Mrs. Brockman rot McGourty, ’Red Devils Lose Found Dead In Cabin First Gome, 37-27 Junior Wanton« Club Have Style Review Circuit .Court Cases I quarter of Northeast quarter leas Und. 3/4 int paid by G. E. Stephan, Ruth if. Jan. 3—Alice Holland vs. Enoch j The Junior Womans Club met last Borthwick and William L. Monday evening at the Parish home. Holland, suit for divorce. Funeral services were held Satur­ Patrick McGourity, a Scotchman Borthwick. 1000.00 The first game at the basketball During the business session a new Jan. 7—Clyde Olive Edwards vs. day at the Schroeder Chapel here for Southeast quarter of South­ : nearly 70 years of age, who has lived season for the Coquille high school Gene Maynard Edwards. Suit for prsaid.nt, Dorothy Harris, was elected Mrs. Jas. A. Brockman who passed east quarter, Section 30, around here for the past 35 years, team was played at the Myrtle Point Township 37 South, Range to fill the unexpired term of Grace divorce. away at her home just north of town and had been associated with Jack gymnasium last Tuesday night. It 14, West of the Willamette Jan. S—Pearl Plant vs. Elmer Plant. Withnell. Mr. and Mrs. Withnell last Thursday morning after a few Mertdtew, -------------------- 800.00 Scorby in coal mining, was found ended with a score of |7 to 37 in the are leaving Coquille to the vary near weeks’ illness. Interment was in Northeast quarter of North­ dead in the cabin in which he lived Bobcat’s favor. One previous game ■Jan. 11 — Grace I. Hunter V». Del ­ future, much to the regret of ail Co ­ east quarter of Section 32, the Weekly family plot at Dora. alon» last Thursday by the ---- ...uiauaj noon Dy noon tne vin- , Vin- Township 27 South, Range quille. Mrs. Withnell's leadership in bert R. Hunter. Suit for divorce. Born Maud Irene Weekly, March 14, West of th« Willamette b cent hoys, neighbors, who entered the 'Twit night, because of an epi­ the Junior Club has been excellent Jan 11.—Kathlyn L. Matson vs. 18, 1881, at Gravel Ford, she was the cabin. Meridian. 800.00 demic of influenzk which had closed and definitely successful. That her Melvin A. Mataon. Suit for divorce. daughter of those Coquille valley I SHALL, in compliance with said the school. time he had been seen going is a real community loai has order, on Saturday, the 10th day of pioneers, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Weekly, - ; Although the Red Devils had had ■ been expressed in club circles by —was the evening before, by _______ Harbison’s __________ myrtle wood for Chriat- February, A. D., 1044, commencing She had lived all her life in Coo« Ralph Galindo. F He and McCourty, ]few practice games with the Bandon members of the senior group. Eileen 1 mas gifts. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of _______ B said day at the front door of th« county »nd was married to James A. whose homes were on -u the same . lot ------- ------------ . coast Guard team, this was their first Bryant was elected treasurer, Court House in the City of Coquille, Brockman 33 years ago. - ■ - - used the same wdodshed, and Wed­ contact wi|h an inter-school team. and County of Coo«, State of Oregon, Ensign Elizabeth Hill presented a, NOTICE OF SALE OF Besides her husband she is sur­ ____________ LAND AC ­ The quintet played an excellent game nesday evening Galindo found Mc­ offer for sale and sell at public auc­ style review of Wave 'Uniforms, • QUIRED BY ” COOS COUNTY, vived by one daughter, Mrs. Clara Gourty lying in the wood shed where tion the above described real property and showed up very well in quite a modeled by members of the club. The ' OREGON. FOR DELIN­ Weist of Reedsport; two sisters, Mrs. to the highest and beet bidder, on he had suffered a heart attack. few plays. Victory for the Bobcats same information regarding the op- 1 QUENT TAXES the following terms and conditions, Ona Crosby of Medford and Mrs. Galindo carried him in the was not won without an effort on portunities and advantages of join­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that to-wit: Josephine Bennett of Eugene; a For either cash In hand at'the sat him in a chajfc hefore the stove their part, but special mention should ing the Waves which was given to under and tqrvirtue of an order of brother, Vance Weekly of Lakeside, sale made by the County Court of time of sale, or it the purchaser and wanted to call a doctor but Mc­ lL«e “y.r,tIe 1tea™ S*nior C,ub day the State of Oregon, for the County electa, for not not loss than thirty and six grandchildren. * which played ball. They _i played i -i- i fine « u_n heard on Monday night. Yvonne OI °“- on “ »e 3rd Gourty objected. He then left. of co Coos, the 3rd day day of of January, January, per cent (30%) of the purchase Rev. G. A. Gray officiated at the From the appearance of the cabin a strenuous game and through close Erice in cash, the remainder to final rites hold Tor thia splendid Sheriff Howell deduces that Mc­ coordination and the fine condition Marineau modeled her own wedding the following described' hinds? and e paid under written agreement gown to exemplify the fact that only fixing minimum prices thereon, to- woman whose friends were legion. i at terms arranged between the Gourty had laid a fire in the stove of their athletes emerged victorious. at a Wave’s wedding may ah« appear wit: purchaser and the County Court, The players starting the game were: out of uniform. Members attending 1 Undivided 3/4 of the East and had then lighted a paper to ap­ all deferred payment to bear in­ CoqaUle Myrtle Point half, and Southeast quarter terest from the date of sale at ply to. the kindling, and must have were Muriel Anderson, Eileen Bryant, of Southwest quarter of Sec­ the rate of 6% per annum, on O Walton Verna Earls, Beverly Price, Ruth suffered another heart attack for I Train tion 10, Township 28 South any and all parcels the purchase Sutfin Clayton, Lucite Walker, Georgia G f when found he was lying on the floor I Kunz of Range 13 West of the price of which equals One Hund­ C I Deavers Sherwood, Laverne Ellingsen, Anne Willamette Meridian, with all his clothing burned off. ex­ Porter M 00.00 red (1100.00) Dollars, or more. Bellon i Harbison, Bernice Molthu, Jean The North half of the North­ F No sale shall be made of any of James B. Dawson who had lived on cept his socks and slippers, but a ' Barton east quarter and the South­ the above parcels of real porperty Wise Bryant, Gracqf Withneto Dorothy F the Hugh Hastings place, three miles strange condition is that the floor was 1 3rey east quarter of the North­ for a lesser amount than the mini­ I from Coquille, on the Cunningham hardly scorched alongside the body I Substitutes for the Red Devils were Harris, Lunelle Chapin, OTenda Clin­ east quarter, Section 2», mum price shown theron. Haga, De Norma, Meek and Kline. {‘ownship 28 South, Range road, for the past 30 years, passed when found. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Ore- ton, Marie Carlson, Jean Berglund, 3 West of the Willamette g«m this 3rd day of January, À. D.. away there at six o'clock last Wed­ Graveside services under the aus- Jessie Sherwood, Marian Adams, Meridian, 2400.00 pieds ot Schroeder Bros., with Father nesday evening, Jan. 3. Faye Waggoner, Mrs. O. C. Sanford Southwest quarter of south­ 52t5 WM. F. HOWELL, Funeral services, with Liston Par­ Kelly officiating were held in the east quarter of southeast and Mrs. J. A. Berg. • Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon quarter, Section 8, Township rish of the Christian church officiat­ Masonic cemetery at 11:30 Saturday i*|*Q 27 South, Range 14, West ing, were held at the Gano Funeral I of the Willamette Meri­ „ He u W o “ ,^ n . lnWi ’ haW>SCoUand ’ i Seven Mgh . Home at 2 o’clock Saturday after- dian JOO.00 jh schools in Coos will North half of Southeast boon. Interment was in the Masonic J ’have the privilege of hearings the John Graham was last Saturday quarter of Southeast quar­ Symposium^Team^of the "Speech'De­ cemetery. ter, Section 8, Township 27 Mr. Dawson was-11 months and 28 Portland, and a niece, Mrs. Felix partment of the University of Ore­ named executor of the will of Wil­ South, Range 14 West of the liam Arthur Graham who died at days past 80 years of age, having been Klster, is in Marshfield. Willamette Meridian, ★ ★ gon. The young people will be travel- Ukteh, Calif., Oct 30, 1843. C. J. Southwest quarter, Mineral His wife, Mrs. Agnes McGourty,1 JJ™' born in Clinton, Illinois, Jan. 7, 1883. tK their instructor, Robert D. Winslow, J. W. Anderson and C. A. and mineral oil, Section 22, from whom whom. he had become estranged, Clark ¿fcmberi of the ar. g,. He came west to Oregon 25 years fron, Township 27 South, Range Elfring were named as appraisers of See us for photofraph of ago and after five years at -PoWers livse in Charleston. -'ther Quier, Alice Hsrter and Don 14 West'of West of the Willamette tiier xuier, mice narver ana won the estate which is estimated to con­ Meridian, The investigations by f«—■" had lived near Coquille since. He 3300.00 ’ HaSer. the first two being also mem­ sist of |77OO in personal property. North half of Northwest „ had been engaged in logging and Howell and County Health Officer ■ bers of last year’s team. The sub- ■ '-r p ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ' ■-------- quarter, Section 27, Town­ Stark convinced them that there was farming since coming to Oregon. ' ject which is being used for discus- Th« schedule for the week is ss fol- ship 27 South, Range 14 He is survived by his wife, the no foul play iq connection with his sion this year is, “JuveniUe DeUn- low«: West of the ... ............. Willamette Meridian, former Maud Hastings, who is ■ Co­ death. quency.” | Monday, January 24, Coquille and Southeast quarter of North­ quille valley pioneer. The team will be in Coo« county Bandon High Schools. Community east quarter, Section 28, • Copie« of Picture« from January 24 throqgh th« 26th. ‘ meeting, 8:00 p. m. Washington build- Township 27 South, Rang« 14 West of the Wiltamette CARD OF THANKS " The young people wiU also appear Ing, Coquille. This evening meeting ■ Meridian, For the many acta -of very thought­ Townsend Club met Tuesday eve­ before a community meeting in Co- is sponsored by the several organiza- South half of South half of ful kindness, for the sympathy and ning with 35 members and visitors quille on the evening of January 34, tions of Coquille and the ¡ftiblic is Southwest quarter of North­ east quarter, and North half help of friends and acquaintances, for present. A 6:30 dinner preceded the and again in North Bend on the 36th. 1 Invited. those who acted in helping lay away business meeting which was conduc­ our dear wife and mother, and for ted by president McCue. Mr, Buck­ the flowers at th« service, we wish ner gave the openltffc prayer, «nd also to express our most sincere thanks. a prayer was given for the members J. A. Brockman and daughter. who passed away In the last week. Mr. Schroeder resigned his office as treasurer and Mr. Deyoe was elected to take his place. Several members are still on the sick list, so we send greetings to them and hope for their early re­ ••Bill" Goodman, as he was uni- covery. Eleven nCw members were versally known, although his name reported at this time. was Luthsr L, a brother of Mrs. J. Door prize was won by Mrs. Von J. Stanley of Coquille, was found Pegert. Mrs. f' Tilghman, program dead in a ditch, partially filled with chairman, conducted the program water, along the highway south of as follows: Readings, Mr.«Tilghman, the former C. D. Johnson lumber Mr. Buckner, Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. yard at Bandon, laat Wednesday Buckner, Mrs. Von Pegert, Mrs. Col­ noon. He was found by boys and had lier, Mrs. Gilman. Songs, Mrs. apparently been dead for several Hatcher and Mrs. Von Pegert. Story hours. and skit by Von Pegert, Hatcher, Mc­ '“J • He has been living .at the home of Cue and Tilghman. his cou«in, Birdie Randleman, for All present enjoyed the anniver­ some time and had been to the Han- sary cakes which were served. Next don postoffice to get the mall the aft­ meeting, rolls and jelly will be served. ernoon before and had apparently Don’t forget the caravan, January Cash on Hand A du« frem Bank« $72455,015.02 suffered an heart attack Tuesday 23 in Coquille. —Press Cor. night on his way home. United States Bonds, inch / He is the last of five brothers and 216,170,121.69 • I 4U-S. Government Agencies 134,843,935.54 the son of a poineer Coos county fam­ ily, the John P. Goodmans, who came $299,276,399.91 $207,396,950.56 I here in 1880. He was bom in San­ Jan. —Doyle Capps and Carol Pinks­ 14,114,131.10 gamon county, IU-, Jan. 24, 1870, and ton, both of Coquille. They were 'All Other Bonds.... rrw. r. .v... 5,437,683.49 wss nearly 74 years of age. . married by by Rev. G. A. Gray here * 50,91642234 . Loans and Discounts................................. 54,030,792.70 He had never married and had last Thursday. lived in various parts of the county Jan. 8—Raymond J. Wilson and , 300,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank................... . 300,000.00 , for more than 80 years. He was at Edna M. Hunt, both of Bandon. sea during World War I, helping 2,706,549.82 Jan. 7—A. H. Mecum of Remote Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures...., 2,710,360.87. transport supplies and material to and Sue E. McPhearson of Myrtle 1.00 Eugland, China and elsewhere. Point. .They were married last Fri­ Other Real Estate. ............. 1.00 He Is survlyed by another sister, day by Justice Bull at his office here. / 1,907.50 Customers’ Liability on Acceptances........... 16,214.24 Mrs. Florence Upton of Centralia, Jan. 7—Alfred D, Austin of Bel­ Wash., and many nieces and nephews. laire, Mich., and Lucetta M. Bowler I 1,263,672.51 Interest Earned................................................ 666,921.99 Graveside services were held in of Claire, Mich. They were married the Odd Fellows cemetery at Bandon, on Friday by Rev. Edw. Birmingham 156401071 « Other Resources................................ ——^£36203 under the auspices«of Schroeder at North Bend. Bros., at 2 p. m. Tuesday, this week. Jan. 8—Robert H. Van Fossen and . TOTAL RESOURCES,..... , . Betty J. King, both of Coquille. They -..M* Milton Hirst Died Last were married Saturday by Liston Parrish at the C. L. Van Fossen home. Thursday At County Farm Jan. 8—Bill M. Camp and Ruth Milton Hirst, 6«, passed away at Walker? both of Marshfield. the Coos county farm last Thursday, $4,500,000.00 1 Capital, $ 4.500.000.00 .T-nv 3 AMft »nd Piith lie was a single man, burn in v« Levy, both of Bandon. They were 5,500400.00 Aug. 18, 1877 and had worked in 5,500,000.00 Surplus married at the K. E. Franklin home Marshfield before illness caused his at Bandon last Sunday by Rev. A. J. 3456474.43 1,604,73048 Undivided Profits removal to the county farm, Fun- Princic. eral arrangements are pending. 1,546,862.89 Jan. S—Roy H. Pratt and June Reserves for Contingencies... 1,223,1024» , Marie Wescott, both of Myrtle Point 44,903,53742 Bridge Couple Buy« 12,827,833.22 They were married at the J. M. Pratt Winters’ Store home in Myrtle Point last Saturday by 3,118492.?! 487,947.76 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc. Mr. and Mrt. J. O. Paulsen who Rev. T. J. Pryor. ) 16414.24 Jan. 9 Normand Armand Donohue , 1,987.56 have been living ji) this community _ — ------------------------- —— ..... Acceptances •. ^».• jmxm *«•.>.«.»* • -• «.*-*». for the past five months, have pur- Ldwelh\M«s., and Ann ' WsMsnr Interest Collected in Advance....................... 166,802.cb chased the buildings, store and ser­ of Myrtle Point. They were mar­ vice station owned by Charles F. ried on Sunday by Rev. G. A. Gray 211,115.62 Other Labilities.'.............................................. . 119,437.94 Winters at Wintersville, east of Ban­ at his home her«, Jan. 10—Joseph Pauli of Akroh, don, and took ptMasajon on J«h- L 353,074,952.74 Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank deposits) 257,099,051.23 The P«u|sens operated a station Ohio, and Viola Siegrist of North and store in Bridge for 18 years. They Bepd. Justice F. R. Bull said the $169,458429.18 TOTAL LI ABILITIES........... 1270,717,286.48 have a daughter, Faye, 16, and a-aoti, ceremony for them at his office here Jackie, 10, who are attending Btffidon on Monday. schools. Living quarters are main­ , Jan. 10—Earl A. Ericksen of Coun­ at the station.—Western cil Bluffs, Iowa, and Paula L. Harris tained of Route 2, Marshfield. World. Jan. 11—Robert Hayes Emendarfer of Niagara Fall«, N. Y., and Betty 0 t M Lou McKean, of North Bend. Buried Saturday ■ Jos. B, Dawson Buried January 8 Symposium Team Probate Court Items Godutile. Studio Townsend Club RrstNationoi Bank X/Biirz Goodman Buried Tuesday of Portland, Oregon Condensed Stgtamenf of Head Office and 40 Statewide Brandies RISOURCBS Marriage Licenses LIABILITIES December 31,1942 X becember 31,1943 $6X406*27832