PAOlftt THB OOQÜflXl fAttiT ttNf ÌNÌL, ¿ÛtfHLLB, OKKOON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1944 SBB CLASSIFIED I Norway News Items V. F.W. Postls Reorganized Here Funeral For Mrs. Barrett On Friday Pioneer Methodist Church St. James* Corner E. Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor The Rev.JL>bert L. Greene. Vicar Oke Ceas a Word Each IxserttaeJ Visitors the past week at the Nor­ 9:45—Sunday school activities. Sunday« Jan. 18 . . .. - . - I I No Adv. leas than 25 eeeto ! way school were Mrs. Tom and Mrs. Studying the Bible together. 8:00, Holy Communion ____ _ _______________ __ Rath- _____ j For the past several years Coquille ------------ ----------------- ------ ------------------- i Henry Detlefsen and Mrs. ___ Wm. Mrs. Walter Barrett, of Coquille, 11:00—Sunday morning worship 9:45, Church School. ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies «re| , man man The teacher always welcomes has been without a poet of Veterans ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are paaaert away Monday morning, Jan. hour. 11:00, Holy Communion with ser­ available in limited quantities; vilitorSi especially the patrons of th© of Foreign Wars of the United States, 10. She had been ill for about a' 6:30—Sunday evenings Youth Fel­ have those extra~auuiieiiieneeiout--Tchoelr——-_____ __________________¡which» has been missed by a number month when she took the influenza lowship groups meet for a devotional mon. Wednesday, Jan. 19 lets installed Phone 193R. F E. " G Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brodie visited of <>ur ex-service men. The ergani- and tier resistance was not enough and discussion period. 10:00, Holy Communion. Opperman. Sunday afternoon with their daugh- ’ zation has resumed activity again, for the added affliction. Funeral 7^0—Sunday evening worship hour. 3:00, Study class under leadership 7:30—Wednesday evenings choir re­ PERMANENT WAŸE, 59c! Do your | ter-in-law, Mrs. Darrel Brodie and having been installed Sunday by de- services will be held for her from the ; of the vicar. f : partment of Oregon chief of staff, W. Assembly of God church, Rev. L. C. hearsal hour. own Permanent with Charm-Kurl childrcn, in Coquille. 2:30, St. James’ Guild. Jim Mullins has been quite sick iE- McGuffin. The post will be known Persing officiating, and witjj Schroe­ 7:30—Thursday mid-week services Kit. Complete equipment, lnclud- | 8:00, Evening Guild. \ > with the flu for some time. as Coquille Post 965, and will meet der Brothers in charge, at two We can give much more to the ser- 1 ing 40 curlers and ghampoo. Easy Thursday, Jaas M Anita Tedsen who came home New the second and fourth Sundays of o'clock Friday; afternoon. vice of God, than what we may be to do, absolutely harmless. Praised | 7:15, High School Young People. Years eve returned to Corvallis on each month at 7:30 p. m. in the build- .Mrs. Margaret McLean Barrett was able to give on the offering plate. by thousands including Fay Mc­ " . ' 'j* - the bus Monday. Her cousin, Blanche »ng formerly known as the W. O. -W. born at McRae, Georgia, Oct. 28. God wants us and our sincere service. ' Kenzie, glamorous movie star, i The Asaemblyot Ond 1 hall, now known as the grange hall. 1874 and passed at the age of 69 yeara, _______________ I Detlefsen accompanied her. Money refunded if not satisfied. 7 The charter will remain open for a two months and twelve days. She Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BtcCloskey and Church of Christ Barrow Drug Company. 47tI0* L. C. Persing. Pastor Mrs. Elizabeth, Lett spent Sunday period of about 90 days and former was married to Walter D. Barrett, East 4th A Coulter Bunday: members are especially invited to be­ August 5, 1901, at McRae, Georgia MOP STICKS Clinch head pre-war with Mr. and Mrs z C. Strang. Liston Parrish, Pastor J):45—Bible school under the cap­ Mr. and Mrs. j^arl Holland, of John­ come members before that time. New The members of her family beside type. We were lucky enough to Thursday 7:30, Bible study and able direction of Mrs. Charles Byrd, son's Mill aid two children, Roy and members are also greatly deaired, and her husband, who mourn her pass­ get a few. FARR & ELWOOD. prayer meting. Topic, “What Does as superintendent, and a fine corps yf Dale were last Saturday overpight a drive is to be expected soon. ing are a daughter, Mrs. William trained teachers. There is a class for AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. The following officers were elected Stewart of Coquille, and a son John the Bible Teach About God." guests of her sister and family, Mr. Bible School 9:45. Martha Mulkey, every age. Bring your car in—we can start and Installed for about three months: dnd Mrs. Harold Pribble, of Norway, Archie Barrett of Corpus Christi, » 11:00—Morning worship with mes­ work at once. Southwestern Motor j Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent Satur- Commander, E. E. Irvin; Sr. Vice, Texas, who is a navy petty officer. superintendent. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord's sage by the pastor. You are cordially Co. _________ ’ day afternoon visiting with her grand- John E. Dumas; Jr. Vice, Dewey H. Two sisters survive her, Mrs. John Supper. 4 invited to attend. PAPERHANGING, Kaisomining, daughter, Mrs. Ray Campbell, of Myr^ Gilkey; Quartermaster, Carl M. Bills; M. Wimbley of Scotland, Georgia, Special music and a message. 6:30—Christ Ambassadors service Chaplain, Chas. E. Lewis; Post Advo ­ and Mrs. Florence King of McRae, Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex- tie Pbint. Continuing the series “A Greater conducted by the young peoples terior Painting. „We buy cotton > Mr- and Mrs. Guy Grant who for cate, Andrew Richardson; Surgeon. Qa., also one brother, Wilmer Mc- Church in 1944." Topic, “A Greater group. Dorothy Caudle, president. rags. Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. the past year have been living at the Oliver F. Page; Trustees, Harry H. Lean, of McRae, Georgia. Her grand Church thru Christian Education.” 7:30—Evening evangelistic service, Henry St. Phone 286. tfs ranch house of Rufus Ry lander moved Oerding, Thoa. W. Lane and Michael children, Margaret A., Melvin W., Junior and Intermediate C. E., 6:30. a delightful service of song, worship ------------------------------------------------ -—— I their household ’ goods to Clifford Broa'd. Broa’d. 'Everett E„ Shirley May, Stanley S., Young People's C. £., 6:30, Vir­ and a message by the pastor from the 4-ROOM HOUSE with bath For Sale BonnjXsen place at Broadbent which . .. — - ---------------------------------------------- and Harold Frederick Steward, Book of all books. \ —with ¥« acre, on Sanford Heights. . --------- .---------- - -------- ---- ------- __ they have leased. The Bonniksens | The Barrette came to Coquille in ginia Alden, leader. Evening service 7:30. An informal Tuesday 7:30—Prayer meeting. The Phone 604-J or (jail and see it j T. R. Watkins Products for sale by have bought the Fred True general July of 1936, residing here since that fellowship and evangelistic message. prayer meting is the spiritual Indica­ Richard A. Anderson. lt*»13thif G.-C. ‘* *** *"'* -* Ashenfelter, 198 S. Division and merchandise store and the Trues hava time. They have many friends in the Following the message there will be tor of the church. East Third St. 52t3«s moved to C< loaugle. I community who sympathize with NO SHORTAGE ON FEED AT TARR a baptismal service. Thursday 7:30—Choir rehearsal. rodle, Dale Olsen and Bob Eldon Bri (them in their sorrow. 1 FOR SALE—Milk cows, fresh in A ELWOOD’S. 1 Wednesday 7:30, choir practice, Aileen Wilson, director. i » ■... Powrie, all of Myrtle Point, left Sun, March. See Adrian Werth at Co­ bon Farr, director. Friday 7:30—Bible study. RANGE BOILERS—30 ahd 40 gallon quille city hall between 2 and 10 day for Portland to take their physi­ Cancellation of Schedule For Are we praying for all our boys in cal examination for military ser­ galvanized and Foiyler Porcelain- Mrs. Lnee Hr sass Certain p. m. it Emanuel Baptist Church the service? Go to church and lift lined tanks in stock. J. A. Lamb vice. The news of a fatal automobile ac­ your hearts to God in their behalf as Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Company. < ■ > s FOR SALE—40 laying hens, Richard The flu so far seems to have dealt well as your own. You will be serv­ Anderson, Sanford Heights. Phone very kindly with the students of the cident Tuesday in San Francisco to January 9, 1944 FOR SALE—Trailer and man’s heavy 604j.’ * It Norway school as not more than one Anne Brokaw, daughter of Clare 10:00 Sunday School. Ben Walton, ing God. yourself and your country. Boothe Luœ, came as a distinct duty Bicycle, A-l shape. Watson superintendent. pupil has been absent at one time un­ shock locally. Invitations had been house, Front and Hall St. lt*s WANTED—Giri to do housework by First Church of Christ, Scientist 11:00 Morning Worship service. til this week when Reta Kelter and the hour. Call 218, Coquille. It received in Coquille by officers of t Coquille. Oregeo 7:00 Young People ’ s service. Mark Haughton were both absent FOR SALE—My equity In 1941 Buick Pro America to attend a big mass 8:00 Evening Service. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. 4-door Sedan, Radio, underseat FOR RENT—4 room furnished house Monday. meeting in Eugene planned for Janu­ Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 Helen Grant will be much missed at 640 North Coulter. $25 and half Sunday Service at 11 a. an. heater, defroster and other extras. ary 17, when Mrs. Luce was to be the Subject lor next Sunday. “Sacra­ Motor and tires in perfect condi­ lights and water furnished, or $28 at school, her parents having moved speaker. She was to have been In­ p. m. and Junior Choirs meet Tues­ day at 7:30 and 8:15. ment.** - . and I furnish both. Joe Peart, at to Broadbent this past week. tion. Am leaving for service. E. R. troduced by Governor Snell, at Mc­ Kenneth Strong and Samantha the Only Cause and Creator." above address. 52t2* Wylie 997 N. Coulter St., Co­ Arthur Coûrt, U. of O. Campus. Cheer who have been attending the Robberies and Bad Checks Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 quille. „ lt*s Connecticut’s brilliant Republican Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your Norway school have moved to Co­ o'clock. Being 3 To County Jail DAIRYMEN—We can supply hot electrical wiring and repair needs. quille, making three names to be Congresswoman was on a cross Free public Reading Room at 255 Frederick Hendricks was lodged In water heaters for dairy use. FARR He is located north of 'the ball park stricken off the Norway school rooter. cross country tour planned by the W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Womens Division of the Republican the county jail here last Friday, after A EI.WOOD. on the Fairview road. 52tfs Louis Lewellen was able to return day except Sunday and holidays front National Committee. She had com­ being arrested and brought back from to school this week. • 12:30 to 5^08 p. m. Attention Dairymen. A few elec-’ MONUMENTS pleted her engagement in Loe Ange­ Newport. He is charged with a Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder visited trie, water heaters will soon be avail­ Now is the time to order markers, les and from San Francisco was to grand larceny, his offense being that able for dairy use. If you need one monuments, or cement work for your her mother, Mrs. Emily Burgees on have gone to Eugene Monday, follow­ of taking a sum of money, more than see us at once for information on how Jots at the cemeteries, for spring de­ the North Bank road last Sunday and ing a Friday night schedule in Port­ 335, from a victim in Marshfield. you can obtain it—J. A. Lamb Com­ livery. John S. Sanders, phone 123L, brought her home with them for a land. Simon Sonny Vesotsky was brought visit. pany. or caU at 541 West Sixth. 47tfs No word has come as yet as to what over from Marshfield on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey DRIVE IN and lot us inspect your FRUIT TJlEES—Place your order to­ spent Tuesday of last week in Marsh­ arrangements will be made concern­ after being bound over in justice frig these enfagemente. ÇancellaUon court there on a pettit larceny charge. tires for hidden defects before you day. FARR 4 ELWOOD. field attending the Elks lodge. obviously seems dlfthn. The Lane Thursday morning Clyde Sinclair take that trip. This service is free Harry Druliner is doing interiqr and may save you trouble and ex­ FOR SALE—6 room House, modern, decorating in the Waldemar Gurney County Unit of Pro America had per­ was arrested here and is being held fected elaborate plans for thé occas­ for officials of Yamhill county where full basement, and three lots and home in Myrtle Point this week. pense away from'home. Thornton ion, and had sent out with their let­ he is wanted on a bad check charge. chicken house and garage. Inquire Tire Service.- tfs Mrs. R. R. Rackleff attended the E. E. Benham at Benham’s Trans­ Rebekah Lodge No. 120 held at the ter received here a copy of “Pro­ SURGE MILKING MACHINES—Get fer. 50tfs I. O. O. F. hall in Myrtle Point Mon­ America Pepper Pot,” in which there yours now while they are available. is a splendid biography entitled “This For Refrigeration Service phone day evening. There was an installa­ Is Clare Boothe Luce.” FARR A ELWOOD. tion of officers for the ensuing year: shop, 1MJ, or residence 188J, Special Communication FOR RENT—3 Large Rooms, Fur- write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. Noble Grand, Edith Rackleff; R. S. G., Tuesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p. m. nished for Light Housekeeping; Garnier, authorized Frigidaire Lily Dement; L. S. G., May Brown, Work In F. C. Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chalrs and Service. 27 tfs Vice Grand, Katie Train;.R. S. V. G., i Oregonian Subscribers: FUaae John Wesley Dugger, a resident of Ann Mahafey; L. S. V. G., Oma Gil­ table. Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 Visitors Welcome kelp your carrier by having year FOR RENT — Cabin at 408 So. Elliott. the Coquille valley for half a century, bert; L. V. G., Elsie Endicott; Con­ So. Henry, Coquille. tfs paper money ready at Ma Bret ealL Inquire Mrs. Sarah Walker at that ductor, Marjorie Myers; Chaplain, passed away at the home of his Rameasber ha mat pay Ma paper ATTENTION DAIRYMEN—If your address. lt*s Laura Carver; Secretary, Rose Jew­ daughter, Mrs. Laura Walker, at obligation befaaa the 10th af IBs milking machines need overhauling ett; Treasurer, Rose Carter, Musi­ Broadbent where he has made his month. -Thank you. before the flush season starts, bring CLOTHES DRYING RACKS—We cian, Louise Carver; Outside Guard, home since the passing of his wife have them. FARR & ELWOOD. them in now. J. A. Lamb Com­ Jasen Jewett; Inside Guard, Pete j in 1940, last Friday at the age of 83 pany s BABY CHICKS—Order today. De­ Smith. Refreshments of sandwiches years, 3 months and 19 days, a ripe LucfUa Donnelly 141M livery when you want them. FARR and coffee were served at the close J old age for kindly courteous and Coquille, WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We A ELWOOD. of the meeting, there being an attend­ gentle old pioneer. service aB makes of washers. Funeral services were conducted at % Washer Service Co. 365 West WANTED — Water wells to drill. ance of 35. Mrs. Frank Southmayd and her the Schroeder Chapel here at 1 o’clock Have new and up-to-date equip­ Front 81. Phone 17. tfs Out-of-Town Shoppen! ment and heavy pipe where needed. daughter, Mrs. Paul Davis of Gravel­ Monday afternoon, Rev. L. Greene Why not buy your Sunday Journal DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and «fak­ Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marahfteld. ford, spent moat of the day Tuesday officiating. Interment was in the while doing ; ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get visiting Mrs. Southmayd’s other Masonic cemetery. 30t4»tf elngt They i them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hoffman at Myr­ Mr. Dugger was bom in Johnson the following WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows tle Point county, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1860, and MACHINERY Repairs — Play safe. and calves for Mink feed. B. T. when he arrived in Coos county he Linnis Kirk who is operating the Check over your machines and or­ Hepler, Bullards route. Phone Amelia Nelson ranch, now owned by settled on Fishtrup. He was one of der replacement parts now. Gen­ 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 Dal King, has been quite ill the past the employees of the original Johnson NOTHING OVERLOOKED uine IHC parts. J. A. Lamb Com­ sawmill, three miles out on the Myrtlt week with the flu. Martin Schmidt Farr & pany s STRAWBERRY PLANTS nu matter how large and elaborate Point road. is also a flu victim. Elwood. SECURITY CALF FEED—Saves milk, I the scale upon which the funeral Besides his daughter he is survived The Norway Home Extension Unit economical to use, raises good GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ met last. Friday at the home of Mrs. by a nephew, Cecil Dugger of Mc­ arrangements are to be made That I give service. F. R. Ellis Southmayd. The subject under Kinley, and a niece, Mrs. Beulah calves. Ask us. FARR & EL- ; surance. is our policy—that la our proud Bull. s discussion was the making of better Bricker of Portland. WOOD. claim after many years of experi­ breads. Mrs. Dorothy Bishop-Dunn FOR SALE-^Tl»42 Studebaker Cham- ence A conference with ua will FOR SALE was in charge of the demonstration. pion 4-door Sedan. Edell Bryant, be to your advantage. One acre with river frontage near A pot luck dinner was enjoyed by the 160 W. 12th. Phone 237-M. 50tfs Kline 1 I ’s Camp on the North Fork, following named persons: Mrs. Frank , with 4 room house,double garage Southmayd, Mrs. Harold Pribble, and chicken house. ^.r1’ .P0" Mr* A former Coquille little girl, Joee- Priced at $550.00 cash, or $600.00 iett, Mrs. A. R. DaVcnport, Mrs. Fred phine, 12 years old, the daughter of Reception room jointly with on terms. , Schmidt, Mrs. Harold Simmons, Mrs. 1 Joe Milanl, who left the Arago sec­ Dr. J. R Bunch Forty acres, with river frontage,' A. M. Cooper, Mrs. Martin Schmidt, tion several years ago and has been Coquille Itandun I f j»tr# Fltefte 8* J on the North Fork: oartlv cultivated Mrs. Rav Eooerson. Mrs. Llovd Hunt- llilii IUÄJ a uai-y ua«u -U-M imui and fenced; running water, on main ' ley, Mrs. Henry Gasner, Mrs. Geo. Falls since, was burned to depth Sat­ FOR Repairs and Ser road, near Kline’s Camp. Good fam- Hoffman and Mrs. Sig Eckholm, urday morning at the home of her mother of the hostess. At the close sister, Mrs. Sherman Mayer. Jose­ vice—esR'I-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ ily orchard, berries and grapes. One four-room house; seven three- of the meeting the Unit presented phine was spending the night there pany. tfs room cabins with running water and Mrs. Dorothy Bishop-Dunn with an I and when the fire got under headway STOCKMEN—DAIRYMEN — Visit electric lights. A money maker for eight piece Fostoria salad set as a I had escaped, but not seeing her sis­ our animal specialties department. the right party. wedding gift. ter’s two children, had gone back in • ___ We stock a complete line of veter­ Priced to sell; terms if desired. to rescue them. The children’s father, inary medications and instruments. J. S BARTON, Realtor although seriously burned, had taken Leslie Kime Writes That Los FARR A ELWOOD. 355 South Taylor^ the ohHdren out throtigb a window and Josephine had hot seen them. ♦ Writing from Loe Angeles, Leslie The fire started after Mr. Mayer I * N&iriCE TO CREDITORS Kime says he has been away from had built it in the stove and had then PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That Let­ Coquille and his native Coos county ters Testamentary of the Estate of so long that he thinks he would be gone back to bed. Mrs Mary Julia Elrod, deceased, is­ sued to us by order of County Court a stranger up here now. He says both Buy your office supplies at Nor­ , of State of Oregon for Coos County, he and his mother are well and ton's. They have a good line of Loose Phone « made December 22, 1943; all claims that he is i employed in a defense Night Phone 800X < against said estate must be presented plant. He adds that Loa Angeles la Leaf ledger outfits, etc. - Everything for your "First of the Year” needs, s to us with proper vouchers at No. p",nl 1474 West First Street,'Coquille, Ore- Setting its rain early this year and gon, within six months from Janu- , that there was a great deal of it in ’See "spike" Leslie tor the best in Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight ary 8, 1944, date hereof. December. Liability, or other Insurance. Office, IRIS ELROD Office Phone Farr & Elwood Bldg. * next door to Coquille Hospital, MRS ETTA SACCHI 5 W. Second St. 51t5 As Executors of said Estate Calling cards, M ror 81JC phone 5; residence phon* 85L. Chadwick lodge No.68 LkiA.M. John W. Dugger NOTICE The Oregonian Aoeney Attention to Details Former Valley Girl Burned To Death SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, lac Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire Southwestern Motors SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE "".... * ' '* ' ■' ■■■ . ■