eighteen years
” fund
. ........ - .1------------------
that the cross-connection st the Smith from being upon the streets, alleys,
i venlle Delinquency in the State of has a budget sum of *2,500.00 and a
plant between city water
and parks or other public places in Co­
The speakers will be Alice (half-year expenditure of *1000.12.
river water, which is used in the quille, Coos County, Oregon, at night
Harter. Eugene,
Eugene; Esther Quier, Bux-
| Harter,
Bux- • ■ it ¡j expected, according to the cur-
tank there, must be eliminated. The
Mias rent «id-age assistance caseload, that
ton, and Don Hager, Portland.
Portland Miss
letter stated that check valves were
Harter and Miss Quier were mem­ the budget appropriation for this par­
forbidden by the state’s regulations.
Washington, D. C„ January 18, 1*44 bers of last year’s symposium team.
ticular phase of the relief program
None of the officials were aware of
Congress reconvened for the
The symposium members will will be under requirements by sev-
this condition and the engineer and
Session of the 78th Congress analyze the relationship '
•ral thousand dollars, but the county
water superintendent were instructed
vertfle delinquency and 1 the wnr’and court has assured the State Publie
to check on whether that condition
latlve problems — subsidies, taxes, will study various remedies, both long
D. C. Krantz, 83 years of age and
Welfare Commission that the pro­
really did exist.
soldiers’ vote legislation, commanded and short term plans presented by au­
gram as at present set up will be con­
The application of Benham’s Trans­ a pioneer of Coos county, passed away the Immediate attention of Congress.
thorities in the field. Fall term was tinued throughout the fiscal year. By
fer, which recently bought the Co­ at ten o’clock thia morning at the
The President’s Message on the i devoted to the study of the juvenile
shifting surpluses from other welfare
quille Hospital building, for permit
State of the Union, which was read delinquency
problem, particularly funds and perhaps drawing on the
to make alterations involving the ex­ a week ago. Elbert Schroeder
by the Reading Clerk of the House, with regard to certain localities in
emergency fund for a small sum, it
penditure of *800, and which had at once for Salem to bring the
did not alter the picture materially. Oregon, through correspondence with f, beHevid the old a^e sirhidule can
been approved by the fire chief and to Coquille for Interment.
His recommendation of a National officials and«ipaterial already printed, be maintained without interruption,
Funeral arrangements have not yet
building inspector, was granted.
Service Law was the only new ele­
The (peaking schedule for Coquille I
without the least danger of
A restaurant license was granted ■ been made.
ment which Congress did not have and
id vicinitv
L l ___ i__ __________ *_ _ _ . ._
vicinity is as fnllmvs:
Mrs. Gertrude Mennlng for the Co- | The d«*a«ed, who had been a
throwing the budget as a whole out
actually under consideration.
Monday — Coquille high school, of balance.
quille Coffee Shop and her bond was member of the Myrtle Point Masonic
10:13 a. m.; Bandon high school,
Unless wholly unexpected or un­
During the adjournment period, the 1:43 p. m.; before a community meet­
foreseen circumstances arise, it is
O. C. Sanford, Coquille Public Li­ health for some time and his passing War Food Administration^ in response
ing Washington building, Coquille, apparent now that the primary pro­
brary treasurer, told the council that was not unexpected.
to a request for a recommendation on 8:00 p. m.
gram of the county to eliminate in-
the library's budget would not stand
a bill proposed by Senator Aiken of
Tuesday—January, 23, Myrtle Point debtedness and build up post-war
the use of gas, from the library’s to his friends, was a fine type 6f Vermont, recommended a food stamp
high school 8:30 a. m.; Powers high reserves will proceed according to
heating apparatus, for heating the man, and his passing will be mourned program in place of subsidies. Ac­
school, 10:30 a. m.; Coos River high schedule throughout the present fiscal
main auditorium as was done in by an unusually large circle of friends cording to the War Food Administra­
school, 2:30 p. nr.
year and that the annual budget will
November and December. In Novem­ and acquaintances.
tion, the stamp plan would reach the
Wednesday—January 28,
North show balances on the black side of
ber their gas bill was *18 and in De­
groups of workers In the country in Bend high school, 9:30 a. m.; Marsh­
the ledged when the fiscal year comes
cember over *33, and as their budget
the lowest income brackets, and safe­ field high school, 11 a. m.; Com­
to a otose.
contemplates about *15 a month for
guard them from food price increases. munity meeting. North Bend, at 8:00
(Continued on page nine)
The WFA estimated that this pro­ p. m.
The subject of juvenile delinquency
The body of Wm. W. Kight, River­ gram would cost the government ap­
Former Coquille Ladies To
ton logger and farmer for the past proximately three billion dollars a has taken on greater significance in
Be Here Several
55 years, was brought to the Gano year. By the end of the first week Oregon since Governor Snell recently
in the session, the Senate Agriculture appointed a statewide committee to
Two former Coquille ladies, who Funeral Home last evening, following
This week has seen the meeting of
Committee was holding hearings ori study the problem. The symposium
have been away from here for years
of the committees in whose
team is speaking in Coquille
—Mrs. Fred C. Slagle and Mrs. Har­ evening. The time at which the fun­
the estimates made by WFA, Senator the auspices of the Coquille Inter- hands have been placed the respon­
old Hickman, the latter the former
I Aiken presented figures to show that Club committee.
sibility for the success of the Boy
Mrs. Ula Leach—arrived here by this morning.
Scouts yearly meeting, to be held at
the food stamp plan would be avail­
bus last evening from North Holly­
the Coquille Community Building on
able to approximately sixteen million
wood, Calif., and are house guests at county, Illinois, March 12, 1870, and
Feb. 13, at 1:30 p. m.
people in the country, and that the
the J. A. Lamb home. They will be as a small boy went with his family over-all cost would be about four
The committee which met this week
here for several weeks, although Mrs. to Kansas. He came west when he
and got started on their work, were
Hickman will go up to Tacoma next was 18 years of age and, except for la general feeling that the War Food
the Program committee, with Burton
week to visit her mother, and they a short time in Curry county, has 1 Administration’s estimates were ex­
All fathers, foster fathers, step- Dunn as chairman, assisted by Phil
plan on seeing all their friends of the lived in Riverton since. His wife
fathers, or fathers-in-law of a man Alborn, A. A. Kyle, R. L. Greene, and
tremely high, and everyone wondered
past when everyone in Coquille knew passed away five years ago.
or woman serving in the armed forces Don Farr; the Dinner committee, with
He is survived by five daughters, i on what they based their calculations. of the nation, who has an earnest de­
everyone else in town.
J. E. Axtell as chairman, Wm. Bar­
Carl Hanseh, of Banta Monica, I The legislation involving subsidies, in sire to render active service in the
Mr. and Mrs. Stage left Coquille
row and Geo. Oerding being on this
Calif.; Mrs. Leland McGilvery, of I the meantinme, is awaiting further
twenty-five years ago for southern
action by the Senate Banking and war effort on the home front, are eli- ; : committee with Mr. Axtell, and 'the
California and Mrs. Hickman left
'gible for membership in the “Amari- Publicity committee, consisting of
Currency committee.
about five years ago, and was mar­ Mrs. Don Ross, of Coquille; Mrs. i
| can War Dads,” now being organized
Aiborn, Wayne Smith and Con-
I fa ici iii i, —i Vtut— jl T vvi ,
ried in North. Hollywood last fan.
The House Elections Committee. 1“* i11“1 «•»«»!>•.
Additional members
Wash., and three sons, all of Riverton,
the national committee.
| for the Publicity committee have been
Ansil C., Ellis R., and Walter D.
Anyone qualified for membership elected from Marshfield, Myrtle
Kight. Also by three sisters, Mrs. took immediate action and completed as above, will find the charter still point and Bandon,
Mettie Peterson, of Riverton; Mrs.
open for his signature at the office of I It is hoped that everyone will keep
Isabelle Whittington, of Myrtle Point; version of the bill passed by the Sen­ J. S. Barton, 355 South Taylor Si |the date of this meeting open.
Mrs. Jos. Rocco, of Coquille, and by
Drop in and sign up now!
The general public is being Invited
The President's Ball, sponsored by
ten grandchildren and two great at about the time this is printed. I
I to bring their lunch and attend the
the Coquille Junior Woman’s Club
believe there has been a marked
big potluck luncheon at 1:30 o’clock,
and the net revenue from which goes
change in attitude among the mem­
after which a fine program, which is
to combat infantile paralysis, will be
bers in the last few weeks toward this
in the process of preparation, will be
held in the Community Building here
legislation. Uijder the so-called fed-
presented. This will not be an af-
Friday evening, Jan. 18. with music a -
Davit« eral boll»* Mila initially proposed,
by Rudy’s Orchestra. Admission, in- *** nvw 1 Vi RsU LZ^vIrj there was no certainty that, after the
Clarence Osika last Friday w*s i fair for any ori^ community but
of the Coquille High School I Scouts and guests from as far away
eluding tax, is to be 53 centvper per­
The Coquille Red Devils, who have soldiers had marked their federal
not yet played a conference game ballots, these ballots would be counted for the last day and on Monday he i as Marshfield, Reedsport, Gardiner,
The ladies of the club are felling on the home floor, will have three in the respecive states, and it la ad­ entered upon his duties as personnel I Bandon, Port Orford, Myrtle Point
tickets, and considering that no profit here during the next nine days.
mitted that there rests in Congress manager at the Smith Wood-Products i and Powers will be in attendance.
accrues to any organization from the
Tomorrow (Frida)) evening, the no authority td compel the states to plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Farr, as well as
Chas. Briggs, whom he succeeds
ticket receipts and also the humani­ Myrtle Point Bobcats will be their count ballots which do not conform
tarian benefit for which the danoe is opponents, next Tuesday. Jan. 25, the to the state constitutions and election there, expects to go over to Roseburg Grandma Mulkey and Grandparents
liven, there should be a very gener­ North Bend Bull Dogs will be here, laws. Consequently, It becomes a where he will go into business for Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farr, were made
ous response to the ticket selling and on Friday, the 98th, the Marsh­ state problem in those states which himself, this week-end. Mrs Briggs happy Monday evening when a baby
drive; no one should refuse to buy field Pirates, league leaders who have have not already made peovision for will remain here for a short time son, who weighed eight pounds, was
a ticket whether he or she ever not yet lost a game, will be the op­ soldier voting o adjust their laws lunger, they having not yet sold their born at the hospital in Myrtle Point.
Ha is their second child, both boys.
I Sanford Heights home.
(Continued on page ten)
danced or ndt
Council Ads On
Several Matters
Monday Evening
Coquille To Hear
Talks on Delinquency
Monday Evening
Congressman Letter
From The Capitol
D. C. Krantz Died
At Salem Today
W. W. Kight Was At
Riverton 55 Years
Plans For Boy Scouts
Meeting Move Ahead
War Dads,
President's Ball
January 28
Three Home Games
------- £------ ’
Osika Retires As
H. S. Principal